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Foreign Affairs / Re: Who “lost” Kazakhstan And To Whom? by scully95: 1:21am On Jan 10, 2022
Of sure, the AngloZionist propaganda machine and the clueless trolls (paid or not) who parrot that nonsense won’t say a word about all this, but just use your own common sense, use the “before and after” thing, and make your own conclusions.

Joint briefing by the commander of the collective peacekeeping forces of the CSTO in the Republic of Kazakhstan, Colonel General Andrei Serdyukov, Commander of the Russian Airborne Forces, and Deputy Minister of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Lieutenant General Sultan Gamaletdinov.

Speaking of conclusions: how about all those who bitched about the CTOS being a toothless wannabe copy of NATO which can get nothing done? You still find it so toothless now?

How does it compare to NATO, no, not on paper, but in terms of combat operations capability?

The West wanted to turn Kazakhstan into a “Russian Afghanistan” (same plan for the Ukraine, by the way). Turkey wanted to turn Kazakhstan into a Turkish run vassal state. The Takfiris wanted to turn Kazakhstan into some kind of Emirate.

In your opinion, how do you evaluate the effectiveness of a collective security treaty which could foil all of these plans with only a brigade-sized force and in just a few days?

One more thing: there is something else which Kazakhstan and Syria have in common: there were A LOT of CIA/MI6/Mossad/etc agents around Assad, this became quite clear by the number of high level Syrian officials who either backed the insurrection, or even lead it. Most later fled to the West, some were killed. But the point is that the “apple” of the powers structure in Syria was quite rotten. The same can be said for Kazakhstan were a huge purge is taking place, with the head of the security services not only demoted, but arrested for treason!

So in plain English, the SVR/FSB/GRU now have a free hand to “clean house” the same way the Russians “cleaned house” around Lukashenko and Assad (in this case with Iranian help): quietly and very effectively,

Again, I can hear the hysterical and desperate wailing out of Langley and Mons. That what you get for believing your own stupid propaganda!

As for those who bought that silly “Putin losing countries all over the former Soviet Union space” PSYOP narrative, they probably feel quite stupid right now, but won’t ever admit it. Speaking of stupid,

No, Putin is NOT, repeat, NOT trying to “re-create” the Soviet Union.

And while that mediocre non-entity Bliken warns about how the Russians are hard to get out once they come in (coming from a US Secretary of State this is both quite hilarious and a new, even higher, level of absolute hypocrisy!), the truth is that most CSTO force will leave pretty soon, if only because there will be no need to keep them in Kazakhstan. Why? Simple: the hardcore trained terrorist and insurgents will soon be dead, the looting rioters will get off the streets and hope that they don’t get a visit from the Kazakh SSC (State Security Committee), the traitors in power will either leave the country for the EU or be jailed and the Kazakh security and military forces will regain control of the country and maintain law and order. Why would the Russian paratroopers and special forces need to stay?

Furthermore, Russia has no need, or desire, to invade or, even less so, administer poor, mostly dysfunctional countries, with major social problems and very little actual benefits to offer Russia. And now that Lukashenko, Pashinian and Tokaev know that the serve at the pleasure of the Kremlin, you can rest assured that they will generally “behave”. Oh sure, they will remain mostly corrupt states, with nepotism, tribal affiliation and religious extremism all brewing at some level, but as long as they represent no threat to a) the Russian minority in these states and 2) to Russian national security interests, the Kremlin will not micro-manage them. But at the first sign of a resurgence of “multi-vectoriality” (possibly inspired by western corporations working in Kazakhstan) the chairs upon which these leaders currently sit will immediately begin shaking pretty badly and they will know whom to call to stop this.

Speaking of weak “idiots” who “lost” countries to the Empire, does anybody care to make a list of countries the Empire as ACTUALLY snatched away from Russia (or any other adversary) and succeeded in keeping? Syria? Libya? Afghanistan? Iraq maybe? Yemen? And that is after the “Mission Accomplished” declaration by a “triumphant” US President �

Ah, I can hear the voices chanting “the Ukraine! What about the Ukraine!?”. Well, what about the Ukraine?

There is a Russian saying (цыплят по осени считают) which can be roughly translated as “do not count your chickens before they are hatched“. Right now, NOBODY can confidently predict what will happen with the Ukraine further down the road. Not only has the Ukraine become a country 404 deindustrialized shithole, it now is run by an entire class (in the Marxist sense) of Nazis whom, apparently, nobody has the will or the ability to de-Nazify (Russia could, but has exactly zero motive to do so, as for the US/NATO, LOL!!). Even if Russia and the US agree to some kind of neutral status for the Ukraine, this will not remove a single Nazi from power and, if anything, will create the conditions for an even bigger breakup of the country (which is what I think will eventually happen anyway, but very slowly and very very painfully).

The one thing which the Ukraine does have in common with Kazakhstan is that these are both invented countries created by the rabidly russophobic Bolsheviks: not only are their current borders meaningless (and I mean totally completely meaningless), but these borders bring under one totally artificial political “roof” completely different regions and ethnic groups. The big difference is, of course, that the Ukie leaders, all of them, were, and still are, infinitely worse than either Nazarbaev or Tokaev ever were. Also, Ukie nationalism is the most hate filled and demented on the planet, they can only be compared with the Hutu Interahamwe in Rwanda. Yes, there is definitely a nationalist streak in the Kazakh society (lovingly nourished and fed by the West for decades), but in comparison with the Ukronazis, these are soft spoken and mostly mentally sane humanitarians. In my personal, and therefore admittedly subjective, experience, Kazakhs and Russians get along much better than Ukrainians and Russians.

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Foreign Affairs / Re: Who “lost” Kazakhstan And To Whom? by scully95: 1:10am On Jan 10, 2022
About the CSTO operation itself. First, the Russian and Belarusian forces (about 3’000 Russians and 500 Belarusians): they are truly elite, top of the line, battle hardened, professional, highly trained and superbly equipped forces (the other smaller contingents are more for “PR decoration” than for anything else). Officially, their mission it only to protect key official (Kazakh and Russian) facilities but these forces would be more than enough to make minced meat of out any western or Turkish trained Takfiris or nationalist, even if their numbers are much higher than the 20’000 estimate. And, in the worst case, these forces happen to be in control of key airports were Russians (and Belarusians) could send in even more forces, including at least two Russian airborne divisions. That would be a force nothing in Central Asia can even dream of taking on. I should also mention that Russia has a strategically crucial military base in Tadjikistan which has trained Takfiri terrorism for decades now and which could also support any Russian military operation in Central Asia.

So the objective of these forces are:

To free up Kazakh security and military forces to put down the uprising (which they are doing)

To send a political message to the Kazakh security forces: we got your back, no worries, do your job.

To send a political message to the insurgents: you will either lay down arms, flee abroad or die (which is what Putin ordered in both Chechnia and Syria, so these are not empty threats at all).

