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Family (by Pastor Faith Oyedepo) by GRACEGLORY: 3:33pm On Aug 24, 2019

Dear Reader,

Last week, I explained to you the mystery of two becoming one. Today, I want to show you another mystery of two people becoming one life. The mystery of two people becoming one life is that the bride shares the husband’s life. Two separate individuals are brought together and they live one life. They should not both be going their separate ways within marriage, but both should be submitting themselves one to the other in the fear of God, the husband loving the wife as his own flesh and the wife submitting to her husband.
The Word of God says: Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God (Ephesians 5:21). Just as Christ gave Himself to the Church, so also husband should be able to share his life with his wife. The Word of God says Christ, who is our life…. (Colossians 3:4). The church and Christ are not two but one, for we are members of His body, flesh of His bones and sharers of His life.
When the bride marries a husband, she takes his name. He bestows his name on her and they share the same life and the same name. The same way, when a person is converted, he takes the name of Christ and becomes a member of the true church, being called a Christian. The Lord Jesus Christ bestows His own name on the church.
The bride also shares the husband’s dignity and position in life. It doesn’t matter who the bride was before the marriage; the moment she enters the marriage relationship, she is one with her husband. The church was as a woman forsaken, but now is the bride of Christ. The church shares His dignity. Our Lord said in John 17:22-23: The glory which Thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as We are one: I in them, and Thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that Thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as Thou has loved me. It is an astonishing thing that God the Father loves us just as He loves His Son. The Word of God says: But God, who is rich in mercy, for His great love wherewith he loved us, Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are savedwink And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus: That in the ages to come He might shew the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus (Ephesians 2:4-6). He has bedecked the church with His glory and His dignity. In human marriage the two shall be one flesh, having a shared life, name, glory and dignity.
See this testimony:
“My husband left me for another woman for seven years. In that process, I joined this Commission and became born again. I did not know what to do since I had two children to cater for. However, I strengthened my relationship with God.
As Shiloh drew near, the Bishop told everyone to come to Shiloh with an expectation. I went with the expectation to find my husband and return to him. God answered my prayer on the last day of the programme. As I was about going out of the gate, he was as surprised as I was to see him there. He took me aside and told me all his problems. I asked if he had given his life to Christ, and he said, ‘Yes’. He confessed that he had married two women, who both divorced him when he lost his job. He had been praying that God would bring me back. To the glory of God, we are back together as husband and wife again. Indeed, Shiloh is a place of encounter!”
– Iyabo, O.
The bride’s whole life is in the husband. There is a unity and oneness in the relationship. Marriage is to be an illustration of the apostle’s teaching about love in 1 Corinthians 13. The greatest advertisement for the power of the gospel is the Christian home, and that which will commend the gospel to this decadent age is the Christian marriage, and that is why Satan is attacking it with relentless force. We need to prayerfully sit down, locate the proper Word of God and put our marriages right.
To fulfil God’s purpose for your marriage, the first step is to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. If you want to be born again you need to say this prayer: Dear Lord Jesus, I come to You today as a sinner. I believe You died and rose on the third day for my sins. I accept You as my Lord and Saviour. Make me a child of God today.

Call or write, and share your testimonies with me through:
E-mail: faithdavid@yahoo.com; pstfaith@winnerscanaanland.org
Tel. No: 234-1-7747546-8;

For more insight, these books are available on sale:
Marriage Covenant
Making Marriage Work
Building a Successful Family
Success in Marriage (Co-Authored).


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Re: Family (by Pastor Faith Oyedepo) by GRACEGLORY: 8:15am On Aug 29, 2019
Dear Reader,

It is a new day for you. For the past two weeks I have showed you the mystery of two becoming one and ‘two people one life’. Today, I will show you: The concept of oneness.

