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Site Review: Naija Lingo (pidgin English Dictionary) - Webmasters - Nairaland

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Site Review: Naija Lingo (pidgin English Dictionary) by adim(m): 7:50am On Jul 12, 2007
Hello, I would like everyone to take a look at http://naijalingo.com It is a Open Nigerian Pidgin English Dictioanry (Also Includes Slangs). I would like anyone and everyone ( if possible) to give me their thoughts on the site. Please I am looking for constructive feedback. Yes I already know that there are some sources where you can get Pidgin English but this is done very differently. I will appreciate any form of feedback as to how to make the site better and more user friendly to people. While your at feel free to add words to the dictionary so we can all together build a huge pidgin english dictionary.
Re: Site Review: Naija Lingo (pidgin English Dictionary) by my2cents(m): 10:17am On Jul 12, 2007
You probably want to handle pagination better - right now, it just says "1 2" for example. It wasn't obvious to me whether those were just random numbers or what I should click to get to the next page. Secondly, if I am on page one, why is "1" hyperlinked? Finally, it would be nice to have a feature like "there are 20 words. page 1 of 5. Words per page: 20", or words to this effect. In other words, I was afraid I would be scrolling ad infinitum for each alphabet.

Other than that, great effort. The site is very clean and very "Web 2.0"-y.

Re: Site Review: Naija Lingo (pidgin English Dictionary) by adim(m): 2:23pm On Jul 12, 2007
my2cents, Thank you very much for your feedback I really appreciate it, This is exactly the kind of thing I am looking for. I will take into account what you have pointed out and handle these issues accordingly as we continue to improve the site, people should still feel free to post any comments or suggestions.
Re: Site Review: Naija Lingo (pidgin English Dictionary) by niceuzor: 11:42am On Jul 13, 2007
adim man you re wonderful

keep the good work

i dont have suggestion because i have not reach

that level in webdesign to be frank.if possible

i would like to learn from you.


men the guy is good,that was a good suggestion from u.
Re: Site Review: Naija Lingo (pidgin English Dictionary) by adim(m): 2:44pm On Jul 13, 2007
Niceuzor thanks alot for your complements I really appreciate it.

Fell free to ask me any questions you have anytime, ill be happy to help
Re: Site Review: Naija Lingo (pidgin English Dictionary) by niceuzor: 3:42pm On Jul 13, 2007
Adim i have too many question to ask

and nairaland page can contain it

plz let make it private YIM me On "style2cool"


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