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How To Make Black Soup, A Healthy Nigerian Soup (Photos, Video) - Food - Nairaland

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How To Make Black Soup, A Healthy Nigerian Soup (Photos, Video) by gloryhomemaker(f): 8:49pm On May 12, 2023
This is a detailed video on how to make the Nigerian black soup. This soup is so healthy and full of antioxidants. It is well enjoyed by the Edo people of Nigeria though it transcends beyond the Edo people.

This soup is so healthy and delicious and a trial will convince you.

Goat meat
Smoked fish
Bitter leaf
Uziza leaf
Scent leaf
Banga juice (palm fruit/akwu)


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Re: How To Make Black Soup, A Healthy Nigerian Soup (Photos, Video) by Nobody: 8:55pm On May 12, 2023
If you chop this thing and catarhh no comot for your nose then no be black soup! 🤣

This thing dey wash Belle oo. Chop am with rice. Na better combo! 😁

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Re: How To Make Black Soup, A Healthy Nigerian Soup (Photos, Video) by garriAndsugar: 9:03pm On May 12, 2023
I love that your videos are well detailed and cooking easy to learn.. Well-done

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Re: How To Make Black Soup, A Healthy Nigerian Soup (Photos, Video) by Acekidc4(m): 9:09pm On May 12, 2023
That's some Crazy Shit there.........Will try it Some Day.

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Re: How To Make Black Soup, A Healthy Nigerian Soup (Photos, Video) by doggedfighter(f): 9:23pm On May 12, 2023
Gloryhomemaker, been wanting to do this but don't know how.

Thanks for taking time to teach this. Black soup !! Yay !!

Appreciate !!

How do I get or explain bangs juice ?

Does it have native or local names ?


Re: How To Make Black Soup, A Healthy Nigerian Soup (Photos, Video) by pocohantas(f): 9:33pm On May 12, 2023
Gloryhomemaker, been wanting to do this but don't know how.

Thanks for taking time to teach this. Black soup !! Yay !!

Appreciate !!

How do I get or explain bangs juice ?

Does it have native or local names ?

Banga extract. Same extract for ofe akwu.

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Re: How To Make Black Soup, A Healthy Nigerian Soup (Photos, Video) by doggedfighter(f): 9:36pm On May 12, 2023

Banga extract. Same extract for ofe akwu.

My ! my !

Just that ?

Thought it's a kind of spice.

Thanks, Poco

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Re: How To Make Black Soup, A Healthy Nigerian Soup (Photos, Video) by folake4u(f): 9:41pm On May 12, 2023
One of my favourite soups. It's very healthy. I eat it with rice, eba or yam.

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Re: How To Make Black Soup, A Healthy Nigerian Soup (Photos, Video) by pocohantas(f): 9:43pm On May 12, 2023

My ! my !

Just that ?

Thought it's a kind of spice.

Thanks, Poco

Na she wan use English confuse you. Don't mind Glory. cheesy cheesy

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Re: How To Make Black Soup, A Healthy Nigerian Soup (Photos, Video) by gloryhomemaker(f): 7:14am On May 13, 2023
If you chop this thing and catarhh no comot for your nose then no be black soup! 🤣

This thing dey wash Belle oo. Chop am with rice. Na better combo! 😁

Sure, it clears the body system.It's full of antioxidants.
Re: How To Make Black Soup, A Healthy Nigerian Soup (Photos, Video) by gloryhomemaker(f): 7:15am On May 13, 2023
I love that your videos are well detailed and cooking easy to learn.. Well-done

Thank you so much.

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Re: How To Make Black Soup, A Healthy Nigerian Soup (Photos, Video) by gloryhomemaker(f): 7:20am On May 13, 2023
Gloryhomemaker, been wanting to do this but don't know how.

Thanks for taking time to teach this. Black soup !! Yay !!

Appreciate !!

How do I get or explain bangs juice ?

Does it have native or local names ?

I appreciate that the video is helpful to you and thank you for your kind words.

Banga is palm fruits grin

Here is a detailed video on how to extract oil from palm fruits without too much water in it.

Re: How To Make Black Soup, A Healthy Nigerian Soup (Photos, Video) by gloryhomemaker(f): 7:23am On May 13, 2023

Na she wan use English confuse you. Don't mind Glory. cheesy cheesy

Thank you Pocohantas!
grin grin grin
I thought everyone will know it as Banga.
I will modify the ingredients now.
Re: How To Make Black Soup, A Healthy Nigerian Soup (Photos, Video) by gloryhomemaker(f): 7:26am On May 13, 2023
One of my favourite soups. It's very healthy. I eat it with rice, eba or yam.

It's a healthy soup indeed.

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Re: How To Make Black Soup, A Healthy Nigerian Soup (Photos, Video) by GreatKingg: 9:53pm On Aug 10, 2023
what if I can't get banga extract, any other alternatives?

Also, what if I can't get fresh uziza leaves but just the dried one?

Lastly, what if I can't get scent leaf?


It's a healthy soup indeed.
Re: How To Make Black Soup, A Healthy Nigerian Soup (Photos, Video) by gloryhomemaker(f): 5:54pm On Aug 12, 2023
what if I can't get banga extract, any other alternatives?

Also, what if I can't get fresh uziza leaves but just the dried one?

Lastly, what if I can't get scent leaf?

It's basically done with banga extract from the original owners of the soup for that distinct banga flavour in the soup. I believe you can alternate with palm oil if you can't get fresh banga or the canned ones. The canned one has lots of sand so be careful if you will use them.

Fresh vegetables would be the best but again you make use of what you've got.
I hope this helps.
Re: How To Make Black Soup, A Healthy Nigerian Soup (Photos, Video) by GreatKingg: 7:33pm On Aug 12, 2023
Great! Thanks madam..

It's basically done with banga extract from the original owners of the soup for that distinct banga flavour in the soup. I believe you can alternate with palm oil if you can't get fresh banga or the canned ones. The canned one has lots of sand so be careful if you will use them.

Fresh vegetables would be the best but again you make use of what you've got.
I hope this helps.

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