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The 3 Kinds Of Men by mabell: 3:18pm On Apr 22, 2012
Hello nairalanders,
we will be discussing a very important topic, it's called the 3 kinds of men. enjoy!!
1. THE NATURAL MAN: a matural man is that is not born again, he does not know Christ Jesus as his personal saviour. A natural man judges from the physical, he has not received eternal life on the inside. The natural man walks by his senses and dictates of the flesh. God does not hear the prayer of this kind of man except a prayer of salvation.

2. THE SPIRITUAL MAN: The spiritual man is a man born of God. He is open to God's word and yielded to it. He puts his faith to work and does not rely on his natural senses, he daily feeds on the word of God and takes it as it is. He is the one that delights in the laws of the Lord and in it he meditates day and night

3. THE CARNAL MAN: This kind of man is in-between the natural and spiritual man. Though he is born again he still walks as the natural man. He does not operate by faith. Under this kind of man, you have the baby Christian and the sense ruled Christian.
Re: The 3 Kinds Of Men by Goshen360(m): 3:27pm On Apr 22, 2012
To add to these teachings, All the three kinds of man is represented in US: Our Body (Natural man); Our Soul ( Carnal man) and Our Spirit (Spiritual man). When a man gets born again, it is the spirit that is born again and this spirit is where God deals with, in the word and in worshiping God. The Natural man, our body is not born again but always in constant fight against our spirit. Our Soul, carnal man should be renewed constantly so as to take side with the our spirit man instead of taking side with our body so as to do the will of God.

Just an addition. Thanks
Re: The 3 Kinds Of Men by newmi(m): 3:28pm On Apr 22, 2012
Please what do you call a man or individual who was once a sincerely true believer perhaps maybe a pastor or a leader is a church but to the amazement and supprise of all he announces that he is no more a believer in Jesus Christ but the point is we are confident without and possible doubt that he or she was born again and the hand of God was with him.
Please what category does he falls in
Re: The 3 Kinds Of Men by Joagbaje(m): 3:57pm On Apr 22, 2012
Is such possible? If it ever happens its either he was never a christian . Even though he was around but never understood salvation .

1 John 2:19
They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us

On the other hand , he might have been born again but fell out of faith through seducing spirits and lost his salvation by confessing that Jesus is no longer lord.

Hebrews 6:4-6
For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, 5 And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, 6 If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame
Re: The 3 Kinds Of Men by Goshen360(m): 4:01pm On Apr 22, 2012
Right answer bro Joagbaje. He might have backsliden or fallen from the grace.
Re: The 3 Kinds Of Men by nuella2(f): 4:49pm On Apr 22, 2012
Thank you Mabel, beautiful thread.
Re: The 3 Kinds Of Men by KamiLara: 6:06pm On Apr 22, 2012
mabell: Hello nairalanders,

Today in service we learnt a very important topic, it's called the 3 kinds of men, it's actually a continuation from other services.

Below is an excerpt, enjoy!!

1. THE NATURAL MAN: a matural man is that is not born again, he does not know Christ Jesus as his personal saviour. A natural man judges from the physical, he has not received eternal life on the inside. The natural man walks by his senses and dictates of the flesh. God does not hear the prayer of this kind of man except a prayer of salvation.

2. THE SPIRITUAL MAN: The spiritual man is a man born of God. He is open to God's word and yielded to it. He puts his faith to work and does not rely on his natural senses, he daily feeds on the word of God and takes it as it is. He is the one that delights in the laws of the Lord and in it he meditates day and night

3. THE CARNAL MAN: This kind of man is in-between the natural and spiritual man. Though he is born again he still walks as the natural man. He does not operate by faith. Under this kind of man, you have the baby Christian and the rebellious Christian.

Goshen360: To add to these teachings,

All the three kinds of man is represented in US:

Our Body (Natural man); Our Soul ( Carnal man) and Our Spirit (Spiritual man).

When a man gets born again, it is the spirit that is born again

and this spirit is where God deals with, in the word and in worshiping God.

The Natural man, our body is not born again but always in constant fight against our spirit.

Our Soul, carnal man should be renewed constantly

so as to take side with the our spirit man instead of taking side with our body so as to do the will of God.

