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Elon Musk in a post on X said that Uncrewed Starships will land on Mars two years from now. He’s believing that crewed Starships heading to Mars in 4 years. In response to Kaizen D. Asiedu @thatsKAIZEN to question about how governance would work after Earthlings have colonized Martians, Musk suggested that, “The Martians will decide how they are ruled. I recommend direct, rather than representative, democracy.” Kaizen D. Asiedu @thatsKAIZEN: “Once we colonize Mars, how should governance work? Should it be an extension of Earth’s nations? e.g. each Earth nation has part of Mars? Something else? There’s a Mars transfer window in Dec 2028/Jan 2029 SpaceX could send humans crewed to Mars then Future is coming fast” Elon Musk: “The Martians will decide how they are ruled. I recommend direct, rather than representative, democracy. Uncrewed Starships landing on Mars in ~2 years, perhaps with crewed versions passing near Mars, and crewed Starships heading there in ~4 years are all possible.” |
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MondayOmoAdugbo: You may be one in a million. 1 Like 1 Share |
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When you say, “I love you.” Do you always mean it? How often do you mean it? If you always mean it, Then love with all your heart, give with all your heart, wear the other’s shoes at all times, hear their unspoken needs and see their invisible tears when they cry inside but cover the storm in their heart with a smile; Give flowers yes, give other gifts but don’t make the giving of material things ‘a big deal’, the best and most beautiful gifts are the things which can’t be touched or seen but can only be felt with the heart; therefore, when you say, ‘I love you’ to someone special, show that love by filling their heart with joy, happiness, peace and all the beautiful positive emotions that can’t be seen but can only be felt with the heart. Always remember is a feeling. Madeline Sheehan describes love as; “Love is a feeling, a real, raw, and unscripted emotion so sensationally pure, unable to dull even under the strain of a world against it, strong enough to heal the broken and warm even the coldest of hearts. Innate. Unavoidable. Undeniable. And sometimes, love is unconventional and it breaks all the rules and blurs all the lines and basks in its glory, shining as bright as the sun, unapologetically glowing even under the narrowed stares of society and its screaming, self-righteous morals, berating and judging that which it doesn’t understand.” https:///3P4eRZb |
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When you say, “I love you.” Do you always mean it? How often do you mean it? If you always mean it, Then love with all your heart, give with all your heart, wear the other’s shoes at all times, hear their unspoken needs and see their invisible tears when they cry inside but cover the storm in their heart with a smile; Give flowers yes, give other gifts but don’t make the giving of material things ‘a big deal’, the best and most beautiful gifts are the things which can’t be touched or seen but can only be felt with the heart; therefore, when you say, ‘I love you’ to someone special, show that love by filling their heart with joy, happiness, peace and all the beautiful positive emotions that can’t be seen but can only be felt with the heart. Always remember is a feeling. Madeline Sheehan describes love as; “Love is a feeling, a real, raw, and unscripted emotion so sensationally pure, unable to dull even under the strain of a world against it, strong enough to heal the broken and warm even the coldest of hearts. Innate. Unavoidable. Undeniable. And sometimes, love is unconventional and it breaks all the rules and blurs all the lines and basks in its glory, shining as bright as the sun, unapologetically glowing even under the narrowed stares of society and its screaming, self-righteous morals, berating and judging that which it doesn’t understand.” https:///3P4eRZb |
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ogaemma: I believe there's no sincerity on the part of those who "can" do something about it. So sad! 1 Like |
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ogaemma: Why always December? |
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Calabar shoppers visiting ATMs to withdraw cash for weekend shopping are turning back disappointed. Why? Because the machines are not dispensing cash. How is the situation where you are? 1 Like 1 Share |
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This article first appeared on Ayi Post. When you are in a relationship with someone you love from the bottom of your heart, it’s save to conclude that you are in love with your best friend. The most important action that keeps a friendship going and keeps friends happy is exchange of gifts. What kind of gifts? Gifts that matter. And gifts that matter don’t have to be big and expensive. Little gifts are the ones that really matter. Most of the little gifts cost nothing but mean so much. Here are 7 little beautiful gifts that would make your partner happy and keep your relationship running smoothly. 1. The gift of a quality time. The gift of a quality may seem easy but it is one of the hardest to give. Why is it the hardest gift? Because it takes conscious efforts for a naturally self-centered and a goal oriented human being, hard pressed for time, to spare few hours for another person. It doesn’t matter that they’re in a relationship with that person. But making the effort to spend frequent quality time with your partner is a priceless gift. Spending quality time with your partner gives both of you an opportunity to share stories, share laughter and have a memorable time. It makes everyone happy. 2. The gift of a listening ear. Another little but huge gift is giving your partner a listening ear when they need one. Social media distractions and distracting thoughts often combine to make it difficult for partners to listen effectively to each other when it really matters. Effective listening is necessary to hear your partner out, understand them and respond appropriately in a way that shows that you care. 3. The gift of empathy. The gift of empathy is a product of listening effectively to your partner and having real love for them. When the two are in place, you will naturally walk in their shoes to feel what they feel and respond in a way that makes a real difference to what they’re going through. 4. The gift of real faithfulness. Yes, this is a big deal. This gift is the foundation of a loving, all round relationship. Being faithful to your partner tells them that you value them above everyone else and you’re in it for the long haul. What are the rewards? Although not in all cases, but from someone that’s equally faithful to you, you’re going earn their true love, trust and commitment. 5. The respect of the right to privacy in a relationship. Two people in a relationship would sometimes have the need to be alone and enjoy their privacy. Individual’s boundaries should be respected. The respect deepens bond and tells your partner that you trust them to share what they choose to share at their own time. 6. The gift of support. A relationship is about shared time, shared feelings and support for each partner's goals. When you invest time, energy and ideas in support for your partner to achieve their goal, you earn their gratitude, loyalty, commitment and their deepest love for you. After earning their loyalty and commitment just by supporting their dreams, what more could you ask for? 7. The gift of true love. Saving the best for the last, the gift of true love is at the core of a great relationship. If you don’t love someone, don’t fake it and make them come along only to cause them emotional distress. Good love is hard to find, don’t waste the one you have found. 1 Share
