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We Were Created By Extraterrestrial Beings. by Nobody: 7:14am On Nov 25, 2010 |
Creation stories of every culture on earth state that humans were created by beings who came ''from the sky''. Closer home to Africa, we are all aware of the creation ''myths'' as we call them - from Yorubas to Igbos to Zulus, each with a series of symbolic tales referencing sky beings - a quick google of their creation stories reveals they ALL accept their creators were physical beings who came FROM THE SKY. They also believe the ''gods'' ONCE lived on earth right here with us. The bible book of Genesis, is a book that is a rip-off of the much older Sumerian Creation Epics. The ancient Sumerians (Sumeria is in present day Iraq), believed by some to be the world's oldest civilization, wrote in their inscriptions that they were created by a race of beings they called the Annunaki - ''those who from the heavens to earth came''. According to their writings, the Annunaki were an advanced race who came to earth to mine GOLD, which they required to sustain life in their home planet. Gold has been found by scientists to contain many useful properties for that purpose. Many mines have been discovered in places like South Africa, Peru, and elsewhere, which have been dated at up to 150,000 years. These are mines drilled thousands of feet deep into the ground. According to the Sumerian epics, when the Annunaki workmen began mining operations, they became agitated after some time, and demanded their leaders find another way of mining the gold as they objected to the physical demands of the task. The Annunaki leaders then decided to create a new species to do the work. Using advanced genetic engineering, they took DNA samples from earth hominids and primates, which they melded with THEIRS, to create a new, intelligent being - Homo Sapiens. MAN. Henceforth, this new being was to take over the mining duties from the Annunaki workmen. The Annunaki were described as being very tall - almost giants. It was also said that they mated with female humans to create hybrids. Some believe that remnants of those hybrids may still be among us, doing the bidding of their masters. Everything. I repeat, EVERYTHING in the bible/koran/and other ''holy'' books, EVERYTHING in ALL traditional creation stories, and legends about ''gods'', stem from the ancient visitations of these intelligent extraterrestrial beings and their interaction with humans. Their leaders are the ''gods'' and ''God'' of religious texts. When you understand THIS, then you will understand why the bible ''God'' is so vicious, bloodthirsty and merciless in the old testament - he was simply a powerful leader of one of those extraterrestrial parties. He may have seized the Jewish people and demanded their allegiance on threat of annihilation. References to him are filled with imagery that scream ''extraterrestrial''. (See Ezekiel's wheel for instance, or Elijah's ''chariot of fire''). The Ancient Astronaut theory is fast gaining ground. See the History Channel videos below for an eye-popping documentary featuring truly sensational footage and information. Pt 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSddje-q92k https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HoOeGoQSGX4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJOeG-tx9IU Pt 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgye3sLHUbs&feature=related https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXvPrj2weR8&feature=related https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vltlmsrAEFY&feature=related Pt 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tUVUiNY2XVU&feature=related https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQe7amUJto0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjsG7UIRzNk&feature=related |
Re: We Were Created By Extraterrestrial Beings. by Nobody: 10:11am On Nov 25, 2010 |
The Bible also lends some Truth to this, maybe God is part of some Super Cosmic team experimenting in the back-waters of this Universe GIANTS |
Re: We Were Created By Extraterrestrial Beings. by Nobody: 11:03am On Nov 25, 2010 |
Sumerian Artefact dated 3000 BC Ancient Sumerians approach an Annunaki entity. Note the height of the Annunaki were he to stand up! The Annunaki is holding a round disk. I wonder what sort of powerful equipment that is. Perhaps some sort of laser beam gadget, or remote controlled weapon of some sort. And what on earth is that big, round wheel-like object between the people and the Annunaki? Many scholars now believe that these beings actually DID exist - highly intelligent part human, part animal beings, created through various experiments by the advanced visitors: Is this where the idea of masquerades came from? I think so!! Igbo masquerade Imitating ancient Giantism? |
Re: We Were Created By Extraterrestrial Beings. by LagosShia: 11:39am On Nov 25, 2010 |
So the question is now:who created the extra-terrestial beings who in turn had the technology of their Maker to make beings like themselves? did they consult that Maker when they decided to make humans? this is more like a fairy-tale! what evidence is there that angels are not being mistaken for extra-terrestial beings?the pagan arabs thought of the angels as "daughters of God".what evidence we have not to believe that those gold mines if they ever existed 150,000 years ago were not mined by people from other parts of the world? i find it contradictory and utter foolishness to believe that these extra-terrestial beings had the technology to make a species of living beings like themselves and they are said to be "giants",yet they were too lazy to mine gold.what happens to their superior physic and technology?is the human frailty better? what did these extra-terrestial beings consumed as food? if their survival can be at risk,how do you reconcile the fact that their technology and even their power to create living beings was in their hands? |
