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~~~~Dear Cameroonians~~~~ - Culture - Nairaland

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~~~~Dear Cameroonians~~~~ by Nobody: 1:46pm On Aug 21, 2012
Can some Cameroonians please Explain this ignorance below, This is a real thread, a Very Serious issue.

Intelligent Minds Only

This is Horrible!


Re: ~~~~Dear Cameroonians~~~~ by Nobody: 1:50pm On Aug 21, 2012
Read the Youtube Comments Below on the YT page, i was appalled when i found out about this being done.

I believe sex education would help Much Better than something as Sadistic and Horrifying as this.

Breastt Ironing?

Re: ~~~~Dear Cameroonians~~~~ by Nobody: 1:53pm On Aug 21, 2012
It's one thing to be ignorant of knowledge towards a group of "foreign" people

It's a whole complete ballgame when you are ignorant of knowledge towards your "own" people. wink

One woman in the video says..."i did it because i didn't want my daughter breast to grow big"


Mutilating your own child??

Re: ~~~~Dear Cameroonians~~~~ by Nobody: 1:57pm On Aug 21, 2012
Viewing this topic: CAMEROONPRIDE,

Oh you quiet Now?.....

Because last time i checked Mutilating your own children is an ignorance far exceeding Random Sidewalk Pedestrians Knowledge of a Foreign Continent that has nothing to do with them

These are your children...

They are being mutilated

lol@the negroids from the right of the atlantic arguing with the negroids left of the Atlantic on whose more ignorant

I have an answer

"Black People"

Re: ~~~~Dear Cameroonians~~~~ by Nobody: 2:01pm On Aug 21, 2012
In Africa in general and esp in Cameroon we deal with ethnicity ...each ethnicity has their own behavior/culture ...it's not easy to make them understand that something they do for centuries is wrong.....just like excision, breast ironing ,is practiced in Cameroon but by a minority ..however Cameroonian authorities have done everything to reduce suh behaviors by educating those Ethnicity and if you have looked at the new statistics you would have known that breast ironing is no longer a problem here
Re: ~~~~Dear Cameroonians~~~~ by Nobody: 2:05pm On Aug 21, 2012
CAMEROONPRIDE: In Africa in general and esp in Cameroon we deal with ethnicity ...each ethnicity has their own behavior/culture ...it's not easy to make them understand that something they do for centuries is wrong.....just like excision, breast ironing ,is practiced in Cameroon but by a minority ..however Cameroonian authorities have done everything to reduce suh behaviors by educating those Ethnicity and if you have looked at the new statistics you would have known that breast ironing is no longer a problem here

The Term Alone, "Breastt Ironing" Just sends shivers up my spine

How could mothers co-sign this

It is very prevelant in Cameroon. It's apart of Culture

Law can't prevent "culture" if that were the case gang banging and drug dealing in america would have stopped

It goes on under the radar, it's a pretty disgusting act.

Re: ~~~~Dear Cameroonians~~~~ by Nobody: 2:07pm On Aug 21, 2012
Do you have female Family Members who have had their Bodies Mutilated and their Brreast "Ironed"?
Re: ~~~~Dear Cameroonians~~~~ by Nobody: 2:10pm On Aug 21, 2012
Viewing this topic: CAMEROONPRIDE,

Oh you quiet Now?.....

Because last time i checked Mutilating your own children is an ignorance far exceeding Random Sidewalk Pedestrians Knowledge of a Foreign Continent that has nothing to do with them

These are your children...

