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Patron Saints Of Christendom or Pagan Saints Of Rome - Religion - Nairaland

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Patron Saints Of Christendom or Pagan Saints Of Rome by Nobody: 2:13pm On Mar 27, 2013


Saints are prayed to for certain things over which they are said to have special abilities in. Some saints are for the harvest,some saints are for reproduction, some saints are for healing of the throat, while others are for the healing of other bodily parts. The list is exhaustive on how many saints there are - that some people pray to - for intercession with God.

And since the Bible lists Christ as the Only intercessor and the Only Mediator between God and mankind, many feel that praying to or through the saints, is a form of sacrilege or apostasy. Upon researching into the saints and their feast days,and their particular occupational expertise, one finds that these "patron" saints are the leftover residue of pagan gods and goddesses around the world. Some of them have become christian saints without even having their names changed.

Good examples of this is the trinity goddess of Ireland, Brigid, who later on became Saint Brigid when Ireland was converted to Christianity. The god of wine, Bacchus, was absorbed and changed to Saint Bacchus. The god, Dionysius was changed to St. Dionysius or St. Denis, etc.

"Christian saints began as Pagan gods and goddesses that they were based upon." - Pagan Saints Proto-Indo-European Religion

"Many Greek goddesses became Christian saints but if they were powerful in Greek pagan religion then they were either reduced to rape victims or repentant prostitutes or they had to change their gender and become male warrior saints." - Pagan Saints Proto-Indo-European Religion

"The countless host of divinities – both gods and goddesses they worshipped and propitiated as vice-gerents of the supreme power.These possessed a legitimate place in the divine hierarchy of the pagans.The transition from this to angel-worship and saint-worship was obviously easy." - E. Belfort Bax The Decay of Pagan Thought (January 1890)

“Since converts from paganism were reluctant to part with their ‘gods’- unless they could find some satisfactory counterpart in Christianity – the gods and goddesses were renamed and called “saints”. -‘Babylon Mystery Religion’by Ralph Edward Woodrow

"Demeter is a goddess of many festivals in late October. She became St. Demetrios, a masculine warrior saint, whose feast date is 10/26." - Pagan Saints Proto-Indo-European Religion

"Aphrodite became St. Aphrodite, of which there are several, all with saints’ tales that tell how she became
a “repentant LovePeddler.” - Pagan Saints Proto-Indo-European Religion

"The Greek goddess Nike was picked up as Saint Nicholas, who was extremely popular wherever shipping was important. He is the 'patron saint' of Russian, Holland and Germany, all on the north sea coast." - Pagan Saints Proto-Indo-European Religion

"Roman gods who became Catholic saints.Many Catholic Saints are “votive saints”, that is, their names were copied off votive offerings for Pagan Gods, especially altars and statues which were still standing
in Rome in the fourth century CE." - Pagan Saints Proto-Indo-European Religion

"The Roman god Mars was originally a god who guarded wheat fields. He became St. Martin (esp. St. Martin-in-the-fields). Although March is the month associated with Mars (it was the beginning of the military campaigning season in Roman times), the major festival for him in Christian times now usually falls in February, called Mardi Gras “Great Mars.” - Pagan Saints Proto-Indo-European Religion
Re: Patron Saints Of Christendom or Pagan Saints Of Rome by Nobody: 2:18pm On Mar 27, 2013

"Saint Blaise is the patron saint who is prayed to for the healing of the throat.He is said to also have healed the wild animals — wolves, lions, and bears - that had sought him out for that very purpose.He is one of the 14 Holy Helpers of the Church, a set of martyrs known for their intercessions for the sick or troubled."

