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Why Does Yah Care If We Worship Him Or Not..is It His Ego - Religion (3) - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / Why Does Yah Care If We Worship Him Or Not..is It His Ego (2274 Views)

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Re: Why Does Yah Care If We Worship Him Or Not..is It His Ego by khia: 5:41am On Aug 11, 2021

Seriously? So, you, as a parent, would keep your child safe by telling your child a lie that it would die if it acquires knowledge?

I guess all I can hope for is that your child questions you so you don't turn your child into an almajeri!

Lmao grin grin The way you put it sounds hilarious but how many parents tell their children the lies of Santa Clause, The Easter Bunny, The Boogie man, The White man is good, The US is great, and so on?

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Re: Why Does Yah Care If We Worship Him Or Not..is It His Ego by budaatum: 12:50pm On Aug 11, 2021

Lmao grin grin The way you put it sounds hilarious but how many parents tell their children the lies of Santa Clause, The Easter Bunny, The Boogie man, The White man is good, The US is great, and so on?

If one miseducates one's own children to be stupid and ignorant, they will be less of an asset to themselves and to one; they'd be less knowledgeable and intelligent than their peers; if they come on Nairaland they'll misunderstand what they read and talk a lot of rubbish, and they are likely to be liabilities to one in one's own later days.

One should not follow the multitude to ruin the life of one's own children! Especially not because one has sheepishly worshipped a book that is meant to open one's eyes if properly understood.

Re: Why Does Yah Care If We Worship Him Or Not..is It His Ego by Nobody: 4:42pm On Nov 27, 2021
You are the one asking your questions and at the same time answering it.
I tell you what weed cant do doesn't exist .
Re: Why Does Yah Care If We Worship Him Or Not..is It His Ego by mountmoriah(m): 7:06am On Nov 28, 2021

I tell you what weed cant do doesn't exist .

Happy Sunday

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