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20 Points From 1 Corinthians 14 About Speaking In Tongues In The Church - Religion - Nairaland

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20 Points From 1 Corinthians 14 About Speaking In Tongues In The Church by called2Bsaint(m): 10:32pm On Mar 07, 2020
20 Points We Can Glean from 1Corinthians 14 About Speaking in Tongues in the Church are listed below:

Point #1 (Verse 1) Prophesying is preferable because it is charitable, unlike speaking in tongues, which no man in the church understands.

Point #2 (Verse 2) By speaking in an unknown tongue you do not to speak to men, but unto God: because no man understands what you are speaking, even though you're speaking mysteries in the spirit.

Point #3 (Verses 3-4) Speaking in tongues in the church gathering is not useful to the church, because it only edifies the speaker; but the church cannot understand the words of the tongue or language. But prophesying edifies the church because through it we can speak unto men for their edification, exhortation, and comfort. The church gathering is not for speaking to God alone, but also for speaking to one another (Ephesians 5:19). Therefore, to speak to God alone and not to men in the gathering of saints shows lack of spiritual order. If when we come together in fellowship we turn our backs against ourselves to speak to God alone, we abuse the purpose of corporate worship. If we must speak alone to God, it should be in our private worship, as our Lord has taught us in Matthew 6:5 and 6.

Point #4 (Verse 5) Paul preferred that all the church would rather prophesy than to speak in unknown tongues, because speaking with tongues is less than prophesying, except it is accompanied by interpretation so that the church may receive edifying.

Point #5 (Verse 6) Speaking with tongues to men does not profit them, only speaking to them by revelation, knowledge, prophesying, or by doctrine that can edify them.

Point #6 (Verse 7) Even lifeless objects, such as pipe or harp, which produce sound are more useful or intelligible than speaking tongues that do not give a distinction in the sounds made to the ears of men.

Point #7 (Verse cool A degree of certainty and distinctiveness of meaning is required in every sound given in the church to build up, equip and perfect the saints for their spiritual life's battles.

Point #8 (Verse 9) You can utter by the tongue words easy to be understood; and except you do so you would be speaking into the air. Mark this term, "to speak into the air". It refers to the same exercise that is termed "to speak not unto men but to God", "to speak to yourself and to God". This is not a commendable exercise in the church gathering, where we come together to speak to one another, as well as to ourselves and God.

Point #9 (Verse 10) All the many kinds of tongues in the world are with signification or meanings. This is a clear evidence that Paul was not treating the voices or tongues of angels, as some would wish he was doing in this chapter.

Point #10 (Verse 11) Speaking in tongues to men who do not understand the tongues makes you a barbarian to them and them a barbarian to you.

Point #11 (Verse 12-13) The zeal for spiritual gifts is insufficient for the church gathering, except it seeks to excel in edifying the church. Therefore the person that speaks in an unknown tongue should pray that he may interpret.

Point #12 (Verse 14-17) When you pray in an unknown tongue in the church meeting, your spirit prays, but your understanding bears no fruit to the church; thus they will not be able to say "Amen" to what they do not understand, even though you do give thanks well in the language you employ. To solve this problem you have to make sure that your understanding bears fruit to the church while your spirit is praying to God.

Point #13 (Verse 18-19) Paul spoke with tongues more than all the Corinthians; thus it is clear that he was not rebuking them because he was unable to speak in tongues. Speaking in tongues more than them could either be quantitatively or qualitatively; whichever it was, Paul was discrete enough to rather speak five words that could be understood in the church, so that he might teach others also with his speech, than to employ ten thousand words in an unknown tongue that they would not understand.

Point #14 (Verse 20-22) Many Brethren are children in the understanding of this matter of tongues because they fail to understand that tongues are for a sign, not to believers, but to unbelievers; whereas, prophesying is not for the unbelievers, but for the believers. This point should shame those who push for tongues as a prayer language for believers.

