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Why Does Yah Care If We Worship Him Or Not..is It His Ego - Religion (2) - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / Why Does Yah Care If We Worship Him Or Not..is It His Ego (2275 Views)

Even If I See Evidence For Christian God, I Will Still Not worship Him / If God Is All Powerful Then Why Does He Need People To Worship Him? / How Do We Worship God In Spirit And Truth ? (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Why Does Yah Care If We Worship Him Or Not..is It His Ego by MaxInDHouse(m): 6:26am On Aug 09, 2021

I'm a woman. cheesy
Good morning Ma, thought provoking questions as the OP makes many people feel bad but it gives true Christians the opportunity to make a bold witness about our FAITH.

The word WORSHIP carries more than one meaning, we can say sacred service which involves acts that's difficult to comprehend ordinarily but in the case of Adam and Eve the form of WORSHIP required of them is simple obedience to life saying instructions.
This instructions will be given when due, for instance after God created Adam the first instruction Adam had to act on is naming all other creatures on earth {Genesis 2:19-20} that means it would take him more than a week to name all the visible living creatures in the garden! Next assignment is to take good care of his Paradisiac home with his wife beside him.
So it's like the instructions will continue to come as at when due but then the couple felt like doing things their own way without having to be instructed by anyone. Remember there are so many things they still need to learn from the owner of the garden and about their own nature which may lead to big trouble if they don't get things right. Adam and Eve chose to be on their own anyway that's why their Maker told both of them what will be the result of their disobedience and finally when things gets out of hand there must be an expiring date otherwise the earth will become a ruin in the hands of tenants ruining their own home out of stubbornness to do things their own way without safety caution from the owner and builder. You and i can see what the earth has become today as each person feels like doing things his or her own way!

So in a nutshell the WORSHIP God required from Adam and Eve from inception is nothing other than absolute obedience to life saving precautions which would have made life sweeter and more joyful than ever.

The other form of worship having to do with bowing down is the idea of Satan the devil. This is the person who initiated the rebellion in the garden, his intention is to make the first couple resign from being fellow workers with the owner, remember that if the couple had remained under the headship of the owner they will just continue to expand the boarders of their Paradisiac garden as the family continue to grow. All what Adam's descendants discovered today like telecommunication, electricity and other technological advancement will be to the credit of one man (Adam) to whom all of us will keep looking onto as the first and foremost tenant on the planet. Adam in turn would have given the glory to the real owner of the house (God) while teaching mankind all that's needed to make life better for all.
Satan just want to be the ruler anyway and since he's not the real owner he lacks the wisdom to make things work the way the real landlord (God) would have handled the situation. The first problem Satan created for himself and mankind is telling them that each person can decide whatever they want to do with their lives, his intention is just to make them rebel against God but Satan shot himself in the foot because with such idea it will become difficult for him too to RULE the earth successfully. That's why he introduced his own style by telling whoever wants to come under him to first bow down as a symbol of readiness to always obey his orders! Matthew 4:8-9

That was how the WORSHIP which initially was to be acts of obedience only now became different forms of actions that will irritate you when you try to decipher what exactly the worshiper is doing and to whom is he doing all these stupid acts!

Today true worshipers don't do any act that's familiar to the various forms of worship Satan initiated so all those worshiping Satan today are pointing accusing fingers at pure worship, WHY? Because they can't comprehend what it means so they're always complaining about how those practicing pure worship does things as if the true worshipers are the cause of the problems we have on planet earth. But if you carefully consider pure worship you will agree that it's TRULY the best WAY to LIFE! John 14:6

May you have PEACE! smiley

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Re: Why Does Yah Care If We Worship Him Or Not..is It His Ego by Kobojunkie: 12:58pm On Aug 09, 2021
Thankfulness is just good manners, being that every good thing you are enjoying came from him. Hell is literally just a place without God... hence why it is the worst place in existence. In one of many near death experiences, someone said God described hell as "a place very real, but best not dwelled on".

