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Joagbaje Was Right About Ebola, Jesus Is The Cure, AnotherEbola Victim Testifies - Religion (2) - Nairaland

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Appraisal: Are Our Prophets Right About 2015 Election? / Joagbaje’s Miracle HIV Healing Claim Debunked / *~ Joagbaje Voted The Religion Section Poster Of The Year *~ Congratulations!!! (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Joagbaje Was Right About Ebola, Jesus Is The Cure, AnotherEbola Victim Testifies by Gombs(m): 8:07pm On Aug 31, 2014

Only 4HIV cases Paul healed an entire city.

If you're not seeking valivation, what is the aim of this thread? What will you do next? Create a human being?

The name Jesus means more than physical healing. I assumed you should know that by now but then....

How many have you healed? Shey, u do silent things only God sees...If he offers you documented cases u would reject it and still doubt and say he's clamouring spotlight, why didn’t peter and paul stop luke from reporting the miracles they wrought? Why did Jesus tell folks of things he's done?

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Re: Joagbaje Was Right About Ebola, Jesus Is The Cure, AnotherEbola Victim Testifies by plaetton: 8:09pm On Aug 31, 2014
EvilBrain1: What kid of useless thread is this? The guy had a false positive result, what's miraculous about that?

You people insist promoting this superstitious nonsense even though its endangering everybody's lives. You'll keep on spreading this "Jesus magic can cure Ebola" lie until somebody with the virus comes to your church and turns the outbreak into a full-blown epidemic.

The real disease plaguing humanity is not Ebola, its stupíd religious people. You guys won't be happy until you've killed everybody.


Religion is a brain cancer.
That is the only explanation .

If Jesus exists, then why are christians always soooooo desperate to give him credit for this and for that?
Doesn't that alone tell everyone that Joagbaje, in his heart, does not believe in Jesus, that is why he claims everything for Jesus just to reasure himself and others like him.


Re: Joagbaje Was Right About Ebola, Jesus Is The Cure, AnotherEbola Victim Testifies by Candour(m): 8:09pm On Aug 31, 2014

Don't derail this thread joor, carry your tithe matter go elsewhere. I find your inability to glorify God in a thread dedicated to it very worrisome. angry

@the bolded. Just had to point out your hypocrisy to you.

Glorify God you said?? I glorify God for this survivor. What i wont do is glorify your hero. There's nothing about glorifying God in your mind and that of Jo on this thread. It was opened strictly to validate a glory seeking self professed 'miracle worker' who is so obsessed with getting validated by NL and his very first post showed it for the world to see.

Stop attaching Jo to Dennis. Thank God we heard the man's story in the media otherwise una for don claim am again as another of your exploits.


Re: Joagbaje Was Right About Ebola, Jesus Is The Cure, AnotherEbola Victim Testifies by WinsomeX: 8:09pm On Aug 31, 2014
nuclearboy: Why waste time calling YOURSELF?

Log out as Jo and log back in as newmi to spout enhanced stupidity.
Then log out as newwi and log in as mabell to ask one asinine question.
Log out as mabell and return as Akhozem to praise yourself (Joagbaje)
Finally return as Jo to expound on more ignorance

That's what NL knows you for - deceit and shallowness


Re: Joagbaje Was Right About Ebola, Jesus Is The Cure, AnotherEbola Victim Testifies by mbaemeka(m): 8:17pm On Aug 31, 2014
Joagbaje is right about Ebola: JESUS is the cure (I will put a period here) and not let badbelleism destroy my life.

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Re: Joagbaje Was Right About Ebola, Jesus Is The Cure, AnotherEbola Victim Testifies by shdemidemi(m): 8:23pm On Aug 31, 2014

The point is that sickneses and des eases are from the devil and a cure can come when the devil is cast out. The church was founded on power . .

The problem with your form of Christianity is that every challenge is devil-

Joseph goes to prison- devil

Jesus killed on the cross - devil

Apostles died for the gospel - devil

Job lost all he had - devil

Peter went through a test- devil

Does it ever occur to you that God is in control of every life that is in Christ and He has a purpose even when we don't seem to be comfortable?

My man, even when God is working on you you will pray yourself out of God's will simply because discomfort equals devil's work in your book.
Why are so called Christians so ignorant of Gods power which they profess

People can't be stupid forever, they are thinking, they are realising things don't add up with teachings like yours. Acclaimed miracle and healing ministries have left many more frustrated, poorer, deluded than they were before they fell in their snare. Through your kind, many have converted to other religions, some have become atheist all together.