Re: We Were Created By Extraterrestrial Beings. by Nobody: 11:51am On Nov 25, 2010 |
LagosShia said: So the question is now:who created the extra-terrestial beings who in turn had the technology of their Maker to make beings like themselves? did they consult that Maker when they decided to make humans? If you've seen all the vids posted, you'd think twice before mentioning the term ''fairytale'' here. Do you think we're all alone in this huge universe? Who knows who created them? Perhaps a race of even more powerful and mighty beings! As humans, we don't even know what's out there in 99.99% of the universe! |
Re: We Were Created By Extraterrestrial Beings. by Nobody: 12:03pm On Nov 25, 2010 |
what evidence is there that angels are not being mistaken for extra-terrestial beings? What evidence is there that extra-terrestrial beings are not being mistaken for ''angels''? what evidence we have not to believe that those gold mines if they ever existed 150,000 years ago were not mined by people from other parts of the world? Not sure what you mean. The mines were worked on by 'people' of some sort. Mainstream science puts the birth of the human race at no more than 20,000 years at the most, so ''who'' came from other parts of the world to do the mining? i find it contradictory and utter foolishness to believe that these extra-terrestial beings had the technology to make a species of living beings like themselves and they are said to be "giants",yet they were too lazy to mine gold.what happens to their superior physic and technology?is the human frailty better? Not sure that ''lazy'' would be the right term for it. Or perhaps. Fact is that they COULD free themselves of the stress of labour, and they did. Labour is labour whether you're a man or a being from elsewhere. Their superiority would have taken the form of technological superiority as opposed to extraordinary physical prowess. what did these extra-terrestial beings consumed as food? What's the big deal with what they ate? Considering the point being made is that they were our creators, my guess is they could eat the same food that WE eat. In fact I recall reading in the bible about some ''angel'' who was invited into the house by Moses or something for a meal. if their survival can be at risk,how do you reconcile the fact that their technology and even their power to create living beings was in their hands? Perhaps the survival of their planet was at risk, not their personal survival per se. Perhaps they just wanted to protect their natural environment in some way. |
Re: We Were Created By Extraterrestrial Beings. by UyiIredia(m): 12:33pm On Nov 25, 2010 |
time to cogitate on creation ex nihilo and infinite regressions/progressions *Uyi bends his head in order to muse on the subject* |
Re: We Were Created By Extraterrestrial Beings. by LagosShia: 3:04pm On Nov 25, 2010 |
ROSSIKE: ROSSIKE: with your conclusive "i dont know" implying that by you saying "perhaps a race of even more powerful and mighty beings",i can keep asking who created the "mighty beings" in order to get to the single unit of life or the main source and Origin of life.individual beings and limited creatures or beings with physical attributes,can never be the source of our creation or universe.even if you are arguing that one specie could have created another.it still doesnt prove the source of life or that those beings started life because those beings themselves need a creator for their own existence;nor discredit God. as for the questions i posed,i believe you have not answered them.i asked for example what those "beings ate" because i wanted to point out to you that food is non-living matter.therefore,a living matter that is the source of life cannot be dependent on a non-living matter that was brought to being for its survival.God does not need food or depend on anything for His survival.He was when there was nothing.if those "mighty beings" needed food,then their might is relative.they are called "mighty" because compared to us weak humans,they are stronger.ofcourse i know all this is simple imagination. even thinking that their environment was threatened,and not themselves so they needed gold is absurd.it shows clearly that looking at the pattern of the universe and the designs that keep life in existence we cannot think that those imaginative beings of yours who can face threat to their survival could have had a role in creating such perfection and beauty in place.even if their environment comes under threat,they can easily relocate.dont forget that on the presentation you gave,they are also said to have being giants.i said even if mines existed 150000 years ago,those mines could have being worked by humans.not that i believe those mines existed or that your story that those humans were working for aliens is real. for your information,Islam does not deny the fact of extra-terrestial life.infact Islam endorses the idea.it is only a matter of time before we humans are brought together with aliens. In Sura 42,Verse 29 (42:29) of the Quran,we are told, "Among His (God's) signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth,and the living creatures that He has scattered through them :and He has power to gather them together when He wills." http://www.answering-christianity.com/aliens_in_quran.htm |
Re: We Were Created By Extraterrestrial Beings. by UyiIredia(m): 3:16pm On Nov 25, 2010 |
*LagosShia bookmarked* |
Re: We Were Created By Extraterrestrial Beings. by Jenwitemi(m): 5:59pm On Nov 25, 2010 |
Is rossike just coming in contact with this alien - human connection information? This has been around a while. |
Re: We Were Created By Extraterrestrial Beings. by Nobody: 12:02am On Nov 26, 2010 |
