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Please Monitor Your Construction Project - Properties - Nairaland

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Please Monitor Your Construction Project by drewe20(m): 7:12am On Apr 03, 2020
If you are willing to work hard to make money to build your own house, you should equally be willing to monitor every stage of its construction. In the past year, I have seen 5 different cases of people who wasted money on their building project because of poor construction work.
The first case is a compound of 2 buildings constructed in an estate in Sangotedo. The house is located at a T junction and water flows from the three intersecting streets into this building because the level of that area is the lowest and the compound itself is at a lower level compared to the road. The compound is always heavily flooded when it rains and a lot of water enters the ground floor. It is difficult to tell if it was the owner that refused to provide money to raise the foundation well or it was just a case of professional negligence on the part of the engineer/builder.
The second case is the building of one of our clients in Ajah. It started sinking before construction was completed. In fact, he had just bought the roof when his attention was drawn to it. He had to sell the roof and he was able to get someone to pay him some money for the building and land.
In the third case, the building was constructed on a drainage channel. An earth canal. I am sure the owner of the building did not get a building permit for it. It is an eyesore. In Lagos state, the minimum setback to a canal is at least 10m.
The fourth and fifth cases are fences that were poorly constructed and collapsed. The annoying thing about these two is that the fences were constructed by the same person who constructed a few other ones that had collapsed in the same area. The builder has a close relationship with the family that owns and sells land in the area and they always recommend him to people who buy land from them.

Use competent professionals for your construction projects and try your best to monitor every stage of the construction process.
Have you had any bad construction experience? Please share. Let people learn from you.


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Re: Please Monitor Your Construction Project by namzo44771: 10:30am On Apr 04, 2020

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