The power of the gospel is unto salvation (romans 1:16) and not a power for charlatans to explore.


Re: Joagbaje Was Right About Ebola, Jesus Is The Cure, AnotherEbola Victim Testifies by Candour(m): 8:23pm On Aug 31, 2014
Gombs: [b]How many have you healed?[/b]Yeah, u do silent things only God sees...If he offers you documented cases u would reject it and still doubt and say he's clamouring spotlight, why didn’t peter and paul stop luke from reporting the miracles they wrought? Why did Jesus tell folks of things he's done?

@the bolded, I thought its not about Jo? I thought its all about Christ? So its Jo that heals his 'victims' after all, not Jesus. Do you heal too? I don't heal. Jesus does and I've not come here to regal you with such finely scripted stories of 'non existent healings' like the one that is the trademark of you lot.

Of course you guys are alternate jesuses who need your exploits documented in case there'll be need in future for another bible. However, ensure you document your failures too o, so we can have a complete picture.


Re: Joagbaje Was Right About Ebola, Jesus Is The Cure, AnotherEbola Victim Testifies by Gombs(m): 8:24pm On Aug 31, 2014

@the bolded. Just had to point out your hypocrisy to you.

Glorify God you said?? I glorify God for this survivor. What i wont do is glorify your hero. There's nothing about glorifying God in your mind and that of Jo on this thread. It was opened strictly to validate a glory seeking self professed 'miracle worker' who is so obsessed with getting validated by NL and his very first post showed it for the world to see.

Stop attaching Jo to Dennis. Thank God we heard the man's story in the media otherwise una for don claim am again as another of your exploits.

Even a blind man can see jo glorifying God here, neither did my post,but ur polluted mind sees differently..

U said he's self professed? Hehhehehhehe u are funny! Very very! Stop acting like a half wit, ask for videos or simplybdrive to visit him.... I have, and verified em cases, fibroid, hiv, madness, barrenness, and yeah, the dead back to life. He doesn’t need your validation, I do not see why he would want u guys to validate him!

One day, I hope, u would understand...oya, make we no quarrel, this is not tithing, grin follow us praise God for the power of His Spirit

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Re: Joagbaje Was Right About Ebola, Jesus Is The Cure, AnotherEbola Victim Testifies by PastorKun(m): 8:32pm On Aug 31, 2014

I do work miracles as expected of a christian . I have at least 4 HIV cases healed . Blind cases . And a dead raised to life. I don't need any validation from anyone. It's only sad. That many folks here don't know christ nor his power. See how so called Christians are shaking at a common demonic desease. What does the name if Jesus mean to you? What does his death mean to you. Do you know him ? The gospel is not in words but it's in power.

1 Thessalonians 1:5
For our gospel came not unto you in word only, but also in power,

1 Corinthians 2:4
And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power:

Is your Oga's adulterous ways also a demonic disease? tongue


Re: Joagbaje Was Right About Ebola, Jesus Is The Cure, AnotherEbola Victim Testifies by mbaemeka(m): 8:34pm On Aug 31, 2014
The problem with your form of Christianity is that every challenge is devil-
Joseph goes to prison- devil
Jesus killed on the cross - devil
Apostles died for the gospel - devil
Job lost all he had - devil
Peter went through a test- devil
Does it ever occur to you that God is in control of every life that is in Christ and He has a purpose even when we don't seem to be comfortable?
My man, even when God is working on you you will pray yourself out of God's will simply because discomfort equals devil's work in your book.
People can't be stupid forever, they are thinking, they are realising things don't add up with teachings like yours. Acclaimed miracle and healing ministries have left many more frustrated, poorer, deluded than they were before they fell in their snare. Through your kind, many have converted to other religions, some have become atheist all together.
The power of the gospel is unto salvation (romans 1:16) and not a power for charlatans to explore.

God is not responsible for sicknesses and Diseases. That part is clear enough. Let us leave Imprisonment and what not.

Romans 1:16 means God uses the Gospel to show his power to save people.
Re: Joagbaje Was Right About Ebola, Jesus Is The Cure, AnotherEbola Victim Testifies by shdemidemi(m): 8:35pm On Aug 31, 2014

I doubt your knowledge of the man Jesus

And what makes you think I don't doubt yours?


