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I have these fairly used item for sale Nokia 6310 #15000 Google Chromecast #10000 WhatsApp on 08140520008 1 Like
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Must have been really tired from walking around aimlessly and decicded to head to my abode, disappointed i couldn't get something to eat I resorted to sleeping it out. On getting to the shop Obinna was already gone. So i went in, laid my bed and slept off! Knock! Knock!! woked up to a bang on the door, it must have been Mr Theophilus and Obinna. Maybe it's one of those days they,come early to drop new engine that needs repair, on opening the the door, i was greeted by Obinna. Sorry for disturb he said, we want to drop some of our new engine that need servicing, not to worry i said, with a better observation outside i could see Mr Theophilus inside his van. Time check 4:48am stepped outside , greeted him and asked where to help from, he declined and said Obinna will handle and it wasn't that much, ok i replied. So i decided to relax on the bench outside while they were at it and not forgeting good music from my favourite arts. Few minutes later Obinna came to me, Nedu am through and please dont forget to keep the key at the normal position when going. I responded Ok and went inside just have a nap of one hour or so. Allaaaaah Haaakbarrrrr!!! ........It's the morning prayer call for the muslims. Am always woken up by it everyday, time check and its 5:50am quickly got up, brushed my teeth and did my chore in the shop before hurriedly going for my bike. Brought it out and did a thorough check on it and it was fine parked it beside the shop and headed for Muma G canteen. Miraculously i wasn't feeling that hungry but needed to eat so as to have the energy for the long journey ahead, on getting to her place, the foods were not ready so i had to wait a bit. Nedu Nede she exclaimed, are you not going with your bicycle? i replied i am!! everybody know me with my bicycle, something i can't help my self with. So i decided to relax just infront of Muma G shop, while i was at it, Sir Balo walked to the shop, good morning he greeted and i replied same. He then turn he's attention to Muma G, Sir Balo: Did you hear the latest news in town ? Muma G: What news? Sir Balo: About Tunde and Nifemi? Muma G: Hisses!! they are both stupid! Sir Balo: For me someone else is going to impregnate her, then if Tunde is going to die we will see! Muma G: I think they going to break up for real this time around! Sir Balo: That's their headache!! Well i use to think am the only one confused about this two love birds but after hearing Muma G and Sir Balo gossip about them, i felt relived that am not alone. taking my attention away from them while they were at other things, i took a more a relaxed position with the early morning cool breeze Fifteen minutes later, Muma G called out Nedu Nede!!the food is ready ooo!! Felt relieved. Went in and orded for beans, bread, plantain and meat, i guess i was bit in the mood. In few minutes she brought them for me, Nedu your money remian small before it i will be ten thousand she said, its nine thousand two fifty now!! i acknowledged it and told her not worry, i will pay her once i collect salary next week. She said ok and left me at my meal, i must say the food felt very good. I dont know why, maybe because my salary is near or because it fresh or because i didn't eat last night. While at it, Tunde walked in, Haa!! Nedu, you're enjoying ooo!! with smiles on my face i replied, are you sure? and he was like yes naw!! beans, bread,plantain and two meats! Ogbeni, you don collect salary!! I immediately lashed on him, you dey mad ni!! food of three hundred you dey tell say i don collect salary, if come eat one thousand na him be say i don win lottery abi?? You dey craze ooo! i concluded, he calmed me down with apology, Oya no vex, but you dey enjoy shaa!! i replied thank you. he left my to order for some food for himself. When he was back i was almost finished with mine, Omo Nedu, me self dey hungry!! He sat beside me and immediately i remembered the paper Nifemi had given to give to him, dipped my hand into my pocket and handed him the paper. He looked at me with confusion and i told him, Nifemi said i should give it to you, she said you should call her. He nodded his head and said thank you and asked Nedu, when did she gave you this number, i replied yesterday. With a soft laugh and smile on his face He said, i know she would come back begging me. Me: You know she love's you! Tunde: Which Love? to me love is dead. With a disgusting look in my mind, i looked at him and replied just take it easy with Nifemi she love's you ooo! he looked at me unrepented and said ok!! So i left the shop with a confusion in my mind as to why love is this wicked and crazy. Why one is giving all the love He or She has got and the other gives nothing in return and call it love, or as to why one will endure emotional, psychological, physical suffering attached to love and still will not shy away from it. |