They are being mutilated

lol@the negroids from the right of the atlantic arguing with the negroids left of the Atlantic on whose more ignorant

I have an answer

"Black People"

lol i feel you know lmao grin grin grin you are mad cause you think that i made my thread to show how BA are ignorants about Africa....lmao man you are in the wrong way i did the thread to see how many people think the same and if there are many people who think the same Africans have to react, control how the westen media portray and show another image .....but unfortunately you missed it you know why because you are too arrogant ....you think everybody must have a personal problem with you or your people to make critics lol at you i'm a free thinker ..... you also think that everything turn around you ...lmao ...if someone look at my threads he will realize that you(BA) are the cadet of my preoccupations...
Re: ~~~~Dear Cameroonians~~~~ by Nobody: 2:13pm On Aug 21, 2012

The Term Alone, "Breastt Ironing" Just sends shivers up my spine

How could mothers co-sign this

It is very prevelant in Cameroon. It's apart of Culture

Law can't prevent "culture" if that were the case gang banging and drug dealing in america would have stopped

It goes on under the radar, it's a pretty disgusting act.

lol at you ....i don't have the time for that today ......BA are not and won't be the purpose of my presence on this forum ....so goodluck in your research
Re: ~~~~Dear Cameroonians~~~~ by Nobody: 2:16pm On Aug 21, 2012
Do you have female Family Members who have had their Bodies Mutilated and their Brreast "Ironed"?
no ...my ethnicity does not practice that .....you say something true they are Cameroonians so yes Cmeroonians practice this cruel act and despite the fact we are not the same(different ethicity) i will take that blame cause we are all Cameroonians
Re: ~~~~Dear Cameroonians~~~~ by Nobody: 2:16pm On Aug 21, 2012
CAMEROONPRIDE: lol i feel you know lmao grin grin grin you are mad cause you think that i made my thread to show how BA are ignorants about Africa....lmao man you are in the wrong way i did the thread to see how many people think the same and if there are many people who think the same Africans have to react, control how the westen media portray and show another image .....but unfortunately you missed it you know why because you are too arrogant ....you think everybody must have a personal problem with you or your people to make critics lol at you i'm a free thinker ..... you also think that everything turn around you ...lmao ...if someone look at my threads he will realize that you(BA) are the cadet of my preoccupations...

Cameroon, every unbiased person on this forum can look at your post history and see your hatred for Americans

Your post history is filled with uneducated rants about america and fights with Americans

You are upset at me because i "trumped" your ignorance card

Cameroonians have some of the most disgusting acts of ignorance going on inside of that country..

Yet you spend all day on the forum overly obsessing over americans and their "lack" of love for you...

Meanwhile mothers in your country are Mutilating their own Daughters...


It is, what it is son. Black People in general are very ignorant

[size=20pt]YOU [/size]are missing "my" point. wink hehe lol
Re: ~~~~Dear Cameroonians~~~~ by Nobody: 2:19pm On Aug 21, 2012
Now write another reply laced with 400 thousand misspelled words regarding "Black Americans"

Meanwhile the thread is about Cameroonian women Mutilating their own children and "co-signing" the culture of such

....Ill wait.... wink

Re: ~~~~Dear Cameroonians~~~~ by Nobody: 2:23pm On Aug 21, 2012
CAMEROONPRIDE: no ...my ethnicity does not practice that .....you say something true they are Cameroonians so yes Cmeroonians practice this cruel act and despite the fact we are not the same(different ethicity) i will take that blame cause we are all Cameroonians

Oh, Now it's "we are not the same"

..Oh Interesting.

So "these" cameroonians do not represent "you"?

....Oh I See.. wink

So when Cameroon does something worth being proud of it's "we"

But when Cameroon does something to be ashamed of it's "we are not the same"....

Ill say it again Blacks in general are Very Ignorant.

Just like how i watched these Nigerians sit in a thread for 2 hours calling the people from ghana "Dark Black and Ugly"

These Brain Cells, Boy i tell ya. grin


1 Like

Re: ~~~~Dear Cameroonians~~~~ by Nobody: 2:28pm On Aug 21, 2012
OffTopic : The teacher at 1:08 is fine tongue

OnTopic : As a Cameroonian you seem ashamed of the Part of "your" culture.....

Wait, that's right...."These Cameroonians don't represent you"...

Oh Ok i understand.

....smh, when i come on this forum it's like playing Textual Chess with mere Children. lmfao

Can you elaborate on the Ghettos and Ignorance of America while women in your country are mutilating their own daughters in this destitute Nation.