Re: Joagbaje Was Right About Ebola, Jesus Is The Cure, AnotherEbola Victim Testifies by shdemidemi(m): 8:37pm On Aug 31, 2014

God is not responsible for sicknesses and Diseases. That part is clear enough. Let us leave Imprisonment and what not.

Romans 1:16 means God uses the Gospel to show his power to save people.

Hahaha, you don't get tired of twisting scriptures, do you?

Why should we leave imprisonment, if I must ask?


Re: Joagbaje Was Right About Ebola, Jesus Is The Cure, AnotherEbola Victim Testifies by Candour(m): 8:39pm On Aug 31, 2014

Even a blind man can see jo glorifying God here, neither did my post,but ur polluted mind sees differently..

U said he's self professed? Hehhehehhehe u are funny! Very very! Stop acting like a half wit, ask for videos or simplybdrive to visit him.... I have, and verified em cases, fibroid, hiv, madness, barrenness, and yeah, the dead back to life. He doesn’t need your validation, I do not see why he would want u guys to validate him!

One day, I hope, u would understand...oya, make we no quarrel, this is not tithing, grin follow us praise God for the power of His Spirit

Really?? I thought you're intelligent? Videos? Hmm. I met one CEC media staff at a conference once and the way she spoke so glowingly of your media arm, I doubt there's any photo and film trick Hollywood invents that you won't be able to mimic. My friend, leave all those una videos. This is the last place you should bring such as 'proof' for anything except your dexterity at altering reality.

He doesn't need validation and yet he opens countless threads to tell NL he heals? Your man is dangerously narcissistic. He needs public acclaim like air. You should help him instead of encouraging him on.

As for quarell, whenever I remember you also played football at St Murumba field, even if I dey vex, I go just chill. So we won't quarell. I've pointed out what I wanted with the tithe reference and I trust you got the message.


Re: Joagbaje Was Right About Ebola, Jesus Is The Cure, AnotherEbola Victim Testifies by Gombs(m): 8:40pm On Aug 31, 2014

@the bolded, I thought its not about Jo? I thought its all about Christ? So its Jo that heals his 'victims' after all, not Jesus. Do you heal too? I don't heal. Jesus does and I've not come here to regal you with such finely scripted stories of 'non existent healings' like the one that is the trademark of you lot.

Of course you guys are alternate jesuses who need your exploits documented in case there'll be need in future for another bible. However, ensure you document your failures too o, so we can have a complete picture.

Re: Joagbaje Was Right About Ebola, Jesus Is The Cure, AnotherEbola Victim Testifies by Ranchhoddas: 8:47pm On Aug 31, 2014

Any proofs?

If none, I'm disappointed! Grossly disappointed
Re: Joagbaje Was Right About Ebola, Jesus Is The Cure, AnotherEbola Victim Testifies by Gombs(m): 8:50pm On Aug 31, 2014
[quote author=Candour]

Really?? I thought you're intelligent? Videos? Hmm. I met one CEC media staff at a conference once and the way she spoke so glowingly of your media arm, I doubt there's any photo and film trick Hollywood invents that you won't be able to mimic. My friend, leave all those una videos. This is the last place you should bring such as 'proof' for anything except your dexterity at altering reality.

He doesn't need validation and yet he opens countless threads to tell NL he heals? Your man is dangerously narcissistic. He needs public acclaim like air. You should help him instead of encouraging him on.

Cool story

As for quarell, whenever I remember you also played football at St Murumba field, even if I dey vex, I go just chill. So we won't quarell. I've pointed out what I wanted with the tithe reference and I trust you hot the message.

Wonderful memories of JOStified folks.... Candour, make we glorify God abeg, na good thing say folks admit the power in the Name of Jesus healed them...and quit witch hunting Jo, I'm sure when you meet him, you would be stunned...and that's me putting it mildly, if u dey lagos, He'd be there for IPPC by November, so would I grin
Re: Joagbaje Was Right About Ebola, Jesus Is The Cure, AnotherEbola Victim Testifies by mbaemeka(m): 8:50pm On Aug 31, 2014
Hahaha, you don't get tired of twisting scriptures, do you?
Why should we leave imprisonment, if I must ask?

What did Paul mean in 1 Thessalonians 1: 5? Juxtapose your explanation with Mark 16:20. I will wait.

