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Phones / Re: Airtel Unlimited Data Thread! Best Data Plan In 2024!! by OHIsIManuEL(m): 9:08pm On Dec 29, 2024
Any reason why Pixel 5G is not working in Nigeria any idea?
Google region locked it
Phones / Re: Airtel Unlimited Data Thread! Best Data Plan In 2024!! by OHIsIManuEL(m): 9:02pm On Dec 29, 2024
Ask any questions bothering you before making purchase, I'll be glad to help! I'm using the 4G variant and it's working fine for me and my household
Can this be unlocked?
Phones / Re: Airtel Unlimited Internet Subscription | How to Setup Streaming Media Services by OHIsIManuEL(m): 4:47pm On Dec 28, 2024

I've only heard about the expensive Red 5G Router so far.
Another one I know they unlock is this cheap 4G Router [Image below].
Thank you
Phones / Re: Airtel Unlimited Internet Subscription | How to Setup Streaming Media Services by OHIsIManuEL(m): 12:23pm On Dec 28, 2024

No, this router is not universal and I don't think it is unlockable.
Wahala, thanks
Which of the 4g routers with the unlimited plans is unlockable?
Phones / Re: Airtel Unlimited Internet Subscription | How to Setup Streaming Media Services by OHIsIManuEL(m): 9:14am On Dec 28, 2024
Is this router universal out of the box?

Phones / Re: Google Pixel Discussion Thread by OHIsIManuEL(m): 5:12am On Dec 07, 2024

As regards heating on pixel,

Did you force peak screen refresh rate in the developer settings?

I realized this trick recently and my pixel runs very cool.

No, I didn't.

8 pro is supposed to have variable RR, do you think this will be applicable in this case?
Phones / Re: Google Pixel Discussion Thread by OHIsIManuEL(m): 4:34pm On Dec 04, 2024
any recommendations on where to get camera lens?
Thank you
Phones / Re: Google Pixel Discussion Thread by OHIsIManuEL(m): 9:20pm On Nov 24, 2024
Please I need a honest review about the pixel 8 pro on battery, performance and heating....abeg make urna help me
1. Battery is fair, I get between 5 - 7 hr SOT depending on usage. Charging speed is the weak spot. If you use your phone while charging, the charging itself would be very slow.
2. Performance is okay for me but this would be subjective, I only occasionally play CODM on the phone and it's okay.

3. As for heating, hmmmm. Heating is not bad unless you're pushing the device. It gets hot while charging though.

Anyway, the display gets insanely bright under sun.
The camera bar get scratched easily, including the glass, so get a case and lens protector on day one.

On the plus side, display is A1, Cameras are A1 as usual, face unlock is fast and can be used on any app that requires biometric verification.

T for thanks


Phones / Re: Google Pixel Discussion Thread by OHIsIManuEL(m): 3:02pm On Sep 22, 2024
Pls how good is the camera of Google pixel compared to redmi

1 Like

Phones / Re: Google Pixel Discussion Thread by OHIsIManuEL(m): 10:10am On Sep 21, 2024


Every amoled display especially manufactured by Samsung is susceptible to vertical line,also the green shade thing is not new in display world,even iPhones suffer from it.

Also I am part of a large pixel community on Reddit,

Never I repeat,never have I heard people complain majorly about that issue.

Now get this,I am not saying it does not exist,

It's affected a particularly limited amount of pixel 8 devices which Google provided extended warranty for,

They did not provide extended warranty for all pixel 8 devices.

Google knows the bad batch and provided the warranty.

Google pixel 8 is the best compact phone you can ever own,especially if you get the 256gb model.

It was just an advice.
He's free to do whatever
Phones / Re: Google Pixel Discussion Thread by OHIsIManuEL(m): 7:59am On Sep 21, 2024

Pls any production defects in pixel 8?
You may or may not get green screen and vertical lines issue, it's a 50/50 chance β€” so bad that google decided to extend warranty to 3 years for pixel 8.

If you can afford to send it to the US (because of course, Nigeria is unsupported) for free repairs or replacement (T & C applies), then get it by all means because it's the better phone.

However, you can save yourself the trouble and buy another model.
Phones / Re: Google Pixel Discussion Thread by OHIsIManuEL(m): 9:02am On Sep 20, 2024
Good day, who has pixel 8 or 8a, I want to swap my pixel 6 256gig pls let me know
I'd avoid the 8, but that's just me

1 Like

Phones / Re: Samsung Official Thread by OHIsIManuEL(m): 6:58pm On Aug 27, 2024

For peace of mind... get any of the ultra series or Samsung Fe series.