At marriage, a man is united to his wife. Their unity is based upon vows to live together as husband and wife and to be faithful to each other, whatever the circumstances, until ‘death do us part’. Their vows are made in the presence of God, and He is the divine witness to the marriage. Husband and wife are, in fact, entering into a covenant relationship that cannot be broken, except by death, even when one partner proves unfaithful. In their heart and conscience, they know that the bond created by marriage is for life.

The marriage union provides the fullest expression of mutual loving companionship that human beings can experience in this world. The union created by marriage is not only physical but also an emotional and spiritual unity of profound dimensions, as a husband and wife become one flesh.

The importance of the concept of oneness in marriage cannot be over-emphasised. The Bible declares that it is good and pleasant for brethren to dwell together in unity (Psalm 133:1). If it is good for brethren to dwell together in unity, it is certainly more so for a couple to be united. When unity exists between a couple, tremendous powers is made available and the impossible becomes possible to them. The Word of God says: Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven (Matthew 18:19).

There is a fascinating story of the effect of oneness in Genesis 11:1-9. The people were one, and had one language. That means they were united. They purposed to build a tower and a city that would reach heaven. Because of their oneness, even though it looked like an impossible task, God Himself acknowledged possibility. The Word of God says: And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do (Genesis 11:6).

If a couple is truly merged in the spirit, soul and body, nothing will be impossible unto them. This is the force of unity at work. It is the original concept of God in marriage that couples enjoy the benefits of oneness. The concept of oneness teaches the believer so many lessons: firstly, if you are truly one with your spouse, you will treat him/her as yourself. The Word of God says: For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it… (Ephesians 5:29). If you, for any reason, hate your spouse, it is a sign that you are not united with him/her. The Word of God says: Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them… (Matthew 7:12). Whatever you cannot do to yourself, you will not do to your spouse. An understanding of this will chase away selfishness from your home and family.

Secondly, the concept of oneness will make it easy for a husband and a wife to share their bodies freely with each other. It will also make it possible to deprive their physical union of great degree of pleasure, which is their procreative power. If this concept is understood and followed, it will reduce the problem experienced in the home today.

A lady once said that man’s procreative power is only meant for childbearing. She could not accept that it is also to be enjoyed. All effort to make her understand this proved abortive. Shortly afterwards, she discovered that her misconception and attitude had driven her husband to start flirting with other women. Give no place to the devil (Ephesians 4:27).

Thirdly, the concept of oneness teaches that divorce is not part of God’s programme for the home. The husband in the home is likened to the head, while the wife is likened to the body. Even in the physical, you don’t separate the head from the body, or else it will result in death. …And they twain shall be one flesh… (Matthew 19:5-6). God’s concept is that you do not put asunder what God has joined together.

Jesus was teaching on the subject of divorce in Matthew 19:3-12. In verses 5-6, He particularly noted that no one should put asunder what God has joined together. That has an added implication that the couple should not put asunder what God has joined together as well.

The Pharisees were puzzled at Jesus’ stand on the subject of divorce. They could not reconcile that teaching with what Moses said. So, they asked Him to explain why Moses asked men to write a bill of divorcement, if they choose. The Word of God says: He saith unto them, Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives: but from the beginning it was not so (Matthew 19:cool.

When the Pharisees challenged Jesus about the grounds for divorce, He took the opportunity to re-emphasise God’s plan for marriage. He pointed out that the divine blueprint for marriage was given at the time of Creation and quoted from Genesis 2:24, thereby reiterating its importance. Jesus said: …Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female, And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh? Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder (Matthew 19:4–6).

Re: Family (by Pastor Faith Oyedepo) by GRACEGLORY: 12:52pm On Aug 29, 2019
When there is a challenge in your home, divorce should not be the first option that comes to mind. It is important to first identify and analyse the challenge, then make proposals and choose a possible solution Be committed to dealing with the problems, not walking away from them.

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Re: Family (by Pastor Faith Oyedepo) by GRACEGLORY: 3:42pm On Sep 01, 2019
When there is a challenge in your home, divorce should not be the first option that comes to mind. It is important to first identify and analyse the challenge, then make proposals and choose a possible solution Be committed to dealing with the problems, not walking away from them.