Just an addition. Thanks

nuella2: Thank you Mabel, beautiful thread.


Marvellous thread mabell.

Brilliant addition Goshen360.

With the below following historical events and/or background in mind

"And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground,
and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life;
and man became a living soul
" Gen 2:7 KJV


"But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it:
for in the day that thou eatest thereof thoudying thou shalt die shalt surely die.
" Gen 2:17 KJV

and also

"And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were näked;
and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.
" Gen 3:7 KJV

please teach at length to explain more on the post (i.e. The 3 kinds of Man)

and expatiate more on the below post snippets too
; short everyone getting bored though.

1. THE NATURAL MAN: a matural man is that is not born again

2. THE SPIRITUAL MAN: The spiritual man is a man born of God

3. THE CARNAL MAN: This kind of man is in-between the natural and spiritual man.

Our Body (Natural man); Our Soul ( Carnal man) and Our Spirit (Spiritual man)

Thank you in advance for building the church.
Re: The 3 Kinds Of Men by Goshen360(m): 7:04pm On Apr 22, 2012
Thanks. I will add more powerful nuggets tomorrow, God willing. I will show you the End from the beginning just like the nature of God. I will teach here in this thread what God meant when God said, "It is NOT GOOD THAT MAN SHOULD BE ALONE, I WILL MAKE HIM AN HELPER MEET FOR HIM" (Mine paragraphed)

@ KamiLara,

Thank you. God bless you.
Re: The 3 Kinds Of Men by nuella2(f): 7:28pm On Apr 22, 2012
what is the difference between a baby Christian and a rebellious Christian.

will a rebellious Christian go to heaven ?

why will a Christian be rebellious since he has the nature of God in him as a child of God.
Re: The 3 Kinds Of Men by Goshen360(m): 7:32pm On Apr 22, 2012

Word study. First what do you understand by the word, "Rebellion"?
Re: The 3 Kinds Of Men by LogicMind: 7:35pm On Apr 22, 2012
mabell: Hello nairalanders,
Today in service we learnt a very important topic, it's called the 3 kinds of men, it's actually a continuation from other services. Below is an excerpt, enjoy!!
1. THE NATURAL MAN: a matural man is that is not born again, he does not know Christ Jesus as his personal saviour. A natural man judges from the physical, he has not received eternal life on the inside. The natural man walks by his senses and dictates of the flesh. God does not hear the prayer of this kind of man except a prayer of salvation.

2. THE SPIRITUAL MAN: The spiritual man is a man born of God. He is open to God's word and yielded to it. He puts his faith to work and does not rely on his natural senses, he daily feeds on the word of God and takes it as it is. He is the one that delights in the laws of the Lord and in it he meditates day and night

3. THE CARNAL MAN: This kind of man is in-between the natural and spiritual man. Though he is born again he still walks as the natural man. He does not operate by faith. Under this kind of man, you have the baby Christian and the rebellious Christian.

which of these categories does IBB fall into?
Re: The 3 Kinds Of Men by mabell: 9:48pm On Apr 22, 2012
Logic Mind:

which of these categories does IBB fall into?

If he is not born again, he is a natural man...shikena!
Re: The 3 Kinds Of Men by Joagbaje(m): 10:00pm On Apr 22, 2012
nuella2: what is the difference between a baby Christian and a rebellious Christian.
will a rebellious Christian go to heaven ?

A baby christian is someone who is new in the faith , lacks knowledge to a great extent and may make some mistakes. But a " rebellious" christian seem to be someone who knows better but outrightly refuse to submit to the word. It's like some one who cheats in business . It's not a mistake or someone who cohabits etc.

why will a Christian be rebellious since he has the nature of God in him as a child of God.

man has a choice. When a man allows his conscience to be seared , he can get to that level where he no longer feel after God. I think using the word "rebellious " may be too extreme for the carnal man here. I will rather call him "A SENSE RULED MAN"
Re: The 3 Kinds Of Men by Goshen360(m): 10:06pm On Apr 22, 2012
You are right Joagbaje. I spotted that word, "rebellion" as too strong for a Christian so I didn't answer the kweshion. Because Rebellion is like a sin of a witchcraft and witchcraft is one of the works of the flesh manifest.
Re: The 3 Kinds Of Men by mabell: 10:08pm On Apr 22, 2012
nuella2: what is the difference between a baby Christian and a rebellious Christian.

will a rebellious Christian go to heaven ?

why will a Christian be rebellious since he has the nature of God in him as a child of God.