To send a political message to the US and Turkey: Tokaev is our guy now, you lost him and this country!

To send a political message to the entire Central Asia and Caucasus: if Russia has your back, you will stay in power even if the idiots at CIA/NED/etc. try to color-revolutionize you.

To send yet another message to folks like Erdogan or Vucic – all that multi-vectorness will end up very badly for you, use your head before it is too late (for you, not for us – we are fine either way!).

Some have suggested that the timing of the insurrection Kazakhstan was some kind of attempt by US/NATO to “hurt” Russia in her “weak underbelly” and to show Russia that she has to back down from her ultimatum to the West (negotiations are supposed to start tomorrow, in an atmosphere of general pessimism). Well, I don’t have any info out of Langley or Mons, but if that was the US plan, then this entire project not only collapsed, but has backfired very very badly indeed.

Remember, the PSYOP narrative was that Putin is either stupid, or weak or sold out to the West, yet when we look at the “before and after” thingie, we see that while the West “almost” (or so they think) “got” Belarus, Armenia, Azerbaijan and, now, Kazakhstan, the reality is that in each case it appears that the narcissistic megalomaniacs running the West have confidently waltzed into a carefully laid Russian trap which, far from giving the Empire the control of the countries it “almost” acquired, made them lose them for the foreseeable future.

Can you imagine the level of impotent rage and frustration in Langley and Mons when the watch that kind of footage: oy veh!!


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Foreign Affairs / Who “lost” Kazakhstan And To Whom? by scully95: 12:56am On Jan 10, 2022

The magnitude crisis in Kazakhstan has surprised many, including myself. Some compared what happened to the Euromaidan in Kiev, but that is very bad comparison, if only because the Euromaidan happened on one square of one city whereas the violent insurrection (because that it was it was!) in Kazakhstan began in the western regions but quickly spread to the entire country (which is huge). Just by the sheer magnitude of the insurrection (about 20’000 well organized and trained combatants all over the county) and its extreme violence (cops had their heads cut off!), it was pretty obvious that this was not something spontaneous, but something carefully prepared, organized and then executed. The way the insurgents immediately attacked all TV stations and airports, while bigger mobs were trashing the streets a looting stores, shows a degree of sophistication Ed Luttwak would have approved of!

To me, this is much more similar to what happened in Syria in the cities of Daraa, Homs, Hama,Aleppo, Damascus and many more.

I will admit that my initial reaction also was “wow, how could the Kazakh and Russian intelligence services miss all the indicators and warnings that such a huge insurrection was carefully prepared and about to explode?”. Then came the news that President Tokaev appealed to the The Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), which up until now was a rather flaccid organization and that same evening Russia began an air bridge to move forces to Kazakhstan, including the 45th Guards Separate Special Forces Brigade, 98th Guards Airborne Division and 31st Guards Airborne Assault Brigade. Russian military transporters also transported small contingents of Armenian, Kyrgyz, Tadjik special forces. Most interestingly, the Belarusians also sent one reinforced company from their elite 103rd Separate Guards Airborne Brigade (that is the famous Vitebsk Airborne Division, one of the best Soviet Airborne Divisions). Considering the current tensions with the West over the Ukraine, the speed with which these forces were sent to Kazakhstan indicated to me that this was clearly a prepared move.

In other words, at least the Russians had advanced warning and were fully prepared. If so, I doubt they said anything to their colleagues from the CSTO, with the possible (likely) exception of the Belarusians.

Okay, so let’s explore the implications of the above.

If the Russians knew, why did they do nothing at all to prevent what just happened?

Here we first need to revisit what recently happened in Belarus.

President Lukashenko had pretty much the same foreign policy as President Tokaev: something they call a “multi-vector” foreign policy which I would summarize as follows: pump all the aid and money from Russia, while suppressing pro-Russian forces inside your own country and and trying to show the AngloZionist Empire that we can be bought, just for the right price of course (this is also what Vucic is doing in Serbia right now). Now let’s recall what happened in Belarus.

The Empire and its vassal states in the EU tried to overthrow Lukashenko who had no other choice than to turn to Russia for help and survival. Russia, of course, did oblige, but only in exchange for Lukashenko’s “good behavior” and comprehensive abandonment of his “multi-vector” foreign policy. Lukashenko prevailed, the opposition was crushed, and Russia and Belarus have already taken major further steps towards their integration.

Now I know that there are those out there who love to accuse Putin (personally) that he “showed weakness”, “let the US and NATO blow up countries on the Russian periphery”, etc. etc. etc. To those inclined to this, I ask a simple question: compare the Belarus before the insurrection and after. Specifically, from the Russian point of view, was the multi-vectoring Belarus preferable to the fully aligned Belarus of today or not? The answer, I submit, is absolutely obvious.

Now let’s look at Kazakhstan. Potentially, this is a much more dangerous country for Russia than Belarus: it has a huge border, a strong pan-Turkic underground (supported by Turkey), an equally strong Takfiri underground (supported by various non-state and even state actors in the region), ethnic tensions between the Kazakhs and the Russian minority and very important security ties to Russia. To have the Empire take over Belarus would have been very bad indeed, but the Empire taking over Kazakhstan would have been even much worse.

Yet, as a direct (and, I submit, predictable) consequence of the insurrection, Tokaev now knows that his fate depends on Russia, just like Lukashenko’s. Is that a bad or a good outcome for the Kremlin?

I will toss in another name here: Armenia’s Pashinian, who was a notorious russophobe until the Azeris attacked at which point he had no other choice but to turn to Russia for help and, frankly, survival. That is also true of Erdogan, but he is an ungrateful SOB who can’t ever be trusted, not even for minor matters.

Now remember all those dummies who were screaming urbi et orbi that the CSTO is useless, that the Russians just let the Azeris beat the crap of Armenia and could do nothing about it? As soon as Russia got involved, the war stopped and the “invincible” Bayraktars stopped flying. Is that a good or bad outcome for Russia?

And now, oh sweet irony, the self-same Pashinian happens to be the formal head of the CSTO (more like Stoltenberg really, a official mouthpiece with no real authority) and he had to “order” (announce, really) the CSTO operation into Kazakhstan.

So we have Lukashenko, Pashinian and now Tokaev all ex-multi-vector politicians begging Russia for help and getting that help, but at the obvious political price of ditching their former multi-vector policies.

I don’t know about you, but for me this is a triumph for Russia: without any military intervention or “invasion” (what the TV watching infantiles in the West scare themselves at night with), Putin “cracked” three notorious multi-vectorist and got them to be nice, loyal and very grateful (!) partners for Russia. By the way, Russia also has a very deep “penetration” into all the other “stans” whose leaders are not stupid and who, unlike the western journos and “experts” all read the writing on the wall. The impact of what just took place in Kazakhstan will reverberate all over Central Asia.