As per imprisonment, it is debatable seeing that scripture didn't expressly tell us that Jesus saved us from it. But the scriptures expressly state he saved us from Sicknesses and Diseases.
Re: Joagbaje Was Right About Ebola, Jesus Is The Cure, AnotherEbola Victim Testifies by Candour(m): 9:06pm On Aug 31, 2014
Gombs: cool story.

Really?? Won't put it past her to be embellishing.

Wonderful memories of JOStified folks.... Candour, make we glorify God abeg, na good thing say folks admit the power in the Name of Jesus healed them...and quit witch hunting Jo, I'm sure when you meet him, you would be stunned...and that's me putting it mildly, if u dey lagos, He'd be there for IPPC by November, so would I

I'm not witchunting him (I fit?), I consider him an egbon but honestly speaking the me me me and I I I stories when it comes to miracles should reduce. Jesus did it, end of story. Check out all the messages Paul delivered in acts of the apostles, how many did he start with tales of the people he healed? Let those who are healed publicise it. That's what Christ and the apostles did.

I might be in lag then. Keeping my fingers crossed.


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Re: Joagbaje Was Right About Ebola, Jesus Is The Cure, AnotherEbola Victim Testifies by shdemidemi(m): 9:13pm On Aug 31, 2014

What did Paul mean in 1 Thessalonians 1: 5? Juxtapose your explanation with Mark 16:20. I will wait.

As per imprisonment, it is debatable seeing that scripture didn't expressly tell us that Jesus saved us from it. But the scriptures expressly state he saved us from Sicknesses and Diseases.
Mark 16
20 And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen.

1 Thessalonians 1:5
For our gospel came not unto you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Ghost, and in much assurance; as ye know what manner of men we were among you for your sake.

How does the above relate with the power of the gospel unto salvation to anyone who believe -Romans 1:16?

One thing you and people like jo refuse to understand through scripture is how God sees the present world. You find yourself running after what unbelievers run after, forgetting that your time around, no matter how long it seem to you, is really short. You put the soul secondary and the quest to gratify the flesh is your primary concern. Anywhere the bible refer to soul, you convert it to flesh because of the love you have for your present and fading habitat.

Come to think of it, if Christians don't fall sick like you claim, what's the need for people like jo?


Re: Joagbaje Was Right About Ebola, Jesus Is The Cure, AnotherEbola Victim Testifies by Joagbaje(m): 9:19pm On Aug 31, 2014

The problem with your form of Christianity is that every challenge is devil-

Joseph goes to prison- devil

Jesus killed on the cross - devil

Apostles died for the gospel - devil

Job lost all he had - devil

Peter went through a test- devil

Does it ever occur to you that God is in control of every life that is in Christ and He has a purpose even when we don't seem to be comfortable?

My man, even when God is working on you you will pray yourself out of God's will simply because discomfort equals devil's work in your book.

People can't be stupid forever, they are thinking, they are realising things don't add up with teachings like yours. Acclaimed miracle and healing ministries have left many more frustrated, poorer, deluded than they were before they fell in their snare. Through your kind, many have converted to other religions, some have become atheist all together.

The power of the gospel is unto salvation (romans 1:16) and not a power for charlatans to explore.

Matthew 10:1
​ And when he had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease.

Ephesians 6:12
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

James 1:13
Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am being tempted by God,” for God cannot be tempted with evil, and he himself tempts no one.
Re: Joagbaje Was Right About Ebola, Jesus Is The Cure, AnotherEbola Victim Testifies by mbaemeka(m): 9:30pm On Aug 31, 2014
Mark 16
20 And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen.

1 Thessalonians 1:5
For our gospel came not unto you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Ghost, and in much assurance; as ye know what manner of men we were among you for your sake.

How does the above relate with the power of the gospel unto salvation to anyone who believe -Romans 1:16?

One thing you and people like jo refuse to understand through scripture is how God sees the present world. You find yourself running after what unbelievers run after, forgetting that your time around, no matter how long it seem to you, is really short. You put the soul secondary and the quest to gratify the flesh is your primary concern. Anywhere the bible refer to soul, you convert it to flesh because of the love you have for your present and fading habitat.

Come to think of it, if Christians don't fall sick like you claim, what's the need for people like jo?

You didn't answer the question. I said Romans 1:16 means that God uses the Gospel to show his power to save people whether Jews or Gentiles. You said I am twisting the meaning. So I showed you other instances where what I said applies.

