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My Female Friend Needs Advice by passionberry(f): 10:57am On Jul 11, 2021
Goodmorning ladies and gentlemen ,Hope you are doing well with jobs and businesses?
I have this female friend that has a male friend they have been friends for 14yrs now they met back then at calabar and they have been intimate twice before they lost contacts. They met again in Lagos 4yrs after they were so happy but she saw a wedding band on his finger she was like ooh you are married now. ? He says yes that he looked for her then to marry her cos she is not social media person.she was like is fine that is history now so they booked a date ,the day came they met talked ,he tried to get intimate with her again but she stop him telling him she s engage and loves her man ..she vow never to cheat on him no matter what,, before then he has told her he has his own hotel if she she can work as his HR to recruit staff for him and get her 50%commission on each candidates she accepted the offer . And told him strictly business. ..before she met her now present guy the Ex go to her place to check on her once in a while.

The lady is working but use that Hr job as her side hustle cos it helps to pay bills and stuff ..but her present guy now is not comfortable with it even after telling him everything about that Ex guy to him that nothing like intimate with her Ex except the business. The issue now is that her present guy want her end anything that has to do with the guy be it business or otherwise..and this side hustle helps her with this present Nigeria economy. Pls ladies and gentlemen what is your advice on this ,?
Please no insults
Oga Lalasticlala ,mynd44 please move to Front Page Asap. Thank you .
Re: My Female Friend Needs Advice by hopeforcharles(m): 12:13pm On Jul 11, 2021
If he is ready to settle down with her soonest. She should leave That job. If not you know the rest
Re: My Female Friend Needs Advice by donteddy(m): 4:47pm On Jul 11, 2021
No matter what don't ever have anything doing with your married Ex. It will end in premium tears. You have been living fine with the so call side hustle. No use your 5naira exchange for 5kobo
Re: My Female Friend Needs Advice by passionberry(f): 6:02pm On Jul 11, 2021
No matter what don't ever have anything doing with your married Ex. It will end in premium tears. You have been living fine with the so call side hustle. No use your 5naira exchange for 5kobo
Thank you donteddy but I don get you here did you say she has been living fine without the side hustle or she has been living fine with the so call side hustle ?

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