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Health / How To Cure Skin Tags Naturally; No Surgery! No Artificial Procedures!!! by Japhlet00: 9:46pm On Feb 13, 2023
Unfortunately, many individuals take their skin's health for granted, as was said on The Hearty Soul.

But when something that shouldn't be there does, like a wart, we quickly notice it.

You want to know if there is a natural, secure, and efficient approach to get rid of it?
Check out the solution https://scrapeoffstress.com/how-to-get-rid-of-skin-tags-naturally-at-home/

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Health / Say Goodbye To Atopic Dermatitis (eczema) by Japhlet00: 1:22pm On Nov 24, 2022
Dry air and temperature swings can be hard on your skin, especially when you have eczema. Try these tips to minimize irritation and itch this harmattan season.
Atopic dermatitis (eczema) is an incurable, chronic skin condition that causes severe itching and flaking. If you’ve experienced eczema, you know how difficult it can be to live with the rash, which can lead to anxiety about being in public or getting new flare-ups if you accidentally touch things that trigger your skin’s allergies. But don’t worry; there are plenty of ways to help avoid eczema flare-ups and manage your allergy symptoms so you can get back to life as normal as quickly as possible!
Check out the 9 outstanding ways to get rid of eczema.

Health / Best Blender For Tigernut: The Top 5 Best Options by Japhlet00: 1:32pm On Nov 14, 2022
Have you ever tried making your own tigernut milk? It’s not an easy process, but it is well worth it! You need the best blender for your Tigernut milk.
In order to get the full health benefit from tigernut milk, though, you have to make sure that you get all of the pulp out of the seeds before using them to make your beverage.

Here are the list of best blenders for Tigernut

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Business / Re: Top 2 Best Website For Social Media Marketing Service (smm) And Benefits. by Japhlet00: 10:02am On May 31, 2022
Phones / Top Notch Websites For Social Media Marketing Services( Smms) ; Benefits by Japhlet00: 9:59am On May 31, 2022
Worried on how to boost your social media audience?
The right solution is here.


Smms means: Social Media Marketing Services. Almost every business can benefit from social media marketing services

Why do people buy those Services?
People Buy those Services for 4 major Reasons

1) Social Proof

2) Authority

3) Trust

4) Monetization. You will understand in details below.

Social Proof: When a visitor lands on your Instagram page and you have huge Followers, in the mind of the visitor, you know what you are doing doing

That is why many people are following you. It is evidence for them.

It shows Authority - to them, you are an influencer, people listen to Them and as you know, people like to gather where others are.

It builds Trust in your visitors. They believe that for you to retain such people you are a trusted person. Otherwise, people would have unfollowed you.

And you know that when Customers trust you, they will buy from you.

It raises curiosity in their mind, they feel like ha! Who is this person?

Let me check him out, let me try his product or service and they end up Buying from the vendor.

Furthermore, known the reason why you need smms, here are the top two websites that there services are top notch

Business / Top 2 Best Website For Social Media Marketing Service (smm) And Benefits. by Japhlet00: 9:51am On May 31, 2022
Worried on how to boost your social media audience?
The right solution is here.


Smms means: Social Media Marketing Services. Almost every business can benefit from social media marketing services

Why do people buy those Services?
People Buy those Services for 4 major Reasons

1) Social Proof

2) Authority

3) Trust

4) Monetization. You will understand in details below.

Social Proof: When a visitor lands on your Instagram page and you have huge Followers, in the mind of the visitor, you know what you are doing doing

That is why many people are following you. It is evidence for them.

It shows Authority - to them, you are an influencer, people listen to Them and as you know, people like to gather where others are.

It builds Trust in your visitors. They believe that for you to retain such people you are a trusted person. Otherwise, people would have unfollowed you.

And you know that when Customers trust you, they will buy from you.

It raises curiosity in their mind, they feel like ha! Who is this person?

Let me check him out, let me try his product or service and they end up Buying from the vendor.

