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Don’t Pay Attention To The Noise. by ReactJs(m): 6:38pm On Nov 04, 2022
People are still getting hired. if you’re just starting out, I’ll implore to stay away from social media for at least 1 year and really work on improving your skills. Learn the hard things.

Learn the nitty gritty of whatever aspect of tech you want to go into, this is what will separate you from people who get their advice from developers on twitter who probably spend more time on twitter than they do on their IDE, if they have one.

Again, don’t pay attention to the noise in media right now. People are still getting hired. You just need to be good enough.

The only caveat is that you probably cannot become good enough in 3,6 or even 9 months. You need at least 1 year of consistent practice, training and working on the right things. Day in Day out!

I’ll attach a screenshot of my conversation with a buddy of mine that got hired couple of days ago.

People are still getting hired. You just need to be good enough.

13 Likes 4 Shares

Re: Don’t Pay Attention To The Noise. by Sleekcode: 6:41pm On Nov 04, 2022
You're right
Re: Don’t Pay Attention To The Noise. by Tobedated(m): 7:04pm On Nov 04, 2022
Yea people are still getting jobs but mostly does with connections the rest are just plain luck


Re: Don’t Pay Attention To The Noise. by SavageBoy: 8:36pm On Nov 04, 2022
You're very correct boss.

One just need to get into a high level of deep work, free from distractions, and getting a high level of professional mastery.

1 Like

Re: Don’t Pay Attention To The Noise. by SKhanmi: 11:03pm On Nov 04, 2022
Yea people are still getting jobs but mostly does with connections the rest are just plain luck

Work on your mindset. What you focus on will always reflect back on you.

5 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Don’t Pay Attention To The Noise. by davien(m): 11:10pm On Nov 04, 2022
Thanks chief, I keep seeing job listings too. Learning JavaScript currently and iterating through loops to find certain numbers dey give me headache.
Re: Don’t Pay Attention To The Noise. by SavageBoy: 7:57am On Nov 05, 2022

Work on your mindset. What you focus on will always reflect back on you.

Leave him alone. Tech is not meant for everybody


Re: Don’t Pay Attention To The Noise. by Anonime1105(m): 4:42am On Nov 06, 2022
People are still getting hired. if you’re just starting out, I’ll implore to stay away from social media for at least 1 year and really work on improving your skills. Learn the hard things.

Learn the nitty gritty of whatever aspect of tech you want to go into, this is what will separate you from people who get their advice from developers on twitter who probably spend more time on twitter than they do on their IDE, if they have one.

Again, don’t pay attention to the noise in media right now. People are still getting hired. You just need to be good enough.

The only caveat is that you probably cannot become good enough in 3,6 or even 9 months. You need at least 1 year of consistent practice, training and working on the right things. Day in Day out!

I’ll attach a screenshot of my conversation with a buddy of mine that got hired couple of days ago.

People are still getting hired. You just need to be good enough.

Re: Don’t Pay Attention To The Noise. by belovez(m): 7:57am On Nov 06, 2022
People are still getting hired. if you’re just starting out, I’ll implore to stay away from social media for at least 1 year and really work on improving your skills. Learn the hard things.

Learn the nitty gritty of whatever aspect of tech you want to go into, this is what will separate you from people who get their advice from developers on twitter who probably spend more time on twitter than they do on their IDE, if they have one.

Again, don’t pay attention to the noise in media right now. People are still getting hired. You just need to be good enough.

The only caveat is that you probably cannot become good enough in 3,6 or even 9 months. You need at least 1 year of consistent practice, training and working on the right things. Day in Day out!

I’ll attach a screenshot of my conversation with a buddy of mine that got hired couple of days ago.

People are still getting hired. You just need to be good enough.

Mentor has spoken, thanks for the rich advice very timely. God bless you richly
Re: Don’t Pay Attention To The Noise. by KenThankGod(m): 11:29am On Nov 06, 2022
You're right
hey boss I'm also a react js engineer, this is my 4 month with react now and I'm building a personal project for months now, the project had taken so long cos I'm building and learning altogether, I plan on getting a job latest February, you have much experience in thesame niche, can I get insights on things I need to know, specifically the hard things that'd make me stand out, I don't run away from hard things, I just need to be pointed to the right direction, the project I'm building is an online therapist booking website wrote it from.scratch no code copying just some researches here and there when I'm stuck, I feel I haven't known enough to be leave employers with no option but to hire me ��.
Here it is ( not finished yet ) :
Re: Don’t Pay Attention To The Noise. by Taiwo20(m): 11:27am On Nov 08, 2022
Can anyone help with offline videos of tech. amybe hDD. not megalink or online cousre.
i need a comprehensive list of various tech skill from "dummy to pro"

please dont try to scam me'

Re: Don’t Pay Attention To The Noise. by belovez(m): 5:22pm On Nov 20, 2022
People are still getting hired. if you’re just starting out, I’ll implore to stay away from social media for at least 1 year and really work on improving your skills. Learn the hard things.

Learn the nitty gritty of whatever aspect of tech you want to go into, this is what will separate you from people who get their advice from developers on twitter who probably spend more time on twitter than they do on their IDE, if they have one.

Again, don’t pay attention to the noise in media right now. People are still getting hired. You just need to be good enough.

The only caveat is that you probably cannot become good enough in 3,6 or even 9 months. You need at least 1 year of consistent practice, training and working on the right things. Day in Day out!

I’ll attach a screenshot of my conversation with a buddy of mine that got hired couple of days ago.

People are still getting hired. You just need to be good enough.

Good evening ReactJs,

I will like to ask, what are the hard things a Nodejs Developer needs to learn apart from Express, Mongodb, and sql for database in order to stand out and any course recommendation or pointer that could be of help.

Re: Don’t Pay Attention To The Noise. by ReactJs(m): 9:49pm On Nov 20, 2022

Good evening ReactJs,

I will like to ask, what are the hard things a Nodejs Developer needs to learn apart from Express, Mongodb, and sql for database in order to stand out and any course recommendation or pointer that could be of help.


Hi bro, please have a look at this https://roadmap.sh/backend, https://roadmap.sh/nodejs. For courses, please checkout Stephen Grider on udemy
Re: Don’t Pay Attention To The Noise. by MindHacker9009(m): 8:52am On Nov 21, 2022
Yea people are still getting jobs but mostly does with connections the rest are just plain luck

Very correct and with plain luck after doing all the hard work they get replaced by those with connections
Re: Don’t Pay Attention To The Noise. by belovez(m): 4:18pm On Nov 22, 2022

Hi bro, please have a look at this https://roadmap.sh/backend, https://roadmap.sh/nodejs. For courses, please checkout Stephen Grider on udemy

Thanks Boss, really appreciate.

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