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Make Wealth By Taking Care Of Your Health And That Of Others by Nikkygold4life(f): 7:48pm On Nov 22, 2019 |
1. *THE COMPANY*: Rain International was founded in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA on 11/11/11. Our products are manufactured in the USA. Our CEO and founder is Byron P. Belka. The company is in the Health and Wellness industry and uses the Network Marketing model to distribute their products. We are currently operating in 46 countries worldwide and in 7 years, the company has made well over *150 million dollars in sales* around the world. In Africa, we are *fully* operational *only* in *Nigeria* and partially operational in Namibia, Botswana & South Of course we are also open in *Europe*, *USA*, *Canada*, and *Asia*. *Infact, Rain International is fully open & operational in 40+ countries.* *This is a Global company.*. 1 Like |
Re: Make Wealth By Taking Care Of Your Health And That Of Others by Nikkygold4life(f): 7:55pm On Nov 22, 2019 |
Why do we need *Health Supplements* or *extra nutrition* you may ask? 1 Like |
Re: Make Wealth By Taking Care Of Your Health And That Of Others by Nikkygold4life(f): 8:01pm On Nov 22, 2019 |
Because we are not getting all the nutrients our body need from the food we eat. To help with what has now become a worldwide concern, Health & Wellness companies began manufacturing supplements to help with the deficiencies in the human body. These supplements were made from Herbs Juices Pills Oils. 1 Like |
Re: Make Wealth By Taking Care Of Your Health And That Of Others by Nikkygold4life(f): 8:05pm On Nov 22, 2019 |
Rain International is proud to give back to communities where we do business through the *Seed 4 Change Foundation*. They have won awards for doing this. Now let’s move onto the products. * *Rain Soul* - The Energizer *Rain Core* - The Detoxifier *Rain Bend* - The bender - helps your body bend & remain supple & flexible. *Core* & *Soul* contain numerous seeds, one of them being the *Black Cumin Seed* It is the delicate blending of these seeds together in therapeutic dosages that make them work so well. Human beings can not digest seeds, so what *Rain International* has done is to cold press them to preserve the nutrients, then liquidised them to make them easily and quickly absorbed into the body. The synergy the mixture of these seeds create is what makes our products work so well.*. 1 Like |
Re: Make Wealth By Taking Care Of Your Health And That Of Others by Nikkygold4life(f): 8:41pm On Nov 22, 2019 |
*Soul* is our flagship product and was created by a team of Doctors and scientists who were looking for ways to provide nutrient dense food to children who had just gone through Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy. They discovered the power in 3 Seeds when cold pressed and combined in a particular dosage. The seeds are *Black Cumin Seed*, Black Raspberry Seed & Chardonnay Grape. Seed. *Core* is our second product and it is full of *greens*. For you to get all the greens in 1 sachet of Core, you will need to fill your kitch en with all manner of green vegetables and still it won't be enough. *Core* detoxes the body...from the *Cells* to the *tissues* to the *organs* gets rid of *toxins* from the body. *Bend* is a great product for joints and muscle pain. It is also a great hormone balancer. It's Particularly good for people with fibromyalgia, lupus, arthritis, back pain and brain fog. It also helps to speed up your metabolism and can aid weightloss..*
Re: Make Wealth By Taking Care Of Your Health And That Of Others by Nikkygold4life(f): 8:53pm On Nov 22, 2019 |
*Pure* is for the immune system - your stomach, large intestines and small intestines. It aids digestion. This has pre-biotics and probiotics. This unique blend will help to balance your immune system. *Form* is our weight management product. It can be used for weight loss as well as to build muscle mass. It contains plant protein, it is gluten free, dairy free and also includes other plant products such as wheatgrass, spirulina and pumpkin seeds. It is also a great breakfast or snack. It has lots of additional nutrients that the body can easily absorb. *Form is not available in Nigeria yet. One of the ingredients in *all* our products is the *Black Cummin seeds. All our products are produced from Seeds and are all *natural*, *non-GMO*, *dairy free*, *sugar-free*, and contain *no artificial preservatives*. They are *safe* for *all ages*, *children*, *pregnant women (after 1st trimester)*, *nursing mothers*, etc. and regularly tested and certified for their nutritional content by *Brunswick Lab*.*.