Culture / Re: Esu Is Not Satan Walk 2021 by scully95: 12:50am On Jan 10, 2022
Awuzubilahi Awuzubilahi Awuzubilahi Awuzubilahi Awuzubilahi Awuzubilahi Awuzubilahi Awuzubilahi Awuzubilahi Awuzubilahi Awuzubilahi Awuzubilahi Awuzubilahi

Awusubilai ko Ali wa mu dudun lai ni(ali come and take this big fried yam)

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Culture / Esu Is Not Satan Walk 2021 by scully95: 10:55am On Dec 24, 2021


Join us to partake in the forthcoming Awareness & Peaceful Walk Tagged “WALK FOR ÈṢÙ” on the 24th Of December 2021. This will be a Peaceful individual Campaign on the denigration, misinterpretation, and wrong identity attached to ÈṢÙ.
Now Let the countdown begin!
Adupe O!
Venue: No 1 solagbade Popoola street off egbado road Dalemo Alakuko Lagos state.
Èṣù a gbe wa ooo…


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Politics / Reno Omokri Does Not Like The Truth And he's Misleading People On Youtube by scully95: 4:42pm On Dec 15, 2021
Reno Omokri deletes important information or comment countering his political and economical narative on youtube

The man made a youtube video: The 14 Best Countries To Migrate To For Economic Prosperity


Here is the counter information he deleted.

All the countries mentioned are into what you might call modern debt slavery and as such you have a mortality rate pretty low. The parent is not able to provide for more kids due to the price of everything directly proportional to the national debt. What does this mean?

The more debt a country has, the lower its fertility, the more slavery they're into, and hence, you have GDP today almost equal to the amount of debt you have. It means the more debt you have today, the more wealthy you are regarded. That is not a sane world. Before you run into outright slavery let's compare and contrast only the foreign debt of the countries mentioned vs Nigeria.

Nigeria's foreign debt per head - $194

These are the countries mentioned by Reno to migrate to due to low Ferterlity rate.

France: Foreign debt $5,360,000,000,000/ 67,060,000 =$79,928.42 per head is what your unborn child owns the 1%

Iceland : 20,300,000,000/368,792= $55,044.57 Ur unborn child owes
Denmark: $484,800,000,000/5,831,000= $83,141.82
Australia: 1,714,000,000,000/25,690,000= $66,718.56
Belgium: $ 1,281,000,000,000/11,560,000= $110,813.14
Estonia: $ 19,050,000,000/1,331,000 = $14,312.54
UK: $8,126,000,000,000/ 66,650,000= $121,920.48
USA: $17,910,000,000,000/328,200,000= $54,570.38
Canada: $1,608,000,000,000/ 37,590,000= 42,777.33
Switzerland: $1,664,000,000,000/8,637,000= $192,659.48 per head.

Even China- As plenty as China is. About 1.4bil people. Debt per head is 1000 USD.
Nigeria needs to get it right. This is the problem Nigeria has with the Anglozionist empire. They need to enslave Nigerians more with debt but Nigeria is not buying into it. The reason for Boko haram and others like it, to divide it into the part where they can enslave them pretty well as you have in UAE and many other tiny countries. When they are smaller, they're easier to enslave.

Nigeria just needs to get it right. This is the same reason Sankara was killed, the same reason even Jonathan Boss was killed, Yaradua. For trying to get it right without massive debt per head. If you know the problem of Nigeria, then you are already part of the solution. if you don't know it, then you are also part of the problem.

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Foreign Affairs / Re: Did A Major Shift Finally Happen Between The USA And Russia? by scully95: 1:53am On Dec 08, 2021
According to the British, Biden has promised to call the following western leaders to brief them about his negotiations with Putin:

The UK
Did you notice who was not even mentioned?

Well, Poland and the Ukraine for starters!

This goes to show that whatever the official propaganda line is, at least *somebody* in the White House understands that there is a “real Europe”, the Europe that matters, and then there is the “European kindergarten” which matters nothing (I won’t even mention the 3B+PU clowns).

Later, Sullivan tried to do some damage control and declared that Biden would speak with “Ze” on Thursday. But what could Biden tell “Ze” other than give him tons of verbal reassurances and zero guarantees?

Finally, it is noteworthy that the US side did not promise to accept the Ukraine in NATO (they made the usual oblique statements about “open doors” instead) and the US has even reaffirmed the Minsk Agreements (which, de facto, and possibly even de jure, might create the basis for a disavowal of any Ukie attack on the LDNR).

Again, this is good. The less power the EU Kindergarten has, the less they are likely to force the agenda and draw the adults in the room into a (possibly nuclear) war.


There is also bad news, of course: the 3B+PU clowns all understand that perfectly. For them the choice is stark and, indeed, possibly even existential (via self-destruction only, of course): either war or we become irrelevant in the eyes of the collective West.

So the next two questions are:

What will the 3B+PU do about this next?
What will the US do when the 3B+PU does something about it (with the full support of the War Party in the USA!)?
Frankly, I cannot call this one, there are way too many unknowns to make any predictions.

The fact that substantive negotiations have finally replaced the USA’s “unilateralism” (I am being polite here) is a major development and a good one. But that, at best, is just a first step. US politicians are notorious for saying A when negotiating with the Russians and non-A as soon as their media excoriates them for being “weak”.

Alas, what needs undoing or, at least, transforming, is three decades of self-defeating western stupidity!

Will that happen? I don’t know.

Over the next couple of days, we will hear a lot of statements, from all sides, many of them categorical. I suggest that we wait for a little and then revisit the issue again later in the week.


PS: big, very big stuff happening between Russia and India and Russia and China; this is crucial to get the full picture of what is going on right now. I propose to also revisit that later in the week.
Foreign Affairs / Did A Major Shift Finally Happen Between The USA And Russia? by scully95: 1:52am On Dec 08, 2021
The western media is writing with a uniformity and discipline which goosestepping SS on a parade could envy them: Joe Biden delivered a “stern warning” to Putin: don’t invade the Ukraine, or else… (see here, here or here).

Since Russia has no intention, need, or even capability (as currently poised) to “invade” the Ukraine we can be certain that Biden will make his best impersonation “sheriff squinting eyes at OK Corral” (US Presidents like to do that to look “tough” and, therefore, “presidential”) and declare that he single-handedly stopped a Russian invasion on the Ukraine! He is SO MUCH “tougher” than Trump, right?

Fine. Whatever.

That is a small price to pay to avoid a full-scale (or even limited) war.

This will be an obvious PR stunt, which won’t even help Biden very much, but in his tough (disastrous, really) situation, anything he can present as even a semi-success is worth saying and doing. “So – I stopped Putin!” was the best Biden could hope for.

This, however, still solves nothing on substance (yet?).