Earth is a social experiment to determine if the random people generated by God's creation algorithm have what it takes to live peacefully in heaven.

This experiment began after the war in heaven. There is a lot of space vacant in heaven after 1/3 of it was expelled. God wants to populate it with free beings who naturally are attuned to harmonic and kingdom living...not those that have the propensity to become the rascals that instigated that war.
Where is this war in Heaven you speak of mentioned? undecided
Re: Why Does Yah Care If We Worship Him Or Not..is It His Ego by Dtruthspeaker: 5:36pm On Aug 09, 2021

I see you lack reading comprehension skills because I clearly stated that I would be thankful and grateful for what is given to me and through my appreciation I would PAY IT FORWARD which means blessing someone else the way I have been blessed.

It is because you are evil seeking to call The Lord, evil which comes from the fact that you have wanted but not received, you have desired but not obtained and you suffer serious lack

That is the only reason you raised this evil thread and it is only those who hunger and suffer lack, who raise up threads such as these, which is why you thought it intelligent to say " I would be thankful and grateful for what is given to me and through my appreciation I would PAY IT FORWARD".

To Whom/ whom are you paying what forward? (I don't care about your answer)

The question posed is "Does God care about our worshipping Him?"

Answer: No. "The rocks will praise Him if we would not" Luke 19:40.

Then why do we worship Him?

Psalm 117, 118: Because He is Good and His merciful kindness is Great Towards Us, Forever.
Re: Why Does Yah Care If We Worship Him Or Not..is It His Ego by Dtruthspeaker: 5:42pm On Aug 09, 2021
Why would Yah need our praise and worship when he is all knowing and righteousness, why do he need our praising him to convince of how great he is?

Psalm 116
What shall I render unto the Lord FOR ALL HIS BENEFITS TOWARD ME?

13[b] I will take the cup of salvation, and call upon the name of the Lord.

14 I will pay my vows unto the Lord now in the presence of all his people.[/b]

17 I will offer to thee the sacrifice of thanksgiving, and will call upon the name of the Lord.

18 I will pay my vows unto the Lord now in the presence of all his people.

19 In the courts of the Lord's house, in the midst of thee, O Jerusalem. Praise ye the Lord

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Re: Why Does Yah Care If We Worship Him Or Not..is It His Ego by budaatum: 6:43pm On Aug 09, 2021

I see you lack reading comprehension skills because I clearly stated that I would be thankful and grateful for what is given to me and through my appreciation I would PAY IT FORWARD which means blessing someone else the way I have been blessed.

Effectively, you will worship God by "PAY IT FORWARD" and "blessing someone else the way I have been blessed", which is precisely what the Samaritan did, and of whom Christ said, "Go and do likewise".

One might be inclined to argue that you will therefore never be shaken and you most definitely will dwell in the Tabernacle of the Lord, since you do that which the Lord requires that you do.

Hopefully you now see the need for defining worship.

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Re: Why Does Yah Care If We Worship Him Or Not..is It His Ego by khia: 12:48am On Aug 10, 2021

It is because you are evil seeking to call The Lord, evil which comes from the fact that you have wanted but not received, you have desired but not obtained and you suffer serious lack

That is the only reason you raised this evil thread and it is only those who hunger and suffer lack, who raise up threads such as these, which is why you thought it intelligent to say " I would be thankful and grateful for what is given to me and through my appreciation I would PAY IT FORWARD".

To Whom/ whom are you paying what forward? (I don't care about your answer)

The question posed is "Does God care about our worshipping Him?"

Answer: No. "The rocks will praise Him if we would not" Luke 19:40.

Then why do we worship Him?

Psalm 117, 118: Because He is Good and His merciful kindness is Great Towards Us, Forever.

Where did I call Yah evil?
You don't understand the art of an intelligent debate. I said at the beginning that these aren't my opinions but I found the article and thought it would make an interesting discussion.

It's people like yourself who pretend to be holier than the lord Yah himself who are the most hypocritical sinners.