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She left and i headed for the factory straight away, got their and handed the list to Mr Nfom and asked him to start with them immediately. He called out our factory boys, Tobi, Kelvin and John and they started with the loading of the supply delivery while i stood at a corner monitoring the progress. Some minutes later while cross checking the supplies needed in the factory, our boss called. Mr Adebantu, i suppose he wanted to make sure i wasn't lazying around as part of the board of C.E.O. Hello Nedu!! he barged on the phone, where are you? Me: Am at the factory Mr Adebantu! Mr Adebantu: Please send me fifty thousand naira to my bank account, my car had just broke down on the the road and i need to tow it to my mechanic place. Please be fast about it he added!! I called Mrs Adebantu to tell her of it, Me: Hello ma! where are you, ma'm? Mrs Adebantu: Am not around , have left the office Me: Ok, Mr Adebantu just called that he has a broken down vehicle and needs me to transfer fifty thousand to his account Mrs Adebantu: Ok, no problem I hung up left the factory for my office , Bade our security was busy chatting away with Tolu, left them with a "Hi" and went for my office, counted out fifty thousand from the drawer and went for the bank to pay it in. Right from there i knew it was going to be a busy day ahead, in the bank was a long queue waiting to be attended to, i must have been the number thirty something on the queue. So i knew i was going to spend a great deal of my time there, while waiting patiently i decided to call Nfom to enquire about the the supply i had given him. As he picked , i enquired about it. He told me it will be ready in the next forty five minutes. It took quite a long time on the queue before it was my turn and finally i stretched the money and the filled deposit slip to to the attending cashier, she must have been in her late twenties and was elegant in her dress. Just there i forced out the thought in my head and focused on the transaction because i was not ready for another leap of faith into the journey of love. Just as she was through i reminded her to post the transaction immediately that it was urgent. I strolled out , checking my time on the phone, i must have spent like two hours or so in the bank. On my way back to the company my boss called again, she had called earlier and i had explained of the long queue at the bank to her, she asked again i told her i was through and was on my way back. Ok, please hurry up so you can verify and pass todays supply to be delivered, ok ma'm i concluded before hanging up. Getting back to the office was quite a nice ride through the ever busy road of Lagos, on getting to the office i headed for the factory straight away. Nfom was already done with the days package for delivery, checked and gave it the nod to be delivered and handed the note to our driver before leaving. I needed to rush up the remaining of my chores so as to leave early, it must have taken me quite some time to be through with it. Checked my time, it was 5:35pm went to the bathroom for a fast sanitary, after i was done with it. I changed to my outfit, packed my belongings and went to the reception to sign out for the day before leaving, in the reception was Tolu ever busy with her phone. Exchanged pleasantries with her, signed out and headed for my bicycle. The ride home was smooth, parked at my usual spot and went to eat at my usual spot. On seeing me Muma G exclaimed Nedu Nede, you are unlucky today, no food! Ouch! i said to myself before greeting, Me: what happen naw? Muma G: Sales was good today! Me: Nice to know, thanks be to God. Muma G: Yess ooo!!! how was work today? Me: It was fine and how is the children? Muma G: thay are fine! Me: Am coming, let me go and look for food to eat Muma G: Ok Strolled around with the hope of getting bread or something to eat but couldn't get anything to eat so i decided to relax at the game centre. On getting there it was quite scanty as usual, i could understand there were no sporting activities while contempleting on my hunger, tiredness and what to eat. Tunde walked in, exchanged pleasantry with him and he dived into his relationship troubles Tunde: She was begging me today! Me: Out of curiosity, i asked. who is it? Tunde: Nifemi!!! Me: forgive her naw! Tunde: I want her to suffer a bit, you see the more love you show to girls the more they fall out of love Me: Ok, but i think she loves you and you need to treat her right Tunde: Aha ha ha laughing mysteriously, she is not worth it! Me: I think she is! Tunde: She is not Me: Ok, am hungry and don't think i have the strength to argue Tunde: Go and find food to eat! looking at tunde with dismay. in my mind, am like where am i to get the food I relaxed a bit just to get into myself and Tunde walked away, fliped out my phone to play my favorite list of songs and the first on the list was Omawumi with " If You Ask Me". it must have been twenty to fourty minutes, feeling relaxed now i decided to take a walk around before you know it, here comes Nifemi walking towards me. greeted me and asked to see me, in my mind am like what is it this time around, walked to a nearby kiosk requested a paper from the attendance and wrote down her number. Am like " what for?" and she said help me give it Tunde tell him to call me because i won't be around for like two weeks, i replied ok! Dipped the paper into my pocket and walked away from the kiosk. In my mind i started pondering on things, who is playing who? between Nifemi and Tunde i said to myself. I was certain that Tunde loved Nifemi but was always afraid to admit due to the " fear of the unknown" while Nifemi on the other hand was actually in a real relationship for the first time. But i was always lost in the show they put up i recent time that has always got the neighborhood buzzing, so i concluded that's what love is all about "Ups" and "Downs". |