Furthermore, known the reason why you need smms, here are the top two websites that there services are top notch

1 Like

Health / How To Lose Belly Fat Overnight With Vaseline. by Japhlet00: 8:47pm On May 15, 2022
Before we get into how to use vaseline to lose belly fat overnight, let’s take a look at the facts about belly fat: if you carry most of your weight around your midsection, you’re at an increased risk of developing heart disease, type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea and stroke. The deeper layer of belly fat (known as visceral fat) secretes hormones that also contribute ttoo inflammation throughout the body; research shows that men with high levels of belly fat have higher levels of C-reactive protein, which has been linked to atherosclerosis and heart disease.

There are 4 outstanding steps , get amazing results and get rid of your belly fat overnight.

Health / Re: Taking ORS With Clean Borehole Water? by Japhlet00: 4:45pm On Apr 27, 2022
Well i suggest boiled water and allow it to cool is the best. Thats WHO recomendation.
Also make sure its 1ltr volume of water
Hello Nairalander,
Must one use Eva water or boiled water to dilute Oral Rehydration salt for use?
Would taking it with clean borehole water affect its potency or how?

1 Like

Health / Health Benefits Of Avocado Pear Leaves by Japhlet00: 4:43pm On Apr 27, 2022
Not many people know that avocado pear leaves have medicinal properties, but they do! You can use them to make teas, ointments, and even sprays that can help you manage your asthma symptoms better and avoid any serious complications. The next time you find an avocado pear leaf in your yard, don’t throw it away! Learn how to use it safely and effectively so that you can start enjoying its benefits as soon as possible.

Avocado Pear Leaves Have Healing Properties
The common avocado plant can be grown in a variety of different areas, from tropical to subtropical and even temperate climates. It's possible to grow an avocado plant practically anywhere, which may be one reason why they are so popular around the world. The fruit, also known as avocados or alligator pears, have a somewhat unique taste and consistency due to their high fat content. In addition to being delicious, there are many health benefits associated with consuming avocados as well as using their extracts topically. This includes reducing risk factors for osteoporosis (1) and cancer (2). There are several other properties that make avocado leaves useful in medicine.
Read on https://scrapeoffstress.com/what-is-the-benefit-of-avocado-pear-leaves/ to learn more about these properties and how you can use them!

Health / Re: Heavy Flows Of Blood by Japhlet00: 3:25pm On Apr 25, 2022
It could be as a result of external or internal haemorrhoid or intestinal ulcer
Good evening Nairalanders, Doctors and Nurses in the house... Please I need medication to stop this heavy blood coming out of my anus while stooling, have been battling for this for over three months now..I went to complain in hospital, doc prescribed some drugs for me in which I got and I used, after using the drug for a week this heavy flows of blood stop, after a months the heavy flows has come back again..I'm tired of seeing blood coming out of my anus... please I need help..I'm depressed �

Please mods help me push this to the front page ����
Health / Re: Nairaland Pls Help. Poop Want To Kill Me by Japhlet00: 3:23pm On Apr 25, 2022
Laxatives and try taking enough of fiber content foods, fruits, and lots of water
Nairaland pls help me. This poop has been stuck in my buttock for 2 days now. Whenever I want to release is like I want to release a big rock bigger than my head, it will stretch my buttock like it want to burst it and I don't want to force it not to get slack buttock. Pls nairaland what can I use to release this life threatening poop, is to big for my buttock . Have drink water like mad. d poop dosent want to dissolve like. It is like poop is a big stone. I'm currently frustrated.


Health / Re: Why You Shouldn't Be Taking Ampiclox™ (beecham) After Sex. by Japhlet00: 3:20pm On Apr 25, 2022
You made a point.
But this has to do with health , my health your health. They say prevention is better than cure..
Tell me one thing in Nigeria that is not abused, just one!
The problem left unattended in this country is enormous.
Health / Why You Shouldn't Be Taking Ampiclox™ (beecham) After Sex. by Japhlet00: 2:27pm On Apr 25, 2022
Self medication has become a societal problem. Were by after s@x, either the male counterpart or the female, rush into the pharmacy or patent medicine store, to purchase just one capsule of Ampiclox™.
So strange.
If you've been engaging in such habit, stop now cos tomorrow might be too late.