jenwitemi, Nah man, it's just that I feel we don't pay nearly enough attention to it, and its possible implications. What if the Annunaki plan a return date to ''reconnect with'', or even ''judge'' their creation? That could get messy. |
Re: We Were Created By Extraterrestrial Beings. by thehomer: 12:31am On Nov 26, 2010 |
@ ROSSIKE Maybe what was presented is simply more mythology demonstrating the richness of human imagination? Consider the various types of books written today from fantasy to horror would you believe these are also factual? |
Re: We Were Created By Extraterrestrial Beings. by Nobody: 2:23am On Nov 26, 2010 |
with your conclusive "i dont know" implying that by you saying "perhaps a race of even more powerful and mighty beings",i can keep asking who created the "mighty beings" in order to get to the single unit of life or the main source and Origin of life.individual beings and limited creatures or beings with physical attributes,can never be the source of our creation or universe.even if you are arguing that one specie could have created another.it still doesnt prove the source of life or that those beings started life because those beings themselves need a creator for their own existence;nor discredit God. Perhaps I should have mentioned this earlier, but I actually DO believe in an intelligent Source of All Life. A spirit Consciousness - certainly nowhere proven to manifest as a physical being. The term ''God'' is what exactly? I doubt this Source of Life even considers itself a ''God'' in any way. I prefer the term Infinite Intelligence. The term ''God'' is far too loaded with human concepts of ''hierarchy'', ''authority'', ''divinity'',''supremacy'', ''superiority'', a ''top-down'' relationship with ''His creation'', with us down here, and ''God'' ''up there'' etc etc. But these are all human concepts and ideas based on how we operate in our flesh and blood state. We then project that onto ''God''. But there's no evidence at all of the operation of a hierarchy on the spiritual plane, where ''God'' operates, and to where we return after each 'life' as humans. Nobody, least of all ''God'' ever told us he operates a hierarchy at all, or that he even desires to be ''worshipped''. Methinks this ''God'' would rather we concentrate on loving each other first, not him first. Why? Because your neighbours ARE ''God''. We all are ''God''. God is just One consciousness and each of us is a part of that. As humans, we are merely experiencing a temporary illusion of separation and physicality. As conscious souls, our physical bodies are just temporary coats to wear on our earthly sojourn. So we cannot claim to ''love God'' if we ignore our starving neighbour, WHO IS ''GOD''. as for the questions i posed,i believe you have not answered them.i asked for example what those "beings ate" because i wanted to point out to you that food is non-living matter.therefore,a living matter that is the source of life cannot be dependent on a non-living matter that was brought to being for its survival.God does not need food or depend on anything for His survival.He was when there was nothing.if those "mighty beings" needed food,then their might is relative.they are called "mighty" because compared to us weak humans,they are stronger.ofcourse i know all this is simple imagination. We are actually on the same page here. The beings who made us, or rather, genetically engineered us, were not gods. They were simply a race of more advanced physical beings like us, people with highly advanced technology. If you think about it, it makes more sense than all these religiously interpreted tales of ''angels'' and ''gods''. Ancient man, barely out of the cave would regard even us today as gods, if we suddenly appeared and fired a pistol at one of them from afar, striking him dead. That would be a ''miracle'' to them! They'd fall down at our feet in worship! That's exactly what happened!! even thinking that their environment was threatened,and not themselves so they needed gold is absurd.it shows clearly that looking at the pattern of the universe and the designs that keep life in existence we cannot think that those imaginative beings of yours who can face threat to their survival could have had a role in creating such perfection and beauty in place. even if their environment comes under threat,they can easily relocate.dont forget that on the presentation you gave,they are also said to have being giants. i said even if mines existed 150000 years ago,those mines could have being worked by humans.not that i believe those mines existed or that your story that those humans were working for aliens is real. Have you actually watched the videos posted? You're not required to 'believe' anything here. There are many possible explanations for what they may have wanted the gold for, and there's no consensus that they were ALL giants etc etc. But I think it's best you keep an open mind. Why not look at MORE videos on the subject and see if you learn a thing or two more? for your information,Islam does not deny the fact of extra-terrestial life.infact Islam endorses the idea.it is only a matter of time before we humans are brought together with aliens. No religion engaged in the worship of a supernatural being can POSSIBLY deny the the fact of extraterrestrial life. That's like a man eating ten bowls of fufu and then telling you he's fasting. |
Re: We Were Created By Extraterrestrial Beings. by Nobody: 3:26am On Nov 26, 2010 |