"The Roman god 'Quirinus' became St. Cyrinus, of which there are various “equestrian warrior saints” such as St. Cyr in France, and St. Quirina, mother of St. Lawrence. The element quir- means (or was understood to mean) ‘horse.’ These saints were very popular and widely worshiped in the Middle-Ages, in France, Holland and also eastern Christian countries." - Pagan Saints Proto-Indo-European Religion

"The Roman gods known as the Lares became St. Lawrence, esp. St. Lawrence beyond-the-wall. The Lares were field gods who protected the grain growing in the fields. In Italian, he became St. Lorenzo beyond the Walls, meaning outside of the walls of the city, for which there is still a church in Rome, with many “daughter” churches which developed from it." - Pagan Saints Proto-Indo-European Religion

"The Roman goddess Venus became St. Venera. She had a major church in Rome in early Christian times, but that didn’t last long." - Pagan Saints Proto-Indo-European Religion

"The Roman gods known as the Gemini, who were protectors of sailors in Roman pagan times, became the Sanctos Geminos, with a number of forms in the various Christian religions. Santiago de Compostela, (St. James in English) became the protector of pilgrims during the Middle Ages. Forms of St. James all seem to be christianized from various forms of the Proto-Indo-European god *Yama. This god was repeatedly christianized
in most of the Indo-European language groups." - Pagan Saints Proto-Indo-European Religion

"Pagan Rome had thousands of gods.There were gods for every little thing.They had one god for planting seed, one for germinating it, one for sprouting it, another for growing it and so on. Thousands of gods
existed to grant them “benefits.” Augustine says that Pagan Rome had prostituted itself to demons!" - Book, "Escape From Paganism" by Larry Ball 2008 Trafford Publishing The Godlets Augustine of Hippo

"The Roman Church has “replaced” all of these gods with patron saints. The Roman Church just renamed them as they are still performing the same “godly” functions."- Book, "Escape From Paganism" by Larry Ball 2008
Trafford Publishing The Godlets Augustine of Hippo

"There are 5,376 saints listed as patron saints.The word 'Patron' means 'father', protector, and benefactor. Consider that word 'father'. Since the patron saint is supposedly helping from heaven, this word “patron” seems to imply the replacement of God in some respects." - Book, "Escape From Paganism" by Larry Ball 2008
Trafford Publishing The Godlets Augustine of Hippo

"This list of saints mated to patron duties is suspiciously close to Pagan Rome’s gods that Augustine wrote about. In fact, throughout the Roman Church’s history, they blended the existing pagan religions with their religion in order to be politically correct. The blending was successful, and the Christian Church became pagan. None of the sacraments are based upon the Word of God, and the whole issue of Mary and the saints is fiction.

As Augustine stated, Pagan Rome had prostituted itself to demons, and the Roman Church has followed suit."
- Book, "Escape From Paganism"

1 Like

Re: Patron Saints Of Christendom or Pagan Saints Of Rome by Nobody: 2:21pm On Mar 27, 2013
SAINT BRIGID of Kildare (Ireland)pagan goddess "Brigid or Bridget"

Saint Brigid was named after one of the
most powerful goddesses of the Pagan religion

"Probably the clearest example of the survival of an early goddess into Christian times is Brigid,
the great triple goddess of the Celtic Irish. Bridget took religious vows,...and was canonized after her death by her adoptive church, which allowed the saint a curious list of attributes, coincidentally identical to those of the earlier goddess." - Exerpt from Goddess & Heroines by Patricia Monaghan

"Brigit is a goddess who survived the onslaught of Christianity. So great was the love of the Irish people for this deity, that they retained all Her characteristics as a Christian saint! They would have none of Christianity if they couldn't keep Brigit. So the Catholic church had no choice but to make her a saint. She is a triple Goddess.This triple aspect of the Goddess is where Christians got the idea of the Trinity."
- Brigit, the Goddess Who Would Not Die by Joan Lansberry

"The three-leaf shamrock was originally of "The Three Mothers", as well as the three phases of the moon being her symbols. She shares some attributes with the ancient Greek triple Goddess Hecate. Into the 18th
Century, her sacred flame was tended, at first, by priestesses, and later by nuns, when the shrine became a convent, at Kildare, Ireland." - Brigit, the Goddess Who Would Not Die by Joan Lansberry