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I took back to my old habit because that's the last resort to calming me down. Taking marijuana has been a habit no one knows me with. I take them occasionally perhaps trice in three months or so, it calms me down and makes me feel good. So i went to Malay to get one, Malay has always been a safe haven to get Indian Hemp without worrying about the police coming for you and that's because they've been bribed not to disturb. Got there and meet Kuku at his usual corner, on sighting me he exclaimed.... Kuku: Na who be this?? Oloun, Jesu ti wolu!!! Nedu Omope!!! Me: Kuku haw far naw Kuku: Ogbeni e far ooo!! You dey run for us naw! U no dey wan dey with us Me: No be like that Kuku, work wan kill me. Kuku: Oya naw! Office boy, O ni suit no ni!! Me: Abeg i won see Maami, my head dey gba!! Kuku: Ogbeni owo Maami ti po nsi!! ME: How much e bi? Kuku: Gate fee for Maami na hundred pali!!! no be fifty again oo!! But as runaway boy wey you bi, take am firty box shaa!! Me: Oya gbe fun Padi ee!! give your boy two tickets Kuku: Nedu omope!! Padi to sure! but try dey come Malay wella naw! Me: Ogbeni mary j no go love me if i no got money!! Kuku: Na true, owo ni koko. Try dey show face shaa! Me: Sure naw, i go dey try naw! collected the two wraps from him and left for my secret corner in Malay to do the needfull. Igbo as its popularly known is also Mary j in coded language, Maami is the coded name for the natural form Marijuana or Igbo that has not been mixed with any other herbs or chemical, for thats my favorite. Although they are other mixture like, SK, Arizona, Cali, Paw paw, Paracetamol amongs other numerous mixtures, I like the natural one for whatever reason i don't know. though i do take the mixtures sometimes hated it for it concentration and after effect. After i was done hailed Kuku and walked back home feeling hollow, got to my brothers house and into the sitting room without paying much attention to the ever frowned face of my brothers wife, acknowledge her two lovely kids and went for the sofa. Swiped out my phone and played the one person song i know could heal me, Fela Anikulapo Kuti!!! He was not just a musician to me but a mentor. He made me understand the reason we are African, highlighted the African problem in the most fascinating way. His music, rich in blend of African culture, beats and African way of strorytelling in musical form, and above all the believe in the power and spirituality of the black race. I had about ten of his songs on queue with 'O.D.O.O' Overtaking Don Overtake Overtake the first on the queue, while it was playing i dozed off in it euphoria. When i would wake up it was evening already, 8:30pm to be precise. I was feeling much calmer and better from the vent of the day, so i picked up my phone to try and salvage whatever it is that might have gone wrong between me and the love of my life, Loveth. Me: Hello Loveth:Hi Me: How are you doing Loveth: Am fine! Me: So why did you lie to me? Loveth: how? Me: You told me you were at a friend's place, when did you come back? Is it male or female? Loveth: Female naaw!! Tonia , you know her. am just coming back now, have been there since after church service. Me: But we agreed we are going out today Loveth: Something came up Me: And you could not tell me before now? Loveth: Sorry, i didnt! Me: i can't belive you could lie to me! i saw you you today, at the second street after your's, Putting on a green top and a black jean trouser. You know i can't mistake you for someone else! with a more raised voice now, so why are you lying to me? Loveth: Hmm!!! Ehhh!!! Hmmm!!! Me: Speak!! Loveth: Nedu! to tell you the truth, am not felling this your love! Me: What do you mean by that? Am i not man enough? Have i not giving much needed attention? Have i not loved you the way a man is supposed to, with a more trobbing voice Loveth: Nooo! is not like that, the distance! i need you more around, to cut the story short. Maybe we should give each other space Me: Space?? Loveth: Yes! just there my heart skipped, and i replied her OK!! Loveth has always been that dream girl for me, fair in completion, sexy, caring ,inteligent just to mention a few and now she had just bid me goodbye in the most unlikely way. With the word still resounding in my head, Space! Space!! Space!!! I stood up from where i was sitting and caused myself for remembering a bitter tale of my love life, went for my toothbrush, brushed my teeth, did the usual chores I have. Selected my work clothes and headed for my bicycle. It was well into the morning, checked my bicycle and it was ready to go, off to Muma G place and requested for my usual favorite in take away plates, as i was leaving i saw Tunde but was in a hurry and couldn't wait for a word with him. Zoomed off to my work place, it was a good and exhausting ride as usual. On getting there my madam was already around, got in and she was strictly looking at me, why are you late to work she said. Checked the time, i was fifteen minutes late. I replied with a flamsy excuse, it must have been my clock at home deceiving me, she looked at me unmoved and went to her office. Greeted Tolu our receptionist and went for my usual sanitary. The next twenty minutes was fast, before i could relax my boss was calling on the phone. Picked it up, Mr Ademola just called me now with his order and mallam Nasiru is expecting his order too, he told me you gave him half the increment on his express deal! yes ma i replied, ok then she said and make sure you confirm it before it leaves the factory today, she concluded. I hang up the phone and took a big sigh of relief and some minutes of much needed rest, before i could settle into it, comes Tolu barging into my office with the detail of the work shedules prepared by our boss Mrs Adebantu herself. What is it this time missy! i said to her in a sweet voice, she replied your work shedule Mr Nedu handsome. I replied her with complement, your looking really cute this morning after just realizing her fitted attires had giving her that sexy look, Thanks she replied!! |
