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The Great Controversy(between Good&evil) by blueAgent(m): 7:03pm On Jan 04, 2017
The greatest conflict to ever occur in the entire Universe is
the conflict of Good &Evil(God & Satan) everyliving that has
ever existed has been a partaker in this conflict .
The question is how did this conflict start and why did God allow this conflict and Human suffering did God create Evil what is God's plan and purpose for the Universe? We will look at this
issues critically with the Bible as our guide.
In the begining God made the Heavens(Universe) and the
entire hosts of Heaven, Gensis1:1 the entire Universe were governed by Divine laws of God (Law of love) which ensured
perfect peace and Harmony in the entire Universe so long as
all created beings acknowledged & observed and loved God's law there was peace it was joy and delight of the Heavenly Host to fufill the purpose of their creator they delighted in reflecting his glory and praising him, that was all God required in return for his gift of freewill to all his
creations for God took no pleasure in forced obedience/
Sin(breaking of God's Divine Laws) originated from One
(Satan/Lucifer) who was next to Jesus in Power,Honour & glory.
Using what we call symbolism God asked Prophet Ezekiel to
prophicse against Satan(King of Tyrus)
Ezekiel 28:12 Son of man, take up a lamentation upon the king of Tyrus and say unto himThus saith the Lord GOD;Thou sealest up the sum, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty. 28:13 Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God;
every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz,
and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the
sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the
workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in
thee in the day that thou wast created. 28:14 Thou art the
anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so: thou
wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up
and down in the midst of the stones of fire. 28:15 Thou
wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast
created, till iniquity was found in thee. 28:16 By the
multitude of thy merchandise thou have filled the midst of
thee with violence, and thou hast sinned: therefore I will cast
thee as profane out of the mountain of God: and I will
destroy thee, O covering cherub, from the midst of the stones
of fire. 28:17 Thine heart was lifted up because of thy
beauty, thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy
brightness: I will cast thee to the ground, I will lay thee
before kings, that they may behold thee. 28:18 Thou hast
defiled thy sanctuaries by the multitude of thine iniquities, by
the iniquity of thy traffick; therefore will I bring forth a fire
from the midst of thee, it shall devour thee, and I will bring
thee to ashes upon the earth in the sight of all them that
behold thee.
From this Bible verse we can see that Lucifer was one of the
covering Cherub who stood in the presence of God,he was created perfect,beautiful and had great power and Authority but he desired the throne of God his maker, rather than exalt
God he desired his own exaltation, inorder to acheive his
selfish desire Satan accused God before the angels of been
selfish desiring praise from his creations why not willingly to
make any sacrifice for others.
He attacked God's divine laws as been too restrictive and
unattainable, he used decit & lies to challenge God's
authority & Soveriegnity over the Universe pretending to be
fighting for all the Host of the Heaven but he was fighting for
his selfish desire to become like God. Isaiah14:12 How art
thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how
art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the
nations! 14:13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will
ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of
God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in
the sides of the north: 14:14 I will ascend above the heights
of the clouds; I will be like the most High. 14:15 Yet thou
shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit. 14:16
They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and
consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to
tremble, that did shake kingdoms; 14:17 That made the
world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof; that
opened not the house of his prisoners?
