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If You've Never Made A Dime Online Or Which To Scale, Read This by OgunniyiFolusho(m): 1:03pm On Nov 20, 2020 |
What is it like to call yourself a internet marketer, or an entrepreneur, and there's nothing to show for? Please take no offense, it's really not helping for one to have series of skills and not been able to make money from it, compare to those who don't have a skill at all. If you've never made a dime online or wish yo scale it, this opportunity is for you. Listen, there is always a system that works, so all you have to do is figure out the working system and implement it in your business or skill, and if you have no skill, there is a lot you can do. So early this year, I figured out a system that works really well, and it has made me 100s monthly as a side hustle. Listen, you don't have to be a sophisticated internet marketer, blogger, affiliate marketer or all those big name jobs to make money. A friend of mine does this with Canva on his phone, I believe you're familiar with canva, he does minim of 100k on a monthly bases without sweat. He using strictly this system I have also used. This is not about offering graphic design services, getting hired by firm or getting job on freelancing platforms. It's strictly a business model you have always overlooked. Have you ever wondered why most handtraders get apprentices? Not just to support them and make jobs faster, but because they make money from them. If as a fashion designer, I have 10 apprentice who pays me 40k to learn, that's an easy 400k. Which fashion design job will beg you 400k in 6 months? So many business model that we are putting aside looking for the big name money industry, I've said earlier, you dnt have to wait until you become that pro blogger, marketer, or programmer, you can launch this money making system to fund your business and get better. I have this female friend, she decided to go into importation, she's got all the connections she needs but no capital. I had to expose her to the system of bagging money, now she's making it big, sincerely even more than myself. Why is this system better and very creative? 1. You don't need to have a prior skill, and if you do, it's a bonus 2. You don't need any capital to start. 3. You will get a master traffic method. (This works very easy as those traffic generated are purely yur potential buyer Anytime I'm broke, this is exactly what I do. Last time I did, I downloaded a $500 course on udemy for free (a secret method to do that) I then recreated my version then use my PLRbooks to get traffic then sell to them for just N5000 this method alone helped me bag over 100k in a week. You can do the same, and that's why I'm staring this with you. If you're young and broke, this country won't help you at all, you just have to help yourself, and that's why you need to take this seriously. If you've never made a dime or you wish to make more, then this system is for you. It doesn't stop your real businesses, it will just serve as a means of getting capital to launch your dream business, grow audience and sell to people anytime, anyday. This is what you will get from this offer. 1. How to download premium course on udemy for free 2. How to get traffic for free 3. How to leverage on influence 4. How to 10X Instagram account without stress, get more engagement and sales 5. How to set money goals and crush them. It is a 1 month Boot Camp, my self and my team has decided to do this and help everyone take advantage of this year before it runs out. We will take you side by side throughout the 30 days, until you start bagging your own money. All this will go for just N5,000, but for the first 20 people we've decided to keep it to N2,000 only. Now, this is not our charge, we ought to do this for free, but then there has to be a way to instill seriousness. If you're interested in making this year counts, then join us now. Message me on WhatsApp https:///2348142740029 This is a limited time offer as we want just 50 people. Would want you not to miss this, if yu have any question, use he above link to message me on WhatsApp. Thanks Best Regards Ogunniyi Folusho Ayodele |
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