Re: Make Wealth By Taking Care Of Your Health And That Of Others by Nikkygold4life(f): 9:04pm On Nov 22, 2019 |
Before I joined Rain International, I had never heard of *Black Cumin Seed*. I had no idea how many powerful benefits it has until I went on Google and typed in “Black Cumin Seed - Health Benefits". What I saw shocked me? How come we all did not know this? How come more people were not talking about this? Why are more & more people getting sick daily if there was such a powerful seed as this in Before I joined Rain International, I had never heard of *Black Cumin Seed*. I had no idea how many powerful benefits it has until I went on Google and typed in “Black Cumin Seed - Health Benefits". What I saw shocked me? How come we all did not know this? How come more people were not talking about this? Why are more & more people getting sick daily if there was such a powerful seed as this in Before I joined Rain International, I had never heard of *Black Cumin Seed*. I had no idea how many powerful benefits it has until I went on Google and typed in “Black Cumin Seed - Health Benefits". What I saw shocked me? How come we all did not know this? How come more people were not talking about this? Why are more & more people getting sick daily if there was such a powerful seed as this in nature? Here are some of its *benefits* that I found and *conditions* it helps with: 1: *Colon Cancer* 2: *Epilepsy* 3: *Oral Cancer* 4: *Type 2 Diabetes* 5: *Brain Cancer* 6: *Breast Cancer* 7: *Leukaemia* 8: *Brain damage from Lead* 9: *Protection against Heart Attack damage* 10: *MRSA* |
Re: Make Wealth By Taking Care Of Your Health And That Of Others by Nikkygold4life(f): 9:41pm On Nov 22, 2019 |
Discovering the power in seeds was a major breakthrough.... *but*, there was a problem. Human beings can not digest seeds. Our bodies can't break them down. That's why our products come in liquid, ready to drink form in a sachet. The seeds have been crushed and cold-pressed to preserve all the nutrients. You *shake*, *tear* and *drink*. 1 Like |
Re: Make Wealth By Taking Care Of Your Health And That Of Others by Nikkygold4life(f): 9:53pm On Nov 22, 2019 |
That's why the testimonials we receive daily from the use of these products are mind blowing !!! |
Re: Make Wealth By Taking Care Of Your Health And That Of Others by Nikkygold4life(f): 10:09pm On Nov 22, 2019 |
Soul Testimonial for asthma in the Raining Health testimonial group: "My son Jack was diagnosed with asthma at 15 months old. For the last five years he's been getting shots weekly and was on two other medications to try and control his asthma. Even being on the medication to be honest I didn't see much change in him the only thing I saw in him was a lower immune system. I was introduced to Soul in January 2016 from Dottie which within a day I fell in love with the product. I started going to her weekly meetings and found out that it helps asthmatic patients. I immediately went home and started my son on a packet of Soul a day. After two weeks he did not need his inhaler and never got another allergy shot plus he played the best basketball game he scored the winning shot and received a standing ovation that night. My son is completely off all medications. He's doing better than he ever did and since being on the product he passed the breathing test for the first time." Beth |
Re: Make Wealth By Taking Care Of Your Health And That Of Others by Nikkygold4life(f): 10:11pm On Nov 22, 2019 |
Since I started using Soul and Core, the pains in my knees have greatly subsided. I no longer take pain killers anymore. I have also stopped using my BP drugs because my BP is normal. Mzee Leke-* CATARACT & GLAUCOMA* I have a cataract on one eye and glaucoma and have been taking one Soul a day for 6mths now. And I can honestly say my vision is 100% improved and the eye pressure is managed now .But the most amazing thing of all is that , normally with glaucoma it tends to make the whites of the eyeball a yellowish tinge , So much so, I could pick out people with the same condition as me .Also with the glaucoma I used to have the tennise ball spots.. floaters..passing my vision ..but not anymore Since taking Soul , my eyeballs are perfect white and clear colour. Which to me ,proves that Soul has reached my brain and is affecting everything for the better. -Sandra My daughter had work induced stress and insomnia and was on Lexotan always. Started her on Soul and all her symptoms disappeared within one month. All her colleague are also using the product. Lola |
Re: Make Wealth By Taking Care Of Your Health And That Of Others by Nikkygold4life(f): 10:16pm On Nov 22, 2019 |
Testimony on FERTILITY ........................................... My testimony about this angel, 5yrs of marriage nothing to show until last year when I went for fibroid surgery, 3 month after the surgery plus so many complications ,doctors advice that I should go for ivf, in fact we have started the procedure when I come in contact with this product, I after taking 1and 1/2 box there was alot of improvement with the way I was feeling then, Oct 2018 when they had a mega event doctor Jerry was on ground, he told me I should till add one more box that if nothing happened he will give me the money back, I was on that box I started feeling as if I wanted to faint, I till give him a call he said continue, I till continue not knowing iwas already pregnant at the fourth month of the surgery and today we are 3month old. Mrs Cynthia Another testimonial just came in now* Moji’s mum has had some lump in her armpit for a while. She has been quoting scriptures and faithing it for sometime. Thank God for a caring daughter. Moji introduced mum to Soul and she has been on Soul now for a few weeks. The first thing mum noticed was that within a few days of starting on Soul, the fungi on her nails which she has had for years disappeared. She’s got perfectly coloured nails now. *The amazing one is that she can’t find the lumps anymore* they've disappeared. *Mummy went to the hospital today for a mammogram and everything is fine* BP is also back to normal. |
