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Re: Joagbaje Was Right About Ebola, Jesus Is The Cure, AnotherEbola Victim Testifies by PastorKun(m): 4:37pm On Sep 02, 2014 |
Joagbaje: Your "quoting" scripture to promote your scam does no mean anything to the discerning believer, it only goes to prove that you are adept in the art of scriptural manipulation. 5 Likes |
Re: Joagbaje Was Right About Ebola, Jesus Is The Cure, AnotherEbola Victim Testifies by Joagbaje(m): 4:44pm On Sep 02, 2014 |
PastorKun: If I take you up for defense on this nonsense statement if yours I know you will run away. So let's not borther. 3 Likes |
Re: Joagbaje Was Right About Ebola, Jesus Is The Cure, AnotherEbola Victim Testifies by shdemidemi(m): 5:55pm On Sep 02, 2014 |
Joagbaje: And what is the counsel/advise of God that you preach and What exactly is your mission statement? 2 Likes |
Re: Joagbaje Was Right About Ebola, Jesus Is The Cure, AnotherEbola Victim Testifies by mbaemeka(m): 6:58pm On Sep 02, 2014 |
shdemidemi: Misplaced response given that the experience I am asking for is the one that shows that what is in scripture is true. What virtue is man's faith in God if he will never know if God exists till a certain time? If that is what Paul them had to go through they would have been most miserable of all men. This is a practical verse, have you applied it? Did it work? John 14:14King James Version (KJV) 14 If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it. Now if you have any experiences where you tested this verse and proved it true there would be no claims that the instruction wasn't to us or that someone is trying to squeeze his experience into the word of God. It will be the other way around which God expects from us. 1 Thessalonians 5:21New King James Version (NKJV) 21 Test all things; hold fast what is good. I am not adding nothing for him. Apostle Paul went past sickness, he went for the jugular when he mentioned death. There is a slight hope in sickness and disease but the man picked death. Again isolated and distorted. Before getting to verse 37 he listed what he referred to as THESE things and they are persecution; beatings; unclothedness; peril etc. Then he said in all of them we are already more than conquerors through Christ. Then after saying that he brought out another teaching which is that apart from being more than conquerors nothing can separate us from Christ's love- including death! So I don't know how you jumped from verse 37 to use it to conclude the verse 38 and 39. That's disingenuous. Again I ask where did Paul say in sickness we are more than conquerors or what not? There's no such verse because Sickness has been taken away by the death of Jesus. The only one Jesus said will always remain was persecution and tribulation for the gospel sake. You did not answer the question-will a christian go through anything without God's knowledge? God knows everything including the sufferings of sinners. God not only permitted Job's afflictions by the Devil he allowed the afflictions of the woman who was bent over by an evil spirit. Jesus came and commanded the evil spirit to leave, why? Didn't he know God "permitted" it too? Jesus came, Jesus died, Jesus resurrected and he said he took away sicknesses too why should I then say to people (the one's Jesus died for) that they can still have what he died for? Am I not making the scriptures null and void through the traditions of men- the way men feel things should always be? It is easy to get carried away by the stories hence turning our backs to the main substance and reason for the stories. God showed different dimensions of Himself in scripture that we might trust, believe and worship Him as God. But, through our selfie- me myself and I way of viewing things, we hold on to the wrong end of the stick. Okay let us listen to Peter who had a revelation of God. When we say God is in control doesn't it mean he will do what he said he would do? 1 Peter 5:7Amplified Bible (AMP) 7 Casting the [a]whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, [b]for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you [c]watchfully. The reason we cast our worries (all of them) on him is because he cares for us, watches over us, and will give us the desires of our heart-including healing. Psalm 37:5Amplified Bible (AMP) 5 Commit your way to the Lord [roll and repose each care of your load on Him]; trust (lean on, rely on, and be confident) also in Him and He will bring it to pass. Well, I see the understanding of Romans 8 as a chapter that adds at least ten to twenty years to ones life. Paul said amid all we are more than conquerors. That gives me the impression of hope even as I go through my daily challenges. What about the verse 11? What about the verse 26? You cannot speed-read the word of God and miss out on the vitalities. There is a glory now (in earthen