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It was getting late and i couldn't find Tunde, so i left for my abode. have always been seeing big brother around, but was never in the mood to greet or say hi because of the way he chased me out of his apartment,but have always done my part of been a father to his kids. On getting there to my sleeping compartment Obinna was still there, i greeted him, Obinna how far? he replied am fine and you? i replied same, please don't be annoyed, i have a job i need to finish for our customer, he needs it urgently he siad. I replied him no problem!! after all they are the one doing me a favour. Have pleaded with Mr Theophilus as the owner of the workshop with the help of Obinna, the day i was sent packing by my elder brother to allow me be sleeping over at his workshop pending when i would get a place of my own. And luckily he had accepted my plea. So i had no choice, though it was late. Time check 9:05pm so i sat outside tabbing my phone effortlessly, just exactly 9:45pm he came out with another apology saying Nedu, please am sorry for the delay, am through now. I replied, no need for that. He left, leaving me to fight it out with the mosquitoes army. Just as usual, i went in with my amour locked on. My blanket has always been a helping hand in my fight against the mosquitoes armies but its one flaw is when i doze off, the blanket unwrap itself due to my ever changing sleeping position. Leaving my defenceless body exposed. Wake up the next morning with a tired body and mind, have been batteredby my number one nemesis and couldn't muster three hours good night rest. Came outside to rejuvenate my body with the early morning cool breeze and just there it hit me. Just four months ago, have gotten in my sunday best to meet the love of my life. We've agreed to give our a special treat to the cinema, on getting to her place, i called her. Me: Hello Loveth!, How are you doing and how was your night rest? Loveth: Am fine and my night rest was great!! Me: Nice to know, am at your street. come and meet me at our usual spot!! Loveth: not around ooo!! and i don't know when i would be back. Me: What do you mean by that? Loveth: Am at a friend place! Me: But we agreed to meet today? Loveth: yes! maybe next time naw!!! Out of rage i ended the call as i couldn't just believe what my ears have heard, i was devastated and decided to cool my nerves in a bar. i was able to spot one at the second street to her place, got inside and called out for the bartender. Within some few minutes she was right infront of me, please give me one baileys lager beer i said. At once she left for it, when she came back i was staring at the beer, though it was big size i had just realize it won't calm me down. Get me a second bottle, i would open it myself i said, she dropped it at my table and left for the second bottle at once. i opened it and started sipping from it, with my mind reminiscing on what had just happened, half way into the second bottle i ordered for a third. Just when i about to pour from it, there goes my Loveth. She had just passed the street without noticing me from the bar i was, at first i thought to myself, perharps i was thinking much about her and the beer i was taking has gotten the better part of me, NO!! i said to myself, i couldn't have been under the influence of just two bailey beer bottles i murmured to myself. I know my gauge and have not gotten up to four or five bottles at least, so i decided to call her on the phone Me:Hello!! Loveth:Hi Me: Where are you? Loveth: I told you am at a friend's place!! Me: Where exactly is that friend's place?? Loveth: Mowe! Me: Ok, take care! Loveth: And you too! i couldn't believe my ears Mowe is like double the distance to my work place! For someone i saw not quite long ago it was oblivious she's lying to me. trying to calm myself down i took a sip of the beer and realize it just gotten more bitter without taking anymore sip i walk to the bartender , paid her and left. On my way home i couldn't help but think of the shock have been through, it has just dawn on me that the girl have been dating for more than one and half year had just left me all out in the cold. But what could i have done, have always been loving, caring and loyal to her, with tears almost dripping out of my eyes. I couldn't help but think about the good, bad and ugly moment have shared with Loveth, i know we've had our challenges and have always settled it amicably. What could i have done wrong i said to myself , why has she decided to treat me this way, i said to myself while trying to look composed in the bus back home. |
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On getting home i was tired and hungry from the long bicycle ride home. Parked it at it usual parking lot and headed to my usual rest spot, Muma G canteen. On seeing Muma G She gave me my usual hail, Nedu Nede!!! three times. In acknowledgment i replied her with good evening! she replied same, and i proceed to ask her if she still has some food left, she replied saying we have beans but no bread, go and buy bread i will warm the beans for you. I wasn't lucky i said to myself, with no cash left on me, i left telling her am coming. I strolled around and decided to make my way to the game center. It was quite packed today just because of one thing.... ' Gambling'. It has really been part of every boys life around here and not forgetting some of the men, since there no work or due to sheer laziness some people resort to this way of life