Satan accusation against God's divine law can be also be
found in Job1:6-21 and in Genesis3:1Where he told Eve you shall not die contrary to God's
command to Adam and Eve that they will die if they ate from
the tree of knownledge.
Genesis 3:4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall
not surely die: 3:5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat
thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as
gods, knowing good and evil.
Satan also uses false myths like
Darwnism,Evolution,bigbang and all false religeons to blind
people from knowning the truth about God even in christendom Satan's influence can be seen in wrong teachings like the worship of mary,Clergy men,sunday
worship,teachings of immortality of the Soul,an Eternal Hell
fire,fake prophets and pastors,fake miracles e.t.c all this are done to decieve people he promises freedom(irony bondage)
claiming that people will be free if they disregard God's laws. today most drug addicts,sex perverts,money chasers,serial killers,masturbaters and other vices can attest to the fact that they are enslaved or are in bondage to sin.
Legalisation of same-sex
are part of the Devils agenda to acheive a United world
government with him as the Head in rebellion against God.
From the book of isaiah14:12 we can see that it is the Devil
who weakens the Nations he is responsible for all the
calamity and suffering that has ever befallen Man.
God could have destroyed Satan than, but it could have
caused most Heavenly beings to serve God out of fear rather
than love secondly Satan accusations against God could
have seemed true to other heavenly beings.
God is a god of love,Justice,& truth. Deut.32:3-4
Justice requires a defendant to present fully his case for all
to see and judge hence God allowed Satan to continue to
exist and show his true nature & motive.This rebellion in
Heaven by Satan lead to war and disharmony in Heaven.
In luke10:18 & Rev12:7-9 we are told that the Devil with
1/3angels of Heaven he decieved were cast out of Heaven to Earth.
When God made man, Satan desired to enlist Man to his
side in his rebellion against God this he successed in doing
by convincing Eve &Adam to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and bad,which God forbid them not to touch or eat.
Man lost his Dominion over the Earth Genesis1:26-28 to
Satan as a result of Man's sin Satan became the god of this
world john14:3
Satan's rulership of this world is what we see today in form of
wars,Chaos,famine,corruption,genocide,earthquakes,injustice, poverty as we read before he weakens the Nations.
It was imperative for God to allow all this to happen inorder
to unreval the true nature of Satan and to show the entire
Universe what the Universe will be like when things are done
outside his divinelaws,
Psalms 19:7 The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the
soul: the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the
simple. 19:8 The statutes of the LORD are right, rejoicing
the heart: the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes. 19:9 The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring for ever: the judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether.
like i said before Justice requires that a defendant(Satan)
will fully present his case.
Numbers 14:18 The LORD is LONGSUFFERING and of great
mercy, forgiving iniquity and transgression.God only
intervenes to avoid the total destruction of man under
Satan's rule.God was willingly to make the greatest Sacrifice
ever made he gave his Son's life as a ransom for the fallen
world.john3:6. Since divine law prescribes death for its
offenders only the death of Jesus could rescue Humanity.
God has proved to all the Universe his love & just nature he
has proved his selfless nature by giving his Son's life for his
creations & also that his divine laws are immutable and are
there for the benefit of all the inhabitants of the Universe.
In Conclusion
God has allowed all this to happen out of his loving and just
nature so that all his creations can appreciate his gift of
God has promised to destory Satan,Sin and all the sufferings
it brings.mal 4:1 & Ezeikel 28:18-19.
He has promised to do everything new.
Isaiah 65:17 For, behold, I create new heavens and a new
earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come
into mind. You can be a partaker of God's divine plan by
accepting Jesus in your life today.