You can't even have a mature conversation about the scriptures without throwing insults and judgement. Who are you to judge anyone? You had better get your own house in order and leave others to theirs.
Re: Why Does Yah Care If We Worship Him Or Not..is It His Ego by 2buffagain(m): 1:28am On Aug 10, 2021
Where is this war in Heaven you speak of mentioned? undecided

Re: Why Does Yah Care If We Worship Him Or Not..is It His Ego by Kobojunkie: 1:32am On Aug 10, 2021

When did this war take place in Heaven? undecided
I ask because last I checked, the book of Revelation is a record of a dream/vision had by John. So? undecided
Re: Why Does Yah Care If We Worship Him Or Not..is It His Ego by BassReeves: 1:42am On Aug 10, 2021
Let's debate. cheesy Tell me your thoughts.

Yah is not elevated if we worship him neither is he lessened if we don't, so why do you think it is necessary to do so? Food for thought. smiley

Yah created us with free will, so should he be displeased if we choose not to worship him or is it truly about EGO

I will ask the question so a child can understand it, if you still can't understand just move on.

Little one, can you tell me where in the scriptures God instructed Adam to WORSHIP him, dear?

Nevermind my definition of the word worship just show me the scripture where God instructed Adam to do so or admit there's no such scripture. Lose your false pride. undecided

Why would Yah need our praise and worship when he is all knowing and righteousness, why do he need our praising him to convince of how great he is?
Luke 4:8
'And Jesus answering him said,
“[[Get behind Me, Satan, for]] it has been written:
You will worship the LORD your God, and Him only you will serve.”

Revelation 4:11
'Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power:
for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.

Revelation 14:7
'and he said with a loud voice,
Fear God [with awe and reverence], and give Him glory [and honor and praise in worship],
because the hour of His judgment has come;
[with all your heart] worship Him who created the heaven and the earth, the sea and the springs of water.

Child of grace, the reason why its not in the scripture, God instructed Adam to WORSHIP Him, is because there are no ifs or buts about this, meaning it's a sure thing that Adam, being created to be a true worshiper, would be inclined to and/or be disposed to worship God in spirit and in truth and not worship God, in flesh, with personal interpretation of law, quarter truths nor lies.

God, expresses how deep and much He cares and love, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Praise Yah Halleluyah

God isnt narcissistic. Does not need our praise and worship when He is all knowing and righteousness to convince of how great He is, does not need our praising Him to convince of how great He is. Merely looking all around and about, its very easy to see that God has an excellent track record that speaks of how great He is.

Even, the title name, El Shaddai, (i.e. Gen 17:1, Gen 28:3, Gen 35:11, Gen 43:14, Gen 48:3) traditionally translated into English as God Almighty, is about how strong and great God is

Jesus once said, 'I tell you, if these [people] keep silent, the stones will cry out [in praise]!' so making a point with it, that, God doesnt really need people, rather its, we instead, who need God

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Re: Why Does Yah Care If We Worship Him Or Not..is It His Ego by Dtruthspeaker: 7:25am On Aug 10, 2021

Where did I call Yah evil?

When you say "... is it His ego", do you not imply that you call Him proud and arrogant?
Re: Why Does Yah Care If We Worship Him Or Not..is It His Ego by khia: 7:51am On Aug 10, 2021

When you say "... is it His ego", do you not imply that you call Him proud and arrogant?

Dude, don't you understand English, I told you in a prior post that I did not write this topic, it was an article I saw online and thought it would be an interesting discussion/debate. undecided
Re: Why Does Yah Care If We Worship Him Or Not..is It His Ego by Dtruthspeaker: 7:56am On Aug 10, 2021

Dude, don't you understand English, I stated in the beginning of this thread that I did not write this topic, it was an article I saw online and thought it would be an interesting discussion/debate. undecided

No you did not. These are your first 3 posts at the beginning and their various times.