vessels) and there is one to be revealed (at his coming). There is a healing of the mortal body now (Romans 8:11) and there is a new immortal body to be revealed at his appearance. If this were not so, Paul, Peter, Phillip etc. had no right to heal anyone! They should have told them to keep suffering the ailments for at Christ's second coming they will get a new body! 30 Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified. Tell Hezekiah that prayer cannot change anything let me see you try. 5 Go, and say to Hezekiah, Thus says the Lord, the God of David your father: I have heard your prayer, I have seen your tears; behold, I will [a]add to your life fifteen years. After he had said: Isaiah 38:1 . . .Thus says the Lord: Set your house in order, for you shall die and not live. God said: Matthew 7:7Amplified Bible (AMP) 7 [a]Keep on asking and it will be given you; keep on seeking and you will find; [c]keep on knocking [reverently] and [the door] will be opened to you Jesus said "if it were not so I would have told you". Why do we talk as if the man lied or didn't know what he was saying? The greek word used is diapthetiro meaning decaying So what does it have to with sickness? It says though the outward man is disintegrating; getting old; fading away; losing some vigour and strength. Can I not age without being sick? Similarly, you might see me sick but if my sick bed is where I will discover God in His fullness, I will gladly embrace it. What is this? Isaiah 43:2Amplified Bible (AMP) 2 ... [b]When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned or scorched, nor will the flame kindle upon you. Did you see Jesus meet any sick person and tell them "Hold on, God can find you in your sickness?" Did he not know that Lazarus will get a new body at his coming? Why did he still raise him back to life? There is no such teaching in the bible as God would find anybody in sickness. Not one. God sent Jesus to destroy all the works of the devil. Jesus said he only did that which he saw his father do, which means Jesus saw God heal people. So where is your revelation that God will meet a christian at his sickness (and not heal him) coming from? It is not in my own bible. I never asked for other attributes. I only asked if He is a comforter and who needs such. No, he is more than just a comforter. That's why I showed you his other attributes. Besides, his role in comforting is in persecution and not in illness. In illness he becomes the helper; the strengthener. We cannot hold unto one revelation of his person. He is the Spirit of might (miracle-working ability), wisdom, knowledge, understanding, counsel, fear of the lord and of dominion. He is the fullness of God and I am convinced you are not aware of this. 1 Like |
Re: Joagbaje Was Right About Ebola, Jesus Is The Cure, AnotherEbola Victim Testifies by mbaemeka(m): 7:06pm On Sep 02, 2014 |
Elijah78: When you hear from God I will respond to your question even if you avoided mine. While at it ask shdemidemi if it is possible to hear from God. I will like to see his "accurate" response to that question. |
Re: Joagbaje Was Right About Ebola, Jesus Is The Cure, AnotherEbola Victim Testifies by PastorKun(m): 7:17pm On Sep 02, 2014 |
Joagbaje: I dare you to take me up if you are not a coward. 2 Likes |
Re: Joagbaje Was Right About Ebola, Jesus Is The Cure, AnotherEbola Victim Testifies by Joagbaje(m): 7:47pm On Sep 02, 2014 |
PastorKun: Ok so what scam have I promoted. 1 Like |
Re: Joagbaje Was Right About Ebola, Jesus Is The Cure, AnotherEbola Victim Testifies by Gombs(m): 8:33pm On Sep 02, 2014 |
^^ he'd type tithe now!.. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Re: Joagbaje Was Right About Ebola, Jesus Is The Cure, AnotherEbola Victim Testifies by Joagbaje(m): 8:36pm On Sep 02, 2014 |
Gombs: ^^ Don't be suggestive na . We are discussing miracles and healing here. And someone says ,I'm claiming superstar another says scam. |
Re: Joagbaje Was Right About Ebola, Jesus Is The Cure, AnotherEbola Victim Testifies by PastorKun(m): 8:16am On Sep 03, 2014 |
Joagbaje: CEC and all it stands for. As we all know CEC is nothing more than a 'legal' organised crime syndicate. |
Re: Joagbaje Was Right About Ebola, Jesus Is The Cure, AnotherEbola Victim Testifies by Joagbaje(m): 10:31am On Sep 03, 2014 |
PastorKun: Just as Jesus had syndicate too! ![]() John 7:12 There was a lot of discussion about him among the crowds. Some said, "He's a wonderful man," while others said, "No, he's duping the public." John 7:12 And there was much murmuring among the people concerning him: for some said, He is a good man: others said, Nay; but he deceiveth the people. John 7:12 And there was among the mass of the people much whispered discussion and hot disputing about Him. Some were saying, He is good! [He is a good Man!] Others said, No, He misleads and deceives the people [gives them false ideas 3 Likes |