Re: Family (by Pastor Faith Oyedepo) by GRACEGLORY: 10:07am On Sep 07, 2019
Reviving Marital Relationship

Dear Reader,

Happy New Month! I welcome you into another exciting moment in God’s presence, in Jesus’ precious name! This month, God will be releasing upon every reader an unusual grace to be the doer of everything you learn from this platform thereby making our homes heaven on earth. Reviving Marital Relationship is the topic we will be examining this month.

You may ask, But why reviving? You will agree with me that in many homes, the level of love between a couple few years after marriage is not usually at the same level it was few months after the wedding. In most families, it is always on the decrease. This week, I will be sharing with you the first step to reviving or renewing your marital relationship. One of the things that must be in place is your Expectation. The Word of God says: For surely there is an end; and thine expectation shall not be cut off (Proverbs 23:18).

Your expectations as a couple go a long way in seeing your home a blissful one. Every man sets a stage for his miracle. It is your expectation that gets fulfilled. One key factor for the miraculous is expectation. Do you totally believe in the covenant of hitch-free marriage? Then you need to desire in your heart to see it become a reality and I see that becoming your experience as a family, in Jesus name.

Continue reading: http://faithtabernacle.org.ng/christianfamily/reviving-marital-relationship/
Re: Family (by Pastor Faith Oyedepo) by GRACEGLORY: 12:18am On Jan 11, 2020

Dear reader,

I am most excited each time I write to you, and today I would be talking to you on a vital topic, “Can You Be Trusted”, but today I will be laying emphasis on How to Build Trust. I know you will gain more wisdom and understanding about the importance of trust as you stay glued to this write up.

How to Build Trust

If trust is this important, then how do you build it? Trust does not naturally happen between two people or members of a family, even though they love each other, it takes work and commitment to build. Your past experiences sometimes may affect your ability to trust. If you had been hurt in the past, it can be especially difficult. The good news, however is that in Christ there is hope, for:

”All things are by the law purged with blood…” (Hebrews 9:22)

The blood of Jesus has cleansed us of all forms of unrighteousness. However to get started you have to intentionally make trustworthiness a priority in your relationship, as with all relationships, begin with yourself, develop your reputation as a person of honesty, integrity and reliability. Strive to be reliable in your actions, words.

Avoid Selfishness

Seek the interest of every member of your family, let no one be left out everyone’s opinion should be welcomed and if proven wrong should be corrected in love. Give yourself to seeing the family needs as yours, give no room to negligence and laxity in the affairs of your children and husband. Spend time with them and create opportunities to interact with each other in love, share daily experiences and interests. Encourage the strengths of your children and your husband ensuring they become the best they can be in any field of endeavor they so wish to venture into.

Continue reading here: http://faithoyedepo.org/can-you-be-trusted-2-2/
Re: Family (by Pastor Faith Oyedepo) by GRACEGLORY: 7:00pm On Jan 12, 2020
Husbands... Looking after your family is your primary responsibility.

Re: Family (by Pastor Faith Oyedepo) by GRACEGLORY: 12:56pm On Nov 19, 2020
"Nothing successful is an accident," says Faith Oyedepo in this her new book on the family. Acording to her, "It takes conscious, deliberate, and calculated steps to realise sucess in any venture, including the family."
Building A Successful Family is written to help every man and woman achieve success in family life, which will then translate to success in other areas of life. It is the A-Z of marriage and family life, as it contains building blocks with which a successful home and family can be built.
In this book, you will discove that:
- God designed marriage and family to succeed.
- You have a part to play in building a successful family.
Get this book written by the author of such successful books on marriage and family life as The Marriage Covenant, Making Marriage Work and raising Godly CHildren, and learn how to turn your home into the Garden of Eden that God designed it to be.

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