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How To Make Money On Fiverr As A Middle Man Without Skills - Education - Nairaland

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How To Make Money On Fiverr As A Middle Man Without Skills by AmeLonRo(m): 10:09am On Sep 06, 2022
Do you know you can make money on Fiverr as a middleman (without skills)? I will explain how it goes to you in this video. Someone said, “I will rather attempt to do something great and fail than attempt to do nothing and succeed”. Wake up and make money on Fiverr as a middleman today. You have no excuse.

Almost all of us are middlemen in something but we do not just carry the title. Let me give you examples of how we have been middlemen before and then I will come back to its applications on Fiverr.

1. You have helped someone who is unavailable to secure and pay for a house before, you served as a middle man between the landlord and the tenant.
2. You have helped someone to buy a car in the absence of the person. The person gave you money based on trust and reliability and you bought the good car as promised. You served as a middle man between the car seller and the actual car owner.
3. The servant of Abraham in the Bible served as a middleman in getting a wife for Isaac. Isaac did not leave his house to search for a wife. The servant did the searching and toasting and delivered the (job) wife to Isaac. When Isaac saw the wife he liked her and she became his wife.
4. Most drivers of big men are great middlemen. The driver will take the car to the best car wash that the boss does not know and wash the car. The car washer does not know the boss and the boss does not know the car washer. It is only the driver that knows the two of them. The driver is a middleman.
Enough of those examples of middlemen. I am sure now you understand the concept. When I said “How to make money on Fiverr as a middle man (without skills)”, it does not mean without skill so to say. In the example above, the driver had information about the best car wash in town. That is a skill, sir. Abraham’s servant knew the qualities of a wife and where to search. That is a big skill ma.
I know you are enjoying my story today (I am a master storyteller). If you need someone to develop stories for you or a write up or script, let me know.
Quickly back to Fiverr, you can make money as a middle man (without skills). The steps to take to make money on Fiverr as a middle man without skills are as follows:
1. Create a niche Fiverr account with at least seven (7) gigs as I have explained in my previous videos on the Fiverr playlist on this channel.
2. Make sure your pricing is above the average selling price on Fiverr.
3. Promote the gig on social media so that you will have many buyers.
4. Make sure your delivery time is longer than the average delivery time on Fiverr for that service.
5. As the orders come in, give them to other sellers on Fiverr to do for less than the price that you charged and for less time than you gave.
6. When the person delivers the job to you, you also will deliver the job to the person who gave you the job.
7. You must have some capital to start because you have to deposit to Fiverr for the person working for you. You will get your pay after twenty-one (21) days.
8. Keep promoting your gigs and orders will keep rolling in. You keep giving the jobs to others on Fiverr. Keep your money made. Keep being a middleman on Fiverr.
That is exactly how to do it. That is how to make money on Fiverr as a middleman (without skills).
Take action.


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