"Why Does Yah Care If We Worship Him Or Not..is It His Ego by khia: 7:41pm On Aug 08
Let's debate. cheesy Tell me your thoughts.
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Re: Why Does Yah Care If We Worship Him Or Not..is It His Ego by khia: 7:55pm On Aug 08
Yah is not elevated if we worship him neither is he lessened if we don't, so why do you think it is necessary to do so? Food for thought. smiley
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Re: Why Does Yah Care If We Worship Him Or Not..is It His Ego by khia: 8:00pm On Aug 08
Yah created us with free will, so should he be displeased if we choose not to worship him or is it truly about EGO
(Quote) (Report) (Like) (Share)"

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Re: Why Does Yah Care If We Worship Him Or Not..is It His Ego by BassReeves: 8:27am On Aug 10, 2021
When you say "... is it His ego", do you not imply that you call Him proud and arrogant?

Dude, don't you understand English, I told you in a prior post that I did not write this topic, it was an article I saw online and thought it would be an interesting discussion/debate. undecided

No you did not. These are your first 3 posts at the beginning and their various times.

"Why Does Yah Care If We Worship Him Or Not..is It His Ego by khia: 7:41pm On Aug 08
Let's debate. cheesy Tell me your thoughts.
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Re: Why Does Yah Care If We Worship Him Or Not..is It His Ego by khia: 7:55pm On Aug 08
Yah is not elevated if we worship him neither is he lessened if we don't, so why do you think it is necessary to do so? Food for thought. smiley
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Re: Why Does Yah Care If We Worship Him Or Not..is It His Ego by khia: 8:00pm On Aug 08
Yah created us with free will, so should he be displeased if we choose not to worship him or is it truly about EGO
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Why does God care if we worship Him or not? Is it His ego?
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Re: Why Does Yah Care If We Worship Him Or Not..is It His Ego by Dtruthspeaker: 8:44am On Aug 10, 2021

Why does God care if we worship Him or not? Is it His ego?
THIS IS A DEBATE PAGE, NOT AN ARTICLE. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of Conservapedia.
Your opinion is welcome!
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Then it is the Debate Author who did the evil and trespassed for the rules of debate guarantee that insults must be avoided.

But his topic of debate commenced with a clear insult, (and even the topic itself was presumptive, which also violates the rules of debate also) which the khia inherited by duplicating it here.

So my apologies khia, I am certain you meant well only you were not mind full of the kick back that may result out of it.
Re: Why Does Yah Care If We Worship Him Or Not..is It His Ego by khia: 10:54am On Aug 10, 2021

Why does God care if we worship Him or not? Is it His ego?
THIS IS A DEBATE PAGE, NOT AN ARTICLE. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of Conservapedia.
Your opinion is welcome!
Please remember to sign your comments on this page, and refrain from editing other user's contributions.

I love your name, do you know who Bass Reeves is and how did you learn of him? He was a brave Black American Brotha who didn't take any mess. smiley
Re: Why Does Yah Care If We Worship Him Or Not..is It His Ego by khia: 11:44am On Aug 10, 2021

Effectively, you will worship God by "PAY IT FORWARD" and "blessing someone else the way I have been blessed", which is precisely what the Samaritan did, and of whom Christ said, "Go and do likewise".

One might be inclined to argue that you will therefore never be shaken and you most definitely will dwell in the Tabernacle of the Lord, since you do that which the Lord requires that you do.

Hopefully you now see the need for defining worship.

So you think if I do a good deed for another I am worshipping Yah?
Re: Why Does Yah Care If We Worship Him Or Not..is It His Ego by budaatum: 11:55am On Aug 10, 2021
So you think if I do a good deed for another I am worshipping Yah?

Yes if by Yah you mean God or the general good of humankind.

See me way so below and in the Parable of the Orangutan.