"Although the Christian religion is monotheistic and all replies to prayers are said to come from the grace of Jehovah, in practice, prayers to Jesus and the Holy Spirit...and prayers to The Virgin Mary have a long history of popular usage dating back to pre-Christian European Goddess-centered paganism." - PATRON SAINTS for various OCCUPATIONS and CONDITIONS compiled by catherine yronwode from Catholic Church and Folk Sources
Re: Patron Saints Of Christendom or Pagan Saints Of Rome by Nobody: 3:33pm On Mar 27, 2013
Saint Augustine pray for us

1 Like

Re: Patron Saints Of Christendom or Pagan Saints Of Rome by ijawkid(m): 4:16pm On Mar 27, 2013
shocked shocked
Re: Patron Saints Of Christendom or Pagan Saints Of Rome by Nobody: 4:30pm On Mar 27, 2013
On a serious note, frosbel is a troublemaker. Na wa o!
Re: Patron Saints Of Christendom or Pagan Saints Of Rome by Nobody: 4:50pm On Mar 27, 2013
Reyginus: On a serious note, frosbel is a troublemaker. Na wa o!

Not at all Sir.

I delight in educating the brethren.

Information not shared is information lost.


Re: Patron Saints Of Christendom or Pagan Saints Of Rome by Nobody: 5:03pm On Mar 27, 2013

Not at all Sir.

I delight in educating the brethren.

Information not shared is information lost.

Of course, I know you love to educate. But what I think, even the construction of your topic is troublemaking. You don't think presenting the topic as 'contending the patron saints of christendom', will even create an avenue to convince the open-minded catholics?
Re: Patron Saints Of Christendom or Pagan Saints Of Rome by Nobody: 5:05pm On Mar 27, 2013
Reyginus: Of course, I know you love to educate. But what I think, even the construction of your topic is troublemaking. You don't think presenting the topic as 'contending the patron saints of christendom', will even create an avenue to convince the open-minded catholics?

Now you show your bias , not all the mentioned saints are catholics.

Me thinks you're the one stirring up trouble Sir.
Re: Patron Saints Of Christendom or Pagan Saints Of Rome by Nobody: 5:14pm On Mar 27, 2013
Reyginus: On a serious note, frosbel is a troublemaker. Na wa o!

Nothing strange about that. Only those who are in peace produce peace.
Re: Patron Saints Of Christendom or Pagan Saints Of Rome by Nobody: 5:29pm On Mar 27, 2013
There is no peace to the wicked says our God and that includes perverters of the gospel and their compromised partners.

Re: Patron Saints Of Christendom or Pagan Saints Of Rome by Nobody: 5:35pm On Mar 27, 2013
Sure He says so. But, are you the sword by which He takes their peace away?
Re: Patron Saints Of Christendom or Pagan Saints Of Rome by Nobody: 5:39pm On Mar 27, 2013
Re: Patron Saints Of Christendom or Pagan Saints Of Rome by Nobody: 5:49pm On Mar 27, 2013

Thank you.

Real truth is always a bitter pill, but time is short, no time to play games with the souls of men.

1 Like

Re: Patron Saints Of Christendom or Pagan Saints Of Rome by Nobody: 6:10pm On Mar 27, 2013
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, hear us.

Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, graciously hear us.

God, the Father of heaven, 
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, 
God the Holy Spirit, 
Holy Trinity, one God,

have mercy on us.
have mercy on us.
have mercy on us.
have mercy on us.

Holy Mary, 
Holy Mother of God, 
Holy Virgin of virgins,
St. Michael, 
St. Gabriel, 
St. Raphael, 
All you Holy Angels and Archangels, 
St. John the Baptist, 
St. Joseph, 
All you Holy Patriarchs and Prophets,

pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.

St. Peter, 
St. Paul, 
St. Andrew, 
St. James, 
St. John, 
St. Thomas, 
St. James,
St. Philip, 
St. Bartholomew, 
St. Matthew,
St. Simon,
St. Jude,
St. Matthias,
St. Barnabas,
St. Luke,
St. Mark,
All you holy Apostles and Evangelists, 
All you holy Disciples of the Lord, 
All you holy Innocents,

pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.

St. Stephen, 
St. Lawrence,
St. Vincent, 
Sts. Fabian and Sebastian, 
Sts. John and Paul, 
Sts. Cosmos and Damian, 
All you holy Martyrs,

pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.