Culled http://www.uforc.com/research121404/uforc_research-FECarlisle_120404.html Ezekiel's Wheel The Old Testament abounds with texts that speak of how angels came to the earth in ancient times riding in heavenly vehicles that are represented metaphorically as "horses" and "chariots" of God. Psalm 68:17 is probably the most definitive example of the Old Testament "angelic chariot" texts. This Psalm addresses the chronology of the Jewish Exodus from captivity in Egypt, their encampment at Mount Sinai, and the events that transpired at that time. "The chariots of God are twenty thousand, even thousands multiplied: the Lord was among them at Sinai, in the [heavenly] Temple/Sanctuary." There are also many Old Testament texts that speak of how certain biblical figures ascended into the heavens, and are acknowledged by biblical scholars as the "heavenly ascension" texts. One of the best, and probably most well-known examples of these texts is found in 2 Kings 2:1 and 11, which speak of the heavenly ascension of the prophet Elijah, as therein it is written in verse 1: "Now when the Lord was about to take Elijah up into the heavens by a whirlwind, Elijah and Elisha were on their was from Gilgal." Verse 11 continues with: "As they continued walking and talking, a Chariot of fire and horses of fire separated the two of them, and Elijah ascended in a whirlwind into the heavens." There are also many references in the biblical text that speak of the Chariot in which God, himself, came to visit the earth, as is described above in 2 Kings 2 as the Chariot of fire. The reference to "horses of fire" is to the angelic "chariots of God" that accompany God's Chariot which, in the early Jewish interpretive writings is acknowledged as being a "Merkabah." The biblical prophet, Ezekiel, metaphorically describes God's Merkabah as being a heavenly "throne" [Ez. 1:26], as the Glory of the Lord [Ez.1:28] and as "The Gory of the God of Israel" [Ez. 9:3]. The word Merkabah is derived from two Hebrew words. The first word is "merkab", which means "a chariot", and also a seat, as in a vehicle. It is also derived from the word "rakab", which means "to ride on" or "to ride in." Accordingly, that which the prophet describes metaphorically as a "throne" and "the Glory of the Lord", is to be understood to refer to God's Merkabah, the literal translation of which is "Throne-Chaiort", and is that which God comes to the earth in visitation, The noted Dead Sea Scroll scholar, Dr. Geza Vermes, makes the following statement about God's Merkabah: "The divine Throne-Chariot" draws its inspiration from Ezekiel (1-10), depicts the appearance and movement of the Merkabah, the divine Chariot supported and drawn by the cherubim, which is at the same time a throne and a vehicle." Additionally, the metaphor "Glory of the Lord" is found throughout the Old Testament, and always speaks of God's heavenly presence in a very literal sense, and as in his Throne-Chariot. On closer analysis of the Hebrew metaphor, one finds that the word "glory" gives specificity to the word, within each of those contexts. The word "glory" literally means "mass" or "substance", and variously rendered by biblical scholars as "glory, body, or house", and is therefore to be understood as being a reference to God's heavenly House, Abode, or Dwelling Place. Thus, the Merkabah Glory of the Lord can be seen as being a Throne-Chariot that has both substance and mass, and as God's heavenly Dwelling Place. Ez: 1:13 Many of the early Jewish Merkabah related writings, as well as the early Gnostic Christian writings have their interpretational roots in Ezekiel's biblical vision of the Merkabah and the four chariots of the cherubim. Both bodies of literature represent Ezekiel's living creatures as heavenly chariots, inside of which were angelic beings. In the section that follows, I will present a wide variety of text sources, all of which represent the Merkabah and Ezekiel's living creatures, wheels within wheel, etc. as wheel-chariots. Of all of the biblical texts that deal with the subject of heavenly chariots, none parallels the description that is found in the chapters 1 and 10 of the biblical book of the prophet Ezekiel. In these two chapters Ezekiel describes the physical appearance, operation and movement of what he describes metaphorically as "living creatures, burning coals of fire, wheels within wheels, and cherubim", all of which are synonymous terms that describe the "chariots of God." Ezekiel likens the chariots to living creatures to which he attributes various anatomical parts, each of which has a specific anatomical location and associated function. While biblical scholarship has for some time supported an angelic chariot interpretation in Ezekiel, and despite the fact that the prophet renders a detailed description of their physical appearance, operation and movement, scholars have, heretofore, been unable to render a drawing of it physical appearance that is based on a viable translation of the Hebrew text. One has but to read a few of the various English Bible renderings of Ezekiel chapter 1, in order to see that each renders various areas of the text differently. One of the reasons for this is that, in ancient Hebrew, one word often has multiple meanings that at times differ vastly from each other. Another reason is that, in the Hebrew language, all words are derivatives of what are called root words. While it is not always the case, there are times when components of the root word meaning influence either the direct translation of or may influence the meaning of the word within a particular context. In chapter 1 of the Old Testament book of Ezekiel, the prophet describes the appearance of four heavenly objects, to which he refers with the various synonymous metaphors "living creatures" [his description of an unknown technology], "burning coals of fire" [ his description of them as fiery, amber-colored coals or orbs high in the heavens], "wheels within wheels" [his description of a disc-shaped craft under which there is as spinning (turbine-like) wheel], and "cherubim" [which are acknowledged in the early writings as "the chariots of the cherubim"]. While it is the view of