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After Getting Married, What Did You Stop Doing? - Family (7) - Nairaland

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Re: After Getting Married, What Did You Stop Doing? by Nekkybrown(f): 6:09am On Sep 05, 2013
obowunmi: I don't plan to stop doing anything including sleeping around.

She married me for my money anyways.... she will manage,. angry grin angry grin
u ar nt a serious person
Re: After Getting Married, What Did You Stop Doing? by Comfortbabe: 8:56am On Sep 05, 2013
Will change my sim card to anoder.[color=#990000][/color]
Re: After Getting Married, What Did You Stop Doing? by 4reigningqueen: 9:19am On Sep 05, 2013
Presently living as if am married. Too many restrictions, too disciplined and too principled.
Oh Lord! I hope am not missing out.
Re: After Getting Married, What Did You Stop Doing? by passionate88: 11:27am On Sep 05, 2013
4reigningqueen: Presently living as if am married. Too many restrictions, too disciplined and too principled.
Oh Lord! I hope am not missing out.
No you are not. There are some girls that wished they are like you too but they are just not bold to admit it. I will advice you to remove that thought of you missing out, out of your mind.
Re: After Getting Married, What Did You Stop Doing? by bukatyne(f): 11:52am On Sep 05, 2013
4reigningqueen: Presently living as if am married. Too many restrictions, too disciplined and too principled.
Oh Lord! I hope am not missing out.

Can you please give examples?
Re: After Getting Married, What Did You Stop Doing? by Nobody: 1:06pm On Sep 05, 2013
passionate88: No you are not. There are some girls that wished they are like you too but they are just not bold to admit it. I will advice you to remove that thought of you missing out, out of your mind.

Passion d passion!
If it'a a guy dt made that statement, i wonder what his reply would be. undecided

Sweetie, abeg, explain further! Don't let somebody make you stop living before your time!
Re: After Getting Married, What Did You Stop Doing? by passionate88: 1:15pm On Sep 05, 2013

Passion d passion!
If it'a a guy dt made that statement, i wonder what his reply would be. undecided

Sweetie, abeg, explain further! Don't let somebody make you stop living before your time!
Aluta, na so me sef dey reason sometimes o, sometimes I go jst dey reason say if to say I chased skirt when I was a teenager hw my life for b?, I myt hv had a child that would have been in primary schl, I myt hav been shot dead if d girl's broda is a cultist or a cultist was her bf. If I had chased girls, then I wouldn't be angry wn a girl tells me no sex b4 marriage bt that I should b great in bed. I am not sayin I'm a v o. There are many things I do think abt bt all in all I thank God I am me.
Re: After Getting Married, What Did You Stop Doing? by Nobody: 1:32pm On Sep 05, 2013
passionate88: Aluta, na so me sef dey reason sometimes o, sometimes I go jst dey reason say if to say I chased skirt when I was a teenager hw my life for b?, I myt hv had a child that would have been in primary schl, I myt hav been shot dead if d girl's broda is a cultist or a cultist was her bf. If I had chased girls, then I wouldn't be angry wn a girl tells me no sex b4 marriage bt that I should b great in bed. I am not sayin I'm a v o. There are many things I do think abt bt all in all I thank God I am me.

To say the truth, i'm lost!
The babe sound lyk someone that is with a very bossy guy that is probably frustrating her, i might be wrong, that's why i said she shld explain but you told her to remain there!

I'm sure if it's a guy that said such, you'll be the one tp condemn the female gender. How does your holiness and righteousness which i'm sure it wasn't any of these ladies that enforced it on you affect that?

At least, i now know why you're so scared of ladies. Always knew urs wasn't anger but couldn't pin-point what it was. I think i get now dt u hrd so many msgs and 'girls would only ruin ur lyf msgs' while growing up. Hence, your fear!

Well, sweetie, life itself is a risk. Relationships are risks, u've gotta throw yourself into it and work towards the best! If shit happenz in the end, it won't kill you, it would only give you more stories to tell!

Phew, i'm getting too serious!
Missed u on our thread, i also hibernated since you left me alone! embarassed
Re: After Getting Married, What Did You Stop Doing? by passionate88: 1:55pm On Sep 05, 2013

To say the truth, i'm lost!
The babe sound lyk someone that is with a very bossy guy that is probably frustrating her, i might be wrong, that's why i said she shld explain but you told her to remain there!

I don't think she's wit a "bossy guy", she's just not opportuned to do most things many girls do. She's either prohibited cos her parents are ministers of d gosple, or high rankin member in a church or cos her dad is a very strict man. Aluta what she said doesn't concwrn a guy, I don't why it is that you tend to think that any girl that is unhappy in life 98.9% of the time a guy caused it. That's so so no good.

At least, i now know why you're so scared of ladies. Always knew urs wasn't anger but couldn't pin-point what it was. I think i get now dt u hrd so many msgs and 'girls would only ruin ur lyf msgs' while growing up. Hence, your fear!
Fear?, well let me agree with you "a little" on this. But still, sha make we jst leave am like that

Phew, i'm getting too serious!
Missed u on our thread, i also hibernated since you left me alone! embarassed
I still visit the thread, once in a while, saw ur advice.
Re: After Getting Married, What Did You Stop Doing? by Nobody: 2:00pm On Sep 05, 2013
^ ^ ^ ^
Let's hope she comes back to clarify herself. Until then, we cannot know for sure what she means.