Re: Make Wealth By Taking Care Of Your Health And That Of Others by Nikkygold4life(f): 10:26pm On Nov 22, 2019 |
Endometriosis soul testimonial. My fiancee got introduced to Soul in January 2018. At the time she had a burnout/depression mainly from stress at work over a long period. Two days into taking Soul, she changed her mood. Felt better in many ways. She also has different other health issues. At the age of 12 she was diagnosed with endometriosis. The only help known for this disease is to use birth controle pills. So at 12 years old she startet taking this hormones. She has had a few occasions where the situation got worse and she ended up in hospital. If she forgot the pills for one or two days, she would get intense pain and heavy bleeding. She also suffered fom bad circulation in her legs and pain every day when she got up from bed, and after a walk or workout. The circulation problems has gradually become better. But the big surprise which she never expectet, was when she found out that she had not taken the hormones for a few days. This was after using soul on a daily basis for 6 months. She was stunned to see that Soul actually had helped with her Endometriosis. This is a chronic disease where there is no cure available! And many women with Endometriosis can not get pregnant. Today she havent taken her birth controle hormones for about one week, and she feels much better in every way! She has even started to lose weight, which have been a struggle due to the hormones. She has no pain at all from the endometriosis and will now continue to only use soul, and not the hormones. We are very exited too see how it continues! Thank you Rain! |
Re: Make Wealth By Taking Care Of Your Health And That Of Others by Nikkygold4life(f): 10:33pm On Nov 22, 2019 |
The above are just a tiny fraction of testimonials on these products. There are literally thousands recorded. So, these products are not on *trial*, they *work*. If they've *worked* for thousands, they will *definitely work* for you as If you are interested in just the products, please contact the person who invited you and they will be happy to go through our products, the best one for you and the recommended daily servings. As a customer, you can order monthly or one off. Monthly customers are called Preferred customers and they get the products at a discount. Prices are posted below..
Re: Make Wealth By Taking Care Of Your Health And That Of Others by Nikkygold4life(f): 10:35pm On Nov 22, 2019 |
*Customer 3 & FREE Programme* A customer can get reward points which they can use to pay for a box of product *if* they do the following: 1 - Place an order within a month 2 - Sign up 3 other customers who place an order each within the same calendar month. On the 15th of the following point, the company will give them reward points which they can then use to buy a box of product- *they only pay for the tax & shipping, the cost of the product itself is free.* 1 Like |
Re: Make Wealth By Taking Care Of Your Health And That Of Others by Nikkygold4life(f): 10:47pm On Nov 22, 2019 |
So, if you are like me, you recognise a great business opportunity when you see one, you can join us as a *Rain Partner * Here are the prices of the registration packs in various countries if you would like to become a Rain business partner. Please contact us so we can advise you on which pack is best to meet your business goals*..* Contact
Re: Make Wealth By Taking Care Of Your Health And That Of Others by Nikkygold4life(f): 10:49pm On Nov 22, 2019 |
If you are interested in becoming a customer, you can also *REGISTER* through me. You can Shop *with a monthly order* or *just a one off order*. *Preferred Customer* - You commit to ordering monthly and the company rewards your loyalty by offering the products to you at a discount. *Retail customer* - You order one - off - you pay the full retail price. |
Re: Make Wealth By Taking Care Of Your Health And That Of Others by Nikkygold4life(f): 10:51pm On Nov 22, 2019 |
As a Business owner, you start your business with a start up capital, in Rain, this start up capital gives you *a website, virtual office (back office), training, support, supply chain management, delivery to your customers (if they choose the option), and your inventory.* The company takes care of all your needs as a business owner, you only need to find your customers & partners. As a *business owner, you are in control of how much you want to earn!* We have partners who have been earning some *side income* just for sharing the power of these products with family & friends. People are earning from $50/week to $30,000/week! Yes *per week*. We get paid *weekly* in *Rain*. |
Re: Make Wealth By Taking Care Of Your Health And That Of Others by Nikkygold4life(f): 6:17am On Nov 23, 2019 |
Why network marketing?
Re: Make Wealth By Taking Care Of Your Health And That Of Others by Nikkygold4life(f): 1:30pm On Nov 23, 2019 |
Please, join my team and let's grow together. Kindly click on this whatsapp link if you are interested in joining whether as a partner or customer. https:///H5HA3PoEvksJuoeazEY7wh. |
Re: Make Wealth By Taking Care Of Your Health And That Of Others by Nikkygold4life(f): 2:57pm On Dec 06, 2019 |
Make wealth, stay healthy |
Re: Make Wealth By Taking Care Of Your Health And That Of Others by Nikkygold4life(f): 2:58pm On Dec 06, 2019 |
You get your payment every Friday of the week directly into your account |
Re: Make Wealth By Taking Care Of Your Health And That Of Others by Nikkygold4life(f): 2:59pm On Dec 06, 2019 |
Who's ready to join me, let me lead you |
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