mainstream biblical scholarship that the four objects Ezekiel describes are "feather-winged cherubs", the voices of the past, as are reflected in early interpretive literature, paint a totally different picture, as you will see. I will now take you on a brief journey into antiquity, whereby you might be able to clearly discern the voices of both the prophet Ezekiel himself, and from those ancient people who wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls. You will soon see that the various metaphors the prophet uses to describe what he sees are indeed all synonymous, controlling metaphors, each of which shapes the theological thought and direction within the two texts. So, away we go, as far back as the year 593 B.C. I will also let you listen to the voices of the early Greeks who made the first translation of the Hebrew biblical text into another language. As such, it is important in that it contains certain renderings that do not always follow the original Hebrew text, which scholars render to as "textual variants." The Greeks translated the entire Old Testament into what is called the Septuagint [or LXX by scholars]. You will also hear the voices of thosae who wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls [DSS], as they have a great deal to say about Ezekiel's various controllong metaphors, as well as those of other early Jews and Gnostic Christian who have something to tell us about Ezekiel's four "angelic chariots." So, away we go on our voyage into the distant past, whereby we might hear and see what the many voices tell us: Ez. 1:13: "As for the appearance of the living creatures [a flying technology he had never sees; thus it was alive and a creature], they looked like burning coals of fire." Dead Sea Scrolls: ", and there were living beings inside of the coals, like burning coals of fire." Ez. 10:15: "The cherubim rose from the earth: These were the living creatures that I saw by the river of Chebar." Ez. 1:20: ", for there was a living Spirit inside of the wheels." [Biblical text: "God makes angels his ministering Spirits."] Ez. 1:16: The appearance of the wheels and their construction shape - ''wheel in the middle of another wheel." Dead Sea Scrolls: "And when the wheels move forward the holy angels go to the back; they emerge from within the glorious wheels with the likeness of fire." Ben Sirah 49:8:[ an early Jewish writing, the later Greek translation of which appears as the canonical book of Sirach in the Catholic Bible.] "It was Ezekiel who saw the vision of glory that God showed him above/upon the chariot of the cherubim." "Hypostases of the Archons"; an early Gnostic Christian text: ", the four-faced chariot of the cherubim." Greek Septuagint : a variant rendering from the Hebrew text in Ez. 43:3: , and the vision of the chariot that I saw was like the one that I saw by the river of Cheba, " Are you beginning to get a mental picture of the "chariots, which are shaped like "wheels" inside of which there are angelic pilots, "fiery coals/orbs" in the heavens, inside of which there are living angelic beings, really are? "Listen and see", and I will tell you more about Ezekiel's four angelic "chariots!" It is evident from the above references that the various metaphors "living creatures, burning coals of fire, wheels within wheels and cheribim are all synonymous controlling, chariot-lelated metaphors. Ezekiel describes four angelic chariots as "living creatures"[etc.] to which he attributes various anatomical parts, such as wings, legs, heads, etc, each of which occupies a corresponding anatomical location and function. Ez. 1:23: Under the dome their wings were horizontal, the one [at an angle] towards the other. Each one had two wings that covered [concealed] its [central, hollow] body on the one quadrant [side], and each one had two wings that covered their bodies on the other quadrant. Ez. 1:11: "Their wings bisected [divided, separated] from the top [from above; as two upper wings], and two wings covered their bodies: and two of each of those wings joined one to the other [at a distal point; as two lower wings on each of four quadrants]." This represents a visual and descriptive perspective of one half of the chariot, or two of its four sides or quadrants, as such better describes a wheel-shaped chariot. It is the descriprion of two upper wings and two lower wings. Ez. 1:6: ", and they each had four wings." Ez. 1:8: "And they had a man-like hand, under their wings on their four quadrants." The Hebrew word for side/s is reva, and is derived from a root meaning to be quadrate, thus, the "wheel-shaped chariots"[discs] have four quadrants, or quarter-sections. While all English Bibles render it as "sides", since the chariot is clearly circualr, it should accordingly be rendered as "quadrants." Accordingly, if one is to describe the chariot as a whole, it would necessarily have "eight wings." Greek variant in Ez.10:21: Heb text: , and they each had four wings." Greek text: , and they each had eight wings" This describes the full "wheel-chariot." The Greeks knew how to add! 2+2+2+2=8 ` Ez. 1:22: "Over the heads of the living creatures [chariots] was something that looked like a shining glass dom, " Ez. 1:18: "Their [hollow, arched] backs were tall and awesome, and they were encircled by round eye[-like] ports." Ez. 10:2: "And he said to the man clothed in linen; 'go within the spinning wheel, under the cherub." Ez. 1:8: , and they had man-like hands under their wings on their four quadrants." Ez. 10:7: And the cherub [chariot] stretched forth a hand from within the cherubim [chariot] Ez. 10:8: "And the cherubim appeared to have a man-like hand under their wings." ["on their four quadrants" ; 1:8] Ez. 10:6: "And the man went in and stood within the spinning wheel. [Heb. 