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One of the challenges faced by developing economies is high inflation. An economy bedeviled by constantly rising high inflation rates is home to rising prices of prices that satisfy basic needs for food, clothing and shelter. Continuous rise in yearly rents compounds the housing problem that is a daily reality in many developing economies. Someone living in such an economy would welcome easily accessible housing finance options. What is housing finance? Housing finance include mortgages, home equity loans and other financial products and services which could be used to acquire a residential property, develop, maintain it or pay rents to live in one. Housing finance makes homeownership possible and accessible. And also serves as a hedge against inflation. Which housing finance options are available to a prospective homeowner in a developing economy grappling with high inflation? Depending on your financial capacity and risk tolerance, you can choose any of the following options to fill your housing need. 1. Mortgages. Using a long term mortgage instrument to buy a home is the first best option to explore. Mortgage is a long term debt with repayment spread over a long period that could spill over into a time of decline in interest rate. If the interest rate should decline, especially for fixed interest mortgage, the actual fixed mortgage amount repaid would be lower in real terms. Alternatively, if it’s a variable-rate mortgage, the mortgage index would be used to adjust the interest rate to prevalent market prices, as they are influenced by changes in inflation rates. 2. Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs). The second option for someone living in an economy facing the challenge of galloping inflation is an investment in Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs). REITs are companies that focus on owning, financing and operating income generating real estate across a range of property sectors. An investment in REITs gives the investor the chance to earn income while experts run and manage these companies. You may use the income earned to buy a home for yourself or pay property rents. 3. Government sponsored housing scheme. A government sponsored housing scheme is another option. Governments sponsor housing development projects to make affordable housing available to citizens. The housing project is mostly designed to make it easy to be either a homeowner or to pay easily affordable rents. |
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It takes equal amount of hard work by both partners in a relationship to make it work. At the core of this hard work are three things; quality time, effective communication and empathy. There are more but these three pillars of a good relationship are easily eroded by actions and inactions of stressed out partners. What are the triggers of high levels of stress? Partners may be easily stressed out by financial challenges, work-related pressure, health complications and anxiety about meeting family and social expectations. Stressed out partners allow this emotional distortion to affect their relationship in negative ways, some of which include; 1. A stressed out partner finds it extremely difficult to give their partner a satisfactory quality time. Absence of quality time causes communication breakdown between partners. The collapse of effective communication puts a wedge between them and makes it very difficult for them to communicate their feelings to each other. 2. Stress puts a victim on edge and causes them to snap and react aggressively to their lover’s irritating but harmless question. This is a fallout of a prolonged period of absence of healthy communication between partners. A prolonged period of lack of productive communication denies partners the opportunity to share problems and get necessary support early. 3. Partners experiencing high stress levels tend to have little time for intimacy: When one or both partners experience high levels of stress they tend to lose the urge for intimacy. The urge for intimacy is taken over by the constant overwhelming feeling of anxiety about an intractable problem. When the urge for intimacy is not mutual, the partner with the unfilled need feels rejected and unloved. 4. Partners with high levels of stress tend to feel less empathy for each other. Stressed out partners have problems with having an effective communication, the feeling an urge for intimacy and the need to turn towards each other. These problems weaken the need to walk in the shows of each other and give strong emotional support when it really matters. Where does the withholding of show of empathy lead to? It could cause the partner in need of empathy to doubt that their partner really loves them. 5. Stressed out couples are susceptible to anxiety attacks. It is not unusual for a stressed out partner to withdraw into their shell, give no chance to their lover to offer support and try to solve their problem alone. The forsaking of the need to seek support could stir up a feeling of loneliness, which could degenerate into anxiety attacks and depression. The good news is, there are simple ways to handle stress in a relationship. How can stress in a relationship be handled? 1. Restore and sustain effective communication. The first place to begin is to restore and sustain effective communication. When effective communication channels are up and running, partners give themselves a golden opportunity to share their problems, share sound pieces of advice, find solutions together and keep stress out of the relationship. 2. Draw and observe boundaries. It is necessary to set boundaries and observe them. Conscious and concerted efforts should be made by partners to know where each partner’s boundary begins and ends. And these boundaries should be respected by every partner who desires a stress free relationship. 3. Maintain a healthy work-life balance: This is extremely important. Work and work-related pressure should be left in the office and not brought home. Again, a conscious effort should be made to have a work-life balance so as to give each partner a big chance to enjoy a stress free relationship. 4. Learn to be altruistic when it really matters. A ‘me-time’ shouldn’t be cast in stone. A pressing need for your attention and time may arise that would expect you to deny yourself the need to be alone and create time for the one you truly love. Acts of altruism are a demonstration of genuine love that everyone craves for and enjoys. They strengthen the bond of togetherness, bring warm into a relationship and make it stress free. 5. Show genuine physical affection. When you really want to keep stress out of your relationship, you have to make the showing of genuine physical affection its constant component. Be physically close to your partner as much as you can. This is a proof that you feel drawn to them. It makes your partner feel appreciated and it also boosts their self confidence to share their problems with you, which goes a long way to helps eliminate stress from the relationship. 6. Demonstrate belief in the relationship. The best place to run to for help when you face triggers of high levels of stress is your relationship. Creating the time to talk about your challenges, listening actively to what your partner shares and applying the solution together clearly demonstrate your firm belief in the relationship. This naturally encourages your partner to do the same when they face potentially stressful situations. When this template is adopted by you and your partner, both of you have a relationship that is weighed down by stress. In conclusion, above all, you to have to acknowledge that seeking expert guidance is always the best way to keep stress out of your relationship. |
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It's really urgent. |