And as per thinking it's only guy issues that frustrate people, far from it! It's only normal for me to think dt's what she meant here cos dt's wot the topic is about.
Re: After Getting Married, What Did You Stop Doing? by passionate88: 2:21pm On Sep 05, 2013
alutacontinua: ^ ^ ^ ^
Let's hope she comes back to clarify herself. Until then, we cannot know for sure what she means.

And as per thinking it's only guy issues that frustrate people, far from it! It's only normal for me to think dt's what she meant here cos dt's wot the topic is about.

She said she's presently living as "IF" she's married. She went ahead to lament "too principled" etc. You are right, it might b her guy that she's refferin to or her dad. Make we wait sha make she come clear d air ways wit tom tom
Re: After Getting Married, What Did You Stop Doing? by Jbluv55(m): 1:57am On Sep 06, 2013
Damojo: My love for pets. She won't allow my Lhasa spend a night in the house since we got married. The poor dog is feeling like an outcast in my vet's place without bigger dogs.....SAD!

Eeya! Poor dog! Am so in love wt dem 2 bt I wudnt also want2keep d dog in d house @ d expense of my spouse's happiness sha!(bt den u dnt cross a bridge till u get 2 it ryt?)
Re: After Getting Married, What Did You Stop Doing? by Jbluv55(m): 2:04am On Sep 06, 2013
k4kenny: Hmmm. Lemme see. My maiden name, address, some degree of freedom (not that I was an outgoing person), the ability to watch tv all night long grin (in fact general interest in tv, hardly watch it these days), living space, had to port from a big comfy duplex to a tiny 2 b/r flat :-/

On the other hand I gained
A loving caring man
A cosy, happy albeit small home
2 wonderful, beautiful, amazing, heart
warming( could go on forever...) Kids cheesy
The ability to be s queen of my small home. I run tins my way cool
A renowned sense of responsibility
Also a few lbs due to childbirth embarassed

Re: After Getting Married, What Did You Stop Doing? by Jbluv55(m): 2:10am On Sep 06, 2013
damiso: My love for fast food (which is a good thing for my health grin).

My love for sleeping in on Saturdays (ok that was more kids and not marriage)

My Spendthrift behaviour (still not fully cured but much better grin)

My love for over the top spicy (peppery) food cos my husband cant tolerate pepper and I got tired of making two stews.

I have also dropped my argue till I am blue in the face trait.Sometimes silence is golden wink and works better than arguing.

I so much love you(Not in d@ other way ooogrin). Some ladies nid 2 take a cue frm dis
Re: After Getting Married, What Did You Stop Doing? by jayne8585yahoo(f): 12:50pm On Sep 06, 2013
Just my afternoon nap,I can't do that now because of the kids, grin
Re: After Getting Married, What Did You Stop Doing? by sammoe(m): 3:54pm On Sep 06, 2013
My love for phones et al... lol.
Don't be left behind.
Brand new Galaxy tab 2 7"@ 45k. It doesn't get beta than this!
Re: After Getting Married, What Did You Stop Doing? by Jbluv55(m): 3:13pm On Sep 07, 2013
AncientJerk: Only one thing... masturbaation grin

U aint curently getting enuf of it or any @ all? Is d@ d reason 4 choosing d@ as an alternative 4 now?
Re: After Getting Married, What Did You Stop Doing? by Jbluv55(m): 3:52pm On Sep 07, 2013
Comfortbabe: Will change my sim card to anoder.[color=#990000][/color]

U know I thot so long abt dis&finally realized where u r coming frm(many ladies r guilty of keeping many "just-a-friend" boyfriends with hidden intentions -wolves in sheep clothings ready to devour 1ce d shepherd turns his bck) and then where u desire to b by d tym u've tied d knot(anoda Garden o' Eden-where only Adam&Eve exist, minus d serpent of cos, hoping 4 d Cains & Abels etc to start coming)

U simply wud 1t 2 get rid of those swt mouthed BFs d@ may hav u as their contact to prevent d kinda calls d@ cud put asunder into wat God is probably abt 2 join.

If ur post was actually a motion in Nairaland House of Assembly, I wud 2nd d motion. cheesy
Re: After Getting Married, What Did You Stop Doing? by rachbaby07: 8:22am On Sep 08, 2013
making decision wtout accounting for anybody, eaten whatever i like, travellin wtout permmission frm anybody and my lovely bum short.
Re: After Getting Married, What Did You Stop Doing? by ireneidiva(f): 3:28pm On Sep 08, 2013
rachbaby07: making decision wtout accounting for anybody, eaten whatever i like, travellin wtout permmission frm anybody and my lovely bum short.
Marriage shouldn't stop you from wearing bum shorts naaa
Re: After Getting Married, What Did You Stop Doing? by Nobody: 1:02pm On Oct 09, 2013
Thanks kiss

Re: After Getting Married, What Did You Stop Doing? by SenatorJames(m): 7:26pm On Jul 05, 2014
vanitty: my former church was probably the hardest to let go off. Not only did I love the church, i belonged to this wonderful team (usher department)
Apart from that, nothing really i don't think.
Its one of the reason I go to church, working as an Usher is a great decision I ever made. I can't Imagine myself sitting down through out the service, I will be like a burden to myself, I cant even enjoy the service.

Re: After Getting Married, What Did You Stop Doing? by Xclusivelady: 7:29pm On Jul 06, 2014
i stoped facebook
Re: After Getting Married, What Did You Stop Doing? by Nobody: 6:40am On Jul 07, 2014
I stopped eating out often.
Re: After Getting Married, What Did You Stop Doing? by okirewaju(f): 8:26am On Jul 08, 2014
I stopped travelling up and down

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