Like a new born baby in the arms of the mother, a baby christian feeds on milk spiritually. He just got born again so he is being taken through the foundational stages of christianity. He is not taught deep teachings because at that stage he might not comprehend it. Though it might take a while but as he is being taught how to pray, attend service and study of the word of God, he grows.

A rebellious christian on the other hand is one who acts against the word of God even if corrected. He doesn't respond to the teachings of the word but sees everything from an opposite angle
He is not subject to the leadership of the pastor thus having a mind of his or her own.

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Re: The 3 Kinds Of Men by newmi(m): 10:15pm On Apr 22, 2012
At what point can a believe or a chriistian be termed rebellous?
Because almosst immediately, the statement of the prophet samuel comes to mind ". . . For rebellion is the sin of witch-craft"
Re: The 3 Kinds Of Men by mabell: 10:19pm On Apr 22, 2012
@joagbaje and Goshen,
Ok, sense ruled
Re: The 3 Kinds Of Men by Goshen360(m): 10:22pm On Apr 22, 2012
newmi: At what point can a believe or a chriistian be termed rebellous?
Because almosst immediately, the statement of the prophet samuel comes to mind ". . . For rebellion is the sin of witch-craft"

I "think" the answer is YES, considering that witchcraft is among the works of the flesh. I stand to be corrected if am wrong.

Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies. Gal 5:19-20.kjv
Re: The 3 Kinds Of Men by Goshen360(m): 10:23pm On Apr 22, 2012
@joagbaje and Goshen,
Ok, sense ruled

How do you mean? I don't understand too much grammar o,lol grin
Re: The 3 Kinds Of Men by nuella2(f): 2:51am On Apr 23, 2012
Thank you Mabel,Goshen and Joagbaje

I think Rebellion can be used for a Christian, I personally don't think that word is too hard, talking of witchcraft, we have them in churches churches, those group of people are they just merely sense ruled? Is rebellion not caused by a demon? apart from just been sense ruled.

And does that mean no Christian can be called spiritual since most Christians still make mistakes from time to time. Are there level of sins that make you carnal.
Re: The 3 Kinds Of Men by tpia5: 3:18am On Apr 23, 2012

1. THE NATURAL MAN: a matural man is that is not born again, he does not know Christ Jesus as his personal saviour. A natural man judges from the physical, he has not received eternal life on the inside. The natural man walks by his senses and dictates of the flesh. God does not hear the prayer of this kind of man except a prayer of salvation.

2. THE SPIRITUAL MAN: The spiritual man is a man born of God. He is open to God's word and yielded to it. He puts his faith to work and does not rely on his natural senses, he daily feeds on the word of God and takes it as it is. He is the one that delights in the laws of the Lord and in it he meditates day and night

3. THE CARNAL MAN: This kind of man is in-between the natural and spiritual man. Though he is born again he still walks as the natural man. He does not operate by faith. Under this kind of man, you have the baby Christian and the rebellious Christian.

Re: The 3 Kinds Of Men by Joagbaje(m): 8:06am On Apr 23, 2012
nuella2: Thank you Mabel,Goshen and Joagbaje

I think Rebellion can be used for a Christian, I personally don't think that word is too hard,

you are right in a sense. a Christian can be rebellious. it depens on the issue.

talking of witchcraft, we have them in churches churches, those group of people are they just merely sense ruled?

there are different kinds of witchcraft. the English language is not rich enough to eexpress some Greek words of the bible. witcraft here is not talking about the witch that is flying. it connotes two things.The first one medicine ,the second one I've forgotten! but I know the Greek word there has sometimes to do with pharmacy. I'm.using an android. so I dontt have my bible here.