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Prospective candidates (Both UTME and Direct Entry) who made University of Cross River State (UNICROSS), formerly CRUTECH, their First Choice and scored 140 and above in the 2024 UTME Examination, should note that the Online Registration for admission into the 2024/2025 Academic Session which commenced on Thursday 25th July, 2024 and was due to end on Wednesday 14th August, 2024, has now been extended. A new closing date will be communicated later. To access the Online Application Form. Candidates are required to pay the sum of Two Thousand (N2,000.00) Naira Screening Fee, payable online with either Master/Visa/Verve ATM Card or in any commercial bank through Remita via the School online application Portal. PROCEDURE FOR REGISTRATION To register, Applicants should: 1) Log on to and click on the PostUTME link at the top left of the website. 2) Follow the instructions on the Online Application Portal to complete the form. 3) Print out the Application Slip after a successful registration. |
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How do you build up from zero, a point of nothingness to the heights you’ve always dreamed of? How do you rise up from one more rejection after so many and develop the courage to try again? Rising up from defeat is never easy, even for the most inspired, the most determined and the most tenacious among us. But just as nothing good comes easy, anyone who’s willing to stand up from nothingness and attempt to climb again, can go all the way up. Willingness to try again is the beginning but what about the ability, where would it come from after suffering rejection the umpteenth time? 1. Acceptance. The foundation of the ability to build confidence back after rejection and defeat is acceptance. Accept that the rejection you have been handed is real. Face the reality of the situation but refuse to put blame on the system and on no one including yourself. This is what blaming does. It shifts your focus from addressing the cause of your rejection. Instead of focusing your time and resources on the cause, you’d be wasting time hating. Note that, “Understanding is the first step to acceptance, and only with acceptance can there be recovery.”- J.K. Rowling. 2. Belief. After accepting the reality, focus your attention on building self-belief. When you believe in yourself, you give yourself the permission and the strength to try again. Self-belief births self-confidence, which is the ability to strive to accomplish goals. 3. Determination. Determination is driven by the believe that it’s possible for you to achieve your goals. Determination is what you need to go back to where you were failed and try again. At the backend of every success story is the decision not to allow failure to overtake determination. “Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough.”- Og Mandino. Your determination to rise up from nothingness and climb again is going to yield positive fruits such as persistence. 4. Persistence. It’s almost impossible to achieve positive results after rejections without persistence. So persist in asking after receiving a 'No' until you get a 'Yes'. Persistence is the portal to solutions to all problems. “Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan 'Press On!' has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.” - Calvin Coolidge. 1 Share
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Speed dating gives an opportunity to meet many people at the same time. This is about the only opportunity you have. On the flip side of the opportunity is the limited time you have to ask not-too-deep probing questions about who they are and assess them on the strength of their answers to see who could flow with you on the same romantic wavelength. The task to strike a comfortable balance between knowing the questions to ask complete strangers about their personal lives and knowing where to draw the line could be daunting. There are keys questions you can ask that would help you get the best out of speed dating. Before you ask these questions, remind yourself not to dive in with high expectations. Also, remember that not every one at the table is your kind of person. Here are the possible questions to ask at speed dating. What are the questions to ask on speed dating? 1. What do you do? This is a normal and a harmless question to ask strangers. It’s highly unlikely that the “What do you do?” question would be regarded as a too “personal” question. Most of us would easily provide the answer without giving it a second thought. 2. Is that your dream job? A naturally follow up question to “What do you do?” is “Is that your dream job?” This question may get the person talking more about their job and whether or not it relates to their dream job. Your speed date in answering this question, is going to leave the door open for more questions that draw both of you closer. 3. How do you spend your free time and your weekends? There’s always a free time in between work hours and a weekend between work days. This is the period most of us use to unwind and do other things that make us happy. Who wouldn’t want to share their hobbies or pastimes? This is when it’s possible to find a hobby or two you share with your speed date. 4. Who was your childhood hero and why? Most times, with a nostalgic look, the answer rolls off the tongue effortlessly. The answer is a window to the core values of the blind date and also, to the direction they are going in life. 5. How was your last relationship? Some would try not to answer this question or may answer in mono syllables. A few others may find nothing wrong in giving a detail answer to this question. The chances of your speed date getting offended by this question are very low. To get the best out of speed dating, it’s important to know the questions not to ask. What are the questions not to ask on speed dating? 1. Avoid asking serious questions like, “What’s your ex like?” This would be viewed as too personal. It’s none of your business to know that. You’re business, is to create an opportunity to know as much as you could about your speed date within a limited time. 2. Another to avoid asking is, “how soon do you want to get married?” Your speed date may get the impression that you’re desperate. Don’t give them that impression! 3. Don’t also ask how much they earn. “Are you a gold digger trying to find someone to pay your bills?” This question would raise a red flag In conclusion, when you’re speed dating, keep things simple and don’t try to hurry the pace of the conversation by asking serious and controversial questions. 1 Share
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Are you a full time worker that desires financial freedom? Yes? Then you need to have a side hustle to reach that goal. There’s another question, “How are you going to run a side hustle successfully and be at your highest level productivity on your full time job? It's going to very tough, right? But it can be done . Here are very valuable tips to help you strike a balance between the two and get great results from your side hustle and a full time job. 1. Develop a great time management strategy: Design an effective time management strategy by creating a work schedule that assign fixed hours to your side hustle. Time block and dedicate clearly defined block of time each job. Hours reserved for your side gig shouldn’t conflict with your full time work schedule. You can begin by making your side gig your weekend, evening or morning job. 2. For both full time job and side hustle, make a priority list. Outline and attend to the most important tasks first at your most productive hours. This is a useful performance Management skill that steers you away from distractions and keeps your focus on your goals. 3. Aim for efficiency in both full time work and side gig. This could be achieved by grouping similar tasks. Task batching is known to improve efficiency by decreasing distractions that come with multitasking and increasing uninterrupted work time. 4. Task batching should naturally make the setting of limits easier. The setting of boundaries is another important way to balance side hustle and full time work and avoid overlapping of unrelated tasks. The setting of boundaries should also stop conflict of interests from arising. Now, it is very important to avoid your side hustle conflicting with your full time job as it may go against the policy of your company. 5. Avoid burn out. Don’t sacrifice good health for the goal of achieving financial freedom by juggling a side gig and a full time work. Take breaks sometimes and avoid burnout. Give your brain and body enough time to rest. 6. Use tools and apps to handle repetitive tasks. By embracing automation, you save time, improve your productivity and free up energy for other important things. 7. As your side hustle begins to take shape and grow, consider outsourcing some aspects of it. Outsourcing will increase efficiency, productivity and save time. Final words, as you set out to juggle a side hustle and a full time work, keep in mind that the achieving the right balance, setting of realistic goal and time management are the most important considerations. 1 Share