I have 3months used s21 ultra for sale, in case you interested in s21 ultra...
The regular S series no good?
Phones / Re: Google Pixel Discussion Thread by OHIsIManuEL(m): 5:46pm On Aug 20, 2024
Phones / Re: Google Pixel Discussion Thread by OHIsIManuEL(m): 7:18am On Dec 30, 2023
I got 3pcs of pixel 6a screen protector
Location is lagos
Phones / Re: Google Pixel Discussion Thread by OHIsIManuEL(m): 8:28pm On Dec 05, 2023

Does it still work? Been paying for YouTube since 2019 when it stopped
Yes, revanced extended.

Phones / Re: Google Pixel Discussion Thread by OHIsIManuEL(m): 1:51pm On Dec 02, 2023

Pixel phones have unlimited photo back up thou,at least until pixel 5.
For YouTube,that's a good reason too
When YouTube revanced dey?
Phones / Re: Google Pixel Discussion Thread by OHIsIManuEL(m): 9:02am On Nov 13, 2023
I have 3 PCs of Google pixel 6a screen protector for sale.
Location is Lagos

Phones / Re: Google Pixel Discussion Thread by OHIsIManuEL(m): 9:01am On Nov 13, 2023

Ah! I must've missed it the first time. Sorry.

How did that happen?

Are you looking to Upgrade to Pixel 7 or another brand
Upgrade ke?
Will you give me money?
Phones / Re: Google Pixel Discussion Thread by OHIsIManuEL(m): 5:34am On Nov 13, 2023

What happened to it?
Nothing, the ink is just filling up my screen.
That's all
Phones / Re: Google Pixel Discussion Thread by OHIsIManuEL(m): 8:59pm On Nov 12, 2023
End of the road for my pixel 6a

Phones / Re: Google Pixel Discussion Thread by OHIsIManuEL(m): 6:59pm On Nov 11, 2023
Good day my ogas, please I want to ask is/are there any major cons in getting a wwu pixel device or any android device? Thanks in anticipation
If you factory reset it, it turns to wifi only πŸ˜‚


Phones / Re: Google Pixel Discussion Thread by OHIsIManuEL(m): 6:58pm On Nov 11, 2023
I hope this is a Pixel 7 problem and not a general Pixel problem cus I was planning on getting the 4xl or 4a 5G sometime in the future
No, it's just for tensor pixels.
Pixel 6 and later with the "not too great" modem.
Technology Market / Re: This Thread Is Only For Aliexpress Shopper by OHIsIManuEL(m): 6:36am On Oct 27, 2023

Dem wan swindle you ni!
Depndig on the weight, the amount payable is between ₦200 – ₦500
Thanks boss.
It's a fitness bad so it should be 200.
Technology Market / Re: This Thread Is Only For Aliexpress Shopper by OHIsIManuEL(m): 6:35am On Oct 27, 2023

Price of your item(s) doesn't determine the handling fees to be paid on NIPOST, weight of item & location are the determinants, but in all i think #3,500k is much, ask around for people that have recently purchased within your location & know whether its same or they're trying to reap you off

I think they do have range of handling fee measured by weight, i paid #500 for a 1.5kg item few months ago & #200 for a 0.17kg item last month, location is Onitsha(Anambra State, in all i think #3,500 is just too much no matter the location
Item is mi band 8 o.
Not up to 0.5kg sef
Technology Market / Re: This Thread Is Only For Aliexpress Shopper by OHIsIManuEL(m): 10:55am On Oct 26, 2023
Please ehn, how much am I supposed to pay for a $37 item at NIPOST?
I received a call from NIPOST today telling me that my package has arrived and I would need to part with 3,500
Phones / Re: Google Pixel Discussion Thread by OHIsIManuEL(m): 1:08am On Oct 13, 2023

Yes,he advertised at 125k,I negotiated to 120k because of the screen gap,which is a good deal indeed,I told him I was willing to take the risk,but not the risk of a bad battery swelling,because he assured me the phone was working perfect and the battery was not the reason the screen separated.
Infact he denied even ever knowing the phone had screen gaps,it was like I was the one that pointed his attention to it.but it was later I got to know in which be admitted when I laid the complaints that 2 nairalander rejected the same phone because of the screen gap.
But a phone with a swelling battery is not something I am willing to risk 120k on.that is more like a scrap device.
Well he called me tonight, threatening to go to his lawyer tomorrow,i would be waiting for his feedback,he can afford a lawyer,but he can't afford a replacement battery or even a refund,telling me fuckboys is the account he used to sells phones and saying I am dragging @ColdXAutoLtd which is the business name,if you intend to clear your name,fix my issues,I would retract my statements.but since this is the only language you understand.we move.
Good riddance.
Lawyer ko, lawyer ni.
Whether fuckboy oo, coldXAutoLTD o
As far as it's a one man business, and both names belong to him then he's fully liable.
Make e dey play.