Point #15 (Verse 23-25) If all the speakers in the church speak with tongues, and there are any unlearned persons, or unbelievers there, they will say that the congregation is full of mad men. But if every speaker prophesies or preaches the gospel by the power of the Holy Spirit, the unbeliever will be convicted and judged by all of them, through their preaching; and the secrets of the heart of the unsaved are thus made manifest by the plainness of the anointed preaching; so that he falls down on his face and worships God, and reports that God is in the church of a truth!

Point #16 (Verse 26) Every spiritual activity in the meetings of the saints should be done unto edifying of all.

Point #17 (Verse 27-28) Speaking in an unknown tongue in the church should be by two, or at the most by three, and that by course; and let one interpret. But if there is no interpreter, let the person who intends to speak in tongues KEEP SILENCE in the church; and speak to himself, and to God. Speaking to himself and to God in the church should not be to the hearing of men otherwise he would be disobeying the instruction to keep silence. This is a clear prohibition of speaking unknown tongues in the church without interpretation.

Point #18 (Verse 29) The prophets are to speak by two or three, just like the speakers of unknown tongues, and the other is to judge the prophecy. This includes the interpretation of tongues, which is placed on equal rank with prophesying.

Point #19 (Verse 30-33, 40) Orderliness should be maintained in Christian meetings.

Point #20 (Verse 39-40) We should covet or desire strongly for the gift of prophesying, and not forbid to speak with tongues, provided it obeys the conditions already given in this chapter, in order to maintain orderliness and decency in the church gatherings.

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Re: 20 Points From 1 Corinthians 14 About Speaking In Tongues In The Church by DropsMic(m): 8:59am On Mar 08, 2020
Believe this or not.. But if he speaks in tongues, he is a fake pastor.... Also if you speak in tongues, you are only deceiving yourself..

That's just the absolute fact..
If you believe otherwise then you are lost..

In Nigeria People only speak in tongues for one reason only... So people see them as "highly spiritual"... Which here is all you need to scam gullible church goers.

If you think I'm lying monitor your pastors tongues. You go see pattern


That's very true. The worst of it all are those Christians that encourage you to learn how to speak in tongues.

58 Likes 1 Share

Re: 20 Points From 1 Corinthians 14 About Speaking In Tongues In The Church by Neroiam(m): 9:00am On Mar 08, 2020

Wise man

Why speak at all when God can see what's in your mind.

Why did Jesus speak at the tomb of Lazarus when God can see his mind?

Voice out what you want to see


Re: 20 Points From 1 Corinthians 14 About Speaking In Tongues In The Church by Openbusiness: 9:00am On Mar 08, 2020
Re: 20 Points From 1 Corinthians 14 About Speaking In Tongues In The Church by Offpoint: 9:00am On Mar 08, 2020
I remember that year I went to a Program and the invited guest speaker after preaching gave prayer points titled "Operation you must speak in tongues"

Those who can speak were asked to step backwards and those who can't forward.
That's when the whole church started prayers that lasted almost 3 hours, preacher said everyone must speaks in tongue.

After 2hrs everyone has spoken in tongues, whom I knew some fake it o...
I was the only one left o, that was how the entired church gathered around and starts bombarding me with prayers o.

30 minutes, no signs... preacher touch me, anoint me, push me, blow me breeze... no signs.
For my mind: God which can wahala be this? pity me now, even na just 5 seconds make I speak am... abi na so demons plenty for my body reach wey entire church gather for my head for over an hour and nothing show?
God abeg pity My life.

After over an hour the preacher man was like: The devil is liar, he must release you, I can see the spirit of tongues in you.
Me in my mind "You're right sir, I speak 7 languages"

After another 20 Minutes, preacher was like: See me after service.

Another questioning and prayers sessions after service o.

Tongues are mostly what Nigerians use to cover up when they ran out prayer points.

I've always question the logic of speaking a language nobody understands in church, a language not even you the speaker understands.... then what are you telling God when even you yourself don't understand?

I think the tongue of the Pentecostal Day was the only thing I found reasonable, what Nigerians are speaking is not tongues

I stopped taking them serious when I realized those who speaks in tongues, all of them individually all have one pattern they speak... you can't be telling God sake things since time immemorial.

