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Love Dilemma by Nobody: 10:08pm On Jan 10, 2020
Episode 1
"For every long lost road I went, led me to where you are. Others who broke my heart, were like the northern stars, guiding me on my way, in to your loving arms.
This much I know is true and I pray that God bless the broken roads that led me straight to you . Please be my bride."
These were the exact words of Uche as he bent down with a knee and brought out the diamond ring out proposing to Mary. These happened in a restaurant at around past 8pm. Uche had planned it all out in such a way that he had his best friend Kunle there and three of Mary's friend to spice up the whole scene.
" Awnn awnn, this is so so lovely" Mary's best friend Loveth said.
"Oh My God, I never knew Uche can be this romantic oh. Mary you are very lucky." Omoye, one of Mary's friend there said.
"Please Mary, say yes oh yes, yes" Titi, Mary's last friend said as she gesticulated with her hands and smiled.
The atmosphere became tensed with love. Other customers who were in the restaurant had soon join them and the place became crowded and filled with expectant onlookers. A couple in the crowd even held their hands, as they blushed and prayed that she accepts.
All of these had happened within a few seconds from Uche's first statement. Love indeed spreads like wildfire. Everyone had become expectant of Mary's decision since the ring was still hanging in the air supported by Uche's hand.
She then couldn't help but blush a little. "This is so so lovely Uche. The ring, the scene and everything, just beautiful. But am sorry I can't accept it." She said as her face grew from blush to straight .
" Ah, No nah. Please say yes" One of the onlookers in the crowd spoke out aloud. At this she walked away quietly from the scene putting her heads down. The onlookers started to frown as they left one at a time disappointed.
"Why would she have declined the proposal after 3 years of relationship? Something must be wrong somewhere." Kunle finally spoke to Uche his friend. Meanwhile Uche just sat there on the bare floor devastated.
Mary locked herself in her room and took out some time to cry out her heart until it felt as if she had done the right thing.
Declining Uche's proposal was a very difficult decision for her to take. She however took it. This raised lots of surprises and questions from many, even her friends.
While she felt there were just enough reasons for her to have declined, on Uche's part and others there was not even a single reason for her to have done that.
Three years ago they had started dating. Seeing the two love birds hanging out together, you could almost mistake their love for each other as divine.
Their bond was stronger than that of Jack and Rose or even Romeo and Juliet. They were inseparable.
"I love you the same way I learned to ride a bike. Though I was frightened yet I was still reckless." Uche said to Mary as he scooped a portion of the ice-cream moving it closer to her mouth slowly.
As Mary opened her mouth in expectation of the chilled-liquid, Uche took it back gently and gently until he drank all of it and then smiled.
Both of them laughed together as they held each other’s hand.
"Being in your warmth embrace gives me that kind of confidence that makes me feel invincible. This is all I would rather do morning, noon and night
I love you darling." Mary said to him.
Both birds continued in expressing words of love to each other as Uche sang for her too. This inherent gift of his, was one of the reasons Mary had fallen in love with him so quickly at the expense of other potential lovers.
As it got so dark, Uche said "I think we should be going home now Mary. Today’s gist is just enough for tonight. We would possibly continue tomorrow dear"
Uche then opened the door of his vehicle as he waited for Mary to walk in majestically. Soon enough they got to Mary's house and it was time for her to go.
Still in the vehicle, both birds stared at each other for about thirty seconds waiting for whom to make the first move. Guys are always faster when it comes to this. Uche gently moved closer to her as he kissed her softly. The kiss was so deep and long, that she felt like it was her last minute on planet earth.
They were just so happy together then, what could have happened? What could have made Mary to decline his proposal after all those escapades together?
Re: Love Dilemma by Nobody: 10:14pm On Jan 10, 2020
Episode 2
Of course Mary was madly in love with Uche. Perhaps, more than Uche could ever know or fathom. However, the possibility of not having a future together started to surface to her after some unique incidences happened three months to the proposal.
Prior to that incidence, they were single potentials waiting to become joint reality. But just these incidences changed Mary's perception of Uche . And made her to rethink if he is really the one he wants to spend the rest of his life with.
First was when Mary began to notice how close Uche was to his mum. To her, Uche seems to take the words of his mum as law. Every other person's statement or contribution to an issue at hand after his mum talks to him, becomes secondary.