Phones / Re: Google Pixel Discussion Thread by OHIsIManuEL(m): 1:04am On Oct 13, 2023

I met this fraudulent seller call @fuckboys on jiji,where he advertised a working perfect Google pixel 5,upon inspection,I noticed the pixel 5 had a screen gap,which he @fuckboys claimed he knew nothing about,but I know pixel 5 series had screen gap issues which Google themselves replied it was a normal thing and a none issue,so I brought the device at a good deal from him after he gave me his assurances that the phone was working perfectly and I won't have issues.
I gave to an engineer to help seal it back,which the engineer did,I asked from the engineer if he thinks it's a battery issue,but the engineer definitely not a Google expert told me he does not think so.
After a couple of days,the screen gap appeared again,which occured to me that this was a battery issue and not the Google pixel 5 screen gap defect.
I reached out to @fuckboys calmly explaining to him.i gave him a good solution that if refund would be an issue,I would be willing to return the pixel 5,add money on it and get a pixel 7a,he promised to get back to me,he went on all platforms he advertised and mark all the items as sold.called me back to tell me there is nothing he can do for me,that the deal is gone,I even gave him the option to purchase a new battery and fix it,he told me to go to hell.
I reminded him that he assured me the phone was in good working condition and a phone with a bad battery cannot be termed such,he told me i should do my worst,there is nothing he can do.
Later I found out from someone here on nairaland he tried to sell the same pixel 5 to them twice and he was made to know that there was a screen gap,which he denied to me on the first day we met to do the transaction.
@fuckboys is a very dishonest seller,only interested in collecting payment and has no interest of customers at heart after payment has been received.
I know of sellers on this platform who offer excellent after sales service
Based on the fact he knew before hand as regards the issue of the screen gap,but when we met he denied he never knew the screen has gaps.
This is very terrible and dishonest if true and his silence is deafening.
As a learning point for you, never buy a phone based on promises and assurances β€”only buy for what you can see.
You see a screen gap, you move aside.
120k would've gotten you a 4a 5g which is basically a 5.
Sorry for your loss and thank you for the bringing this to light πŸ•―οΈ.
Phones / Re: Google Pixel Discussion Thread by OHIsIManuEL(m): 2:34pm On Oct 12, 2023

One would wonder why you rushed to marked the phones as sold.
Was it because you were informed that the pixel 5 you sold on jiji has battery swelling issues,after you assured the buyer there was no issue wrong with the phone that was it was a normal screen gap,
Because a mention was made to add money on the pixel 5 to get a pixel 7a,now items marked as sold.
Wait, this story no clear.
You bought pixel 5 from him that has battery swelling issue and he advised you to add money to get the pixel 7a?
Phones / Re: Google Pixel Discussion Thread by OHIsIManuEL(m): 6:01pm On Oct 08, 2023
Those who have updated to android 14, please how Is it going?, And how does it perform, especially it's effect on battery life
It's fine.
Phones / Re: Google Pixel Discussion Thread by OHIsIManuEL(m): 11:33am On Oct 06, 2023
Good day guys, let me shed light on the issue on ground.

Some Google pixel devices came network locked and getting a network locked pixel is cheaper than factory unlocked.

So some guys buy the cheaper locked. The device can be unlocked either temporarily or permanently
The temporary unlock I think is what the guy did here, the temporary unlock works but when you factory reset or update your phone, it locks back.

The permanent unlock is expensive and no seller will want to spend that amount to unlock.

So if you want to buy any pixel phone, ask seller if it's network unlocked, if he says yes put your SIM, factory reset and see if it brings network or not

If you hear WWU or software unlock, please run oo.
If the option to unlock bootloader is greyed out, still run except you can confirm it is FU with the IMEI

Or you're fully aware of what you're buying and okay with it.
That's all.

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Phones / Re: Google Pixel Discussion Thread by OHIsIManuEL(m): 10:01pm On Oct 05, 2023
Guys, whenever you're buying a used phone, always do a factory reset on the spot before paying.
Let the seller know you're going to factory reset it and if anything happens, you're not going pay.
Also try as much as possible to buy FU phones only.
A word is enough for the wise.


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