and sometimes when there's no sporting activities this is what keeps the game center alive, Don the owner of the game center takes his cut from the game per every three turns depending on how many boards of gamble there's. So to the game proper, it can be a dice, card, ludo, or any sports, politics, current affairs argument. Infact we but bet virtually on any thing there's. The most notorious of them was the dice game, though outlawed by Don because of the cheats in them. Cards have now taking over, So I can see three sets of cards games on going. On sighting me, Don hailed me, Oya gbe fun!! Nedu le le yi , I hailed him Don ramota lahii!! He replied Waa gbayi omo ope!!! Did I tell you the name of our street is Ramat!! So i stood there observing the card game that was on, with the hope someone i know would get to be on the winning side. So after likes five turns from one of the boards with my peers, Billy hits the the bulls eyes, he had just won the board game. Have known Billy around the neighborhood and we occasionally talk, so i approached him and asked him for hundred naira. Without much hesitation he gave it to me and i recieved my marching orders. You see the thing is, it's easier to stay with my peers unlike the men that will not look at my face or be intimidated by me. But my peers are easier to get around with, so i went to the bread seller and bought bread of seventy naira , pocketed the thirty naira change and it felt like thousand in my pocket. Back to Muma G canteen, i ordered for beans fifty and meat fifty naira all in credit. After a while,with plesure she brought it for me and out of hunger i devoured it like a hungry lion. After the meal, i took my post outside of Muma G canteen, relaxing to enjoy the cool evening breeze. After a while come Nifemi walking by, so i called her and enquired about she and Tunde. With so much anticipation she replied, Tunde has been acting funny these days, he just does things to hurt my feelings every now and then. From not talking to me to cheating on me with girls around, worst of it all was with Aaliyah my best friend and he has told me that we should not date again. On hearing that i cut her shut and told her, i know you love Tunde but you must be patient with his childish and stupid attitude. You never can tell, perharps you might be the one to change him for good. Have talked to him, though he still sound unchanged be rest assured i will talk to him again and see that things are resolved, i said . Then with that look of satisfaction, she left. Right there in my mind i started to say my self how lucky Tunde was. For Nifemi, it was her first real relationship. She had loved Tunde right from the bottom of her heart and Tunde have giving her little or not wanting to show it in public, perhaps to keep his perception of an alpha male intact. But on the other hand Tunde,has always loved her jealously, something i find hard to understand. Like they use to say, first time love are filled with so many adventures that you end up been caught up with it. For some its the best, while for some its the worst, i guess that is life in it true reflection. |
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I was just in time for my work duty, parked my bicycle in the company compound, I had my usual spot where i always park it. On entering the office was Bade starring at me in amazement, Nedu! why are you sweating like this?? in dismay i answered him, I went to climb kilimanjaro!! been uncovinced he said I see!!! I angerily concluded with e be like say you don dey mad abii?? No ever ask me that type of question again and left him there I had the whole of my cloth wet from the sweating after a long and stressful ride on the bicycle. went into my office and did my usual chores of taking my bath and putting on my work attires which usually dont take up to fifteen minutes. Have always believe i deserve more I said time myself, as to my post as a supervisor of Oakland group of company. my boss Mrs Adebantu had started up the business with the idea coming from Mr Adebantu. it was one of the biggest supply and logistics company in the metropolis you can think of. i deserve more than this!! i mumured to myself. While busy sketching out the days work schedules. it was a full list of supply chain, meeting and calls to our big clients. First was up was the factory where i had to coordinate and assemble the supply to be made in order of appointment, i called out Nfom and handed him the list. As the factory HOD he was to oversee the operation,he had three accomplice, John, Tobi and Kelvin. While they were at it i called out Bade and handed him the meeting schedule for the day to him, he was to deliver to our madam Mrs Adebantu. As the P.A ( personal assistance) i had intentionally map out meeting schedule for the whole month instead of a days or a week own. Even though my work is as a P.A , i had to supervise the whole supply operation and record them in my files before given them my pass for delivery. i was the fine line between the company initial intake of good and services and final output to each and every of our client. After carefully going through the supply package, i recorded them on my file and gave it my pass. Mr Soji recieved my order, as the company driver he was to make the delivery but this time i was not following him due to my busy schedule. Left the factory to my office, i still had calls to make to our big client, like Mallam Nasiru, Mr Ejike and engineer Ademola and not leaving out others. First is Mr Ejike, he still has some outstanding payment to make so i needed to call and remind and to take his orders. second is mallam Nasiru, it has been good doing business with him. He needs more than his usual supply and have told him it will cost him double the price, something he didn't agree to the last time we spoke and lastly was engineer Ademola, he wasn't that stable on business but it was always a pleasure doing business with him. After much time on the phone i was able to reach an agreement, Mr Ejike has agreed to pay his outstanding debt with the new order he made, in the next three days. Mallam Nasiru had agreed to pay half the increment on his orders and engineer Ademola has given us new order. And come to think of it the days job has been really smooth in dealings. |