St. Sylvester, 
St. Gregory, 
St. Ambrose, 
St. Augustine, 
St. Jerome, 
St. Martin, 
St. Nicholas, 
All you holy Bishops and Confessors,
All you holy Doctors,

pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.

St. Anthony, 
St. Benedict, 
St. Bernard, 
St. Dominic,  
St. Francis, 
All you holy Priests and Levites, 
All you holy Monks and Hermits,

pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.

St. Mary Magdalene, 
St. Agatha, 
St. Lucy, 
St. Agnes, 
St. Cecilia, 
St. Anastasia,
St. Catherine, 
St. Clare,
All you holy Virgins and Widows,
All you holy Saints of God, 

pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.

Lord, be merciful, 
From all evil, 
From all sin, 
From your wrath, 
From a sudden and unprovided death, 
From the snares of the devil, 
From anger, hatred, and all ill-will, 
From the spirit of uncleanness, 
From lightning and tempest, 
From the scourge of earthquake, 
From plague, famine, and war, 
From everlasting death, 

Lord, save your people.
Lord, save your people.
Lord, save your people.
Lord, save your people.
Lord, save your people.
Lord, save your people.
Lord, save your people.
Lord, save your people.
Lord, save your people.
Lord, save your people.
Lord, save your people.
Lord, save your people.

By the mystery of your holy Incarnation,
By your Coming, 
By your Birth, 
By your Baptism and holy fasting, 
By your Cross and Passion, 
By your Death and Burial, 
By your holy Resurrection, 
By your wonderful Ascension, 
By the coming of the Holy Spirit,
On the day of judgment, 

Lord, save your people.
Lord, save your people.
Lord, save your people.
Lord, save your people.
Lord, save your people.
Lord, save your people.
Lord, save your people.
Lord, save your people.
Lord, save your people.
Lord, save your people.

Be merciful to us sinners,

Lord, hear our prayer.

That you will spare us, 
That you will pardon us,
That it may please you to bring us to true
Guide and protect your holy Church, 
Preserve in holy religion the Pope, and all
     those in holy Orders,
Humble the enemies of holy Church, 
Give peace and unity to the whole Christian
Bring back to the unity of the Church all
     those who are straying, and bring all
     unbelievers to the light of the Gospel, 
Strengthen and preserve us in your holy
Raise our minds to desire the things of
Reward all our benefactors with eternal
Deliver our souls from eternal damnation,
     and the souls of our brethren, relatives,
     and benefactors,
Give and preserve the fruits of the earth, 
Grant eternal rest to all the faithful departed,
That it may please You to hear and heed
     us, Jesus, Son of the Living God,

Lord, hear our prayer.
Lord, hear our prayer.
Lord, hear our prayer.

Lord, hear our prayer.
Lord, hear our prayer.

Lord, hear our prayer.
Lord, hear our prayer.

Lord, hear our prayer.

Lord, hear our prayer.

Lord, hear our prayer.

Lord, hear our prayer.

Lord, hear our prayer.

Lord, hear our prayer.
Lord, hear our prayer.
Lord, hear our prayer.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of
     the world,
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of
     the world,
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of
     the world,

Spare us, O Lord!

Graciously hear us, O Lord!

Have mercy on us.


Christ, hear us,
Lord Jesus, hear our prayer.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.

Christ, graciously hear us
Lord Jesus, hear our prayer.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.


Re: Patron Saints Of Christendom or Pagan Saints Of Rome by Nobody: 6:12pm On Mar 27, 2013
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, hear us.

Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, graciously hear us.

God, the Father of heaven, 
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, 
God the Holy Spirit, 
Holy Trinity, one God,

have mercy on us.
have mercy on us.
have mercy on us.
have mercy on us.

Holy Mary, 
Holy Mother of God, 
Holy Virgin of virgins,
St. Michael, 
St. Gabriel, 
St. Raphael, 
All you Holy Angels and Archangels, 
St. John the Baptist, 
St. Joseph, 
All you Holy Patriarchs and Prophets,

pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.