'galgal'", and not the word rendered in chapter 1 as wheel/e, which is "ophan". This wheel "spins"! It is a rotating turbine wheel that is located on the chariot's underside. [see below] Ez. 1:16: "The appearance of the wheels and their construction, was like the [sparkling, amber] color of Tarshish [a cut, amber-colored gemstone; compare to the view of the chariot in the photo rendering!]; and they each had the same [double-convex, disc] shape: and their appearance and their operation looked like a [spinning] wheel [ophan] within the middle of another wheel [ophan]. Ez. 1:7: "Their legs were riding, and looked like they were made out of polished brass [amber metal], and the soles of their feet were hoofed [round and flat] like those of a calf." Psalm 68:17-18; my new translation: "The chariots of God are twenty thousand, even thousands multiplied; the Lord was among them at Sinai, in the heavenly Temple. You [Moses] were captured and lifted away into [heavenly] captivit, " Jewish Midrashim: "Twenty-two thousand chariots descended at Sinai, and each of them looked exactly like the ones Ezekiel saw." "Twenty-two thousand chariots descended at Sinai, and each of them looked like the Merkabah." EZEKIEL CHAPTER 1:4-24: A NEW TRANSLATION Vs.4) "And I looked [up into the heavens], and saw a whirlwind come from out of the north; an immense cloud that was surrounded by brightness and fire flashing forth continuously in a circle, and in the middle of which there was something that looked like something like a round amber metallic object. 5) And from out of the middle of the fire there came what looked like four living creatures. This was their appearance; they had [within them] the form of a man 6) but each of them had four faces and four wings. 7) Their legs were rigid and the soles of their feet were [round and flat] like the sole of a calf's foot; and they sparkled like polished brass. They each had a manlike hand [that was capable of opening and closing] under their wings on each of their four quadrants; and they each had their four faces and their four wings. 9) Their [upper and lower] wings coupled-together [as a double-convex saucer], and when they moved they did not turn their wings to either side; they just moved straight forward [in any direction]. 10) As for the likeness of their faces, they each had a humanlike face of a man in front, the face of a lion on the left quadrant, the face of an ox on the right quadrant, and the face of an eagle in the back. 11) Their [two] wings bisected [horizontally] from the top and two wings covered their bodies: and two wings of each [the upper and lower wings] joined one to the other [at a distal point]. 12) And they moved straight forward: wherever the [angelic] Spirit desired to go, the living creatures moved and, [in so doing], they did not turn [tilt their wings from a horizontal position]. 13) As for the likeness of the living creatures [as I perceived them in the heavens], they looked like, [amber-colored] burning coals of fire that had lights within them that flashed forth intermittently and the fire was bright, and from the fire there came forth [what appeared like] flashes of lightning. 14) And the living creatures darted back and forth [through the heavens] like flashes of lightning, without turning their wings [to either side] as they moved. 15) And as I looked, one of the living creatures landed/stood on the earth, [whereby I then perceived it as being] and behold, a wheel [was fastened] on the side of the four-faced living creature. 16) The appearance of the wheels and their construction was like the [sparkling, amber] color of [the gemstone] Tarshish; and they each had the same [circular] shape: and their appearance and their operation was as if there were a [spinning 10:2,6,13] wheel in the middle of a [larger] wheel. 17) And when they moved [through the heavens], they moved in any direction and in so doing, they did not turn their wings [from a horizontal position] as they moved. 18) As for their [circular, hollow backs [which looked like rings or rims] they were tall and awesome, and were encircled with [round] eyes [like ports]. 19) When the living creatures moved, the wheels [which joined to their side] moved beside them. And when the living creatures lifted up from off of the earth, the wheels also lifted up beside them. 20) Wherever the [angelic] Spirit desired to go, and the wheels rose along with them, for there was a living Spirit inside of the wheels. 21) When the living creatures moved, the wheels moved; and when the living creatures stood still [hovered] the wheels also stood, because there was a living Spirit inside of the wheels [who navigated them]. 22) And there was something that looked like an awesome, clear glass dome that spread-out over the heads of the living creatures. 23) And under the dome their wings were horizontal, the one [extended at an angle] towards the other; each of them had two wings that covered their [central, hollow] bodies on the one side [quadrant], each one had two wings that covered [concealed from view] their bodies on the other quadrant. 