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Re: The Great Controversy(between Good&evil) by hahn(m): 7:12pm On Jan 04, 2017
God has allowed all this to happen out of his loving and just nature,so that all his creations can appreciate his gift of freewill.
God has promised to destory Satan,Sin and all the sufferings it brings.mal 4:1 & Ezeikel 28:18-19.
He has promised to do everything new.
Isaiah 65:17 For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind. You can be a partaker of God's divine plan by accepting Jesus in your life today.


Apparently god does not fulfill promises
Re: The Great Controversy(between Good&evil) by blueAgent(m): 7:31pm On Jan 04, 2017


Apparently god does not fulfill promises

This is a promise that will be furfilled at the end of this world. so sit tight and watch if God will do it or not. i know my God he can never never never fail.

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Re: The Great Controversy(between Good&evil) by hahn(m): 8:02pm On Jan 04, 2017

This is a promise that will be furfilled at the end of this world. so sit tight and watch if God will do it or not. i know my God he can never never never fail.

Diseases, world catastrophe, hunger, poverty etc are proof of your god's failure
Re: The Great Controversy(between Good&evil) by Nobody: 8:06pm On Jan 04, 2017
Sounds like a title of a book I know! Anyhow, I absolutely agree.

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Re: The Great Controversy(between Good&evil) by DoctorAlien(m): 8:06pm On Jan 04, 2017
Diseases, world catastrophe, hunger, poverty etc are proof of man's failure to obey GOD.


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Re: The Great Controversy(between Good&evil) by blueAgent(m): 8:09pm On Jan 04, 2017
Sounds like a title of a book I know! Anyhow, I absolutely agree.

I composed and wrote it myself, but i got inspiration and some ideas from a book with the same name 'The Great Controversy' by Ellen .G. White.
Re: The Great Controversy(between Good&evil) by hahn(m): 8:10pm On Jan 04, 2017



Well, religion is a form of slavery and it appeals mostly to people with slave mentality. That is the only way such a thing will make sense

I can just picture black Americans during slavery saying, "yes, master whipped us because we misbehaved"


Re: The Great Controversy(between Good&evil) by 0ubenji(m): 8:10pm On Jan 04, 2017
We tend to waste productive time on such endless debates as this.
Good and evil is a subject of perception.
The perspectives that arises from these perception are propagated by our adherence to religion, philosophy, science or humanism.
One act is deemed evil in one of the aforementioned but perceived to be OK in another.
Re: The Great Controversy(between Good&evil) by DoctorAlien(m): 8:12pm On Jan 04, 2017


Well, religion is a form of slavery and it appeals mostly to people with slave mentality. That is the only way such a thing will make sense
How is Christianity a form of slavery? How are those who are not Christians free?

I can just picture black Americans during slavery saying, "yes, master whipped us because we misbehaved"
If this is an analogy meant to describe Christianity...
Re: The Great Controversy(between Good&evil) by blueAgent(m): 8:12pm On Jan 04, 2017

Diseases, world catastrophe, hunger, poverty etc are proof of your god's failure

If you can read and comprehend this articles you will understand that all those diseases are from Satan.
Re: The Great Controversy(between Good&evil) by blueAgent(m): 8:13pm On Jan 04, 2017
We tend to waste productive time on such endless debates as this.
Good and evil is a subject of perception.
The perspectives that arises from these perception are propagated by our adherence to religion, philosophy, science or humanism.
One act is deemed evil in one of the aforementioned but perceived to be OK in another.

Re: The Great Controversy(between Good&evil) by Nobody: 8:16pm On Jan 04, 2017

I composed and wrote it myself, but i got inspiration and some ideas from a book with the same name 'The Great Controversy' by Ellen .G. White.

Yes...I knew that. I know that book from anywhere..one of my favorites! I know the chapter u were quoting..."The Origin of Evil." I've read the last 22 chapters...gotta finish reading about the reformers.
Re: The Great Controversy(between Good&evil) by blueAgent(m): 8:16pm On Jan 04, 2017


Well, religion is a form of slavery and it appeals mostly to people with slave mentality. That is the only way such a thing will make sense

I can just picture black Americans during slavery saying, "yes, master whipped us because we misbehaved"

Is that why Athiesm was decleared a state religeon in USSR? the fact is that you athiests are naive to understand the origin purpose and the use of Athiesm by the Elites to acheive New World Order.
Re: The Great Controversy(between Good&evil) by 0ubenji(m): 8:24pm On Jan 04, 2017

If u go about Preaching to evry lost soul that God committed mass murder and all other strange things in the bible out of love...
You can only get goats as converts, not believers.
The problem I av with fellow xtians esp. in Naija is extreme fanatism. We just revel in scriptural grandiosity without actually passing out a msg that won't be an insult to common sense.
Keep quoting scriptures endlessly without points worthy of note.


Re: The Great Controversy(between Good&evil) by hahn(m): 8:44pm On Jan 04, 2017

If you can read and comprehend this articles you will understand that all those diseases are from Satan.