St. Peter, 
St. Paul, 
St. Andrew, 
St. James, 
St. John, 
St. Thomas, 
St. James,
St. Philip, 
St. Bartholomew, 
St. Matthew,
St. Simon,
St. Jude,
St. Matthias,
St. Barnabas,
St. Luke,
St. Mark,
All you holy Apostles and Evangelists, 
All you holy Disciples of the Lord, 
All you holy Innocents,

pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.

St. Stephen, 
St. Lawrence,
St. Vincent, 
Sts. Fabian and Sebastian, 
Sts. John and Paul, 
Sts. Cosmos and Damian, 
All you holy Martyrs,

pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.

St. Sylvester, 
St. Gregory, 
St. Ambrose, 
St. Augustine, 
St. Jerome, 
St. Martin, 
St. Nicholas, 
All you holy Bishops and Confessors,
All you holy Doctors,

pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.

St. Anthony, 
St. Benedict, 
St. Bernard, 
St. Dominic,  
St. Francis, 
All you holy Priests and Levites, 
All you holy Monks and Hermits,

pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.

St. Mary Magdalene, 
St. Agatha, 
St. Lucy, 
St. Agnes, 
St. Cecilia, 
St. Anastasia,
St. Catherine, 
St. Clare,
All you holy Virgins and Widows,
All you holy Saints of God, 

pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.

Lord, be merciful, 
From all evil, 
From all sin, 
From your wrath, 
From a sudden and unprovided death, 
From the snares of the devil, 
From anger, hatred, and all ill-will, 
From the spirit of uncleanness, 
From lightning and tempest, 
From the scourge of earthquake, 
From plague, famine, and war, 
From everlasting death, 

Lord, save your people.
Lord, save your people.
Lord, save your people.
Lord, save your people.
Lord, save your people.
Lord, save your people.
Lord, save your people.
Lord, save your people.
Lord, save your people.
Lord, save your people.
Lord, save your people.
Lord, save your people.

By the mystery of your holy Incarnation,
By your Coming, 
By your Birth, 
By your Baptism and holy fasting, 
By your Cross and Passion, 
By your Death and Burial, 
By your holy Resurrection, 
By your wonderful Ascension, 
By the coming of the Holy Spirit,
On the day of judgment, 

Lord, save your people.
Lord, save your people.
Lord, save your people.
Lord, save your people.
Lord, save your people.
Lord, save your people.
Lord, save your people.
Lord, save your people.
Lord, save your people.
Lord, save your people.

Be merciful to us sinners,

Lord, hear our prayer.

That you will spare us, 
That you will pardon us,
That it may please you to bring us to true
Guide and protect your holy Church, 
Preserve in holy religion the Pope, and all
     those in holy Orders,
Humble the enemies of holy Church, 
Give peace and unity to the whole Christian
Bring back to the unity of the Church all
     those who are straying, and bring all
     unbelievers to the light of the Gospel, 
Strengthen and preserve us in your holy
Raise our minds to desire the things of
Reward all our benefactors with eternal
Deliver our souls from eternal damnation,
     and the souls of our brethren, relatives,
     and benefactors,
Give and preserve the fruits of the earth, 
Grant eternal rest to all the faithful departed,
That it may please You to hear and heed
     us, Jesus, Son of the Living God,

Lord, hear our prayer.
Lord, hear our prayer.
Lord, hear our prayer.

Lord, hear our prayer.
Lord, hear our prayer.

Lord, hear our prayer.
Lord, hear our prayer.

Lord, hear our prayer.

Lord, hear our prayer.

Lord, hear our prayer.

Lord, hear our prayer.

Lord, hear our prayer.

Lord, hear our prayer.
Lord, hear our prayer.
Lord, hear our prayer.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of
     the world,
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of
     the world,
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of
     the world,

Spare us, O Lord!

Graciously hear us, O Lord!

Have mercy on us.


Christ, hear us,
Lord Jesus, hear our prayer.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.

Christ, graciously hear us
Lord Jesus, hear our prayer.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.