24) And when the living creatures moved, I heard the sound of their wings, which was like the sound of roaring water, like the voice of the Almighty, the voice of speech, like the tumultuous sound of an army: and when they stood [landed] upon the earth, they ceased their wings [from making the sound they made while in flight]. EZEKIEL CHAPTER 10: SELECTED VERSES Vs. 2) And he spoke to the man clothed in linen and said, 'go within the spinning wheel, under the cherub. Vs. 6) When he commanded the man clothed in linen, saying: 'go within the wheel, underneath the cherubim', then he went in and stood within the spinning wheel. Vs.7) And the cherub opened his hand from within the cherubi, Vs. The cherubim appeared to have a man-like hand under their wings. I hope that you enjoyed your journey into antiquity and listening to the voices of the ancients, and to the words of the prophet Ezekiel, whose vision has inspired many of the ancients to seeking the awesome knowledge it contains. I also hope that you have learned form them, and you are now well-equipped to answer the question I ask! So, I ask you, did the biblical prophet Elijah really, by means of the very same "whirlwind" that Ezekiel describes, literally "ascend into the heavens in a fiery chariot?" THE LOCATION AND FUNCTION OF THE CHARIOT'S ANATOMICAL PARTS* *Each of the chariot's anatomical parts occupies a normal anatomical location and related anatomical function, unless otherwise stated in the text. There is one exception, which relates to the "encircling eyes" that are located within the chariot's "back." The Head The chariot's head-portion consists of a dome that is made of a clear, crystal-like material and occupies the chariot's superior-most position. It is part of the chariot's top-mounted, composite dome, the crystal head of which serves as a rotating, navigational dome. The Four Faces Three of the four faces are insignias that are part of a circular ring-like unit that connects superiorly to the clear domed head, occupying the chariot's mid-portion, and inferiorly with stationary, hollow and arched back. The face identified as "the face of a man", or "human face", is of the chariot's angelic pilot, who sits in the chariot's navigational dome. The Back (rings/rims) The arched, hollow back occupies the lower part of the chariot's composite dome. It is encircled by eyes, which confirms the fact that it is also circular. The encircling eyes are explained below. The Eyes The eyes surround the chariot's hollow, arched back. The eyes are round and function as ports for looking out from the chariot's hollow, top-mounted dome. The Wings The wings give the chariot its overall circular or wheel-like shape. The chariot has two horizontal wings on each of its four quadrants that extend at an angle, the one towards the other thus connecting together at the distal point. The wings are for flight. The Wheel in the middle of the wheel The greater wheel references the chariot's overall shape, which is circular like a wheel. The wheel in the middle of the greater wheel is a spinning, turbine-like wheel, which functions as the chariot's propulsion system. The Body The body is the hollow, central portion of the chariot that is concealed by two horizontally-extended, connecting wings that present on each of the (circular) chariot's four quadrants and, like the composite dome, is an inhabitable part of the chariot. The opening hand that is located "under their wings on their four quadrants", the function of which is established below. The Legs The legs are straight and unbending, and provide support for the chariot while standing on the ground. Thus, they are incapable of movement or "walking" on the ground. The four legs are position underneath the chariot's wings and are attached to the chariot's body-portion which is "covered" on all four quadrants by the "two covering wings." The legs are made of a polished amber-colored metal that are likened to highly polished brass. The Feet The feet are round and flat, like that sole of a calf's foot, and are made of the same material as the legs. Their round, flat, beveled shape provides the chariot the ability to stand in a level position on the ground. The Hand The opening and closing hand is located under the chariot's wings and functions as an entrance into its hollow, central body. The Spirit of the Living Creature This references the angelic spirit(s), inhabitant(s), or living beings that are stated in the biblical text to be located "inside of the wheel." It also references the "face of the man." |
Re: We Were Created By Extraterrestrial Beings. by cogicero: 10:52pm On Nov 26, 2010 |
copy and paste |
Re: We Were Created By Extraterrestrial Beings. by Jenwitemi(m): 11:06pm On Nov 26, 2010 |
Perhaps, it is the claim of "richness of human imagination" to explain unusual sightings that is a mythos. Have you read the vedic literatures? The Mahabharata and the Purana? They read like science fiction fantasies and they were written thousands of years ago at a time when humans, in their level of evolution then, were not supposed to be having such highly detailed star wars like fantasies of cosmic cities orbiting the earth and space wars with fantastic futuristic weapons being deployed. thehomer: |
Re: We Were Created By Extraterrestrial Beings. by Jenwitemi(m): 11:09pm On Nov 26, 2010 |
Hmmm! The return of Enki and Enlil. Would love to meet those guys in flesh. ROSSIKE: |
Re: We Were Created By Extraterrestrial Beings. by Nobody: 11:54pm On Nov 26, 2010 |
Yeah, ETs came to earth, I'm their last descedant. Lmao ; @rossike, I thought you used to criticize Christians, now you're using biblical delusions to back up secular madness! Aliens!!! Yeah right! The same caliber of people who came up with the bs in the bible came up with the alien bs. |
Re: We Were Created By Extraterrestrial Beings. by Jenwitemi(m): 12:25am On Nov 27, 2010 |
Based on what is your conclusion that this is all "madness"? In most if not all cultures on the globe, there are ancient tales of sightings and encounters. They must have all been "mad", with the exception of martian, of course. Martian: |
Re: We Were Created By Extraterrestrial Beings. by Nobody: 2:23am On Nov 27, 2010 |
Jenwitemi: Every culture has stories of gods, is there any truth to any one of them? |
Re: We Were Created By Extraterrestrial Beings. by tpia5: 5:39am On Nov 27, 2010 |
Re: We Were Created By Extraterrestrial Beings. by Jenwitemi(m): 12:33pm On Nov 27, 2010 |