As per converting where the bible says soul to flesh, can you show me one such instance or scripture or are you saying Christ died to heal our souls?

On the issue of why Christians fall sick, I believe I said Christians SHOULDN'T fall sick. If you still see Christians that fall sick it is the same reason Christians still sin even after Christ saved them from all their sins. Abi didn't Christ save them?
Re: Joagbaje Was Right About Ebola, Jesus Is The Cure, AnotherEbola Victim Testifies by Gombs(m): 9:38pm On Aug 31, 2014

Matthew 10:1
​ And when he had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease.

Ephesians 6:12
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

James 1:13
Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am being tempted by God,” for God cannot be tempted with evil, and he himself tempts no one.

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Re: Joagbaje Was Right About Ebola, Jesus Is The Cure, AnotherEbola Victim Testifies by shdemidemi(m): 10:31pm On Aug 31, 2014

You didn't answer the question. I said Romans 1:16 means that God uses the Gospel to show his power to save people whether Jews or Gentiles. You said I am twisting the meaning. So I showed you other instances where what I said applies.

I said it is the power unto salvation, you say it is the power to save.

Romans 1:16 was definitely referring to the soul, if using the word 'save' means salvation of the soul to you, no qualms. As long as you don't add all all the extras you love to add.
As per converting where the bible says soul to flesh, can you show me one such instance or scripture or are you saying Christ died to heal our souls?

The entire doctrinal books made little or no importance to the flesh or what the world can offer. The fulcrum of their existence was fixated on eternal life and a message for the growth of the soul. You, like jo are seemingly more concerned about the present life than any apostle and pioneers of the gospel ever did.


On the issue of why Christians fall sick, I believe I said Christians SHOULDN'T fall sick. If you still see Christians that fall sick it is the same reason Christians still sin even after Christ saved them from all their sins. Abi didn't Christ save them?

No, I don't agree with your analogy. What Christ died for was SIN and not sins. The bible never said Christians will not commit sins or we will be perfect. It says we should mortify the flesh so we don't act as though we are yet slaves to SIN.

If what you propagate is right, we should not be falling ill as Christians and even when we do we should be able to command a response from any sickness to flee as long as we do not doubt. But no, some people go to fraudsters who claim they have these powers for decade without a solution. The next line after such person becomes a full member of the supposed church is the 'God's time is the best' mantra.


Re: Joagbaje Was Right About Ebola, Jesus Is The Cure, AnotherEbola Victim Testifies by mbaemeka(m): 11:08pm On Aug 31, 2014

1. What does the power unto salvation mean? Explain it in line with 1 Thessalonians 1:5 because the same author communicated both thoughts.

2. When you say the 'entire doctrinal books' does Romans 8: 11 qualify as part of the one's that have no importance to the flesh?

What is Eternal life and how do I know I have it?

3. Explain 1 John 3:9 in the light of "the bible never says Christians will not commit sins".

4. Does a message affect you simply because you heard it or because you acted on it?

As per sickness, I cannot be sick and yes I have commanded sicknesses to leave and all the times it checked out. I have applied what I have seen in the message. Have you?

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Re: Joagbaje Was Right About Ebola, Jesus Is The Cure, AnotherEbola Victim Testifies by ichuka(m): 11:09pm On Aug 31, 2014
Is your Oga's adulterous ways also a demonic disease? tongue
Bros,i beg u eh free dem.

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Re: Joagbaje Was Right About Ebola, Jesus Is The Cure, AnotherEbola Victim Testifies by shdemidemi(m): 12:35am On Sep 01, 2014
mbaemeka: Shdemidemi,

1. What does the power unto salvation mean? Explain it in line with 1 Thessalonians 1:5 because the same author communicated both thoughts.

What is salvation as used in Romans 1:16

It is the spiritual and eternal deliverance granted immediately by God to those who accept His condition by faith through the gospel of Christ.

The gospel/good news is the only place where the power of God unto salvation is guaranteed.

What exactly is the news that carries God's power unto salvation?

It is the news of Jesus Christ who paid a price of death for every sinner who will believe He died, He rose and resurrected the third day to save us from the wrath to come.

1 thess 1:5 describes this same power that comes by the gospel of Jesus Christ, the power unto salvation and the advent of the Holy Ghost who is our comforter.