Prayer for healing: oshe prapra robototo Mali kakobuyaya Toire

Prayer for protection: oshe prapra robototo Mali lukakukakabuyaya Toire

Prayer for Devine blessings: oshe prapra robototo Mali lukakukakabuyaya Toire

All prayer points:
oshe prapra robototo Mali lukakukakabuyaya Toire


Funny part some said they speak in tongues to confuse the devilgrin
Devil who was once an heavenly citizen told them he doesn't understand heavenly tonguesgrin

77 Likes 8 Shares

Re: 20 Points From 1 Corinthians 14 About Speaking In Tongues In The Church by merbenko: 9:00am On Mar 08, 2020
Love this
Re: 20 Points From 1 Corinthians 14 About Speaking In Tongues In The Church by Professorcplus(m): 9:01am On Mar 08, 2020
What is the difference between the incantations of babalawo and speaking in tongues of Christian all in the name of talking to gods. Same ni. The difference is just packaging.

There is this particular church I won't mention name but if by chance you came across them, they don't pray in men's language. The prayers must be in tongues. No prayer point o. 2hours speaking in tongue stretch. I was invited to their meeting some years back and after the sermon I was asked if I could speak in the Spirit. I replied once in a while. The guys was furious saying its meant to be always. So he said by the time he's done with me I would speak.

Okay, let watch and see. He held my hands firmly and he began. I just kept quite and he continue with some gibberish. At a point I start giving the sound some funny meaning like Bobo sote Mafo wobe comin. Before I knew it, my breath increases, my lip wanted to patted ways; a sound is about to be realised. He told me it is now speak it. I couldn't hold myself again. Finally, I released the sound full of laughter grin. I laugh sote eye dey push me.

27 Likes 1 Share

Re: 20 Points From 1 Corinthians 14 About Speaking In Tongues In The Church by Beedude(m): 9:02am On Mar 08, 2020
Hmmm.. Space booked. Will comment after service
Re: 20 Points From 1 Corinthians 14 About Speaking In Tongues In The Church by NigeriaBam: 9:02am On Mar 08, 2020
Interesting. Alright
Re: 20 Points From 1 Corinthians 14 About Speaking In Tongues In The Church by mytime24(f): 9:04am On Mar 08, 2020
Re: 20 Points From 1 Corinthians 14 About Speaking In Tongues In The Church by kiyosaki1(m): 9:04am On Mar 08, 2020
Believe this or not.. But if he speaks in tongues, he is a fake pastor.... Also if you speak in tongues, you are only deceiving yourself..

That's just the painful fact.

Lost soul sighted


Re: 20 Points From 1 Corinthians 14 About Speaking In Tongues In The Church by Kazeem2222(m): 9:04am On Mar 08, 2020
For people wey no go church na.. Lol
Re: 20 Points From 1 Corinthians 14 About Speaking In Tongues In The Church by InfoSources: 9:05am On Mar 08, 2020
Re: 20 Points From 1 Corinthians 14 About Speaking In Tongues In The Church by iammo(m): 9:05am On Mar 08, 2020

Black men don't read and that's the problem.. without any doubt I can say 80% of Nigerian Christian haven't completely read the whole 1200 pages of the bible and reflected on what they read, they simply read few verses and get explanation whichever pastor gives them.. Nigerian Christianity is about what thy pastor said and not what thy bible said


30 Likes 1 Share

Re: 20 Points From 1 Corinthians 14 About Speaking In Tongues In The Church by Gabson006: 9:05am On Mar 08, 2020
Re: 20 Points From 1 Corinthians 14 About Speaking In Tongues In The Church by DropsMic(m): 9:05am On Mar 08, 2020

Lost soul sighted

Ignorant soul

17 Likes 1 Share

Re: 20 Points From 1 Corinthians 14 About Speaking In Tongues In The Church by lade007(m): 9:06am On Mar 08, 2020
I strongly disagree with your point no 14. Speaking in tongues as an evidence of the baptism of the Holy Spirit is not same as speaking in tongues as a gifting of the Holy Spirit. Speaking in tongues is a mystery and when you don't have the full understanding just let it be and not water it down. Have a beautiful day in His presence