Mrs. Young, Uche's mother loved him so well. The reason for this wasn’t farfetched. Mrs. Young had waited for eleven years before having Uche. During this period, she was faced with warnings and series of threat from her mother in-law to get his son another wife.
After much patience of waiting to finally get to have Uche, sickness later tried to show its own self too. Uche battled with various ailments from when he was six months to when he became five. All of these had made his Mum’s bond for him that strong.
Even after she gave birth to Ngozi when Uche was seven, the love for the two still had no comparison
Somewhere deep down, she still had more affection for Uche. While their Dad preferred Ngozi.
This Oedipus complexity between Uche and her mum continued to exist, and was known to all. It was however not so comfortable for Mary. Both ladies seems to be competing for whose say Uche ultimately listens to. Often time than not, Mrs. Young wins.
Particularly, there was a time Uche and Mary had a group date with a couple of other friends. This date was the boom especially for the ladies. The eight of them looked forward to it like the second coming of Jesus Christ.
However, the expected happened. Mrs. Young had restrained Uche from not joining the group. She hinged it on a religious belief that something dangerous was to happen and that Uche should not go.
This was irrespective of the fact that Uche was already 28 and stays in his own apartment. Yet mum still dictates for him from time to time.
Long story cut short. Everyone showed up that night for the group date save Uche. Mary had thought Uche will come irrespective of the shallow excuse given by Mrs. Young. However, Uche didn't.
Eventually, nothing dangerous happened that night, except for the fact that Mary was now
boo-less throughout the chats and discussions that night.
Uche was just still a baby to his mum but Mary wanted to marry a man, not a child.
"Babe, am sorry for last night. You know mum can be a bit too over-protective. Am going to make last night up to you. Don’t worry" Uche said in a bid to appease Mary for the previous night.
Mary had allowed this to slide under the carpet even though it was quite painful. Two months down the line, It happened again. This time bigger and more painful.
Mary's birthday was just around the corner . Uche had promised to make it a memorable one for her.
"I am going to so spoil you that day ehn . Believe me, you won't forget this memory we are going to have in a hurry" Uche said to Mary as they were making plans for the deal day. Apparently, Uche had plans of making up fot the group date he missed since two months ago using this outing.
"I just want us to be alone as we have always done. We should go far from any other person as far as we can go. All I want to see is you – Nobody else." Mary replied to Uche as they made the plans.
"Awnn awnn. That sounds romantic. I can't wait to take you there. Am sure we are going to enjoy ourselves.
. I will give you a nice treat." Uche said as he was very optimistic.
"You will sing for me too oh
Prepare that voice of yours to be in its perfect tone oh. Don't go and eat Eba and ogbonor Soup that day and end up not been able to sing for me oh." Mary said as she teased him.
They both laughed together as they ended the conversation for that night. It was a day that they kept on looking forward to.
On the deal day of Mary's birthday, Uche was nowhere to be found again. His phone was dead and Mary kept on waiting for him. Gradually the sun had set and day even got dark, yet there was no sign of Uche. He didn't even give a call.
All the treats promised, plans made and adventures that they were looking forward to, were all in vain. Uche had done it again. And as usual by the morning he came to explain, Mrs. Young also had a hand in it. It was frustrating.
Uche's mum had insisted that he come along with him to see Beatrice and her parent. Beatrice's parents had a long history with Uche's parents. So as it was Beatrice's convocation celebration in their family house, it was customary for the Young's family with such a long history to be there to celebrate with them.
Mr. Young was still in his long business trip as usual.
This particular trip was to last for the next three months as he was working on a huge project for the firm he works for. Mrs. Young had thus insisted that Uche come along with him to represent his father. But of course she had other intentions too.
Uche had known Beatrice for the period of time that their parent have known each other, which was over fifteen years now. They had even gone to same secondary school, though Uche was three years ahead of her in class.
Pursuit of a university degree seems to have been the reason for their separation. Although they were not dating then, but they were however quite close.
It would be a thing of joy for Mrs. Young to see them get married to further unite both families' bond.
While Uche had studied here in Nigeria where he meant Mary, Beatrice had gone to the UK to study. Coming back after graduation, Mrs. Young saw this as an opportunity to get the folks hooked up once more. But she had hinged Uche's coming on family representation. He had to stand in, for his Father.
Uche had followed the mum without that knowledge of his mum's plan. Mum has always had his way, this might not just take exception.

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