2. When you say the 'entire doctrinal books' does Romans 8: 11 qualify as part of the one's that have no importance to the flesh?

Romans 8
11 But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.

When will our mortal bodies be quickened?

This is when a glorified body will replace the present body of flesh we carry at this moment. The same way Christ was raised from the dead, we shall be raised with another body that isn't connected to sin or the world.


What is Eternal life and how do I know I have it?

Eternal life is a blissful and endless life with God
3. Explain 1 John 3:9 in the light of "the bible never says Christians will not commit sins".

Now, we must understand the setting of the bible to avoid confusion. We do have doctrines that explains the entire mystery that surround our life as Christians. When we read our bible, we must take note of who is speaking, to whom and why.

When we read books like James, Peter, John, we will sometimes notice contradictions when we juxtapose these books with the book of Paul. James, Peter, John were not teachers of grace, they observed and maintained their temple worship and the legalistic form of life the Jews were known for. They wrote and addressed their books primarily to the Jews.

The books written to the Jews and to the church have raised different factions of Christians ... Some believe righteousness is by keeping the law through self righteousness and the other believe righteousness can only come by grace alone.

Apostle Paul became the minister God raised specially for the Gentiles to preach a message that breaks whatever barrier that made the Jews feel they were more accepted. He taught a message of grace addressed to the church.

In Acts 26, Paul explained all Jesus said to Him, he wrote and unveiled secrets that were hid in God to the church in the epistles. Paul explained all we needed to know as Christians even how to be saved was explained by apostle Paul only.

If we must understand what Sin means, we must go to the book of Romans 6,7 for full details. We must also understand that a regenerated spirit otherwise known as the new man is the real man that does not sin.

These two personalities were described by Paul- he made it really clear in the verse below-

25 I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin.

"I myself' in this verse is the real man that became a Christian and the body/the flesh we live in is the container that carries the real Christian.


4. Does a message affect you simply because you heard it or because you acted on it?

As per sickness, I cannot be sick and yes I have commanded sicknesses to leave and all the times it checked out. I have appplied what I have seen in the message. Have you?

As long as you don't stop others from using medicine that is fit for an ailment.

As for me, like Paul I try to keep my mind at rest in plenty or in nothing, in sickness and in health knowing fully well that God's grace is sufficient at all times.

I understand the body gets weaker, it depicts and loses vigour as i get older while my spirit man grows. If I have headache, I use panadol, it works like magic and it is available. That is for my flesh. If I need to feed my real man, my soul man, I pray, I study scriptures.

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Re: Joagbaje Was Right About Ebola, Jesus Is The Cure, AnotherEbola Victim Testifies by Joagbaje(m): 12:52am On Sep 01, 2014

. . . If I have headache, I use panadol, it works like magic and it is available. That is for my flesh. If I need to feed my real man, my soul man, I pray, I study scriptures.

2 Chronicles 16:12
And Asa in the thirty and ninth year of his reign was diseased in his feet, until his disease was exceeding great: yet in his disease he sought not to the Lord, but to the physicians.

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Re: Joagbaje Was Right About Ebola, Jesus Is The Cure, AnotherEbola Victim Testifies by shdemidemi(m): 12:56am On Sep 01, 2014

2 Chronicles 16:12
And Asa in the thirty and ninth year of his reign was diseased in his feet, until his disease was exceeding great: yet in his disease he sought not to the Lord, but to the physicians.

And what's your point?

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Re: Joagbaje Was Right About Ebola, Jesus Is The Cure, AnotherEbola Victim Testifies by mbaemeka(m): 1:37am On Sep 01, 2014
What is salvation as used in Romans 1:16

I didn't ask^^ I asked vv

1. What does the power unto salvation mean? Explain it in line with 1 Thessalonians 1:5

I know what salvation is I want to know what Paul meant by "the gospel is the power unto salvation" and how it relates to this

1 thess 1:5 describes this same power that comes by the gospel of Jesus Christ, the power unto salvation and the advent of the Holy Ghost who is our comforter.

What is the power that comes by the gospel and what is it used for?

Acts 1:8King James Version (KJV)
8 But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you:

That word for Power here is Dunamis in Greek. This is the same power Paul referred to in all scripture. Care to add it in your explanation?

Romans 8
11 But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.

When will our mortal bodies be quickened?