Really? And who created Satan with the knowledge that satan will spread diseases?


Re: The Great Controversy(between Good&evil) by hahn(m): 8:44pm On Jan 04, 2017
How is Christianity a form of slavery? How are those who are not Christians free?

If this is an analogy meant to describe Christianity...

Mental slavery bro
Re: The Great Controversy(between Good&evil) by hahn(m): 8:45pm On Jan 04, 2017

Is that why Athiesm was decleared a state religeon in USSR? the fact is that you athiests are naive to understand the origin purpose and the use of Athiesm by the Elites to acheive New World Order.

Lol. And what is the purpose of Christianity? Are there not more religious countries than secular ones?

What is the benefit of Christianity to Nigeria?
Re: The Great Controversy(between Good&evil) by DoctorAlien(m): 8:46pm On Jan 04, 2017
Mental slavery bro
That's very vague. How is a Christian a mental slave?

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Re: The Great Controversy(between Good&evil) by hahn(m): 8:56pm On Jan 04, 2017

That's very vague. How is a Christian a mental slave?

You are, as a theist generally, a slave to a non existent being. You worship something you have never seen and live your life by a book written by people who do not even acknowledge your existence. In fact, there is no where in the bible where god mentions anything about Africa or where you come from.

Your god monitors your life and is just waiting for you to slip do it can send you to burn for eternity. And it loves you

That my friend is a classic case of mental slavery


Re: The Great Controversy(between Good&evil) by DoctorAlien(m): 9:02pm On Jan 04, 2017

You are, as a theist generally, a slave to a non existent being. You worship something you have never seen
That's very presumptuous. How are you sure He does not exist? Is it because you've not seen Him? What if I have seen the GOD I worship?
and live your life by a book written by people who do not even acknowledge your existence. In fact, there is no where in the bible where god mentions anything about Africa or where you come from.
It wasn't called Africa then: it was called Ethiopia and Libya.

Your god monitors your life and is just waiting for you to slip do it can send you to burn for eternity. And it loves you

That my friend is a classic case of mental slavery
No, He guides and guards and watches to deliver me from any sin that makes me slip. He is willing to do everything possible to make me escape the punishment that bad people will get, because He cannot allow bad people to exist forever.

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Re: The Great Controversy(between Good&evil) by hahn(m): 9:09pm On Jan 04, 2017
That's very presumptuous. How are you sure He does not exist? Is it because you've not seen Him? What if I have seen the GOD I worship?

Have you? Please upload a picture

It wasn't called Africa then: it was called Ethiopia and Libya.

Tell me something

No, He guides and guards and watches to deliver me from any sin that makes me slip. He is willing to do everything possible to make me escape the punishment that bad people will get, because He cannot allow bad people to exist forever.

But he can punish them forever and ever even though they might not live for up to 100 years

He is willing but can't. He knows but does nothing to stop it

Your god created Satan knowing what would happen. In fact, your god supposedly knows people who will burn forever in hell even before creating them.

How sick undecided


Re: The Great Controversy(between Good&evil) by DoctorAlien(m): 9:22pm On Jan 04, 2017
But he can punish them forever and ever even though they might not live for up to 100 years
Nobody's gonna be punished for eternity. Bad people will be annihilated.

He is willing but can't. He knows but does nothing to stop it

Your god created Satan knowing what would happen. In fact, your god supposedly knows people who will burn forever in hell even before creating them.

How sick undecided
I have seen one person on Nairaland say that he wants to go to hell. What do you want GOD to do in that case?
Re: The Great Controversy(between Good&evil) by hahn(m): 10:21pm On Jan 04, 2017
Nobody's gonna be punished for eternity. Bad people will be annihilated.

Bible verse?

I have seen one person on Nairaland say that he wants to go to hell. What do you want GOD to do in that case?

It should install ac that's what it should do

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Re: The Great Controversy(between Good&evil) by hopefulLandlord: 10:25pm On Jan 04, 2017
Nobody's gonna be punished for eternity. Bad people will be annihilated.