Please note that my position is that even God should not be worshipped unless by "worship God" you mean do my will, [url=https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Mark+12%3A30-31&version=NIV]love[/url] your neighbours, [url=https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+22%3A37-40&version=NKJV]do[/url] unto others as you will have them do unto you, [url=https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+6%3A12-15&version=NIV]forgive[/url] trespasses so your trespasses are forgiven, [url=https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+25%3A35-40&version=NIV]feed[/url] the poor and “[url=https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis+1%3A28&version=NIV]be[/url] fruitful and increase in number and fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the face of the earth.” "For in as much as ye have [url=https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+25%3A40&version=KJV]done[/url] to the least of these" ye shall dwell in the Tabernacle of the Lord and the the Holy Spirit will fill us more.

Do not expect those who are priests and Levites to agree however, because they prefer you go to the temple and worship God there for reasons best known.

Re: Why Does Yah Care If We Worship Him Or Not..is It His Ego by khia: 12:07pm On Aug 10, 2021

Yes if by Yah you mean God or the general good of humankind.

See me way so below and in the Parable of the Orangutan.

Do not expect those who are priests and Levites to agree however, because they prefer you go to the temple and worship God there for reasons best known.

What did Yah ( not Jesus) say in the scriptures about us worshipping him?
Re: Why Does Yah Care If We Worship Him Or Not..is It His Ego by khia: 12:11pm On Aug 10, 2021

Yes if by Yah you mean God or the general good of humankind.

See me way so below and in the Parable of the Orangutan.

Do not expect those who are priests and Levites to agree however, because they prefer you go to the temple and worship God there for reasons best known.

There were no photographers in those days.
Re: Why Does Yah Care If We Worship Him Or Not..is It His Ego by budaatum: 12:21pm On Aug 10, 2021

What did Yah ( not Jesus) say in the scriptures about us worshipping him?

You mean, what is written in Scripture about worshipping Yahweh, since Yahweh never wrote Scripture?

Sorry, but I don't do literal, nor do I have Scripture that "says".

A more appropriate question to ask me is, "what do I understand from my reading of Scripture about how to worship the God of Scripture.

And my answer again, and with scripture, is:

Do my will, [url=https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Mark+12%3A30-31&version=NIV]love[/url] your neighbours, [url=https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+22%3A37-40&version=NKJV]do[/url] unto others as you will have them do unto you, [url=https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+6%3A12-15&version=NIV]forgive[/url] trespasses so your trespasses are forgiven, [url=https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+25%3A35-40&version=NIV]feed[/url] the poor and “[url=https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis+1%3A28&version=NIV]be[/url] fruitful and increase in number and fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the face of the earth.” "For in as much as ye have [url=https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+25%3A40&version=KJV]done[/url] to the least of these" ye shall dwell in the Tabernacle of the Lord and the Holy Spirit will fill us more.
Re: Why Does Yah Care If We Worship Him Or Not..is It His Ego by budaatum: 12:22pm On Aug 10, 2021

There were no photographers in those days.

You don't say! I'm sure you are capable of discerning that the photographer is not the point.
Re: Why Does Yah Care If We Worship Him Or Not..is It His Ego by khia: 2:35pm On Aug 10, 2021

You mean, what is written in Scripture about worshipping Yahweh, since Yahweh never wrote Scripture?

Sorry, but I don't do literal, nor do I have Scripture that "says".

A more appropriate question to ask me is, "what do I understand from my reading of Scripture about how to worship the God of Scripture.

And my answer again, and with scripture, is:

But that has nothing to do with the topic.
Re: Why Does Yah Care If We Worship Him Or Not..is It His Ego by khia: 2:37pm On Aug 10, 2021

You don't say! I'm sure you are capable of discerning that the photographer is not the point.

The fact that the word photographer was supposedly used by Jesus in a parable is what gets me laughing. grin
Re: Why Does Yah Care If We Worship Him Or Not..is It His Ego by khia: 2:43pm On Aug 10, 2021

You mean, what is written in Scripture about worshipping Yahweh, since Yahweh never wrote Scripture?

Sorry, but I don't do literal, nor do I have Scripture that "says".