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So i left there to where i sleep over. on getting thier thinking to myself, so on my way there I kept on pondering in my mind. Why solve other people's problem when i have mine, i said to myself. just last month i had a nasty fight or quarrel as the case may be with my brothers wife who happens to be the same age with me. And my brother had not talking it lightly with me that he trew my bags outside and sent me packing . I suppose i couldn't endure the shame, mockery and wickedness she puts me through both in and out of my brothers presence. perhaps it was my fault that i couldn't afford a shelter, food,clothing and many other basic amenities as a result of my joblessness. But when i will finally get one, the payment wasn't frequent and was too small to meet my needs, as a matter of fact half of the salary was my transport fare in a month toppled with the big stress it comes with. But i couldn't reject it because i needed something to use in weathering the hell my brother wife was putting me through. But i could understand her point of view, a new wife with two kids needs a lot of space with her family and i was standing in their way. Back to my makeshift shelter, it was a very small mechanical work shop which i have pleaded with the owner Oga Theophilus to me be sleeping there for the mean time till I can gather enough to sort myself out. Filled with mosquitoes and low ventillation, have never had a good night sleeping in it. With loads everywhere and a leaking roof it was the worst i could always expect but still i was greatful, on getting there i meet the door slightly opened and It was intentionality left like that by Oga Theo boys cause they were expecting me. The next morning was just as cool as it can get, did my normal chore, of cleaning the workshop and arranging my belongings before heading out to where i parked my biycycle. The bicycle has been a much needed leverage for me, saving me half the cost of my transport fare to work, on getting there it had a flat tire. I started praying and hoping that it not the tude that has gotten punctured because the last cash i have on me was just enough to inflate the tire not patch or nothing more. Fifty naira i said to myself while praying in my mind, it has been with for two days now and thanks to Muma G whom has given me the ability of buying foods on credit i would have been in mess. Infact may God bless that woman for me, she no the reason my matter for head I said to myself, so I pushed the bike to the nearby vulcanizer. On getting to the vulcanizer place, i just asked him to inflate the tire with the hope is just the solution to the problem on ground. Happily handed him last card that i had jealously kept for two days, brothers and sisters last card they save ooo Checked to make sure the tires are firm enough to go and couldn't hide my joy from the gamble I took with the tire, Off to Muma G canteen to eat before heading out for my place of work. I couldn't wait to eat the food their so i just ask her to sell the food inside nylon for me as a take away. She just hailed me Oya fi le fun Nedu Nede Office boy, I just smiled and hailed her back Muma G!! Iya mi to sure!!! The way i was thrusting at the pedal, it was more of my prayer had just be answered and am showing it by riding at top speed. Although the journey was long, the distance I had to cover was more than 12 miles to get to my working place. About one hour and thirty minutes in time value with my bicycle and Muma G food has always been the fuel i needed to have a successful journey. |
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Musa had left me earlier so i decided to go to the game center just opposite Muma G canteen. it wasn't as busy as it used to be, maybe because there's no sportiing activities. only a few people was there, after scouring the whole place i found Tunde with few boys so i called him aside and enquired about him and Nifemi Which Nifemi he Asked?? and said yours naw!! forget about her he said, can you belive she is double dating on me?? First it was Abbey and now its Jide, come to think about it she even told me that we should go our separate ways. Me off all people Nedu. See this small girl wey I dey manage ooo, Shay na the money wey I don spend for her, that clothes wey she were on Sunday na me buy abi na everyday food money. Look Nedu na she go beg this time around. I was astonished at the words he spoke because i know Nifemi to be that innocent girl, So i told him not to worry that i will talk to Nifemi and see that matters are resolved and his words was, i don't want you to talk to her, let it just be, But i insisted and walk away. have always known Tunde to be full of pride and jealous, I know he loved Nifemi but always brags how it was the other way round. How she couldn't help but call her every single day and beg him to tell her a joke or to see him. |