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This is a true life example of a negative relationship that made a positive impact on the life Charles (not real name). Charles’ story in his words: It was a relationship I believed would lead to marriage and a long term mutual satisfaction. So, I gave it my all. I invested a significant portion of my time, resources and heart in it. I did everything humanly possible to build the relationship and to suggest to my partners that I was in it for the long term but all my efforts were fruitless. There were frequent fights which were mostly caused by my partner. She was in the habit of making a mountain out of the tiniest mole hill. A harmless funny comment made in moments of good times together would give birth to endless nagging. Those fault-finding would leave me wondering if all was well with her. In such moments, I would be caught between ignoring her and doing everything to bring happiness and peace back. None worked. She would interpret ignoring her unnerving complaining to mean that you think, “She is a fool.” This would get her more upset and bring out the worst invectives I have ever heard. Trying to calm her down by telling her, “It was just a joke”, would cause her to start smashing pieces of furniture in sight. The reasonable only option I had was to hope and pray that such bad moments roll by “quickly”. These frequent quarrels kept me awake several nights. I came up with ideas to make her quarrel less and begin to invest the same amount of energy and resources in the relationship. And maybe I hoped, such ideas could make her believe that at the end, everything was going to be fine for both of us. None worked. After three years, it ended. We both went our separate ways. The relationship made one big positive impact on me. Which is, that it takes the same level of commitment and equal amount of investment by partners, to make a relationship work for them.” 1 Like 1 Share |
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Love is never enough to keep a heart that is won. You want to know how to keep that heart that you worked so hard to win? If you want to keep it then you must be ready to invest quality time, be ready to be very patient, make up your mind to show unlimited understanding and compromise to a reasonable extent. Above mentioned commitments lay the foundation for two people who are ready to keep each other. There’s more. Besides love, couple who stick together through thick and thin in a long term relationship make both other personal and collective sacrifices. These sacrifices are reflected in the amount of efforts they put in to do the following for the sake of keeping the one they truly love. 1. They have and feel true love for each other. True love can’t be faked. True love is demonstrated by consistently having soothing words and doing compassionate deeds for the one you love. Those who win and keep the one they love have true love each other. For them, it’s a way of life. 2. They feel genuine sense of security around each other. eUKhost Relationship security naturally makes it easy to keep a partner in a great long term relationship. Relationship security removes all traces of doubts from a relationship. You know from the bottom of your heart that your love for your partner is true. And you also know for certain that your partner loves you back in equal measure. No room for doubts and suspicions. There’s an additional benefit to having a high feeling of security around each other. According to studies, two people in relationship devoid of doubts have a better life expectancy. 3. They trust each other easily. If you want to enjoy your relationship with the one you truly love then be prepared to demonstrate complete trust in them. Studies prove that there’s a direct connection between low trust levels and unwanted experiences in a relationship. Therefore, high trust levels bring positive experiences to a relationship. Now, who wouldn’t want their relationship to be a garden they wake up every morning, to smell blossoming beautiful flowers? 4. They feel no guilt pursuing their individual dreams. When there’s a high level of trust between couple in a relationship, it’s easy for one to pursue their separate dreams with the full support of the other. Trust breeds selflessness and strengthens the bond of togetherness. Everyone is happy when they can realize and live their separate dreams. It’s only two happy people that can build a happy relationship. |
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Gift96: Okay |
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This theory is based on life, our expectations and the variation of realities from expectations. In life, you don’t always get everything you want, do you? Sometimes after putting in the hard work, you end up not getting what really want and believe you deserve. We are happy when the reality meet or surpasses our expectation but for most of us, we are sad when the reality falls short of expectation. It’s natural to feel disappointed when the reality falls short of your expectation. But you have to admit that this feeling of disappointment can have a negative spillover effect on other aspects of life. The negative spillover effect can create a situation of hopelessness. The burnt toast theory offers a way that makes it possible not to arrive at this point of hopelessness. It is also a tool to overcome frustrations of life caused by forces beyond one’s control. Now, would you throw away a toast because it’s burnt? This would depend on the level of your self-esteem. Someone with a lower self-worth, who lacks self-belief and courage, may eat the burnt toast. On the contrary, someone with a higher self-worth may not. What does burnt toast theory say? The burnt toast theory lays out two extremes. One symbolizes forming the consistency for accepting less than what one deserves. The other promotes the recognition of your self-worth and encourages the determination not to settle for anything less than what you merit. The theory recognizes the fact that life is meaningful and satisfying when we have to push for and keep on going unt we get what we need or deserve. The basic component of the burnt toast theory is setting personal boundaries. The theory says the setting of personal boundaries is the first step on the path to self-actualization and fulfillment. Therefore the concept advises that you set personal boundaries but before you do, you should do the following; 1. Identify areas of your life where you have normalized compromises. Such areas could be work you hate but you are still show up for and a dream you have given up on pursuing for the sake of satisfying the expectations of family and others. It may also be a toxic or a one-sided relationship that you are giving all and receiving nothing back. After identifying all the areas that are diminishing your self-worth, continue your journey of personal growth until you reach a higher self-esteem. 2. Create and follow the path that leads to a higher self-esteem Accept where you are on the journey to a higher self-esteem and identify the habits, the beliefs, and the friends you need to drop. It would be necessary to drop everything that makes you compromise your values so that you can set personal boundaries that would help you become a more assertive you. Being more assertive is helpful to achieving the state of higher self-esteem that makes settling for less abnormal. Therefore, If you don’t want to settle for less in life then you have to be assertive in your demand to get what you truly deserve. 3. Learn to say ‘No’. Learn to say ‘No’ when you should and mean it Learn to speak your mind and ask for what you truly need or deserve. Don’t stop learning how not to settle for less until master it. In conclusion, always remember not to settle for the company of liliputians in the valley when you deserve to be with the angels above clouds. . 1 Like 1 Share |