However, there are clear signs that substantive talks did take place (length of the conversation, experts present, tone following the meeting, etc.)

First, both sides agreed to “further consultations” on the “expert level”.

Furthermore, the US side has declared “we still do not believe that President Putin has made a decision” to “further invade” the Ukraine. So in spite of all the (hilariously ridiculous) “secret maps” posted by the western media (see here or here), the folks in charge in the Biden White House seem to be singing to a different tune (so far?).


Then there is this: considering that Putin has officially drawn “red lines” and that Biden has officially declared that he will recognize no red lines – what is it exactly which the mentioned “experts” agreed to “further consult” each other about?

The answer is quite obvious, I submit: precisely these red lines!

CNN’s version of a macho “if” :-)

It is now clear that the Biden Administration’s official position about hellfire, brimstone, sanctions from hell, and all the rest of the threats and insults which the US has made will actually be acted upon only IF Russia invades the Ukraine.


In other words, what if Russia does not invade (which she won’t), then no more sanctions

We can be sure that the War Party (which I define as follows: the entire US media, the Neocons, the MAGA-GOP gang in Congress, the “non-Biden gang” inside the Democratic Party, the US energy sector, the US MIC, the entire US “deep state”, the Israel lobby, the Ukie lobby, the UK lobby, the Polish lobby, etc.) will present that as a huge, galactic, “concession” and even “betrayal” by Biden who “caved” to Putin The Evil Communist KGB Thug.

[Sidebar: the hysterics of the War Party about Gen Milley or Biden’s decision to leave Afghanistan have proven beyond reasonable doubt that the these folks have now fully adopted the line which the Dems held during the 4 years of the Trump Administration and that they will now at least try to fabricate some “Russia-gate v2” to win the next elections. There is no honor among thieves and they *all* sure are thieves!]

Here is what the War Party will focus on: what exactly could US and Russia experts even be negotiating about?

Until today, the US officially treated Russia was a “regional power” with her “economy in tatters“, “a gas station masquerading as a country“, a non-entity to whom the Empire had absolutely no need whatsoever to pay attention to, nevermind negotiate with!

And now, negotiations

Negotiations, by definition, imply first, that both parties approach the negotiations as equals and, second, that both parties are willing to engage in a mutually beneficial give and take.

If not, they are not called negotiations, they are called ultimatums.

And by all signs, Biden presented Putin with no ultimatums whatsoever.

“Worse” (at least from the War Party’s point of view), is the fact that Biden has so far called Putin 3 times, met him once, and requested today’s video conference. That is for at least five times that the sole hyperpower and world hegemon and leader of all democracies have reached out to “killers” in the Kremlin and asked for talks. Five times.

Asked (nicely and politely)

For talks (as equals)

Five times (and promised more)

That is huge and absolutely unprecedented since at least twenty years, if not since the fall of the USSR!

Obama, assuming he is currently sober, must be in tears :-)

It gets even more amazing next.

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Health / The Effect Of Dangaria Drink To The Body Organs? by scully95: 4:51pm On Dec 06, 2021
I am interested in what this drink is used for in Nigeria.

The acidity content is obviously higher than what a normal soft drink should have.
Can anyone bring more light into this matter?
Foreign Affairs / Re: Russia Threatens To Destroy 32 Nato Satellites To Cripple Missile Systems (Pics) by scully95: 10:43pm On Nov 29, 2021

1. Can't you read? This is an excerpt from the article on the OP:

State-controlled Russian Channel One TV host Dmitry Kiselyov - dubbed Putin’s “mouthpiece” and “propagandist-in-chief” - has claimed the satellite strike was a deliberate warning to the West not to cross the Kremlin’s red lines on Ukraine.

He boasted in the event of worsening relations, Russia could wipe out 32 GPS satellites crucial for Nato’s military operations, including the pinpointing of missile strikes.

“We shot down the old Soviet Tselina-D satellite in space orbit,” said Kiselyov.

“That was the completion of tests of Russia’s anti-satellite system, the accuracy of which (Defence Minister) Sergei Shoigu called jewellery-like.

“It means that if Nato crosses our red line, it risks losing all 32 of its GPS satellites at once.”

This would “blind all their missiles, planes and ships, not to mention the ground forces."

As you can see, the main source of this is a fellow called Kiselyov, who is a broadcaster at Russian Channel One.

2. It is a known fact that emerged after the cold war, that the majority of Russian missiles were actually good for nothing which meant that Russia was posturing the entire time.

Read thoroughly: https://www.armscontrol.org/act/2011-05/missile-gap-myth-its-progeny#:~:text=After%20the%20launch%20of%20Sputnik,of%20the%20Soviet%20ICBM%20force.

An excerpt:

After the launch of Sputnik, Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev bragged that his country’s factories “were turning out missiles like sausages” and greatly exaggerated the size and operational capabilities of the Soviet ICBM force.[17] Asked at the time by his son why he was doing so, he explained that “the number of missiles we had wasn’t so important.… The important thing was that Americans believed in our power.”[18] That potential U.S. opponents from Saddam Hussein’s Iraq to Ali Khamenei’s Iran want to exaggerate their capabilities is logical, but the U.S. bias in considering such governments’ claims is to assume they are masking hidden capabilities

And don't waste my time mentioning me again since you cannot read or do basic research yourself.

First, you claimed an excerpt from the Russian propaganda house, second, you shared a website that is not related to your claim in any form. Then you deny(uising the word exaggerating) Russia could destroy satellites even as the leader of your anglozoo empire was shouting all up and down about Russia shooting down satellites in space from the earth.

Did Russia shoot down Satalite or not?
If the answer is yes, so what is propaganda from that one now?

You are just confused joo.
Culture / #Esu Alaje: The Orisa Of Wealth (#bitcoin) And Economic Prosperity by scully95: 11:49am On Nov 08, 2021

Esu alaje is the Orisa of wealth and economic prosperity. This Orisa helps to accumulate wealth and avoids the decline of one’s economic growth. Esu alaje is an extremely primordial Orisa that anyone wants to have wealth, economic prosperity, growth, and maintenance of wealth must have in his power.

His alaje is the spiritual energy that takes charge of the control of wealth, discovery, trade, economic growth, prosperity, and any kind of currency, whoever has consecrated the Esu Alaje and appeased it or proposes it well will never be left behind in any form of trade. Bitcoin comes to mind, the energy responsible for the discovery of Bitcoin or the technology, blockchain backing a decentralized form of wealth accumulation, untaxable, deflationary, and purchasing power retention.