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On getting to Muma G canteen, She hailed me Nedu-Nede!!! from behind the concrete pavement where i use to sit. With the question are you going to buy beans and bread,we still have some left and in appreciation i nodded yes! and replied bread 100 beans 50 and meat 50 naira In a more relaxed mood i walked into the empty but usual after sale canteen. In few minutes my usual favourite was ready in front of me, and just half way into my meal, Anobi Musa entered with the bull sachet whisky streched to me and the other hand ready to devour the remaining half way meal. without protest i let him have his share in what i have left. after we finished we stepped out of the canteen with the satisfaction of a half filled belly. Back to my usual observatory post, the concrete pavement in front of Muma G canteen,where i was sitting and this time sipping my own share of the whisky with Musa. With a second look on the neighborhood passed Tunde with he's usual hail Nedu Nedky and in acknowledgment i returned it with. Tunny, how far naw? and he replied am good ooo! He passed with me having it in mind of pressing discussion to make, the burn down my throat was just the momentum i needed. bull whiskey i said to myself but Musa why you fit buy like two or three satchels for me naw!! He looked at with anger and replied your papa give me money nii? Ogbeni leave that thing if I give you money nkor, you won give me pass one I answered. He hissed and lashed at me Nedu you don't dey mad ooo, no be your fault na me wey give you drink!! I answered guy calm down joor.... money go soon come, relax. he replied I don here you naw. Shaa no make me vex!! Taa shut up their I ended |
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Look whose welcoming me after a hard days job, Anobi musa as he's fondly called and one of my bizarre friends . Tunde and Nifemi are fighting again he said, i looked at him in dismay as i wasn't in the mood for such a gossip. Tunde has always been a good friend of mine, he was too funny and in turn made him very childish and stupid, something that has always turned me off. Nifemi on the other hand has always been that innocent girl that is full of respect and always like making friends with guys around. have always had my eyes on her but she is dating Tunde, so am not interested in their relationship trouble at least not after the days stress. Trying to get my self relaxed, Musa entered more into the gist. this time is serious Nedu, he said and i inquired what it is this time. Nifemi told me she has broke up with Tunde herself and when i asked Tunde, he told me he is not after that dirty girl again and am not happy about it. Because people will be laughing at them now he said. With a hint of anger I asked him what is his problem with that he replied am not happy with it jare!!! We are all friends and we should be helping each others, with a relaxed and assured voice i told him i will talk to both of them and that all I can do at least, just then he told me he wants to get a bull sachet whiskey, our usual alcoholic drink and i was like fine, buy for me too ooo!!! |
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First I would like to appreciate all the wonderful writers here on nairaland....that has mesmerized me with their stories.. I say thank you guys. Even though am a ghost reader I enjoyed your stories from ' The devil that loves me, My neighbors wife, sassy and slaying, man wey dey reason and a whole lot more I can't remember now. Please bear with's my very first time writing, they might be mistakes here and there it normal..... Abeg your criticism and applause are welcomed So I decided to tell mine.... first I believe we African a natural storytellers, it's in this view I decided to tell the story of Chinedu that finds himself intertwined with his actions consequences and fate....will he gets to see the light at the end of the tunnel? Find out yourself |
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Neatly Used Vitashine Mattress 4x6. Price is #15000 Location is Shomolu Lagos...... Call or Whatsapp on 08140520008
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Still available Vitashine Mattress 18k Call or Whatsapp 08140520008
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Updated and Still available Neatly Used Vitashine Mattress #18000 Orl Celling fan #5000 Bedframe 4.5x6 #7000 Location is Shomolu Lagos Call or Whatsapp on 08140520008
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Updated and Still available Vita Shine Mattress Neatly Used For Sale #18000 Used Orl Celling fan #5000 Bedframe 4.5 x 6 #7000 WhatsApp number 08140520008 and Location is Shomolu Lagos
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I swear sense no go kill you ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 1 Like |
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Well in mathematical law I believe its zero.....hence the question is more of a logical question than a mathematical question So this type of question 0 x 3. let's make 0 the giver and 3 the receiver and in this vein 0 is the value side while 3 is the occurance side In this perspective 0x3 equals zero for both the giver and the receiver or value side and occurrence side But 3x0 is zero for the receiver or occurrence side and 3 for the giver or value side More like the giver has got nothing to lose at anything and holds it value while the receiver has got everything to lose at all times Na try i say make i try.....Jeez OP this your thinking no be here ooo 1 Like |
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If you've got table top fridge in good condition(Lagos only preferably shomolu yaba gbagada axis)....please quote me |