Re: ~~~~Dear Cameroonians~~~~ by Nobody: 2:29pm On Aug 21, 2012

Cameroon, every unbiased person on this forum can look at your post history and see your hatred for Americans

Your post history is filled with uneducated rants about america and fights with Americans

You are upset at me because i "trumped" your ignorance card

Cameroonians have some of the most disgusting acts of ignorance going on inside of that country..

Yet you spend all day on the forum overly obsessing over americans and their "lack" of love for you...

Meanwhile mothers in your country are Mutilating their own Daughters...


It is, what it is son. Black People in general are very ignorant

[size=20pt]YOU [/size]are missing "my" point. wink hehe lol

i think there is a difference between thread and comments....comments are the result of provocation , ignorance or insults....thread represents yourself what is really in your mind and what message you want to send...and so far you were not in my radar until this dear americans thread.......look at you just like your masters you want to label/group people on their skin color...before everything i first belong to my Ethnicity , i first belong to Africa ...so excuse me but i don't get what you mean by saying Black people are ignorant.....there is no ignorant/disgusting/ culture you are repeating the same things that the invaders said/did..so i won't blame those people because sterile critis or judgement won't be useful only education and multiple campaigns can help them to understand what they are doing is wrong esp when it's based on western criteria because.unlike you Africans know their roots and keep their culture .....so it's very difficult to tell them ehh yo what u are doing it's backward stop that...nahh it's a long procesus ...but are you tolerant to understand that Cameroon is a 51yo country? ...
Re: ~~~~Dear Cameroonians~~~~ by Nobody: 2:34pm On Aug 21, 2012

Oh, Now it's "we are not the same"

..Oh Interesting.

So "these" cameroonians do not represent "you"?

....Oh I See.. wink

So when Cameroon does something worth being proud of it's "we"

But when Cameroon does something to be ashamed of it's "we are not the same"....

Ill say it again Blacks in general are Very Ignorant.

Just like how i watched these Nigerians sit in a thread for 2 hours calling the people from ghana "Dark Black and Ugly"

These Brain Cells, Boy i tell ya. grin

i guess you know how to read ...i said we are all Cameroonian so i will take that blame....anyway ...i won't blame you..you don't have ethnicity you can't understand .........in the usa u are considered as black when in Cameroon i'm first considered as a memeber of one Ethnicity ...they are all Cameroonians ....good and Bad all are my brothers/ countrymen and i have never said the contrary stop twisting my comments
Re: ~~~~Dear Cameroonians~~~~ by Nobody: 2:36pm On Aug 21, 2012
look at you just like your masters you want to label/group people on their skin color...before everything i first belong to my Ethnicity , i first belong to Africa

^My Man, this quote you wrote above? ....How does this pertain to me? instead of you

My post history is filled with "Black Race does not Exist"....."Race is not real"...."Africans should not call themselves black"

You are the one who feels Americans are somehow tied to Africans..therefor there should be a "brotherhood"

Not me.

You are the one who feels "betrayed" by these Americans

I have wrote on this Forum Many Times, there is no "Black BrotherHood"...or a "Black Race"

You are the one making threads about Americans and Trying to make ties to them with Africa ...Right?

My thread speaks directly on Cameroonians..and Cameroonian Culture Only.

LoL pay Attention, and comprehend what i write

I am not in favor of the fallacy of "Black" Brotherhood.
Re: ~~~~Dear Cameroonians~~~~ by onilaiscools: 2:37pm On Aug 21, 2012
cameroonian girls are so endowed in the booty and boo'bs department grin

dont blame them for ironing them tongue
Re: ~~~~Dear Cameroonians~~~~ by Nobody: 2:39pm On Aug 21, 2012

You obviously subscribe to the fictional theory of "Black Race"...because you keep trying to Link Africans with Blk Americans

If you didn't subscribe to that garbage

Why the obsession over trying to "link" us?

You should not care what americans think of africans...You are on another continent...YOU ARE NOT OUR BROTHERS.

stop it lol

You are obsessed.

Race does not exist, you are just people living in africa. Nothing more nothing less to "us".