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[quote author=hslbroker2 post=129169291]Maybe it is because of age, but me I don't see or hear anything meaningful in what this guy's are always singing, it's my own opinion. Same here my brother. Short on content and long on beats. Only good for club when you're high and NOT GOOD when you need to sit back and reflect on life. These songs don't speak to the SOUL. I thought music was the FOOD of the SOUL. |
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On the surface, choosing just one person out of so many people to be with seems inexplicable. Beneath the surface, there are many psychological factors that influence the choice of our partners for relationships. 7 of these psychological factors are top and they are explained below. 1. Physical attractiveness. Physical attractiveness influences the choice of a mate. It plays a crucial role because two people physically attracted to each other, find frequent and sustained intimacy easier. Frequent intimacy leads to more bonding and deepens the connection between two partners in a relationship. However, physical attractiveness shouldn’t be the only consideration when making the choice of a partner for a relationship. 2. Shared values. Shared values to a greater extent determine the life span of a relationship. Therefore, they are an important consideration in the choice of a partner. Values which are often considered when choosing a mate choice include commitment style, spirituality, family, trust, cohabitation and general lifestyle. 3. Attachment styles. Attachment styles play a crucial role in child development. The influence doesn’t stop there. Attachment styles developed in early childhood emotional affiliations to caregivers influence attachment patterns in adult relationships. So people sometimes analyze and conclude if they would be comfortable living with someone who is secure, disorganized and avoidant. ALSO SEE: 8 Simple Tips To Help You Find A Perfect Partner For Marriage. 4. Possession of potential to provide emotional needs. This is another top consideration for many people. Why is this a top consideration? Human beings have fundamental emotional needs which they look to their partners to fill them. The regularity and significant level which emotional needs are satisfied determine the durability of a relationship. So they would want to know if their mate choice would have the potential to fill their emotional needs. 5. Past relationship experiences. Past relationship experiences influence the choice of a partner. People would do everything to avoid having a relationship with someone with some similar qualities to the one that gave them a heartbreak in the past. Something as ordinary as they way a new person they’re attracted to, talks, walks and laughs may be red flags. 6. Cultural considerations. Some people try to avoid relationship challenges that differences in culture pose. Cultural differences may cause frequent conflicts over cuisine, hygiene, religion and other petty matters. A lot of people would try to avoid these conflicts in their relationships. 7. Financial stability. According to a survey, financial stability is necessary for a successful relationship. Therefore, financial stability is a major deciding factor in the choice of a partner . |
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The older you get, the better you should become because you should realize that: Only few things, precisely two things really matter in life. These are your personal happiness and your peace of mind. These two form the foundation upon which a successful life is built. Without them at the core of your foundation, you would have everything and realize you have nothing still. Without the two as pillars, you would find contentment elusive and also, find it hard to show gratitude for family, friends and the time you are blessed with to enjoy this life. So the older you get; 1. You should know that rules are made to be broken. “You’ll learn, as you get older, that rules are made to be broken. Be bold enough to live life on your terms, and never, ever apologize for it. Go against the grain, refuse to conform, take the road less traveled instead of the well-beaten path. Laugh in the face of adversity, and leap before you look. Dance as though everybody is watching. March to the beat of your own drummer. And stubbornly refuse to fit in.”-Mandy Hale. 2. You should know that self-improvement is a life time project. “The land of easy mathematics where he who works adds up and he who retires subtracts.”-NúriaAñó. 3. You should know that people’s opinions don’t matter. “When you get to a certain age you find that other people’s opinions don’t really matter anymore, and you get kind of uncomfortable with your place in modern life.”Noel Gallagher. 4. You should realize the great importance of unconditional love and loyalty. “As I'm getting older, I'm really learning unconditional love and loyalty are extremely important.”- Bindi Irwin. 5. You should become much more tolerant. “The great thing about getting older is that you become more mellow. Things aren't as black and white, and you become much more tolerant. You can see the good in things much more easily rather than getting enraged as you used to do when you were young.”- Maeve Binchy. 6. You should know that sorrow and hopelessness are not products of getting older. “Since our society equates happiness with youth, we often assume that sorrow, quiet desperation, and hopelessness go hand in hand with getting older. They don't. Emotional pain or numbness are symptoms of living the wrong life, not a long life.”- Martha Beck. 7. Getting older shouldn’t stop from doing what you want and love to do. “You can't do an awful lot about getting older but you shouldn't let it stop you from doing what you want to do.”- Vera Lynn. |
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. Most of us have goals but very few of us achieve them. Why don’t the majority of us achieve our objectives? These are 7 reasons why most of us fail to achieve our goals. 1. We set unrealistic goals. Most of us that fail to achieve our goals set highly unrealistic goals. What are unrealistic a goals? An air castle is unattainable. It’s a goal that’s bound to fail because it’s overly ambitious and doesn’t factor in limitations. The consequence of failing to achieve an unrealistic goal is frustration. Then frustration would not give you the courage to try again. 2. Not following the proper goal-setting process. Setting unrealistic goals is usually due to not following the proper goal-setting process. To set a realistic goal, the right process must be followed. What is the right goal setting process? 1. Write down your goals. Note that your goals must align with those things you hold very highly in life. 2. Attach timelines to your goals. 3. Identify the likely obstacles on the path to the attainment of your goals. 4. Have a plan. Have a plan B also. 5. Learn proper time management skills, develop required level of self-discipline and commit to achieve your goals. 