I'll wager that if every culture on the planet has close encounter stories about ETs or gods(as they are called by the ancients), then there must be some truth to them. This is only common sense. Every ancient culture on the globe could not have been imagining things. Now, to think that would be illogical. On the indian subconcitnent, the ancients not only sighted these beings, but they lived together with them on the subcontinent with the aliens taking the humans(royals and elites mostly) on a regular roundtrips to the cosmic cities orbiting the planet at that time in super spacecrafts known as "Vimanas". I read some excerpts from these incredible vedic texts and, by jove, these guys were even pimping, yes pimping, their spacecrafts in those days!! That is how amazing the vedic texts are. So, yes, there has to be some truth to them due to their being so ubiquitous globally. Martian: |
Re: We Were Created By Extraterrestrial Beings. by Nobody: 12:41pm On Nov 27, 2010 |
Jenwitemi: Okay! Whatever floats your boat. So the aliens took the "royals and elites" on space rides too?!!!! I wonder why they didn't take the common folk. Pimped out spacecrafts, lmao, you must be a troll! |
Re: We Were Created By Extraterrestrial Beings. by Jenwitemi(m): 1:26pm On Nov 27, 2010 |
Ok, i am a troll. But you go to India and you will be the troll for not believing. Extraterrestrials living amongst humans in the ancient times is a given on that subcontinent. It is an intrinsic part of their ancient history. Whether you believe that or not is totally irrelevant since folks like you are in the minority anyway. And, according to the vedic texts, common folks were also taken on them trips. Martian: |
Re: We Were Created By Extraterrestrial Beings. by Nobody: 1:38pm On Nov 27, 2010 |
Jenwitemi: So because Indians have stories about aliens as an intrinsic part of their culture means it's true? In that case you should also believe the story about Shango's wife Oba who changed into billions of water molecules and became the Oba river. This was after she cut of a piece of her ear and cooked it for shango who obviously got pissed off because his wife was trying to feed him human meat. Do you believe this story too or do I need to add spacecrafts and aliens? |
Re: We Were Created By Extraterrestrial Beings. by thehomer: 3:17pm On Nov 27, 2010 |
Jenwitemi: And why do you say this? I did present you with examples demonstrating the richness of human imagination. Jenwitemi: I've not read them and after a brief glance at it on Wikipedia, I don't think I'll waste my time doing that. So what if the stories were detailed, the Lord of the Rings series was detailed too. Does this increase the chances of it actually being true? The most important question is how accurate were these descriptions that you seem to accept as being true? Can you demonstrate this with information not expected to be available to those people at that time? What do you mean by humans at their level of evolution not having rich fantasies? How many years ago was this story supposed to have been written? Did they even know what stars were? |
Re: We Were Created By Extraterrestrial Beings. by DeepSight(m): 3:22pm On Nov 27, 2010 |
@ the homer - Given that you seem fairly well grounded on the sheer size of the cosmos, do you suppose that it is realistic to believe that the earth is the only planet supporting intelligent life in all the universe? Are you aware of the emerging field of science termed 'planetary engineering'? Do you think this may have any bearing on the OP? |
Re: We Were Created By Extraterrestrial Beings. by 667: 3:28pm On Nov 27, 2010 |
children, bow to me and you shall receive knowledge beyond measure. |
Re: We Were Created By Extraterrestrial Beings. by thehomer: 4:09pm On Nov 27, 2010 |
Deep Sight: I'd say it's likely but realistically, I simply cannot say because all we have is a sample size of one. Deep Sight: The OP has made several claims from the origin of humans to that of human legends. I don't see what planetary engineering has to do with this post but if it was in that wall of text, I didn't read it. But if it is about Annunaki referred to in another post, (the link by tpia@) then those claims simply go against physics. |
Re: We Were Created By Extraterrestrial Beings. by 667: 4:25pm On Nov 27, 2010 |
@ROSSIKE Come online and discuss with me for more knowledge. I am serious. |
Re: We Were Created By Extraterrestrial Beings. by Jenwitemi(m): 7:33pm On Nov 27, 2010 |
thehomer:Homer, i am not disputing the fact that human beings do have rich imaginations, but to put ancient alien encounters - that happened globally in the past - only on human imaginations is simply ludicruous. These encounters are recorded in ALL the cultures worldwide! You want to tell me that everybody was imagining the same thing back then? That would be a miracle. thehomer:Homer, does the fact that these stories were written when mankind was supposed to be in stone age mean anything? Can you explain how the stone age man can imagine sci-fi tales and have them written down in such glowing details. You should try to read some excerpts from the vTibetan ancient texts called, KANJUR. You will see the same alien encounters too written in fantastic details. thehomer:These texts are thousands of years old. The vedic texts are atleast 3 to 4 thousand years old, if not more. At that time, which was stone age period, can you tell me how humans at that time could think up stories about space wars fought with fantastic futuristic weapons? All these kind of stories are found in the Mahabharata and the Purana. You should try to tell me HOW stone age mankind could imagine up sciece fiction stories that we are capable of today if they were supposed to be simple stone-age folks back then. Maybe they were not as simple as we were told. |
Re: We Were Created By Extraterrestrial Beings. by 667: 7:38pm On Nov 27, 2010 |
Are you an Eckhist? |
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