1 Like

Re: Patron Saints Of Christendom or Pagan Saints Of Rome by PAGAN9JA(m): 6:20pm On Mar 27, 2013
[size=32pt]WE PAGANS DONT HAVE MAN-GODS OR SAINTS![/size] angry angry angry angry angry

Re: Patron Saints Of Christendom or Pagan Saints Of Rome by Nobody: 6:33pm On Mar 27, 2013
Holy Mary, 
Holy Mother of God, 
Holy Virgin of virgins,
St. Michael, 
St. Gabriel, 
St. Raphael, 
All you Holy Angels and Archangels, 
St. John the Baptist, 
St. Joseph, 
All you Holy Patriarchs and Prophets,

pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.

Dear Brother,

They cannot hear you , they are dead and in their tombs waiting for the resurrection.

Only God and Jesus can hear you.

I understand where you are coming from, my passion for my former catholic brethren is deep and I will keep doing my best to expose the truth.

Also we are told not to pray to angels, this is so so wrong.

Follow Jesus, leave Paganism behind.

Concerned Frosbel.

Re: Patron Saints Of Christendom or Pagan Saints Of Rome by Nobody: 6:44pm On Mar 27, 2013
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, hear us.

Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, graciously hear us.

God, the Father of heaven, 
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, 
God the Holy Spirit, 
Holy Trinity, one God,

have mercy on us.
have mercy on us.
have mercy on us.
have mercy on us.

Holy Mary, 
Holy Mother of God, 
Holy Virgin of virgins,
St. Michael, 
St. Gabriel, 
St. Raphael, 
All you Holy Angels and Archangels, 
St. John the Baptist, 
St. Joseph, 
All you Holy Patriarchs and Prophets,

pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.

St. Peter, 
St. Paul, 
St. Andrew, 
St. James, 
St. John, 
St. Thomas, 
St. James,
St. Philip, 
St. Bartholomew, 
St. Matthew,
St. Simon,
St. Jude,
St. Matthias,
St. Barnabas,
St. Luke,
St. Mark,
All you holy Apostles and Evangelists, 
All you holy Disciples of the Lord, 
All you holy Innocents,

pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.

St. Stephen, 
St. Lawrence,
St. Vincent, 
Sts. Fabian and Sebastian, 
Sts. John and Paul, 
Sts. Cosmos and Damian, 
All you holy Martyrs,

pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.

St. Sylvester, 
St. Gregory, 
St. Ambrose, 
St. Augustine, 
St. Jerome, 
St. Martin, 
St. Nicholas, 
All you holy Bishops and Confessors,
All you holy Doctors,

pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.

St. Anthony, 
St. Benedict, 
St. Bernard, 
St. Dominic,  
St. Francis, 
All you holy Priests and Levites, 
All you holy Monks and Hermits,

pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.

St. Mary Magdalene, 
St. Agatha, 
St. Lucy, 
St. Agnes, 
St. Cecilia, 
St. Anastasia,
St. Catherine, 
St. Clare,
All you holy Virgins and Widows,
All you holy Saints of God, 

pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.

Lord, be merciful, 
From all evil, 
From all sin, 
From your wrath, 
From a sudden and unprovided death, 
From the snares of the devil, 
From anger, hatred, and all ill-will, 
From the spirit of uncleanness, 
From lightning and tempest, 
From the scourge of earthquake, 
From plague, famine, and war, 
From everlasting death, 

Lord, save your people.
Lord, save your people.
Lord, save your people.
Lord, save your people.
Lord, save your people.
Lord, save your people.
Lord, save your people.
Lord, save your people.
Lord, save your people.
Lord, save your people.
Lord, save your people.
Lord, save your people.

By the mystery of your holy Incarnation,
By your Coming, 
By your Birth, 
By your Baptism and holy fasting, 
By your Cross and Passion, 
By your Death and Burial, 
By your holy Resurrection, 
By your wonderful Ascension, 
By the coming of the Holy Spirit,
On the day of judgment, 

Lord, save your people.
Lord, save your people.
Lord, save your people.
Lord, save your people.
Lord, save your people.
Lord, save your people.
Lord, save your people.
Lord, save your people.
Lord, save your people.
Lord, save your people.