3. Lacking the commitment to achieve your goals. You give in easily to procrastination when you lack the necessary level of commitment to achieve a goal. Procrastination will not allow you to complete the necessary tasks that will lead to the attainment of a goal. Furthermore, procrastination would contribute to water the ground for you to give yourself all sort of excuses 4. Making excuses. Making excuses for not doing the necessary things is another reason why you may be failing at achieving your goals. The road to success is never smooth. It’s filled of slippery hills and dark valleys. You’re going to fail many times before you achieve one success. But you may never succeed to achieve your goals when you make giving excuses a habit. 5. Afraid to fail. The fear of failure is a big reason many people fail to achieve their goals. They’re afraid to begin because they’re so concerned about the resources that would be lost and what people would think of them when they fail. If the fear of failure is keeping you from achieving your goals, read what J. K. Rowling said, “It is impossible to live without failing at something unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all, in which case you have failed by default." 6. Lacking focus. Is focusing on goals set important to achieving them? Yes it is very important. You have to focus on achieving those simple specific must-do tasks if you must achieve your goals. Focus would help you to block out the necessary time everyday to do what’s required to achieve your goals. Focus helps to keep you in check when you’re tempted to do things that don’t align with you goals and, which wouldn’t lead to the attainment of your goals. So focus. 7. Giving up easily. The storms of life cause a lot of people to give up too easily and some, at the threshold of achieving their goals. • They lose hope too quickly. But they shouldn’t because… …Storms make people stronger and never last forever.” - Roy T. Bennett. So, if you strongly want to achieve your goals in life, learn the proper way to set goals and develop the courage not to give up until you achieve your goals. |
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Saving money is made simple when you have the ability to keep your eye on your spending habits. First… What is cash stuffing or cash envelope system? Cash stuffing is a budgeting system that is used to allocate periodic budgets (weekly or monthly) for mostly planned current expenses and stuff correlative amount of cash in labeled envelopes. Planned current expenses suggest that cash stuffing or cash envelope system must be preceded by a periodic budget made for all expenses, to be covered by the system. In summary the steps to cash stuffing are: 1. Having a monthly budget that covers all categories of planned cash spending. Write down those categories on a list. 2. Writing down each listed category on an envelope. Tick off your list to ensure that every category has an envelope. 3. Put in each envelope, the corresponding budgeted amount. Do this at the beginning of every budget period, usually the beginning of a month. 4. Pay for expenses with cash from appropriate envelopes. 5. Track your spending, analyze and fix weaknesses in the system . 6. Rinse and repeat in a new month or in a new budget period. Cash stuffing is great way to control spending habits and decrease debt but it also has its downsides. The downsides are: 1. The interest on a high-yield savings account foregone. Cash stuffing eliminates the opportunity of earning interest, that accrues on money kept in a savings account. 2. Keeping cash stuffed in envelopes increases the risk of loss to theft or carelessness. Physical money lost is irrecoverable except in very rare cases where it’s found and returned by a 'Good Samaritan'. But if money is lost from your credit card, you can contact your bank to recover some or all of it. 3. The process of cash stuffing is time consuming. It takes a lot of time to draw up a budget, create a list and stuff cash in appropriate envelopes. Before you decide to use cash stuffing as a budgeting method, check to see if it would help your money personality to save more money. |
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It was H. Jackson Brown that said, “The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.” One of the best preparation for a better tomorrow is having your long term goals drawn up and matching them to well thought-out tactics and strategies that would help you achieve them. But… What are long term goals? Long term goals are those things you make up your mind to accomplish in a future that falls between five and ten years or more. To achieve a long term goal, you’ve to have plans, established timelines and a set of short term goals that accumulate to achieve a long term goal. What the above means is, you should have a reliable process that defines clear actions which must be performed consistently in order to achieve your ultimate goal, that is, your long term goal. Long term goals are visions that take a long time to be accomplished in the future. Long term goals include a retirement plan, a plan to own a business and other future plans that would require time and resources to actualize. Now, Why are long term goals so relevant to living the life of your dream? The benefits of having long term goals are so great, you just cannot ignored them. Some of them are; 1. Long term goals set a clear path to success. When you establish long term goals , they open up a clear to success in front of you. In other words, they give you a clear vision of where you’re going to and also, give you the focus required to reach your ultimate destination. Being on a well defined path to your destination hands you the the tools to weed out distractions. 2. Long term goals are a great source of personal motivation. Long term goals should motivate you to bend down and plough, on your on and off days, towards your ultimate destination. Daily distractions are out of the way, remember? All you have left are the focus and the determination to chieve daily goals that would ultimately earn your long term goal. 3. Long term goals help you to live a purposeful life. Having long term goals is a sure way to live life with purpose. Having your long term goals always in front you gives something to live and work for every waking moment of your life. 4. Long term goals are a rich source of self-assurance. Long term goals are also a rich source of self-confidence. Now self-confidence is an extremely very important attitude to have to achieve life goals. Why? So that when you fail, self-assurance would give you the courage to get up and try again until you succeed. The belief in your abilities is firmly established. 5. They build self-discipline. It goes without saying that having long term goals and being committed to achieving them increase self-discipline. With long term goals, you would always know what to work for everyday and how much to achieve everyday so as to be where to be in future. This awareness makes easy to stop hanging out with people and going to places that don’t take towards your long term goals. 6. Long term goals help to reach self-actualization. Having long term goals and consistently working towards achieving them would produce results that help you reach your full potential. If you could maintain focus and self-discipline that drive you slowly over years towards a goal, then you would definitely be enjoying the process. The ability to follow the process everyday would come from a passion. This passion would ultimately help you reach your potential. Hello, it’s important to note that not every long term goal is achievable. For a long term goal to be achievable, it should meet certain standards. What factors make long term goals effective and achievable? • First know what you really want out of life. • Take stock of where you are. • Then accept that if where you are is not leading you to your ultimate destination, it’s time to set new long term goals. • After developing long term goals, develop action plans. • Take actions. • And, reward yourself when you succeed and encourage yourself to continue when you fail. |