Esu alaje is the Orisa of wealth and economic prosperity, this Orisa helps to accumulate wealth and avoids decreasing the economic growth of one, Esu alaje is an extreme Orisa


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Foreign Affairs / Over 20 Years Of War: Taliban Wins Twice Against Zionist Forces, Enters Kabul by scully95: 4:21pm On Aug 16, 2021
By Zamir Awan

Life is very much normal, internet service, mobile service is functioning in a routine. Shops are opened, traffic is in normal routine, schools are opened, everything seems very much normal. The government is functioning, bureaucracy is functioning, police is functioning, just ex-president Ashraf Ghani is not in Afghanistan.

Just a few days ago, the US announced that it will take three months for the Taliban to enter Kabut, but actually, the Taliban took only hours to conquer Kabul. No single bullet was fired, no single person was killed or injured, no war, the Taliban entry into Kabul was one of the most peaceful events in the history of humankind.

Reports from other big cities in Afghanistan, which were taken over by the Taliban for the last many days, are reporting a very much normal life, daily routine is, as usual, ATMs are operating regularly. Women are working in restaurants, girls are going to schools, nothing changed on the ground, except the US-backed puppet government of Ashraf Ghani was replaced by the Taliban.

The general public has welcomed the Taliban and there was almost no resistance. As a matter of fact, the Taliban are true Afghani and were fighting against the foreign occupation of Afghanistan, Ashraf Ghani was only a puppet-like Dr, Najeed backed by USSR in the 1980s.

Few countries, deliberately spreading fake news and distorting the image of the Taliban, but on the ground, the world has witnessed miracles and smooth transfer of power. A general amnesty has been granted to the public, only those who take guns against the Government will be dealt with iron hands.

Unholy media launched a campaign to distort the Taliban image and promoting a negative narrative about the Taliban. But, the world has witnessed a very different picture. As a matter of fact, Taliban leadership is well educated and some of them have been graduated from reputed Universities in America and Europe. They are well equipped with all sorts of modern knowledge, including Science, Technology, Engineering, Economics, Politics, etc. They are not merely religious scholars. They are flying helicopters and using advanced war machinery.

Taliba is not like two decades ago, they have learned bitter lessons and refined themselves. Today, the Taliban are moderate, well educated, moderate, and equipped with all sorts of skills to run a country. They are already in contact with many countries diplomatically including China, Russia, Iran, Pakistan, EU, and OIC countries. They suffered a lot twenty years ago when only three countries recognized their rule in 1996-2001. But this time, it will be much better and they have proved while conquering Kabul.

As matter of fact, It was the US that has been violating the agreed peace deal, and delayed withdrawal, and conducted airstrikes against the Taliban. Whereas the Taliban were obeying the peace deal strictly in true later and spirit, They have not attacked foreign troops during withdrawal. Russian foreign minister termed Taban as “ reasonable (Sensible) People”. The world has seen them as much better people than the Americans.

All UN organizations, diplomatic missions are safe and functioning properly. Russia has announced that it will not close its Embassy in Kabul. Many other countries have consented to keep their embassies in Kabul and work closely with the new government. It is estimated that more than a hundred countries will recognize the new government in Kabul. It is possible, America, India, Israel, and the UK may take some time to acquaintance with the new government.

The American viewpoint that they will not accept any government which captures power by force, is totally unacceptable. Taliban are the choice of Afghan people and welcomed by the general public. They enjoy popularity. While Ashraf Ghani or Hamid Karzai was puppet governments and were not representatives of the Afghan people. They were not popular in Afghanistan, neither were looking after the Afghan interests. Instead, they were serving their foreign Masters and making money in return. Ashraf Ghani Government was one of the most corrupt Governments.

The US spent two decades, spent trillions of dollars, raised the Afghan National Army of 400,000 troops, but count not resist against Taliban. It is not the humiliation and defeat of puppets. but also the masters. A defeated Army has no moral grounds to comment like this. Taliban are the winner and are in a strong position. They deserve to set terms and conditions. It is just like a case where Germany and Japan have no option except to obey the terms and conditions after losing in World war II.

China has already investment plans in Afghanistan under BRI initiatives. China has committed to rebuild the war-torn country and develop infrastructure. China has money, technology, and policy under BRI to extend helping hands t Afghanistan. Afghanistan is located on very important ancient Silk routes, and connecting East Asia, South Asia, Central Asia, China, Russia, Eurasia, through Gwadar (Pakistan) onward destinations in Africa, Europe, and Middle-East.

The Whole region suffered a lot due to unrest and war in Afghanistan. It is expected, with the peace in Afghanistan under Taliban rule, the whole region will enhance economic activities and bring prosperity to the common man. The Whole region will be the beneficiary of peace, stability in Afghanistan. All the neighbors of Afghanistan and regional powers must stand up to protect Afghan peace and stability.

It is feared that spoilers like the US, India, Israel may try to destabilize the Afghan and sabotage peace in Afghanistan. Especially, the US’s vital interests to contain China and counter Russia may create unrest in Afghanistan.

In fact, The US destroyed the infrastructure in Afghanistan and damaged the economy, and has pushed the whole country into the stone ages. It is appealed to the International Community and the UN to initiate a trial against America for war crimes and humiliation to humankind in Afghanistan. A war compensation must be fixed on America to rebuild the war-torn country.

Author: Prof. Engr. Zamir Ahmed Awan, Sinologist (ex-Diplomat), Editor, Analyst, Non-Resident Fellow of CCG (Center for China and Globalization), National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Islamabad, Pakistan.
Foreign Affairs / Re: NATO Afraid Of Russia New Hypersonic Missiles by scully95: 1:05am On Jul 31, 2021
you argue like a kid.. Russia was at the helms of crumbling before the US came to their rescue by giving them a lot of grants.. you can’t read here if you can’t research. https://ru.usembassy.gov/world-war-ii-allies-u-s-lend-lease-to-the-soviet-union-1941-1945/

The only thing you got to back up the U.S claims that its troops won ww2 is this link right? first of all everyone on this thread has written beautifully without sharing any kind of propaganda link to a website owned by any of the two U.S. Or Russia. Only you came with a link and a video of photos. What else could be too poor and too cheap propaganda?(Answer that question and watch what you shared again)

Russia won ww2 outrightly without crumbling or what have you.
Foreign Affairs / Re: Russia, Syria Shoot Down Seven Of Eight Israeli Missiles Aimed At Aleppo by scully95: 12:35am On Jul 31, 2021
Just shoot down the jets as well. Let's have a little war.

Israeli jet was shot down already nah. Why do you think they are now hiding behind large crosectional radar (in a lay man's language, persengers airplane) to fire long range missile ilegally from Lebanese airspace into Syrian? They started doing this ever since that Israeli Jet was shut down on Syrian Golan Heights territory.

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Politics / Twitternj: Let's Be Guided Please; Double Standard Is What Happened.. by scully95: 6:36am On Jun 07, 2021
TwitterNJ: Let's be guided please; double standard is what happened and this is why?

These were Buhari's tweets. Kindly read them again bellow.

Do you know what is double standard?