This is when a glorified body will replace the present body of flesh we carry at this moment. The same way Christ was raised from the dead, we shall be raised with another body that isn't connected to sin or the world.

3 things make your explanation above null and void and they are:

-The Spirit does the quickening as he dwells in us. When will he dwell in us?
-Paul said he will quicken; give life; strengthen our MORTAL bodies. The glorified body is not MORTAL it is IMMORTAL and it is not quickened from the old. It is a NEW and indestructible body that requires NO quickening.
-He didn't say he will raise our mortal bodies but that he will quicken; vitalize; strengthen it as he dwells in us.

Eternal life is a blissful and endless life with God

The Greek for eternal life is Zoe. Do you know what Zoe means?

Now, we must understand the setting of the bible to avoid confusion. We do have doctrines that explains the entire mystery that surround our life as Christians. When we read our bible, we must take note of who is speaking, to whom and why.

When we read books like James, Peter, John, we will sometimes notice contradictions when we juxtapose these books with the book of Paul. James, Peter, John were not teachers of grace, they observed and maintained their temple worship and the legalistic form of life the Jews were known for. They wrote and addressed their books primarily to the Jews.

The books written to the Jews and to the church have raised different factions of Christians ... Some believe righteousness is by keeping the law through self righteousness and the other believe righteousness can only come by grace alone.

Apostle Paul became the minister God raised specially for the Gentiles to preach a message that breaks whatever barrier that made the Jews feel they were more accepted. He taught a message of grace addressed to the church.

In Acts 26, Paul explained all Jesus said to Him, he wrote and unveiled secrets that were hid in God to the church in the epistles. Paul explained all we needed to know as Christians even how to be saved was explained by apostle Paul only.

If we must understand what Sin means, we must go to the book of Romans 6,7 for full details. We must also understand that a regenerated spirit otherwise known as the new man is the real man that does not sin.

These two personalities were described by Paul- he made it really clear in the verse below-

25 I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin.

"I myself' in this verse is the real man that became a Christian and the body/the flesh we live in is the container that carries the real Christian.

How does it explain what John said in the verse of scripture given? Ok let me fix Paul in the mix. What did he mean by?

Romans 6:14King James Version (KJV)
14 For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace.

Notice Paul said sin SHALL not have dominion over you and not sin SHOULD not? How come sin still dominates some Christians?

As long as you don't stop others from using medicine that is fit for an ailment.

I have never stopped anyone from using medicine- Medicine is good. But what becomes of someone when the medicine doesn't work or the ailment has no cure?

As for me, like Paul I try to keep my mind at rest in plenty or in nothing, in sickness and in health knowing fully well that God's grace is sufficient at all times.

I understand the body gets weaker, it depicts and loses vigour as i get older while my spirit man grows. If I have headache, I use panadol, it works like magic and it is available. That is for my flesh. If I need to feed my real man, my soul man, I pray, I study scriptures.

The word of God is Marpe to our flesh too. Jesus said Man shall not live by bread alone. He didn't say man shall not live by bread at all. The word of God still works the Spirit; soul and then FLESH of a man.
Re: Joagbaje Was Right About Ebola, Jesus Is The Cure, AnotherEbola Victim Testifies by Weah96: 2:21am On Sep 01, 2014

James 1:13
Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am being tempted by God,” for God cannot be tempted with evil, and he himself tempts no one.[/color]

Genesis 22 King James Version (KJV)

22 And it came to pass after these things, that God did tempt Abraham, and said unto him, Abraham: and he said, Behold, here I am.

2 And he said, Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of.

I understand where you're coming from though. Isaac's murder would have been justified, with the order to kill coming directly from the commander in chief.

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Re: Joagbaje Was Right About Ebola, Jesus Is The Cure, AnotherEbola Victim Testifies by Joagbaje(m): 5:52am On Sep 01, 2014

Genesis 22 King James Version (KJV)

22 And it came to pass after these things, that God did tempt Abraham,

That's a good test. It's different from sickness. God doesn't tempt with evil. If God ask you to do something ,it's different from bringing sickness upon you.
Re: Joagbaje Was Right About Ebola, Jesus Is The Cure, AnotherEbola Victim Testifies by Joagbaje(m): 5:58am On Sep 01, 2014

And what's your point?

If you make boast of chewing drugs as means of cure. You needed to see Gods perspective on it, even from Old Testament. Those who serve God ought to go to God for cure.

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