18 Likes 4 Shares

Re: 20 Points From 1 Corinthians 14 About Speaking In Tongues In The Church by Nobody: 9:06am On Mar 08, 2020
Ever wondered where my name came from? My own be say when you speak Interpret.else na jargons and I'll just walk out

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Re: 20 Points From 1 Corinthians 14 About Speaking In Tongues In The Church by Bruno3000(m): 9:07am On Mar 08, 2020
And some fools will be forming holier than thou by faking speaking in tongues... Saying they are confusing the devil. grin


Re: 20 Points From 1 Corinthians 14 About Speaking In Tongues In The Church by luvinhubby(m): 9:07am On Mar 08, 2020
Believe this or not.. But if he speaks in tongues, he is a fake pastor.... Also if you speak in tongues, you are only deceiving yourself..

That's just the painful fact.

That is not true. I speak in tongues and am not a fake minister.


Re: 20 Points From 1 Corinthians 14 About Speaking In Tongues In The Church by luvinhubby(m): 9:08am On Mar 08, 2020
Summary :

Speak in tongues more in your private devotion and speak or prophecy in understanding publicly in the church.

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Re: 20 Points From 1 Corinthians 14 About Speaking In Tongues In The Church by DropsMic(m): 9:09am On Mar 08, 2020

That is not true. I speak in tongues and am not a fake minister.

Has anyone ever interpreted your 'tongues'?
If your answer is no then you are a fake minister

10. Undoubtedly there are all sorts of languages in the world, yet none of them is without meaning.

11. If then I do not grasp the meaning of what someone is saying, I am a foreigner to the speaker, and he is a foreigner to me.

12. So it is with you. Since you are eager to have spiritual gifts, try to excel in gifts that build up the church.

13. For this reason anyone who speaks in a tongue should pray that he may interpret what he says.

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Re: 20 Points From 1 Corinthians 14 About Speaking In Tongues In The Church by DavidEsq(m): 9:09am On Mar 08, 2020
Believe this or not.. But if he speaks in tongues, he is a fake pastor.... Also if you speak in tongues, you are only deceiving yourself..

That's just the painful fact..
If you believe otherwise then you are lost..


Re: 20 Points From 1 Corinthians 14 About Speaking In Tongues In The Church by luvinhubby(m): 9:09am On Mar 08, 2020

Has anyone ever interpreted your tongues?
Re: 20 Points From 1 Corinthians 14 About Speaking In Tongues In The Church by Nobody: 9:11am On Mar 08, 2020
Believe this or not.. But if he speaks in tongues, he is a fake pastor.... Also if you speak in tongues, you are only deceiving yourself..

That's just the painful fact..
If you believe otherwise then you are lost..

1 Like 1 Share

Re: 20 Points From 1 Corinthians 14 About Speaking In Tongues In The Church by blackjack21(m): 9:11am On Mar 08, 2020
Believe this or not.. But if he speaks in tongues, he is a fake pastor.... Also if you speak in tongues, you are only deceiving yourself..

That's just the painful fact..
If you believe otherwise then you are lost..
Wise man

Why speak at all when God can see what's in your mind.


Re: 20 Points From 1 Corinthians 14 About Speaking In Tongues In The Church by tolugar: 9:11am On Mar 08, 2020
Now I know more
Re: 20 Points From 1 Corinthians 14 About Speaking In Tongues In The Church by DavidEsq(m): 9:11am On Mar 08, 2020
I strongly disagree with your point no 14. Speaking in tongues as an evidence of the baptism of the Holy Spirit is not same as speaking in tongues as a gifting of the Holy Spirit. Speaking in tongues is a mystery and when you don't have the full understanding just let it be and not water it down. Have a beautiful day in His presence
Where the disciples speaking in tongues when they got the baptism of the holy spirit on the Pentecost day?


Re: 20 Points From 1 Corinthians 14 About Speaking In Tongues In The Church by Nobody: 9:11am On Mar 08, 2020
Believe this or not.. But if he speaks in tongues, he is a fake pastor.... Also if you speak in tongues, you are only deceiving yourself..

That's just the painful fact..
If you believe otherwise then you are lost..
My man


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