He wrote many of those misbehaving today. Buhari did not write IGBO people or the entire race of Igbo or did he? I see double standard by those twitter Liberals. A new phrase to describe them. I like that phrase by the way.

Now check the double standard. When a group of people stormed Capitol, the entire twitter left liberals found it alarming, called them insurrectionists and Donald Trump's twitter and facebook was blocked. But when Buhari called them insurrectionists, his tweets were deleted. That just created the pretext right there to take down twitter that has been causing too much trouble for Buhari's government.

Let's always call a spade a spade and be guided. This war is the one between the Elites of Nigger Area and the Anglozionsit empire. Don't get dragged into it.

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Foreign Affairs / Ireland First EU Country To Recognise Israel's De Facto Annexation Of Palestine by scully95: 11:55am On Jun 03, 2021
Foreign Affairs / Re: The Disintegrated States Of America by scully95: 2:52pm On May 30, 2021

You are the one being emotional here. The fact that, It has never been a practice for democracy to display their armaments in grand and elaborate style unlike a show off of military capabilities as revisionist states do,
It is a show of Inferiority Complex.

Lol. Emotions are not facts on the ground and that has nothing to do with showing off.. Let me brief u.

First of all...
What else could be more democratic than openly telling your opponent, that see we have this oh. if you are thinking of war, think twice cos you do not have any leverage against what is coming at you. You have two different ppl with different war doctrine. Showing off you say? OMG, Russia does not show off or bluff. Its parade has been a tradition, a reminder since 2nd world war was won by Russia.

It's the Anglozionist empire that is the master of lies, showing off, and threatening the use of force now and then and also threatening Russia of all countries Ok.. How many times did it test its nuclear arsenal? It's now even supplying Ukraine massive arms(This is the democracy right) or how it killed General Solemani of Iran is also democracy? Pls pls just stop already. U mentioning democrazy is a kill word right there. Don't ever mention that word again. It's political suicide ok.

That is not show off, testing if it's still working is a routine thing every free country can do and including North Korea that often tests its Ballistic missile.

When Russia said it has it. Do you remember what your Propaganda media were saying It's a lie, Russia is very poor, facing sanctions, and here Russia tested it. Then only you are doing propaganda for them...I have never heard any western propaganda media call it Show off.

Also, the best way to win a war is never to shoot a gun. What else could be more democratic?
Hiding or be open?

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Foreign Affairs / Re: The Disintegrated States Of America by scully95: 9:27am On May 30, 2021
grin this one hatred for America is deep, shha don't run mad o
God bless America

Martyanov also feels compelled to update what he’s been excelling at for years: the fact that the arrival of hypersonic missiles “has changed warfare forever”. The Khinzal, deployed way back in 2017, has a range of 2,000 km and “is not interceptable by existing US anti-missile systems”. The 3M22 Zircon “changes the calculus of both naval and ground warfare completely”. The US lag behind Russia in air-defense systems is “massive, and both quantitative and qualitative”.

Read that part again and again. Do I need to be lecturing you again? Go back to your history book and check the fall of the Ottoman Empire. It was due to the technological advancement of the British Allied forces. Back then, the British had many pilots and fighter jets while Ottoman had the largest army but only a few pilots and I think three bombers. U see how Ottoman fell and the Anglozionist empire began and did even worse than the Ottomans. Ottoman control like 4 Continents, this Anglozionist empire is in more than 4 continents already. So always use your brain when typing and point to the facts but not sentiments.


Reason before you jump

All these kids, playing with keyboard know nothing except emotions. Read above again ok.

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Foreign Affairs / Re: Russia Deploys 3 Nuclear-capable Bombers To Syria( Pic) by scully95: 11:35am On May 29, 2021

The Word of GOD will always be Foolishness to them that Perish!
Unto us , it is the Wisdom of GOD

Which stupid word of god? whose god? a mere paper god? or the one that was nailed on the cross by the same crooks? Follow your Ori, go back to your tradition and stop copying and pasting nonense up and down. The Abraham ideology is flawed already in the year 10,061/2021. The god that created satan but has no control over it abi? U want to take anything sersiouly from that same paper god? Pls use some brains if there is still any left.

Im a realist not an idealist..

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Foreign Affairs / Re: Why Israel Is The Jewish ISIS, An Apartheid Territory by scully95: 8:11am On May 28, 2021
Rubbish! It's the height of greed for Muslims to lay claims to both mecca and Jerusalems. Jerusalem belongs to the Jews not only in the bible but also in ancient records by Flavius Josephus (AD 37) and other books of history. That is why it is called the city of David. My question now is, if Palestinians were not forcefully converted to Islam, would there be any crisis in the middle east. Your guess is as good as mine.
David ko Davido ni. Brainwash nonsense!

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Foreign Affairs / Why Israel Is The Jewish ISIS, An Apartheid Territory by scully95: 7:45am On May 28, 2021

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Foreign Affairs / The Disintegrated States Of America by scully95: 6:08pm On May 26, 2021

by Pepe Escobar with permission and first posted at Asia Times

Andrei Martyanov is in a class by himself. A third wave baby boomer, born in the early 1960s in Baku, in the Caucasus, then part of the former USSR, he’s arguably the foremost military analyst in the Russian sphere, living and working in the US, writing in English for a global audience, and always excelling in his Reminiscence of the Future blog.

I’ve had the pleasure of reviewing Martyanov’s previous two books. In

Losing Military Supremacy: The Myopia of American Strategic Planning, nearly three years ago he conclusively proved, among other things, how the missile gap between the US and Russia was a “technological abyss”, and how the Khinzal was “a complete game-changer geopolitically, strategically, operationally, tactically and psychologically”.

He extensively mapped “the final arrival of a completely new paradigm” in warfare and military technology. This review is included in my own Asia Times e-book Shadow play.

Then came The (Real) Revolution in Military Affairs, where he went one step beyond, explaining how this “revolution”, introduced at the Pentagon by the late Andrew Marshall, a.k.a. Yoda, the de facto inventor of the “pivot to Asia” concept, was in fact designed by Soviet military theoreticians way back in the 1970s, as MTR (Military-Technological Revolution).

His new book, Disintegration, completes a trilogy. And it’s a stunning departure.

Here, Martyanov, in meticulous detail, analyzes the imperial decline thematically – with chapters on Consumption, Geoeconomics, Energy, Losing the Arms Race, among others, composing a devastating indictment especially of toxic D.C. lobbies and the prevailing political mediocrity across the Beltway. What is laid bare for the reader is the complex interplay of forces that are driving the political, ideological, economic, cultural and military American chaos.

Chapter 3, on Geoeconomics, is a joy ride. Martyanov shows how geoeconomics as a field separate from warfare and geopolitics is nothing but an obfuscation racket: good old conflict “wrapped in the thin shroud of political sciences’ shallow intellectualism” – the stuff Huntington, Fukuyama and Brzezinski’s dreams are made of.