Kill that Black Unity Noise Fam. cool
Re: ~~~~Dear Cameroonians~~~~ by Nobody: 2:40pm On Aug 21, 2012

^My Man, this quote you wrote above? ....How does this pertain to me? instead of you

My post history is filled with "Black Race does not Exist"....."Race is not real"...."Africans should not call themselves black"

You are the one who feels Americans are somehow tied to Africans..therefor there should be a "brotherhood"

Not me.

You are the one who feels "betrayed" by these Americans

I have wrote on this Forum Many Times, there is no "Black BrotherHood"...or a "Black Race"

You are the one making threads about Americans and Trying to make ties to them with Africa ...Right?

My thread speaks directly on Cameroonians..and Cameroonian Culture Only.

LoL pay Attention, and comprehend what i write

I am not in favor of the fallacy of "Black" Brotherhood.
lmao i'm the one who keep saying that BA are no longer Africans......just ask msdarskin ....and this is where everything started(you anger toward me lol).....that's why i use BA instead of AA etc......i don't believe in Africans and BA unity because our only link is the color of our skin and not for everybody and you are mad at me for this ....i remember your comments but i won't copy and paste it here....don't have the time
Re: ~~~~Dear Cameroonians~~~~ by Nobody: 2:42pm On Aug 21, 2012

You obviously subscribe to the fictional theory of "Black Race"...because you keep trying to Link Africans with Blk Americans

If you didn't subscribe to that garbage

Why the obsession over trying to "link" us?

You should not care what americans think of africans...You are on another continent...YOU ARE NOT OUR BROTHERS.

stop it lol

You are obsessed.

Race does not exist, you are just people living in africa. Nothing more nothing less to "us".

Kill that Black Unity Noise Fam. cool
please i beg you bring a comments where i said the contrary ...dude you are probably drunk
Re: ~~~~Dear Cameroonians~~~~ by Nobody: 2:42pm On Aug 21, 2012
cameroonian girls are so endowed in the booty and boo'bs department grin

dont blame them for ironing them tongue
sharrap Onila ...... angry angry
Re: ~~~~Dear Cameroonians~~~~ by Nobody: 2:44pm On Aug 21, 2012
By the Way..."My Masters"?...

Umm Technically half of my Blood is "Your Master"

Make sure you know who you are referring to before you recklessly throw out a "slave" joke wink

lmfao@this dirty destitute niqqah trying to throw a slave joke out there low key. because he is Upset


a Slave Joke coming from a Guy who is from a continent that got enslaved by not 1, but 2 different racial groups

Get Real lol grin grin grin

Vous êtes l'esclave de mon ami négroïde .. Ce qui est exactement pourquoi vous ne pouvez comprendre ce {{{{Hahahahah}}}}}}}

.... wink
Re: ~~~~Dear Cameroonians~~~~ by Nobody: 2:49pm On Aug 21, 2012
If you don't believe in Black Unity

Then why does it offend you so much if Black Americans distance themselves from you?

..exactly...You make no sense at all

You are just confused, looking for Love from People who technically have no damn ties to you

You should only look at us as another ethnic group, no more

Are you making threads about "Scottish people views on Africans"?


Are you making threads about "Irish People views on Africans"?


Yet...you want to spend all day on the forum obsessing over why Black Americans don't really seem to connect with you

Why should they?

More importantly, why should you care so much? lol

Re: ~~~~Dear Cameroonians~~~~ by Nobody: 2:52pm On Aug 21, 2012
By the Way..."My Masters"?...

Umm Technically half of my Blood is "Your Master"

Make sure you know who you are referring to before you recklessly throw out a "slave" joke wink

lmfao@this dirty destitute niqqah trying to throw a slave joke out there low key. because he is Upset


a Slave Joke coming from a Guy who is from a continent that got enslaved by not 1, but 2 different racial groups

Get Real lol grin grin grin

Vous êtes l'esclave de mon ami négroïde .. Ce qui est exactement pourquoi vous ne pouvez comprendre ce {{{{Hahahahah}}}}}}}

