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I Was Paid To Lie Against Tb Joshua: Bisola Johnson 2009 - Religion - Nairaland

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I Was Paid To Lie Against Tb Joshua: Bisola Johnson 2009 by Raysleek: 8:40am On Jan 10, 2024
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I Was Paid To Lie Against Pastor T. B. Joshua; Bisola Johnson. by nwabobo: 6:39am On Sep 26, 2011
Hear Bisola Johnson confess from her own mouth that that she and others lied on Prophet T.B. Joshua in order to destroy his reputation and work of ministry.

Re: I Was Paid To Lie Against Tb Joshua: Bisola Johnson 2009 by Raysleek: 8:41am On Jan 10, 2024
Re: I Was Paid To Lie Against Tb Joshua: Bisola Johnson 2009 by Courz: 9:09am On Jan 10, 2024
The same Bisola also said she was threatened to come back to the Synagogue. She was attacked several times spiritually in dreams with TB Joshua sending demons to her and turning her to a mad woman. He kept sending people to kill her just to break her and force her to come back. That's why you see her on the floor begging in the Synagogue. What she said there was what TB Joshua asked her to say. Her actions is typical of anyone who is going through Spiritual Abuse. She caved in and he succeeded in breaking her to this point. Oya, Create another article again to destroy this woman. Why are you people focusing on this Bisola? Why her? Why not other eye witnesses who came forward to expose TB Joshua in the documentary? Why didn't you focus on them? You are focusing on her because she was the first person who was bold enough to expose him and tried every avenue she could to do so. You people tried to shut her up. But you failed. Almighty God disgraced you people. Now look at others exposing you people. You should have mentioned them one by one na and give your evidence that they were paid to expose him as well. All these threads you people keep creating is already tarnishing the image of your Cult more and more. You are making things worse. You don't know how you people look outside. You people are already convincing people that you are really a Cult, A Satanic one at that. A Cult is very obsessed with image. Once that image is damaged, you people will play dirty and show your darkness by trying to destroy the image of those who expose you. You people are helping critics and the public to see the spiritual darkness covering your Cult. Keep creating threads o. We are watching you people. You people are very dangerous and no right thinking person should join that Demonic Cult except the person loves Demonism and the Marine Kingdom.

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