That is fully developed on Chapter 6, on Western Elites – complete with a scathing debunking of the “myth of Henry Kissinger”: “just another American exceptionalist, mislabeled a ‘realist’”, part of a gang that “is not conditioned to think multi-dimensionally”. After all they’re still not capable of understanding the rationale and the implications of Putin’s 2007 Munich speech that declared the unipolar moment – a crude euphemism for Hegemony – dead and buried.

How not to win wars

One of Martyanov’s key assessments is that having lost the arms race and every single war it unleashed in the 21st century – as the record shows – geoeconomics is essentially an “euphemism for America’s non-stop sanctions and attempts to sabotage the economies of any nation capable of competing with the United States” (see, for instance, the ongoing Nord Stream 2 saga). This is “the only tool” (his italics) the US is using trying to halt its decline.

On a chapter on Energy, Martyanov demonstrates how the US shale oil adventure is financially non-viable, and how a rise in oil exports was essentially due to the US “pickin up’ quotas freed chiefly as a result of Russia and Saudi Arabia’s earlier cuts within OPEC + in an attempt to balance the world’s oil market”.

In Chapter 7, Losing the Arms Race, Martyanov expands on the key theme he’s the undisputed superstar: the United States cannot win wars. Inflicting Hybrid War is another matter entirely, as in creating “a lot of misery around the world, from effectively starving people to killing them outright”.

A glaring example has been “maximum pressure” economic sanctions on Iran. But the point is these tools – which also included the assassination of Gen Soleimani – that are part of the arsenal of “spreading democracy” have nothing to do with “geoeconomics”, but have “everything to do with the raw power plays designed to achieve the main Clausewitzian object of war – ‘to compel our enemy to do our will’”. And “for America, most of the world is the enemy”.

Martyanov also feels compelled to update what he’s been excelling at for years: the fact that the arrival of hypersonic missiles “has changed warfare forever”. The Khinzal, deployed way back in 2017, has a range of 2,000 km and “is not interceptable by existing US anti-missile systems”. The 3M22 Zircon “changes the calculus of both naval and ground warfare completely”. The US lag behind Russia in air-defense systems is “massive, and both quantitative and qualitative”.

Disintegration additionally qualifies as a sharp critique of the eminently post-modernist phenomenon – starring infinite cultural fragmentation and the refusal to accept that “truth is knowable and can be agreed upon” – responsible for the current social re-engineering of the US, in tandem with an oligarchy that “realistically, is not very bright, despite being rich”.

And then there’s rampant Russophobia. Martyanov sounds the definitive red alert: “Of course, the United States is still capable of starting a war with Russia, but if it does so, this will mean only one thing – the United States will cease to exist, as will most of the human civilization. The horrific thing is that there are some people in the US for whom even this price is too small to pay.”

In the end, a cool scientific intellect cannot but rely on sound realpolitik: assuming the US avoids complete disintegration into “separatist territories”, Martyanov stresses that the only way for the American “elite” to maintain any kind of control “over generations increasingly woke or desensitized by drugs” is through tyranny. Actually techno-tyranny. And that seems to be the brave new dysfunctional paradigm further on down the road.

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Foreign Affairs / Re: Russia Deploys 3 Nuclear-capable Bombers To Syria( Pic) by scully95: 5:58pm On May 26, 2021
Put an Eye on Damascus in Syria for the Isaiah 17:1 Prophecy . We wake one day and Damascus will be in ruins. Damascus will be Gone!

Watch out Northern Israel as the Gog Magog Collation begins to form to attack Israel from Northern Israel in Fulfillment of Ezekiel 38 and 39 Prophecy.

Watch out for Russia, Iran, Turkey and others as they make attempt to invade Israel .

Put your Eyes in the Sky! Fix your Eyes on JESUS!We will be snatched away anytime! Anyday!

OMG! in 2021, someone still sharing nonsense outdated propaganda or what can I even call that Isaiah Nonesense prophecy? Mere brainwash by crooks who relocated from the caves and Asian axis. Where is Israel on the map sef? A place the UN does not even recognize but one brainwash bible already recognized it...

Israel is losing the ongoing war. Are you aware of that?

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Foreign Affairs / Israel Says Its Air-defense Failed To Intercept Soviet Missile Launched By Syria by scully95: 6:06pm On Apr 22, 2021

Israel has acknowledged that its state-of-the-art, multi-tiered air-defense network had failed to intercept a Soviet air-defense missile launched by Syria.

The missile, a 5V21-type of an S-200 air-defense system, was launched by the Syrian Arab Air Defense Forces at Israeli warplanes preparing to launch airstrikes on the outskirts of the Syrian capital, Damascus, early on April 22. The missile missed its target but went on to land some 250 km deep in Israel, 40 km away from the Dimona nuclear reactor.

During a press conference in Tel Aviv, Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz acknowledged that the military had failed to intercept the stray Syrian missile.

“The IDF worked to prevent a potential strike on critical assets in the State of Israel. A SA-5-model of surface-to-air missile was fired, passed through the area,” Gantz said. “There was an attempt to intercept it, which did not succeed. We are still investigating the event.”

Gantz did not explain how Israel’s complex and expensive air-defense network, which consists of dozens of Iron Dome, David Sling, Patriot and Arrow batteries, had failed to intercept a missile developed in the Soviet Union all the way back in the 60s.

Israel responded to the incident by targeting the Syrian S-200 battery which launched the missile. Several other targets were also struck.

Epic Fail: Israel Says Its Complex Air-Defense Network Failed To Intercept Soviet Missile Launched By Syria
The 5V28V missile is an upgraded copy of the 5V21. Click to see full-size image.

The Syrian Arab News Agency reported that four Syrian service members were injured as a result of Israel’s retaliatory strikes. However, pro-government sources revealed that an officer, 1st Lt. Bassel Khadur, was killed in the strikes.

The exact circumstances of what happened early on April 22 between Israel and Syria are yet to be revealed. However, there is no doubt that the incident exposed some serious problems in the Israeli air-defense network, which costed the country as well as the US billions of dollars.

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Foreign Affairs / Biden Set To Meet “killer” Putin On Neutral Ground by scully95: 11:50pm On Apr 13, 2021

During a telephone conversation with Vladimir Putin, US President Joe Biden invited his Russian counterpart to meet in the coming months in a “third country” to discuss the full range of issues in relations between the two states.

“They discussed a number of regional and global issues, including the intent of the United States and Russia to pursue a strategic stability dialogue on a range of arms control and emerging security issues, building on the extension of the New START Treaty. President Biden also made clear that the United States will act firmly in defense of its national interests in response to Russia’s actions, such as cyber intrusions and election interference. President Biden emphasized the United States’ unwavering commitment to Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.” – the readout published by the White House reads.