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The victim of a heartbreaking breakup would most likely wish a breakup to be a bad dream they would wake up from. When the reality finally sinks in, the victim is left to face the uphill task of surviving a crushing loneliness. Why does the ‘victim’ feel lonely after a breakup? 1. The loss of a life co-traveler. The journey of life is tougher for a lone traveler and easier for someone with a co-traveler. The lone traveler has no real trusted partner to lean on in times of challenges. On the other hand, someone who is in a great relationship has someone to share trying times with. The departure of a co-traveler would leave the abandoned in the lurch of despondency and loneliness. 2. The feeling of insecurity. It is natural to feel insecure when you lose the company of a dependable partner. The empty space left after a breaup could intensify the feeling of loneliness. 3. The feeling of worthlessness. It’s also common to feel worthless and unlovable after a breakup. This feeling is one of the consequences of depending on someone else’s love and acceptance to determine your self-worth. The feeling of worthlessness can make you feel lonely after a breakup. What are the ways to survive crushing loneliness after the most heartbreaking breakup? 1. Accepting the reality and allowing yourself to grief. Accept the reality of a breakup and give yourself the permission to grieve the breakup. • Don’t ignore the opposing emotions, feel them. Ignoring them would make acceptance harder, could prolong the grieving period unnecessarily and worsen the feeling of loneliness. 2. Take care of your mental health and well-being. This is extremely important. After grieving a breakup, take the necessary steps to take care of your mental health and we’ll being. Take out time to focus on the realities of life. Engage in activities that will help you to leave the past behind, make you cherish the joy of living in the presence and stop you from feeling lonely. 3. Avoid beginning another relationship too soon. Living in the presence should include enjoying everything beautiful around except beginning another relationship too soon after a breakup. Allow yourself go the whole hog of the healing process. At least, wait until the feeling of loneliness is over. Wait for a few months beginning giving yourself another chance at finding love. 4. Understand that “life must go on,” so use your time productively. With or without you, Life goes on. When you understand this fact of life, you would want to move on with your life after a breakup. How do you move on? By reassessing and reprioritizing your life goals. Check to see the top ones which you’re yet to achieve, draw up your plans and go out to achieve them. So instead of allowing yourself to be consumed by loneliness, use your time productively to set new goals and work hard to achieve them. 5. Learn new skills and use them. Learning a set of new skills is a time consuming task that keeps your body active and improves your mental well-being. Learning new skills is therefore a great way to survive the loneliness of a breakup and improve your mental well-being. 6. Seek help. Don’t shy away from seeking the help of family, friends and therapists to survive the loneliness of a breakup. After your relationship crashes, you still have people that care about you, your well-being and your personal happiness. Turn to them! |
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“How much is it?” “Oga, I said 2,000.” “Aaahh, Mama I bought it 800 4 or 5 days ago na “ “Oga, where you dey?” “You no follow dey this here with us?” It’s the way prices of things and costs of production double or triple in a matter of days in an economy affected by galloping inflation. In a galloping inflation economy, prices of goods and costs of production keep going up astronomically and pushing the indicators to settle between 30 and 40 percent. Sometimes, the inflation rate could up as high as more than 100 percent. A galloping inflation is caused by rising costs among other things. When it’s caused by rising costs of production (cost-push effect), business people or owners of factors of production in attempt to maintain profitability, transfer the increasing costs of making goods available to final consumers. The final consumers end up bearing the burden in the way of rising prices of goods and services. Most of the final consumers are not policy formulators that have the responsibility and the expertise to come up with necessary economic policies to reduce the inflation rate. The consumer has only one option; surviving the galloping inflation. How can you as a consumer survive an economy in a galloping inflation? 1. Sticking to personal budget. Crafting a personal budget and sticking to it is not always easy in normal times. It’s harder in times of galloping inflation. Why? Because prices are unpredictable and as a non-economic expert, you don’t posses the knowledge to accurately estimate future prices of stuff at the time of budgeting. But still, you’ve to have a budget. Draw up a budget and mark-up prices of things you expect to buy by at least 40 percent. This should accommodate variances (differences between budgeted and actual prices), both negative and positive. It should do more. It should present you with the freedom to review upward or downward, your spending depending on prevailing economic conditions. Your budget should also aid you to reduce consumption of; a. Energy, b. Gas and petrol, c. Telephony services, And also cut back on your expenditure on socials. The period of galloping inflation is the right time to go for small stuff and save more. A significant portion of your savings should be used to set up an emergency fund. 2. Have an emergency fund. Period of continuous rise in the prices of goods and services is just the right time to set aside and have a dedicated savings account to cover unexpected costs. Yes, no matter how tight your budget is and how high your fiscal discipline is, expect unexpected costs to pop up once in a while. So having an emergency fund is a must during a period of galloping inflation. 3. Save more, renegotiate and pay debt down and, invest in real estate, gold, commodities, stocks, bonds and other tangible assets. Making conscious efforts to pay off debt, by paying in small installments until every dime is paid off would free up more money for investment in tangible assets. These tangible assets have the potential to increase in value over time. The returns on investment would increase your cash flow to meet increasing prices of goods and services. 4. It’s the right time to ask for a pay raise. If you’re an employee , a period of rising prices is just the appropriate time to ask for a pay raise from your employer. • The period presents justifiable reasons to ask for a raise. 5. Keep calm and take care of your mental health. In a tough economic situation such as prolonged period of galloping inflation, it’s highly recommended to keep calm and take care of your mental health. Pay as little attention as possible to local news and focus more on the little things that make life pleasant and fun. The tough times will pass. |