Re: Joagbaje Was Right About Ebola, Jesus Is The Cure, AnotherEbola Victim Testifies by PastorKun(m): 10:41am On Sep 03, 2014 |
Joagbaje: Stop blaspheming and comparing Jesus to a filthy rotten criminal and lecherous organisation like cec. Don't worry all the dirty details of the proceeds of crime would soon come into the open when Anita starts to fight Oyaks for her share of the booty in court. ![]() 1 Like |
Re: Joagbaje Was Right About Ebola, Jesus Is The Cure, AnotherEbola Victim Testifies by Nobody: 10:44am On Sep 03, 2014 |
Spread confusion in their midst. May they be blinded by their own ignorance. May those who reject knowledge be trampled by their ignorance. |
Re: Joagbaje Was Right About Ebola, Jesus Is The Cure, AnotherEbola Victim Testifies by Gombs(m): 10:52am On Sep 03, 2014 |
sonOfLucifer: Spread confusion in their midst. May they be blinded by their own ignorance. May those who reject knowledge be trampled by their ignorance. Hush!... be still thou foul spirit... be gone from here! 7 Likes |
Re: Joagbaje Was Right About Ebola, Jesus Is The Cure, AnotherEbola Victim Testifies by Nobody: 11:30am On Sep 03, 2014 |
Gombs:Slaves have no authority. Don't flex what you have not possessed. |
Re: Joagbaje Was Right About Ebola, Jesus Is The Cure, AnotherEbola Victim Testifies by Gombs(m): 11:42am On Sep 03, 2014 |
sonOfLucifer: Exactly, ask Satan to dare me na! Mtcheeeeèeeeeeeeeew 2 Likes |
Re: Joagbaje Was Right About Ebola, Jesus Is The Cure, AnotherEbola Victim Testifies by Elijah78: 11:10am On Sep 05, 2014 |
mbaemeka: @mbaemeka, i am very happy to know that you have been diligently following me on the other thread. Please address your question on the other thread and i will give you an ''accurate'' answer. Please do not shy away. shdemidemi gave accurate answers to the questions you asked me, and didn't see anything that i could question. If he had done so, i will ask him questions and he will respond as we have done on other threads. I take nairaland as a learning platform. I grap what i ''think'' is good for my spiritual growth and drop the rest. just as i disagree with gombs, you, Jo etc doesn't mean that i have not learn positively from your postings. The fact that you have sported me out on the other thread and concluded that i do not agree with shdemidemi doesn't mean that in the near future we can agree. Looking forward to seeing you on the said thread for an ''accurate'' answer. Food for thought ''How then could you ever find the real God amid the religions of the world that portray Him in so many different ways?'' ''Religion is a man-made institution. It consists of man’s concept of who he wants God to be, what he wants Him to do and how he wants Him to do it. And when you look at all the different denominations and groups, it’s clear that opinions vary. It’s a result of man’s rational, selfish thought and has little or nothing to do with the invisible, yet real, Sovereign of the Universe''. Thanks |
Re: Joagbaje Was Right About Ebola, Jesus Is The Cure, AnotherEbola Victim Testifies by mbaemeka(m): 12:12pm On Sep 05, 2014 |
Elijah78: Don't get your hopes up, I don't follow you on any thread. Just as I read through someone's post on a thread many times I go back to other threads to see some consistency in his beliefs. If I see inconsistencies in his beliefs it helps me understand his person and the quality of information he listens to and believes as truth. In your case, you believe you will hear God's voice. So you are waiting patiently on him but you disbelieve he will heal people or you endorse the posts of those who say that healings have stopped. You try. The same miracle that makes you listen to and hear God's audible voice is the same one responsible for healing people because they are achieved by the same Holy Spirit. So if you disbelieve his ability to heal you might as well disbelieve his ability to speak to you. This reminds me of some Pentecostal pastors in Nigeria years back who criticised miracles in their country but then went to invite Benny Hinn and Reinhard Bonnke to come to Nigeria to administer the anointing of God on the sick. (These men are real men of God, I have no doubts) but the meetings didn't produce as much healings as was anticipated and I will tell you why. The Nigerian Pastors that invited them had insulted the Holy Spirit yet expected him to perform mighty miracles. It doesn't work that way. You cannot insult the Holy Spirit in Nigeria and then expect the 'one' in America to come and do mighty works-as if they are different. So you can keep waiting on God. I can assure you, you would not hear from him until you go on your knees and ask him to forgive you for blaspheming his works and disbelieving his words. When you do this he will make the grey areas in your studies clearer for you and then some of your questions will be answered. If