Moreover, here are the risks.
Taking just a capsule is known as antibiotics abuse, which will lead to your body resisting the effect of ampiclox in the future.
Taking just a single capsule of ampiclox, won't protect you from contacting urinary tract infections(UTI) , HIv/AIDS, Genital warts, and other sexually transmitted viral infections.

What you should if you don't trust your partner;
Its either You use a condom ,
Or you go for (PEP) drug
You can read more about (PEP).: https://scrapeoffstress.com/how-does-hiv-post-exposure-prophylaxis-work/

If you must take Ampiclox™ the prescription standard for its administration include,
1capsule trice a daily (8hrly) or 1capsule 4 times daily (for 7days or 5days) respectively.
Health / Hyposexual Desire Disorder In Male & Treatment by Japhlet00: 10:39pm On Apr 24, 2022
So this is often neglected topic when we talk about sexual disorders in males, we talk about premature ejaculation, but lack of desire is something that we don't really talk about and its unfortunate because Doctors said that "15-20% of men do have this problem and the medical term for this problem is called Hypo sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD)
So, how do we define HSDD?
Its basically significant lack of sexual thoughts, sexual fantasies and sexual desire in general.
Another clinical definition for HSDD
It's an illness that has been causing significant distress to the person, and has been continuous for at least 6 months.
Now What are the factors that lead to the development of HSDD?
It has been founded in almost 90% of cases, that HSDD is secondary. What do we mean by that?
It means that they are some disorderliness that is leading to HSDD, and it's not difficult to understand because you tend to repeat only those activities that are not pleasurable in nature, and it applies to sex too.
If sex is pleasurable, if sex is satisfactory, You might want to have more of it. But if because of any exposing reason sex is no longer pleasurable, or it's a cause of embarrassment or humiliation, People tend to avoid it.

This is an exactly what happens in people with erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation. People who have its tends to feel very insulting because of the problem. And this remains full irrespective of the duration of the relationship.
In my own perspective I have seen patients who are 50 years and in there late 40s who haven't married in there late 20s, even they, when they have difficulties like erection problems, They can be very moody with it. And the Tendencies ‘what would my wife think of me’ like ‘ I really got embarrassed in front of my wife ’So this male psyche thing, every any sexually concern is related to clinically equated with you know lack of masculinity is a driving force.
So, 90 % cases, if the person has a sexual disorder like premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction that could lead to development of hypo sexual desire disorder.
But, that is not the only thing, there are other factors that may contribute to decrease levels of desire.
When we talk about these factors we divide them into
1. Biological Factors &
2. Psychological Factors
Both are equally Important, but in a particular individual, one of them might be leading all.
1. Biological Factors;
When we are talking about biological factors, the most important sector is the age.
It has been found out that as age increases after the age of 40, sexual desire tends to decrease.
Another biological factor sector is physical health.
Physical health;
It has been found out that people who have medical illnesses like hypertension, Diabetes, cardiac conditions, all of them tend to have low sexual desire in comparison to those who are physically healthy.
Further, if somebody has this medical conditions, and they are not really controlled, all there sexual desire will decrease.
The third sector perhaps quiet important is hormonal sectors.
Hormonal sector;
the level of testosterone tend to have a corporation with sexual desire.
When testosterone becomes too less, the sexual desire tends to decrease. Now one thing that must be kept in mind is the range of testosterone.