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It’s many days now past the commencement date you set, yet you’re still avoiding starting that project. You’ve been hiding in the comfort zone of procrastination to avoid setting forth. Or, you quit after beginning then sought solace in words that self-delude you to justify the escape, ”I’ll get it done someday when in a good mindset and when I’ve found the formula that’ll guarantee perfection.” There’s no 'someday' and there’s no perfection. There’s always one thing standing between you and your goals and that is, “The bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can't achieve it.” -Jordan Belfort There’s no doubt that avoidance is a natural mechanism that helps people cope with pain, fear and anxiety. However , it causes people to procrastinate and refuse to make the doing of an important thing a priority. Now, when you refuse to do the necessary things which could drive away fear, pain trauma and dismantle the barrier standing between you and your goal, would they go away on their own? No! So, when you seek escape from prioritizing the doing of important things whether you feel like or not, you miss an opportunity to develop skills necessary to cope with avoidance. In the absence of possessing necessary avoidance coping skills, anxiety and stress are reinforced and consequently, procrastination deepens its roots. Then what? You continue to deliberately avoid doing what you’re supposed to do as days slip by. There’s good news. Hello! It’s not late!! You can get up now, shake off the lethargy, be confrontational and take action. You don’t know where to start? The following may help. 1. Start by practicing mindfulness. When you practice mindfulness, you become conscious of your feelings, thoughts, sensations and environment. Therefore, practicing mindfulness would help you to recognize avoidance and deal with it quickly before it overwhelms you. Studies suggest that practicing mindfulness can have a positive impact on well-being. There are proofs that mindfulness-based treatments have been reduced anxiety, which is one of the major causes of avoidance. 2. Develop coping skills. Develop a strong self-discipline that would help draw up a daily schedule with deadlines and stick to it. You would also need to stop going to places and hanging out with people that are distractions. The less distractions you have, the more options you have to cope with avoidance. 3. At the beginning, it’s not going to be easy, so start slowly. Don’t be hard on yourself when you suffer occasional relapse. Encourage yourself and start again until you master your new set of skills- coping with avoidance. In conclusion, don’t forget that, “Your hardest times often lead to the greatest moments of your life. Keep going. Tough situations build strong people in the end.”-Roy T. Bennett. |
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Which is better? A Comfortable Silence or A Healthy Communication? Constructing and frequently using productive channels of communication offer the most effective way to keep a relationship going. Every relationship is a garden but without a bed of roses. There are always thorns here and there. It’s in the hands of the gardeners , which those in relationship are, to determine the success or failure of their relationship. Success in a relationship to a greater extent , is a function of the frequency of use, and the effectiveness of a healthy communication channels in a relationship. It's the frequent talking and of course, the commitment to communicate freely, feelings and thoughts that remove thorns from a relationship. Comfortable silence doesn’t grow a relationship. Instead, it lays a fertile ground for partners to begin to drift apart gradually. Couple choose to adopt comfortable silence when they come to the point where they believe talking is no longer producing desired changes in a relationship they’re not ready to quit. So, they keep quiet for the sake of whatever benefits they’re getting. Such benefits are usually everything except peace of mind and happiness. It shouldn’t be forgotten that the root of happiness is in having the freedom to say it all when it’s necessary, no matter how uncomfortable the words may sound. Unhappiness sprout forth from so much things left unsaid. “Much unhappiness has come into the world because of bewilderment and things left unsaid.” - Fyodor Dostoevsky. A relationship that is not offering peace of mind and happiness offers no real benefits to those involved. However, in a long term relationship, after much is known about one another and the bond seems unbreakable, being comfortable with silence is not bad. But it would be anti-growth to remain silent in situation where speaking out could calm the storm. The age of a relationship doesn’t completely eliminate differences in a relationship. So, don’t choose to be comfortable with silence when you must speak out. Because, “Your silence will not protect you.”- Audre Lorde. If silence will not protect you , communication will. Yes, communication can sometimes be hard to have and to keep, even for those who have been together in a relationship for long. If you’re finding it hard to communicate effectively with your partner , you can start to make it easy for you by adopting the approach below;. 1. When you have something to say , process it first before you say it. Choose your words carefully,. 2. Before you say it, find the right time and the right place to say it, 3. Express your thoughts and feelings calmly. Never shout at your partner. Shouting at your partner when you disagree with them puts them on the defensive. Then they stop listening, 4. When your partner refuses to listen, you lose the chance to have a meaningful conversation that would restore peace, strengthen the bond of love and define clear boundaries. Love grows in an environment of mutual respect for boundaries of partners. Mutual respect for boundaries is a sign of commitment to the happiness of one another. And happiness, is the reason for having a relationship. |
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Why UNICAL and UNIUYO? FreeStuffsNG: |
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Why is Nigeria bad? The question above was asked on Quora. Before you share your thoughts, below is what an Israeli says about Nigeria and Nigerians; "I'm an Israeli that worked on an agricultural project on Plateau State, Nigeria for 5 years. I want to tell you that Nigerians are the friendlies, most hospitable people I've ever known. They are let down by their corrupt leaders who are not content with stealing millions but need billions. The average Nigerian is poor and has to be self sufficient to survive. There is no Government help. School fees, hospital fees all have to be paid for. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Religion is another way of controlling the population. Nigerians are very religious. They are very naïve and believe everything their told in the name of religion. The best way forward for Nigerians is to empower their women who are the real power in Nigeria. Let the women have power over their bodies and their lives and you'll see that Nigeria will progress. Liberate Nigeria from their primitve religious beliefs and patriarchal society and Nigeria will prosper." *** Your turn, Why is Nigeria bad? 1 Like |
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What's the primary job of every entrepreneur? Take profitable risks, do everything legitimate to at least preserve capital when profit can't be made. This job wouldn't be done when a business survives the volatile early stage, breaks even, enjoys profitability for few years and then goes bankrupt as a result of venturing into risky ventures. The going concern concept would be defeated. So, what long term business survival options do some entrepreneurs pick to preserve their assets when they go into volatile ventures? One of them is the Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) also known as Spechial Vehicle Entity (SPE). A special purpose vehicle or special purpose entity is defined as a subsidiary created by a parent company for a special purpose. The special purpose most often, is to isolate a parent company from financial risk by providing securitization of assets The above is made possible by the fact that SPV has Its legal status as a separate company. This status makes its obligations to secure its assets in the eventuality of the parent company going bankrupt possible. This is why SPV is sometimes called a bankruptcy-remote entity. As a subsidiary with a legal entity status, a SPV has its own distinct balance sheet ( a picture of its assets, liabilities and capital) that's often off the balance sheet of the parent company. This is where investors have a problem with SPV, as it could be exploited to hide losses However, some businesses create SPV for one purpose, to aecuritize debt and give investors the assurance of repayment. And not always to commit financial fraud 1 Like 1 Share |
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