.... wink
Africans have never been the same ,Africans are different and don't have the same history ...i won't enter in your trap ..it's not who enslaved and invaded who conquest... you own by K.O my contient is rotten you are at the top of the world you have everything we have nothing .......except slums and diseases ......but i still love this continent i still love my ethinicity and my country ...i know where i am from and where i'm going......
Re: ~~~~Dear Cameroonians~~~~ by onilaiscools: 2:54pm On Aug 21, 2012
CAMEROONPRIDE: sharrap Onila ...... angry angry

why u dey vex na?
am praising them @ the same time grin
Re: ~~~~Dear Cameroonians~~~~ by Nobody: 2:56pm On Aug 21, 2012
If an Ethnic Group in Kenya has no knowledge or connection to Black Americans...I could not care less

If an Ethnic Group in Cameroon has no knowledge or Connection to Black Americans....i could not care less

If an Ethnic Group in Uganda has no knowledge or Connection to Black Americans....I could not care less

But see you, are different..

You spend all day on this forum asking the same question

cry cry cry cry cry "Why don't black americans love us or acknowledge us" cry cry cry cry cry cry cry

Awwww..Who Gives A Fhuck....lol why should Black Americans Care?...Why should they want to connect ?

You are obsessed bro.

Look at your post history

As a matter of fact..Look at where you currently live!! Lmfao you even came to America looking for Love and Brotherhood

What made you come to America if you were not looking for Love?

Did your parents force you to come, and you hate it and you want to go back home?

Is that It?..lol grin grin

Bro i have a rule in Life i Live by, and it makes life Beautiful

Do not ever Care or Give a Damn, what someone else thinks of you. Unless it's a loved one.

You will be much happier if you take my advice cheesy

1 Like

Re: ~~~~Dear Cameroonians~~~~ by Nobody: 3:00pm On Aug 21, 2012
Personally i think, you wanted to come here...you was expecting love, but then reality set in

And you got hit by Culture Shock

Black Americans don't even give a damn about other Black Americans....

You actually thought they would care about you?

Racial Brotherhood is a fallacy

Human Beings are disgusting Evil Organisms

I am just keeping it real my man. cool

I am giving you wisdom, bluntly.
Re: ~~~~Dear Cameroonians~~~~ by CAMNEWTON4PRES: 3:05pm On Aug 21, 2012
Personally i think, you wanted to come here...you was expecting love, but then reality set in

And you got hit by Culture Shock

Black Americans don't even give a damn about other Black Americans....

You actually thought they would care about you?

Racial Brotherhood is a fallacy

Human Beings are disgusting Evil Organisms

I am just keeping it real my man. cool

I am giving you wisdom, bluntly.
lol at you m not KONY BLYSS OR MRSCHIMP...i came here to know more about nigerians i don't like to repeat yourself ...thruth is you care .....just look at all threads here concerning BA they are all made by your people lol......just look at your presence here ........how many Cameroonians or Africans do you know on BA's forum? listen to me i study in the USa now so i will make research about my new environment ......and i don't care if you like it or not.....call it caring about Ba ......it's up to you ......
Re: ~~~~Dear Cameroonians~~~~ by CAMNEWTON4PRES: 3:07pm On Aug 21, 2012

why u dey vex na?
am praising them @ the same time grin
m not vex...lol grin grin grin how about your own breast? wink
Re: ~~~~Dear Cameroonians~~~~ by Nobody: 3:07pm On Aug 21, 2012
If you stop Looking at "Brotherhood" through the prism of Race.

Then you would not feel so betrayed.

Accept each individual as an Individual Mind.

Stop looking at Race.

"Oh he is black so he will relate to me more"~~Cameroon speaking of random black man on american street


It does not work like that man.

Each Individual is a Human

Let's keep it honest...the only thing in this world that ties all "Bantu" featured people together

Is the fact we are all discriminated against.

lol@"bantu" featured

Subliminal..not directed at you, don't pay it any mind.

Anyway...It's true bro..If you did not have this idea of "Black Unity in your head you would have never felt betrayed

My girlfriend Father Hates my Soul..

Do you see me running around here posting nonsense about Senegalese Men all goddamn Day bro?

Of course not.

You have to let go of this Hate......lool it's going to make you age faster!..and grow old and die early

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