If you go beyond the normal range then they might be a problem.
Testosterone is essential but it's not the only hormone important. There are other hormones that do play a role. For example, the prolactin hormone. Secretion of prolactin if it is increased is known to have a significant effect in sexual desire.
Apart from testosterone and prolactin, we have luteinizing hormone. Luteinizing hormone is hormone that drives the secretion of testosterone, Even though the range of the hormone beyond the normal range, that could be a cause.
So these are some of the hormones that play a role in the sexual desire.
Another significant biological sector is the medications;
There are many medications, which can decrease sexual desire as a side effect.
Some common ones include:
Antidepressants, antipsychotic, medications that are used in the treatment of hypertension (HBP), some of the medications that are used for cardiac conditions.
All these medications can cause decrease in sexual desire as a side effect. The good thing is it's not difficult to fix this problem. For example, talking about antidepressants and antipsychotic, they are other medications from the same group which do not cause sexual side effects.
So when we see a patient having decreased sexual desire disorder, because of a medication, you shouldn't replace it, all is you can add another medication that nullifies the side effect. So that thing can be taken care of.
Apart from this biological factors, psychological factors also plays an important role
Psychological Factors
The first one being
The diagnosis of depression or anxiety;
If someone is having depression, the desire for almost everything goes down. And sexual desire is also part of that. If you're not feeling like to do anything, you will not even feel having to do any sexual activity.
And as far as depression and decreased sexual disorder are concerned, somebody having decreased sexual desire is also likely to have depression symptoms.
So, apart from medical diagnosis of depression or anxiety, they're other psychological sectors, which one of them is relationship issue
Relationship Issues;
How is the relationship issue between the partners?
It is very important for them to understand that sex is a very intimate thing. To have sexual activity, its essential that you have the connection, psychological connection with your partner.
Sometimes young many couples come to me and said that usually the Wife complains that the Husband is not interested in having so much sexual activity. When the Husband insists, they will fight and the fight are so often, that I don't feel like having it." And It's true, You cannot fight with same person in the morning and also have sexual activity with the same person in the night. It doesn't work that way.
This is also one of the reason why large number of people are not able to have sexual activity when they drive with commercial sex workers, because you don't have any connection with the person. And you don't feel like having it.
So having a good relationship is extremely influential, if you want to have good sexual relationship.
They are other sectors like previous sexual experience
Previous sexual experience;
This is very essential for younger individuals who do not have sex acts frequently. Rather than saying younger individuals, I should have said people who are not in stable relationships and have sex infrequently.
So what happens means that, when they have sexual activities for the First 2 times, and they do not go as well. The partner makes comments like "You don't get good erections" or something of that sort.
So if your initial sexual experience is not so good, then you does not feel like indulging in the same activity again and starts avoiding it. That maybe another reason for a decreased desire.
Even when giving commercial sex workers concern, many of the commercial sex workers comments on the size of erection and oral performance, those thing stays with people, and they are like, ‘I couldn't perform as good with sexual worker, so the same thing will continue if they have sexual activity with the wife or the girlfriend.
So previous sexual experience, also play a very important role.
Another psychological sector is body image disturbance
Body Image Disturbance;
There are many people who are not happy with their body.
They think they are not attractive enough and you know all this commercialisation stuff whereby an industry flaunts bodies of Actors , Models, People will start believing that's how everybody should look like an they develop inferiority and also develop body image disturbance. They forget that those models, actors , they don't do same thing.
There is primary job to look good and if you're doing some other work, you cannot spend that much thing to look good or to be in shape.
Now if they do not look attractive enough as it comes to there mind, there thought is ‘the partner will not find me attractive and again the same thought decreases the desire to indulge in any sexual activity with the partner.
This is another important reason.
So as you must have understood by now, they are multiple factors and varied factors that leads to decreased desire. But by 90 % of case, It is secondary to another sexual problem.
Now before we talk about the treatment, we must talk about the pathway meta physiology of the dependent upon the chemicals in the brain.
Whenever there is a sexual cue whether you listen to something erotic whether you watch pornography you are with your partner in a particular situation these are the cues and when these things happen there is release of chemicals called Oxytocin in there brain.
When this chemical get to release little activation of other chemical, like mineralocorticoids and dopamine, when those get released, the process afflicts sexual desire.
There is whole pathway to lead to desire, and anything that interrupts this pathway, will lead to decreased desire.
Now for the last part.


When it comes to management or treatment of hyposexual desire disorder in male, it depends on the cause.
When a person is having erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation. It needs to be fixed.
If there are medications involved you have to replace those medications with substitutes, or you have to add medication to nullify the side effect.
Sometimes testosterone can be low(hypogonadism) it can lead to HSDD.
Talking bout testosterone replacement will be okay,
But all hormones can be tricky.
If it's not used carefully and judiciously with patient, if you look at the analytics some patients may have abused testosterone hormone. So giving a shot of testosterone from outside the body when the patient has normal testosterone level, will stop the body from producing the hormone naturally.
So proper diagnosis is necessary.
Read more : https://scrapeoffstress.com/hyposexual-desire-disorder-male-treatment/

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