Is rebellion not caused by a demon? apart from just been sense ruled.

anything can be rebellious caused by a demon. at the same time everything is not caused by a demon. it depends on a particular issue at hand

And does that mean no Christian can be called spiritual since most Christians still make mistakes from time to time. Are there level of sins that make you carnal.

spirituality is not based on perfection. but attitude and reverence to the word of God.
Re: The 3 Kinds Of Men by nuella2(f): 8:20am On Apr 23, 2012
Thank youk so much, will appreciate it if you throw more light on different kind of witchcraft later sir.
Re: The 3 Kinds Of Men by mabell: 8:34am On Apr 23, 2012

How do you mean? I don't understand too much grammar o,lol grin
Rather than the word rebellious, I'll adopt sense ruled. A sense ruled christian is one that rather than be dominated by God's word, he is ruled by what he feels or thinks
Re: The 3 Kinds Of Men by sophiap: 8:46am On Apr 23, 2012
Making mistakes its not what makes a Christian carnal, a carna Christian is one who is born again but does not allow the word of God to take supremacy in his or her life. One who goes after the cares of this world and does not give time to spiritual things. One who, cars, houses, clothes and other material things has become his or her god over the one he actually made Lord over his life the day he made the salvation prayer.
The spiritual Christian may make mistakes,but he has the master as the Lord of his life. For him God comes first , every other thing is secondary, God is primary in his life. He is one that is also open to corrections from the word of God and from the leaders God has put over him. So though he makes mistakes, he recieve correction and soars higher and higher in his walk with God
Re: The 3 Kinds Of Men by nuella2(f): 9:43am On Apr 23, 2012
Thanks Goshen,

Carnal Christians are the ones that loves division is the body of Christ, like am holier than thou attitude, we are better than them,we are growing faster than them, am for appolos and you are for Paul nonsense. That is Carnality, a spiritual man will always walk in love and protect the church of Christ.

We should love each the body and not destroy even if we can correct each other in love and prayers. The test of spirituality is walking in love and faith.
Re: The 3 Kinds Of Men by newmi(m): 10:26am On Apr 23, 2012
The underlinning characteristic that's indicative with witch-craft is simply MANIPULATION. It is possible for a christian to somewhat delve into certain degrees of witch craft even without know it, why rebellion is likened to witchcraft is because most often than not people who are rebellious and disgruntled in a church don't like to campaign alone they like poison the hearts of others in an attempt to win support and the only way winning substantial votes is through MANIPULATION hence the aposple Paul says ". . . Beware of dogs"
Re: The 3 Kinds Of Men by mabell: 8:55am On Apr 24, 2012
@ Newmi
Philip 3:2 says 'BEWARE OF DOGS', beware of evil workers, beware of the concision. These are not people outside the church, they are within.
Re: The 3 Kinds Of Men by Snowwy: 9:56am On Apr 24, 2012

This is an impressive topic and have learnt somethings already...thanks to all the contributors so far.
I think Romans chapter 7 to chapter 8 too has a lot to do in explaining these 3 men.

Waow @goshen, you must show me the end from the beginning today o and post more powerful nuggets for our learning pleasure....Lol.
Good morning, great fellow bible student.
Re: The 3 Kinds Of Men by Callotti: 1:49pm On Apr 24, 2012
I choose #1. . . . My 'GOD' is a NATURAL God. kiss

Phock the rest!

ANYTHING minus BORN-AGAIN . . . suits me just fine and purrrrrrrrfectly. Tufiakwa!!!! Irritants!
Re: The 3 Kinds Of Men by Goshen360(m): 3:53pm On Apr 24, 2012
Hello Everyone,

I promised I was going to add more nuggets/teachings yesterday but was busy. This teaching might be in series depending on how far I can go each time. If I can't finish it today, we will definitely continue it. Can we know or understand the deep things of God? Yes. How? By the Spirit of God. Hence, we have to search it out by the Spirit. 1 Corinthians 2:10 kjv,

But God hath revealed(past tense, i.e already done.) them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.

Okay, lets look at what God meant when He said, "And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him". Genesis 2:18 kjv.

The New King James Version reads the same verse thus:

And the LORD God said, "[It is] not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him."

First, we need to observe some things in this verse and just going to pull them right out.

1. From Genesis chapter one to chapter 2:6, All you will see or notice in use of word is God said but when it was time to create man, the word changed in Gen 2:7 to "LORD God" Why? Just by chance? No. I will get there in a later.