I have seen one person on Nairaland say that he wants to go to hell. What do you want GOD to do in that case?

I wanna go to hell cuz its all imaginary

I mean, you'll reject Valhalla even when offered because you think it doesn't exist

"I wanna go to hell" = "I don't want any gift from Santa"

Hell is a place for Hopefullandlord

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Re: The Great Controversy(between Good&evil) by DoctorAlien(m): 10:41pm On Jan 04, 2017

I wanna go to hell cuz its all imaginary

I mean, you'll reject Valhalla even when offered because you think it doesn't exist

"I wanna go to hell" = "I don't want any gift from Santa"

Hell is a place for Hopefullandlord

That's what freewill is all about.
Re: The Great Controversy(between Good&evil) by DoctorAlien(m): 10:44pm On Jan 04, 2017

Follow this link to find out what the Bible teaches about the fate of bad people.

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Re: The Great Controversy(between Good&evil) by Nobody: 8:57am On Jan 05, 2017

How sure is God that after the trumpet some angels even angel Michel or jubril or even some people that make heaven will not betray him and attempt to overthrow him just like devil

in as much as there is freewill, good people can turn bad even in heaven

the only way ever-happy-after is plausible in heaven is if we lose our free will

but if we loose our free will in heaven and can only do good then why did God gave us free will in the first place?

Re: The Great Controversy(between Good&evil) by blueAgent(m): 9:11am On Jan 05, 2017

Really? And who created Satan with the knowledge that satan will spread diseases?

God created Satan perfect,Beautiful and Holy.and God gave him the gift of freewill and power which he abused. God is not responsible for the choice made by Satan.
Re: The Great Controversy(between Good&evil) by blueAgent(m): 9:23am On Jan 05, 2017

How sure is God that after the trumpet some angels even angel Michel or jubril or even some people that make heaven will not betray him and attempt to overthrow him just like devil

in as much as there is freewill, good people can turn bad even in heaven

the only way ever-happy-after is plausible in heaven is if we lose our free will

but if we loose our free will in heaven and can only do good then why did God gave us free will in the first place?

God knows the End from the begining. You have already Justified God's plan by this your comment. Freewill always comes with the risk of been abused, so God who is Ominipotent and OminiScience allowed or continued with his plan to make Satan knowing he will betray him but God knew it would happen now or sometime later(freewill will be abused by any of his created brings).
but this great controversy is a lesson to all created beings that God alone is God. no other being would desire God's throne after seeing the effect and fate of Satan and his rebellious angels.
Re: The Great Controversy(between Good&evil) by blueAgent(m): 9:23am On Jan 05, 2017

If u go about Preaching to evry lost soul that God committed mass murder and all other strange things in the bible out of love...
You can only get goats as converts, not believers.
The problem I av with fellow xtians esp. in Naija is extreme fanatism. We just revel in scriptural grandiosity without actually passing out a msg that won't be an insult to common sense.
Keep quoting scriptures endlessly without points worthy of note.

God passed judgement on them. God gave the Amorites over 400yrs to amend their ways and yet they refused to.
But in the fourth generation they shall come here again: for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet complete

God in all his dealings with his creations has been just and fair.
but that does not mean he cannot or does not have the right and authority to excercise his Sovereignty.

Job 4:17 (KJV) Shall mortal man be more just
than God? shall a man be more pure than his
Re: The Great Controversy(between Good&evil) by blueAgent(m): 9:28am On Jan 05, 2017

Have you? Please upload a picture

Tell me something

But he can punish them forever and ever even though they might not live for up to 100 years

He is willing but can't. He knows but does nothing to stop it

Your god created Satan knowing what would happen. In fact, your god supposedly knows people who will burn forever in hell even before creating them.

How sick undecided

God does not punish people for eternity. that is one of the biggest lies the Devil has used to decieve christains and people.
Find the truth here with Bible verses to back it up.


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