Be merciful to us sinners,

Lord, hear our prayer.

That you will spare us, 
That you will pardon us,
That it may please you to bring us to true
Guide and protect your holy Church, 
Preserve in holy religion the Pope, and all
     those in holy Orders,
Humble the enemies of holy Church, 
Give peace and unity to the whole Christian
Bring back to the unity of the Church all
     those who are straying, and bring all
     unbelievers to the light of the Gospel, 
Strengthen and preserve us in your holy
Raise our minds to desire the things of
Reward all our benefactors with eternal
Deliver our souls from eternal damnation,
     and the souls of our brethren, relatives,
     and benefactors,
Give and preserve the fruits of the earth, 
Grant eternal rest to all the faithful departed,
That it may please You to hear and heed
     us, Jesus, Son of the Living God,

Lord, hear our prayer.
Lord, hear our prayer.
Lord, hear our prayer.

Lord, hear our prayer.
Lord, hear our prayer.

Lord, hear our prayer.
Lord, hear our prayer.

Lord, hear our prayer.

Lord, hear our prayer.

Lord, hear our prayer.

Lord, hear our prayer.

Lord, hear our prayer.

Lord, hear our prayer.
Lord, hear our prayer.
Lord, hear our prayer.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of
     the world,
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of
     the world,
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of
     the world,

Spare us, O Lord!

Graciously hear us, O Lord!

Have mercy on us.


Christ, hear us,
Lord Jesus, hear our prayer.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.

Christ, graciously hear us
Lord Jesus, hear our prayer.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.


Re: Patron Saints Of Christendom or Pagan Saints Of Rome by Nobody: 6:49pm On Mar 27, 2013
Good thing the Paganism has nowhere to hide, it is now rearing it's head with the arrogance that goes with it's falsehood.

We thank GOD that Jesus is alive and he alone can intercede for MAN.

The dead saints , many of who are roman gods and goddesses cannot talk, hear , speak or think.

Your prayers are going nowhere brother.

The prophets of Baal did the same thing with the following results :

"25 Elijah said to the prophets of Baal, “Choose one of the bulls and prepare it first, since there are so many of you. Call on the name of your god, but do not light the fire.” 26 So they took the bull given them and prepared it.

Then they called on the name of Baal from morning till noon. “Baal, answer us!” they shouted. But there was no response; no one answered. And they danced around the altar they had made.

27 At noon Elijah began to taunt them. “Shout louder!” he said. “Surely he is a god! Perhaps he is deep in thought, or busy, or traveling. Maybe he is sleeping and must be awakened.” 28 So they shouted louder and slashed themselves with swords and spears, as was their custom, until their blood flowed. 29 Midday passed, and they continued their frantic prophesying until the time for the evening sacrifice. But there was no response, no one answered, no one paid attention." - 1 Kings 18 :25-29
Re: Patron Saints Of Christendom or Pagan Saints Of Rome by Nobody: 6:56pm On Mar 27, 2013
Re: Patron Saints Of Christendom or Pagan Saints Of Rome by ijawkid(m): 7:03pm On Mar 27, 2013
Who be st catherine??.......
Re: Patron Saints Of Christendom or Pagan Saints Of Rome by Pygru: 7:13pm On Mar 27, 2013
IDolatRy Is SIn
Re: Patron Saints Of Christendom or Pagan Saints Of Rome by tobechi20(m): 8:44pm On Mar 27, 2013
No mata haw u atak d t church, it wont hav an efect
Re: Patron Saints Of Christendom or Pagan Saints Of Rome by Yooguyz: 9:09pm On Mar 27, 2013
tobechi20: No mata haw u atak d t church, it wont hav an efect
there's no need for you to write in bad english so that you can express your thoughts on the matter.Don't be scared no one will think more or less or of you in this forum.we all know who you are! Btw you forgot to capitalize your 'i' after the punctuation. #i just hope no handle bullies me after this#
Re: Patron Saints Of Christendom or Pagan Saints Of Rome by Yooguyz: 9:23pm On Mar 27, 2013
@ frosbel lets do things with discretion.many of here do not support the unbiblical practices of the catholic church but we don't go about criticizing them at every slight opportunity.
If we must expose deception. We do that with love.I suggest read up the biography or dr david duplesis and follow his example.dr plesis a pentecostal preacher was used by God to bring the msg of salvation and the holyspirit to the catholic church.His efforts birthed the charismatic movement which is in the classic churches 2day
Re: Patron Saints Of Christendom or Pagan Saints Of Rome by Nobody: 10:59pm On Mar 27, 2013

