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My Neighbor And I by Nerdified: 1:38am On Feb 18, 2022 |
Hello guys I am writing this for nairalanders to help me judge this case, tell me also if I am wrong. Pardon the typos that you might see in the course of reading this, I will be brief as possible to avoid people dozing off while reading I got a job in one of the south south region of the country last year, after much agent wahala and the urgency to get settled, an agent got me one kpako self contained apartment with no kitchen and no water running in the compound. Hopefully, I would manage it for a year and get a better apartment the next year, being this year. I forgot to mention that I am a confirmed Igbo boy. The day I finally moved it was the day a lady moved into the same compound. Her own apartment is just adjacent to mine, we got introduced to each other and became friends. She chills most times in my room because of how cozy I made my room to be, I have all the necessary gadgets a real nigga should have. We had our first quarrel when the usual outrageous Nepa bill came, she refused to pay up the stipulated amount most of us agreed to pay, we are five tenants using the light, two are shops, insisting on paying a lower amount. I was the one collecting the bill for that month because the men agreed to be the one collecting and paying (we are three) She paid #1k while everyone was paying #1k5, when I told others what she paid, they collected their 5h back and I ended up paying 5k out of 12k Nepa gave (Thunder fire estimated bill) That month Nepa ended up disconnecting our light because we didn't pay up to half of the bill To be continued |
Re: My Neighbor And I by Nerdified: 1:58am On Feb 18, 2022 |
I came back one evening and saw our wires on the ground, mogbe oh! This people don remember us today, I jejely enter house, turn on my generator and was doing one or two things when I heard a knock at the door My next door neighbor was the one knocking, Neighbor, good evening, I greeted him. Because he was just coming back as well, he asked if I saw what happened, I answered in affirmative. He was bellowing about the lady being the cause, I no want wahala, I told him we should find a way to pay more money and also get the light reconnected Before that, this said lady was beginning to piss me off with her incessant begging of everything, going to my pots to check if I cooked. Come on, girl! Cook your own food and eat but hell no! She decides to be eating out most times. I was getting impatient each day, coupled with the fact that she does not know when I need to be alone and meditate She was also giving me the green light to knack her but I have this self discipline of not having anything to do with a colleague or a fellow tenant. I ignored her, she will pretend to be sleeping and carelessly open her legs. I cast and bind! Anytime I am ready to crash, I wake her up ASAP to go to her room, and she would sluggishly leave. *To be continued |
Re: My Neighbor And I by Cutecharlz(m): 3:41am On Feb 18, 2022 |
Come and finish the gist.... |
Re: My Neighbor And I by Nerdified: 8:46am On Feb 25, 2022 |
So back to the light issue, when she got back and saw he wires on the ground, that was when he gave the remaining #500 to the person collecting the bill, everyone paid their remaining #500 as well. The next day we paid and got someone to reconnect the light, of which everyone paid again #400 each for ladder and workmanship. That was how we ended of paying #1900 because of her, penny wise pound foolish you would say. I now made a personal decision to extend my generator light to her, she bought the necessary things and got someone to do it for her. She started enjoying my light every evening till midnight when Nepa usually restore light. After that, I and my Igbo brother that rented one if the two shops in the building decided to do something about the outrageous bill we do get monthly, we had to cut deal with one Nepa official to bring down he bill. We had to pay him 4k for that and the bill came down to #6000, no one knew what transpired but they were surprised at the amount when the next month's bill came, everyone happily paid 1k with smiling faces. Nothing lasts for ever they say, the subsequent months were all good until last month, it shot up again to 12k plus. That was when another problem came from her, she blatantly refused to pay up the #1500 everyone decided, alongside her was another lady that rented one of the two shops. She is a hairdresser, that one refused to pay too. Three of us decided to pay the bills and disconnect their light, remember we are 5 in the compound, of which two are shops. With the two ladies excluded. I and my Igbo brother gave money for the two ladies and the billed was paid to avoid previous occurrence, once bitten twice shy. I came back from work because I usually come back before my said lady neighbor, I disconnected her light and also the hairdresser lady. She came back and fortunately we had light by 7pm, there was no light in her room. I was expecting her to come see me about it but she didn't come, I assumed that she got the message Next day she came back with an electrician, we three already decided that we would keep disconnecting her light until she pays up. The electrician told her that the light was disconnected. She immediately marched to my room and asked why her light was disconnected, I simply told her to pay up her bill. She started shouting, asking if we are the landlord that we had to disconnect her light. I said nothing and she ranted and left, on her way out she continued ranting but with her local dialect his time. |
Re: My Neighbor And I by Nerdified: 9:03am On Feb 25, 2022 |
It was on a later day I learnt that she was saying if anyone disconnects her light again, she will scatter the whole light. She ended up connecting the light back, she enjoyed the light that night. Morning came and she left for work, I usually go to work around 9am but she leaves by 8. I jejely disconnected the light again, met with the shop guy and told him what's up, we called our landlord and landlord gave us power to do anything if she connects it back without paying. We now agreed to pick her up with police since we can't touch her (best decision ever) if she does so. Evening came and she was back, noticed again that the light had been disconnected again. She spoke her local dialect and looked for a chair to connect the light back, I saw her doing it and called her severally to talk to her as a friend, she didn't answer but somehow connected the light back. I guess the electrician taught her what to do if we disconnect it again. I left her then, in the evening, I updated the shop guy of what she did and we decided to meet her for the last time before we take action the next day. When the guy finally closed his shop around 9pm, we knocked at her door and asked for the money again. She started saying that we don't have right to disconnect her light, we didn't say pim until she finished ranting, ended up saying that she would pay the next day. We gently left her and await the next day. I forgot to say that our landlord already gave her quit notice, our landlord is one dude that lives off the rent from this house he inherited from his father. Dude does not do anything, he comes around to beg us rent money from time to time, as it stands now, I have already given him extra three months that starts counting when my rent expires. To be continued* 1 Like |
Re: My Neighbor And I by Lotusflowerbomb: 7:40pm On May 12, 2022 |
Nerdified:Bro pls help out with your WhatsApp number or email, I’d like to discuss with you |
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