The U.S. leader reportedly pointed out that the United States will be firm in protecting its national interests, including in the issues of hacker attacks and election interference. He also reassured that the United States supports the territorial integrity of Ukraine.

At the same time, President Biden reaffirmed his goal of building a stable and predictable relationship with Russia consistent with U.S. interests.

On March 17, Russia recalled the Ambassador to the United States, Anatoly Antonov, to Moscow for consultations. Antonov is still in Russia. This happened after Biden claimed he considers Putin a “killer”.

It is highly likely that the military escalation in Eastern Ukraine would be one of the main topics of negotiations between Biden and Putin. The contact between the two leaders is highly likely a bad signal for their Ukrainian counterpart, Volodimir Zelensky.

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Foreign Affairs / Kiev’s Forces Are Primed For Attack.. by scully95: 7:37pm On Apr 06, 2021
Kiev’s Forces Are Primed For Attack If They Can Overcome Their Own Minefields

Kiev is on the war path, with the “unwavering” support of the US and NATO.

Over April 5th, and going into April 6th, the Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF) continued their usual activities of deploying more troops to the demarcation line.

Russia is also transferring forces to the border with Ukraine and in the Crimea.

In total, over the last 24 hours 7 separate ceasefire violations were recorded, each including a high number of shots and shells.

Two UAF soldiers were killed.

Near the Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR), the UAF has several armored personnel carriers deployed at the village of Schstastye.

Still, the LPR said its militia was fully prepared to deal with any Ukrainian provocation, as according to them 60% of Kiev’s military hardware was entirely non-operational.

The Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) reported that its militia had thwarted an attempt by a Ukrainian sabotage group to conduct reconnaissance near the borders of the Republic in the area of the village of Shumy near Horlivka.

Incidents of Ukrainian servicemen being blown up by their own mines continue.

Russia, for its part, is making further deployments, as footage showed that Nona-S self-propelled howitzers were being delivered towards the potential frontline.

It is also deploying the units of the 76th Guards Air Assault Division, commonly known as the Pskov paratroopers.

Ukraine is continually blaming Russia for the concentration of forces, while it keeps shelling both the DPR and LPR.

It is negotiating with its allies, speaking with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and others.

NATO’s military attaché and its advisers are expected to arrive on the front line in Ukraine and provide their military expertise in the potential upcoming hostilities.

The active movement of military transport aircraft between NATO countries and the Ukraine continues.

The United States and its allies continue to saturate the Ukrainian army with military equipment, including UAVs, electronic warfare systems, anti-tank systems, MANPADS and other modern high-precision systems.

Meanwhile, the US carried out a typical diplomatic maneuver when a war may break out.

It said it would hold discussions with Moscow, as that is the precise form of support Kiev is likely to receive in the case that open hostilities take place.

The toolkit includes a willingness to partake in the discussion, and sending Washington’s hopes and prayers.

War between Russia and Ukraine seems to be highly likely.

Many military-political experts claim that the current situation can only be resolved by a military conflict.

Some of them declare a war now is preferable to a war later for Russia
Foreign Affairs / Full Answer: Putin To Biden; Despite All Attempts To Stop Russia's Development.. by scully95: 9:37am On Mar 20, 2021
Putin To Biden: Despite All Attempts To Stop Russia's Development, They Will Have To Reckon With Us!


Be careful out there. Listen closely – its both nuanced and very damn direct.

One of our commenters noted this from Dmitry Orlov (a Facebook comment) – he rewrote the five stages of grief specifically for the west today.

1. Incomprehension: How can they not do as we dictate?

2. Irritation: How dare they not do as we dictate?

3. Outrage: It is unacceptable for them not to do as we dictate!

4. Blind fury: They are murderers and criminals for not doing as we dictate! <---- the west is now here

5. Despair: What has become of our world if they don’t do as we dictate?

So, the idea is to “gently guide them into despair without them striking out in blind fury.”

All that every Nation needs is a Putin. I have been saying this for a long time. A President that puts her people first and ready to die defending the interest of her people.

All the countries in Africa needs a leader like this. The Anglozionist empire time is up.
Foreign Affairs / Re: 1957, HS Debate: A Nigerian, A Ghanaian, A White South African And An Ethiopian by scully95: 8:18pm On Mar 08, 2021
oga abeg leave all those plenty talk, if you really think education is not important why did you go back to complete you studies after dropping out on multiple occasions, you no dey shame to open you mouth say dem drive you comot from school because of examination fraud?

U see what I'm talking abt again. U have probably never studied abroad b4. U will find out it's way too easy. U already know what is going to come out cos you have been doing presentations on the topic and facing ur class to answer questions.

U think it's like Naija.

Anything you write down, you will still show up one on one for oral confirmation. Meaning, in case you copybook. After you are done, you will go one on one with ur lecturer to defend what you have written. It's until that time, you will get the mark.
I graduated first class at the end of the day. That school still did not discover my true Nature. I did myself.

That is my point. Only a few ppl have such talent to re-discover themselves.
Foreign Affairs / Re: 1957, HS Debate: A Nigerian, A Ghanaian, A White South African And An Ethiopian by scully95: 7:54pm On Mar 08, 2021
black people living in countries like Brazil, south Africa, USA and Colombia are just lazy, they blame the white man for their own misfortune, they don't struggle to get a higher education which is a powerful weapon to breach any gap to an understandable level.

What do you mean by 'black'" to start with?
First of all, using color-coding of humans is racist, ignorant, inappropriate, and disproportionately flawed.
Point no 2... Mention all the top Billionaires that truly graduated? What you will hear is they are dropouts.

What does that tell you?
Western education is flawed.
It's the Education that teaches most Oodua race (I will use Oodua as an example and the same thing spread all through) just the basic things like this is a pencil, this is what it's used for. It's limited to that alone. I dropped out of Obafemi Awolowo after I got in for obviously the same copy and paste nonesense education. I later finished though in another school after dropping out the second time again abroad. I dropped out twice.

That kind of Education is useless.

Now compare it to what we used to have before western education came.
I will use Ifa as an example.
In ifa, your Ori is being discovered. What does that mean? It means, everyone is special and the point of looking for your Ori, is to find what you are truly born to do.

Our educational system(Ifa) was/is pretty much working and people were/are being discovered by the Chief priest and priestess.

Compare to modern western education that does not teach you how to make Pencil... But only tells you this is Pencil and what it's used for.
Ifa rediscovers your Ori, your pathway to success in life, your spirituality.

Take, for example, FALZ. He went to school. Studied law. Yet the school failed to re-discover his true Nature or self. He came out singing and was able to find his Ori by himself. Only a few ppl have such grace to finding there Ori.

The Educational institution in Nigeria and elsewhere is just flawed. it's the type that is designed for you to get out of school and start looking for a job, be a slave to the 1%.

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