Now you show your bias , not all the mentioned saints are catholics.

Me thinks you're the one stirring up trouble Sir.
Okay o. Wait for the terror squad to catch you.
Re: Patron Saints Of Christendom or Pagan Saints Of Rome by alexleo(m): 11:45pm On Mar 27, 2013
There are several places in the bible where Jesus instructed us to pray in his name and that when we do, he will answer us. Its quite unreasonable for a follower of Jesus after reading such portions and receiving such instructions from Jesus to still go about praying through anybody or any saint. For example, If Mr president gives me his direct line and instructs me to call him directly on that line whenever i need his help, wouldn't it be crazy for me to go calling his secretary or P.A. or Minister to help me tell the president i need his help? NO, I WONT DO SUCH A THING. LETS DO WHAT JESUS ASKED US TO DO AND STOP ALL THESE SECOND HAND PRACTICES IN SPIRITUAL MATTERS.
Re: Patron Saints Of Christendom or Pagan Saints Of Rome by Nobody: 12:23am On Mar 28, 2013
Yooguyz: @ frosbel lets do things with discretion.many of here do not support the unbiblical practices of the catholic church but we don't go about criticizing them at every slight opportunity.
If we must expose deception. We do that with love.I suggest read up the biography or dr david duplesis and follow his example.dr plesis a pentecostal preacher was used by God to bring the msg of salvation and the holyspirit to the catholic church.His efforts birthed the charismatic movement which is in the classic churches 2day

Exposing truth has to always be done in love.

I am not sure about all charismatics , but not a few still follow the church dogmas, pray to the 'mother of god' etc.

Let God be the judge, one thing I know, no one can partake of the Lords table and the devils table simultaneously.
Re: Patron Saints Of Christendom or Pagan Saints Of Rome by Nobody: 8:35am On Mar 28, 2013
alexleo: There are several places in the bible where Jesus instructed us to pray in his name and that when we do, he will answer us. Its quite unreasonable for a follower of Jesus after reading such portions and receiving such instructions from Jesus to still go about praying through anybody or any saint. For example, If Mr president gives me his direct line and instructs me to call him directly on that line whenever i need his help, wouldn't it be crazy for me to go calling his secretary or P.A. or Minister to help me tell the president i need his help? NO, I WONT DO SUCH A THING. LETS DO WHAT JESUS ASKED US TO DO AND STOP ALL THESE SECOND HAND PRACTICES IN SPIRITUAL MATTERS.

Shee I wonder why people would go to adeboye,oyedepo or anyone else to pray for them
Re: Patron Saints Of Christendom or Pagan Saints Of Rome by Nobody: 10:59am On Mar 28, 2013
2 Maccabees 15:12-17

Good News Translation (GNT)

12 He told them that he had seen a vision of Onias, the former High Priest, that great and wonderful man of humble and gentle disposition, who was an outstanding orator and who had been taught from childhood how to live a virtuous life. With outstretched arms Onias was praying for the entire Jewish nation. 13 Judas then saw an impressive white-haired man of great dignity and authority. 14 Onias said:

This is God's prophet Jeremiah, who loves the Jewish people and offers many prayers for us and for Jerusalem, the holy city.


Then Jeremiah stretched out his right hand and gave Judas a gold sword, saying as he did so,


    This holy sword is a gift from God. Take it and destroy your enemies.

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Re: Patron Saints Of Christendom or Pagan Saints Of Rome by Nobody: 11:11am On Mar 28, 2013

another heretical and unscriptural book.

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