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BluntNigerian: E remain make una tender dis card to devil.... But make una take am easy ooo. na experiment we dey do ooo.....cuz na every beep like this I don run check my acct balance First it will not without the pin,second without the my comment earlier, have registered it to request those two. Be it Local or International Sites Knowledge is power!!! 1 Like |
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futurerex: Thanks for replying this zombies.... Na them no let this country move forward by sharing false information 2 Likes |
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StrikeThru: 5061021023478051 CVC*216* exp 10/21 Post the transaction here 2 Likes 1 Share |
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Some many people take things for granted.... First when you collect your ATM Card you be asked to activate it for online transaction One of the few ways to activate it is by SECURE PIN this is old method don't know if still works OTP PIN newest method...can be accessed through your registered phone number IF YOU DO THIS AFTER COLLECTING YOUR CARD no online platform can debit you without your ATM pin not to talk of Secure pin or otp But If you fail to do this, some bank will allow transaction on your your card with your ATM PIN on some online platform... But Never Without your ATM PIN or OTP take note of bolded..... And if you think your good enough quote me and I will drop my card 16 pin,CVC and expiry date 1 Like |
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Op am impressed, at least they are people who know the truth for what it is. For me i would say the isi agu(lions head) is fashion born of proportion by the some IBO ELITE who felt they needed to fluant their prowess among their kins. hence making people look at as symbol of recognition 1 Like |
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Shiver99 i appreciate your effort in explaining your point. Its a funny thing our history is distorted, if you agree the yorubas whom are the closest relative to the ibos are black then i say you must first accept the ibos been too before painting them lighter. the first european didnt just have the african costal region as their resort, their were waves of expenditure combing the african hinterland. pity is that your only describtion of the ibos is from the british explorer which was an "occupational expanditure".... have you ever wonder why the first explorer never distroyed,looted nor occupied the land even in their post which were the coastal region |
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We were only told what favours a particular people in history, in as much you didnt answer my question,why not try a little research on your own not just with the help of google alone. yoruba has always been black right from time immorial and so was ibos and majority of the tribe from nubia down to the end of africa. and when i say black i mean 70 to 75 percent active melanine in their skin. so if you want to know what happened to the tone try knowing what happened after the first contact with the first european, this time i tell you google wont be your best friend...LOL |
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[quote author=Shiver99 post=84983912] Yes. Wow...someone decides to a van damme move, please enlighten me on your "YES" answer |
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I have one question for you all, was the ibos light skinned before their contact with the european ![]() |
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[quote author=updatechange post=76357887]Children of today know your history. There's no way Yorubas and igbos were of the same descendants, check your history. Yoruba is a one person in respect of Oduduwa, and in contrary... Igbos are nation, they are the migrant children of Obed who fled from their nation around 9th - 10th century, during the time of great affliction of the Israel nation by the Assyrians. They settled by the lower bend of river Niger and cross river where they found fertile ground and started farming just like the Israelites. Their system of government and administration is patrilineal clan system, every clan or village trace themselves back to their ancestors. Origin of Yoruba tribe Oduduwa who came from northwest Africa and settled at Ile ife, but oral tradition says that Oduduwa came from heaven and created the earth. The descendants spread and founded seven kingdoms namely: Oowu, Sabe, Popo, Benin, Ila, Ketu, and Oyo. Oranmiya founded the Old Oyo kingdom around 14th century, Ife became the spiritual and cultural centre of the kingdom. The government of old Oyo kingdom consists... Alafin, Oyomesi, The Eso, Ogboni, and Ilari. Hausa tribe traced their origin from Bayagida who was a prince from Bagdad that married the queen of daura. Their children founded the true Hausa states known as Hausa bakwa, such as Biram, Daura, Katrina, zaria, Kano, Gobir and subsequently zanfara, Kebbi gwari, yuari. Stop misleading and rewriting history all because of you want to be patriotic or try to unify the country. Guy go buy brain.... ibos has never been Jews. Wonder why use propaganda on history 1 Like |
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The revolution must be televised.....tell those ignorant to the truth of how they destroyed our precious culture and gave us confusion. ESU mó jubaaá |
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Add me 08171651599 |
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Please matured lady's only....D8BF9A01 |
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