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Australia Vs Us, Uk And Canada For Studies And Work. - Education - Nairaland

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Australia Vs Us, Uk And Canada For Studies And Work. by joanpinkie(f): 1:16pm On Nov 24, 2013
Lately, I have  observed that lots of my friends  have travelled to AUSTRALIA, or on the process of getting their visa to travel to Australia , either as a skilled worker ,or traveling for their undergraduate studies, masters or post graduate studies , damning the distance . they have a lot of things to say about this country.
1.       THE ECONOMY :  They were of the opinion that, Australia minimum wage rates the second best in the world . their minimum wage per hour is about 22 dollars , and thus gives the emigrant  better chances of making  adequate money to take care of his/her self while carrying on with their studies .
2.       WORK HOURS :     Students in Australia have up to 20 hours to work  in a week while at the same time under going with their studies , while in some other countries like Canada do not permit work while you study. This according to them is a big advantage ,owing  to the fact that most emigrant especially from this part of the world needs to argument whatever financial help that comes from home .
3.       WEATHER :           Another important point they raised is about the atmospheric condition . the weather of Australia is comparable to that of Nigerian weather.you can easily adapt to Australian weather without bothering of getting frozen , unlike in countries like Uk, Canada ,US
4.       WORK PERMIT :     they  also have this to say ,that in Australia , after your studies the Australian government grants you2-4 years work visa depending on the  program. There are number of reasons though while one would want to undrtake part time job while studying in Australia, aside assisting with living expenses, one can gain work experience in his/her area of study. Australia. Has wide range of industries and may have part time work while studying in Australia in such area as retails, hospitality, tourism,agriculture,sales&telemarketing,administration, or clerical roles,tutoring etc. And if you have existing qualification and or professional work experience, you may be able to secure a casual or part time work in your field.
5.       THE  TUITION :     They also expounded that the tuition fee in Australian schools are not at exorbitant as that of Canada , UK,US.
6.       JOB OPPORTUNITIES :  They also pointed out that there are job opportunities in Australia , they were of the opinion that this is largely due to the population of Australia that is about 23 million.
7. PEACEFUL ENVIRONMENT: Australia is a very peaceful country, it offers a peaceful environment, and amazing places to live and study. A good environment to raise a family, both intellectually, morally etc.
You can learn more from here www. Goajoaustralia.com.au.
Finally jump and pass any error, don't dwell on it. Thanks.


Re: Australia Vs Us, Uk And Canada For Studies And Work. by rhymesapple: 12:04am On Jan 23, 2015
Hi guys. Just got my 457 working visa. please i would like to know whats the live nd work condition in australia right now. are there jobs? my 457 visa is 3 years. can i renew it when i get there.And pls how much money can i make from different casual jobs in a month. And about PR how can i apply with the 457 visa how easy is it. thankyou

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