A more appropriate question to ask me is, "what do I understand from my reading of Scripture about how to worship the God of Scripture.

And my answer again, and with scripture, is:

Jesus never wrote scriptures either yet you keep telling me what he said. Why do you think everybody wrote scriptures except Jesus the "Son of God" himself? Nevermind, that's off topic.
Re: Why Does Yah Care If We Worship Him Or Not..is It His Ego by budaatum: 3:22pm On Aug 10, 2021
Why do you think everybody wrote scriptures except Jesus the "Son of God" himself? Nevermind, that's off topic.
Why do you assume to know what I think without asking me? Did Moses write Scripture? Did Adam and Eve write Scripture? Did David write Scripture? Did God write Scripture?

Jesus never wrote scriptures either yet you keep telling me what he said.
I think I am far too careful to justifiably be guilty of that which you accuse me above.

You would find, if you go through buda's post, that buda is more likely where necessary, to write that "Jesus is written to have said", since he obviously was not recording what he himself was saying, but if I have left that fact out, kindly accept my apologies and take note.
Re: Why Does Yah Care If We Worship Him Or Not..is It His Ego by budaatum: 3:25pm On Aug 10, 2021

But that has nothing to do with the topic.

No khia, this is untrue. What is true is that you do not understand what "that" has to do with the topic. And that's okay because we all are not equally endowed with eyes to see or the comforting of the Holy Spirit.
Re: Why Does Yah Care If We Worship Him Or Not..is It His Ego by BassReeves: 4:56pm On Aug 10, 2021
I love your name,
I love your name too

do you know who Bass Reeves is
Of course I do, hence a the little background about him on my profile page

and how did you learn of him?
From education and enlightening experience

He was a brave Black American Brotha who didn't take any mess. smiley
Now you have an idea of the reason for name adoption

Since I've answered all your questions, why not reciprocate

1. Child of grace, what do you think about the reason why its not in the scripture, God instructed Adam to WORSHIP Him, is because there are no ifs or buts about this, meaning it's a sure thing that Adam, being created to be a true worshiper, would be inclined to and/or be disposed to worship God in spirit and in truth and not worship God, in flesh, with personal interpretation of law, quarter truths nor lies?

2. What's your opinion about God, expresses how deep and much He cares and love, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Praise Yah Halleluyah?

3. God isnt narcissistic. Does not need our praise and worship when He is all knowing and righteousness to convince of how great He is, does not need our praising Him to convince of how great He is. Merely looking all around and about, its very easy to see that God has an excellent track record that speaks of how great He is.

Even, the title name, El Shaddai, (i.e. Gen 17:1, Gen 28:3, Gen 35:11, Gen 43:14, Gen 48:3) traditionally translated into English as God Almighty, is about how strong and great God is

Jesus once said, 'I tell you, if these [people] keep silent, the stones will cry out [in praise]!' so making a point with it, that, God doesnt really need people, rather its, we instead, who need God. What's your take on all that in #3 above?

1 Like

Re: Why Does Yah Care If We Worship Him Or Not..is It His Ego by khia: 12:15am On Aug 11, 2021
I love your name too

Of course I do, hence a the little background about him on my profile page

From education and enlightening experience

Now you have an idea of the reason for name adoption

Since I've answered all your questions, why not reciprocate

1. Child of grace, what do you think about the reason why its not in the scripture, God instructed Adam to WORSHIP Him, is because there are no ifs or buts about this, meaning it's a sure thing that Adam, being created to be a true worshiper, would be inclined to and/or be disposed to worship God in spirit and in truth and not worship God, in flesh, with personal interpretation of law, quarter truths nor lies?

2. What's your opinion about God, expresses how deep and much He cares and love, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Praise Yah Halleluyah?

3. God isnt narcissistic. Does not need our praise and worship when He is all knowing and righteousness to convince of how great He is, does not need our praising Him to convince of how great He is. Merely looking all around and about, its very easy to see that God has an excellent track record that speaks of how great He is.

