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This Is The Reason Why People Don't Want To Help You. - Religion - Nairaland

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This Is The Reason Why People Don't Want To Help You. by SpiritualOT: 1:49pm On May 26, 2022
In the wicked world, we live in, witches and wizards get higher ranks based on the amount and level of wickedness they've done. So don't feel you've not offended anyone so no one can do you evil.

A witch can donate the life of her husband in the coven to get more power and rank. She can also donate any of her children. She can donate her only child. Likewise a wizard. Is that not a high level of evil? Now tell me who you are that a witch or wizard can't harm you.

My chiefs and ma'ams, we need to hold strong to God and spirituality so we'll not suffer from the shackle of evildoers.

When you feel depressed and things aren't working well for you, you're experiencing hardship and family, friends and loved ones don't want to help you. No one care about you. Your siblings with higher opportunities tend to help strangers than help you. Don't call them wicked, don't call them stingy. Don't tag them names that are not theirs.

The problem is you. You've been attacked by the evildoers, the witches and wizards. They've infected you with bad energy and placed a mark on your head that anyone who sees you will not like to associate with you. No one will want to help you. If you're into business, no one will want to patronize or partner with you. Your wife or husband will begin to lose love for you. Things will become tight. And whenever their co-witches and wizards see you anywhere, they'll like to do you more evil.

Witches operate like a network. If you leave your country for another country, they're still there. They don't show mercy, their primary duty is to do evil. So be spiritually alert.

Now, what you need to do if you're passing through the above issues are:

Keep reading on our blog with the address in the image below

Re: This Is The Reason Why People Don't Want To Help You. by SpiritualOT: 1:50pm On May 26, 2022
LikeAKing, Brytesp, Mattwillz, schoolboymatt, seeker121, maxlev1, dynicks, georjay, naijaboy756, Legendforte, Fyie,
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Re: This Is The Reason Why People Don't Want To Help You. by SpiritualOT: 1:50pm On May 26, 2022
Please if you want to be mentioned also here on naira land whenever I post. Please kindly signify.
Re: This Is The Reason Why People Don't Want To Help You. by Jesuslvzme(m): 2:42pm On May 26, 2022
Re: This Is The Reason Why People Don't Want To Help You. by SpiritualOT: 4:11pm On May 26, 2022
Re: This Is The Reason Why People Don't Want To Help You. by SpiritualOT: 4:51pm On May 26, 2022
Re: This Is The Reason Why People Don't Want To Help You. by SpiritualOT: 6:12pm On May 26, 2022
Re: This Is The Reason Why People Don't Want To Help You. by edego2up(m): 6:36pm On May 26, 2022
In the wicked world, we live in, witches and wizards get higher ranks based on the amount and level of wickedness they've done. So don't feel you've not offended anyone so no one can do you evil.

A witch can donate the life of her husband in the coven to get more power and rank. She can also donate any of her children. She can donate her only child. Likewise a wizard. Is that not a high level of evil? Now tell me who you are that a witch or wizard can't harm you.

My chiefs and ma'ams, we need to hold strong to God and spirituality so we'll not suffer from the shackle of evildoers.

When you feel depressed and things aren't working well for you, you're experiencing hardship and family, friends and loved ones don't want to help you. No one care about you. Your siblings with higher opportunities tend to help strangers than help you. Don't call them wicked, don't call them stingy. Don't tag them names that are not theirs.

The problem is you. You've been attacked by the evildoers, the witches and wizards. They've infected you with bad energy and placed a mark on your head that anyone who sees you will not like to associate with you. No one will want to help you. If you're into business, no one will want to patronize or partner with you. Your wife or husband will begin to lose love for you. Things will become tight. And whenever their co-witches and wizards see you anywhere, they'll like to do you more evil.

Witches operate like a network. If you leave your country for another country, they're still there. They don't show mercy, their primary duty is to do evil. So be spiritually alert.

Now, what you need to do if you're passing through the above issues are:

Keep reading on our blog with the address in the image below

Man of God where can we find peace in Nigeria? you and i know that this country Nigeria has gone down the drain even you that is posting this now you are a suspect--scamers everywhere and all are now confused

All you said are true but did you come in peace or to do the normal thing Nigerians are known for?
Re: This Is The Reason Why People Don't Want To Help You. by SpiritualOT: 8:22pm On May 26, 2022
Re: This Is The Reason Why People Don't Want To Help You. by SpiritualOT: 10:11pm On May 26, 2022
Re: This Is The Reason Why People Don't Want To Help You. by SpiritualOT: 10:46pm On May 26, 2022
Re: This Is The Reason Why People Don't Want To Help You. by macsino: 2:56am On May 27, 2022
Please mention me am following
Re: This Is The Reason Why People Don't Want To Help You. by Elmojiid(m): 7:06am On May 27, 2022
Re: This Is The Reason Why People Don't Want To Help You. by Ratello: 2:26pm On May 31, 2022
In the wicked world, we live in, witches and wizards get higher ranks based on the amount and level of wickedness they've done. So don't feel you've not offended anyone so no one can do you evil.

A witch can donate the life of her husband in the coven to get more power and rank. She can also donate any of her children. She can donate her only child. Likewise a wizard. Is that not a high level of evil? Now tell me who you are that a witch or wizard can't harm you.

My chiefs and ma'ams, we need to hold strong to God and spirituality so we'll not suffer from the shackle of evildoers.

When you feel depressed and things aren't working well for you, you're experiencing hardship and family, friends and loved ones don't want to help you. No one care about you. Your siblings with higher opportunities tend to help strangers than help you. Don't call them wicked, don't call them stingy. Don't tag them names that are not theirs.

The problem is you. You've been attacked by the evildoers, the witches and wizards. They've infected you with bad energy and placed a mark on your head that anyone who sees you will not like to associate with you. No one will want to help you. If you're into business, no one will want to patronize or partner with you. Your wife or husband will begin to lose love for you. Things will become tight. And whenever their co-witches and wizards see you anywhere, they'll like to do you more evil.

Witches operate like a network. If you leave your country for another country, they're still there. They don't show mercy, their primary duty is to do evil. So be spiritually alert.

Now, what you need to do if you're passing through the above issues are:

Keep reading on our blog with the address in the image below

List the way out of this mess Man of God

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Re: This Is The Reason Why People Don't Want To Help You. by Babydaddymateri(m): 6:56pm On Nov 12, 2022
Please if you want to be mentioned also here on naira land whenever I post. Please kindly signify.

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