2. After God created anything/everything, God would say/saw "That it was good" BUT only after He created man that He said, "It is NOT good.....I will make him an help/helper...."

Ladies and Gentlemen, I submit to you by the Spirit of God that this helper in the deep things of God to us is THE HOLY SPIRIT THAT IS TO BE GIVEN TO US CHRISTIANS/BELIEVERS.

In the PHYSICAL/NATURAL, this helper was Eve that meets/comparable to the physical/natural man (Adam) BUT in the Spirit or to spiritual man (Adam), it is the Holy Spirit. Here, God was declaring the end to us from the beginning but we can only search it out by the same Spirit of God because this same Spirit was manifested in the beginning of creation. So only the Spirit can explain it to us. Let me break it down the more for better understand.

The bible gives us a picture and type of Jesus in Adam. Rom. 5:12-15; 1 Cor. 15:45-50. So God was painting a picture of the end/last days from the beginning in the natural man, Adam. God is going to Revelation but He had to start from Genesis. Are you getting the picture? Okay.

God put Adam to "deep" sleep and made Eve out of Adam. God put Christ to "deep" sleep in the form of death and out of Christ came out "Christ-ian, new birth" and that happens when a man becomes BORN AGAIN. When am a man becomes born again, it happens in the spirit of a man. Man is a tripartite being (spirit, soul and body) 1 Thessalonians 5:23. When the new birth takes place, man in the eyes of God is considered born anew and this spirit man need a helper/comforter so as NOT to be alone because God never intended that man to be alone, IT IS NOT GOOD FOR A MAN TO BE ALONE. As it applies to the natural man, so it applies to the spiritual man that is born anew at new birth or at born again. This helper to the this new spirit man at new birth is HOLY SPIRIT.

When Jesus was about to be put to death as in a kind/type of the deep sleep God put Adam into to produce Eve, Jesus announced to His disciples in John 14:26 nkjv,

"But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you."

Some translation used comforter in place of helper. The truth is, the Helper does the work of comforting and the comforter does the work of helping. Jesus produced the new birth (new spirit man) but must not be alone just as it is not good that the natural Adam should not be alone. This helper was then given at the beginning of the end/last days. The last days or end time began at the day of Pentecost for Peter said,

"For these are not drunk, as you suppose, since it is [only] the third hour of the day. "But this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel: 'And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your young men shall see visions, Your old men shall dream dreams. Acts 2:15-17 nkjv.

Am out of time. I got to go out now. For your "love gift or free will" offerings to support the spread of the gospel, you may send it to goshen360@yahoo.co.uk grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin

I will be right back so we can have fellowship maybe question and answers. Thanks
Re: The 3 Kinds Of Men by Snowwy: 7:23am On Apr 25, 2012
Goshen360: Hello Everyone,

God put Adam to "deep" sleep and made Eve out of Adam. God put Christ to "deep" sleep in the form of death and out of Christ came out "Christ-ian, new birth" and that happens when a man becomes BORN AGAIN. When am a man becomes born again, it happens in the spirit of a man. Man is a tripartite being (spirit, soul and body) 1 Thessalonians 5:23. When the new birth takes place, man in the eyes of God is considered born anew and this spirit man need a helper/comforter so as NOT to be alone because God never intended that man to be alone, IT IS NOT GOOD FOR A MAN TO BE ALONE. As it applies to the natural man, so it applies to the spiritual man that is born anew at new birth or at born again. This helper to the this new spirit man at new birth is HOLY SPIRIT.

Nice revelation.

Though in the part quoted above you said while Adam's deep sleep produced Eve (his help), Jesus's 'deep sleep' produced opportunity for a new man (for whoever believes in him) who now had the need of ANOTHER comforter. Jesus Himself comforted.

John 14:16-18 (KJV)
16And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;
17Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.
18I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you

John 14:26(KJV)
26But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

Guess that is the difference I noted.
But I kinda understand your concept.

The Holy Spirit was always present even in the OT already and usually 'came upon' a man as against in the NT where it 'filled' a man.
What I mean is that in the OT you hear instances of the Spirit of God 'Coming mightily upon' but in the NT you hear of a person 'being filled with the Holy Spirit'.
Anyway, well done.

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