Even, the title name, El Shaddai, (i.e. Gen 17:1, Gen 28:3, Gen 35:11, Gen 43:14, Gen 48:3) traditionally translated into English as God Almighty, is about how strong and great God is

Jesus once said, 'I tell you, if these [people] keep silent, the stones will cry out [in praise]!' so making a point with it, that, God doesnt really need people, rather its, we instead, who need God. What's your take on all that in #3 above?

Are you Nigerian? I didn't check your profile so I didn't know you had written about Bass Reeves. I learned of him in my Black history class in high school years ago. smiley

1. The following answers are based on analogies because some would take them literally.

Just as a parent who loves his child and wants the best for that child Yah saw Adam the same way. He gave Adam rules to follow that would keep him safe. I don't believe Yah instructed Adam to worship him in the sense of Bowing down in praise. He loved Adam wholeheartedly and only wanted the same in return, just like Yah wants us to do to each other today.

2. I have a problem comprehending why a "Father" would sacrifice his "Son" to save the world when he has the power to save it with a swipe of his hand, he is also the one in control of whomever has eternal life.

3. I agree.
Re: Why Does Yah Care If We Worship Him Or Not..is It His Ego by khia: 12:37am On Aug 11, 2021

No khia, this is untrue. What is true is that you do not understand what "that" has to do with the topic. And that's okay because we all are not equally endowed with eyes to see or the comforting of the Holy Spirit.

This is only a debate so don't think you are more spirituality endowed than anyone else. Some people are blindly religious like yourself, who wouldn't dare question the writings of men in a book called the bible, a book compiled of many writings by many men which was meant to teach us how to live while we are on Earth and not to be worshipped.
Re: Why Does Yah Care If We Worship Him Or Not..is It His Ego by khia: 1:09am On Aug 11, 2021
Thankfulness is just good manners, being that every good thing you are enjoying came from him. Hell is literally just a place without God... hence why it is the worst place in existence. In one of many near death experiences, someone said God described hell as "a place very real, but best not dwelled on".

Earth is a social experiment to determine if the random people generated by God's creation algorithm have what it takes to live peacefully in heaven.

This experiment began after the war in heaven. There is a lot of space vacant in heaven after 1/3 of it was expelled. God wants to populate it with free beings who naturally are attuned to harmonic and kingdom living...not those that have the propensity to become the rascals that instigated that war.

Lmao grin Buffy, how does this relate to the topic? grin grin grin Thanks for your thoughts tho. smiley
Re: Why Does Yah Care If We Worship Him Or Not..is It His Ego by budaatum: 1:54am On Aug 11, 2021
This is only a debate so don't think you are more spirituality endowed than anyone else.
Actually, it's a discussion, and my claim is that I am not equally as endowed as you, as opposed to "more".

Some people are blindly religious like yourself, who wouldn't dare question the writings of men in a book called the bible, a book compiled of many writings by many men which was meant to teach us how to live while we are on Earth and not to be worshipped.
You are indeed a very funny individual to claim I buda, would not question a book written by human beings, when just by opening your own eyes you would find buda questions everything.

Not all are like the ignorant believing enslaved afraid to die Adam. Some of us would rather question like use her senses Eve to find out if we would surely die, and if you had been paying attention, you'd understand that "worship a book", which is what Jesus is written to have accused the Priest and the Levite of doing, is precisely the opposite of what I have been saying all along by pointing out how you should worship as the pagan non-believing Samaritan did, and how you have yourself said you already wisely do.

Re: Why Does Yah Care If We Worship Him Or Not..is It His Ego by budaatum: 1:59am On Aug 11, 2021

Just as a parent who loves his child and wants the best for that child Yah saw Adam the same way. He gave Adam rules to follow that would keep him safe.
Seriously? So, you, as a parent, would keep your child safe by telling your child a lie that it would die if it acquires knowledge?

I guess all I can hope for is that your child questions you so you don't turn your child into an almajeri!

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