you are of the Spirit, you will be able to tell that I don't discuss religion with men that's why I back what I say from the scriptures with the power that should follow. There are many Atheists I would never be able to convince with mere words but just a simple demonstration and they will cower under God's power. That's what Paul said. For instance, if I tell you the name of Jesus is the only name given amongst men by which anyone can be saved and you are calling Buddha or any other name I will walk up to a sick person or one afflicted of the devil and command that devil to check out In Jesus' name and then I will ask you to do so in the name of whatever deity you say you believe in. I have no doubts that your deity will be put to shame afterall Jesus told us that Satan cannot cast out satan and I believe Jesus. So instead of arguing nonsense and shielding it with misappropriated scriptures you better meditate on God's word and believe it. Then go on to apply it and see with your very eyes that the word works. I do love you in the right way, that's why I am advising you. Cheers. 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Joagbaje Was Right About Ebola, Jesus Is The Cure, AnotherEbola Victim Testifies by Elijah78: 1:00pm On Sep 05, 2014 |
mbaemeka: Okay thank you sir! Should i wait on you to answer the question you asked me? How can you prove the message you believe is right and what others believe is wrong?? Thanks Note i have also gone through some of your posts and realize how you call people demon infested etc. Is that what God is teaching you? You are advising me to follow that? Any time i read a post from you, i see some bitterness, why? |
Re: Joagbaje Was Right About Ebola, Jesus Is The Cure, AnotherEbola Victim Testifies by nep2ra(m): 2:45pm On Sep 05, 2014 |
Stewpid, ignorant, gullible, unintelligent Nigerians - always arguing religious doctrines while their country is in shambles. Waste of space ![]() 1 Like |
Re: Joagbaje Was Right About Ebola, Jesus Is The Cure, AnotherEbola Victim Testifies by shdemidemi(m): 2:47pm On Sep 05, 2014 |
Elijah78: |
Re: Joagbaje Was Right About Ebola, Jesus Is The Cure, AnotherEbola Victim Testifies by mbaemeka(m): 3:30pm On Sep 05, 2014 |
Elijah78: I can prove the message I believe is right because I can (first of all) show you the scripture that teaches it and then I can demonstrate to you that it works. My style is different from those who talk, talk and. . .talk more. Those who can quote logos (albeit misappropriated) but then will shy away from showing us that what they believe works or will altogether say it is not supposed to work. No No No! Paul said: "my preaching wasn't done with just mere persuasive words of man's wisdom. It was backed up with demonstration of the Spirit's power in what I believe. I did this so that your faith will not rely on the wisdom of men but in the power of God" (Paraphrasing 1 Corinthians 2:4-5) If Paul needed to brother, then it is good for every Christian. Do you think I would like to believe in something that doesn't work? I am just like you too- I never want to put my trust in something that doesn't work and God's word works!! As per me calling some people demon-infested, brother it is because they are. If you are full of the Spirit and can discern spiritually this will not be new to you. Many times I don't even write of my own volition, he gives me the words and I type it down. Sometimes I use the word to judge and the word is a wise judge- He judges rightly. Don't get me wrong I know the difference between sheer ignorance and when someone is possessed. For the former just show them the word and they will refrain from doing what they have been doing (The entrance of God's word brings light and understanding the Psalmist says), while for the latter, no amount of clear scriptures will convince them because they are controlled by a spirit whose soul aim is to destroy them. Don't be mistaken. The urge to bring another Christian down (for example) can never be from God no matter how we try to dress it. So when I see "supposed" Christians writing lies about a fellow or even bearing false witness I know it cannot be from God. Jesus told the Jews (who thought they were Children of God) that they were of their father the devil and his acts they must do. He was a murderer from the beginning and when he talks he speaks only lies because he is the father of lies (not the father of liars). So when people believe lies and start reposting it everywhere they are unwittingly taking in seeds of Satan. That type of thing will only grow into full time demons and that's what I am addressing. Hope you understand. 1 Like |
Re: Joagbaje Was Right About Ebola, Jesus Is The Cure, AnotherEbola Victim Testifies by brainpulse: 6:56pm On Sep 05, 2014 |
mbaemeka:Like |
Re: Joagbaje Was Right About Ebola, Jesus Is The Cure, AnotherEbola Victim Testifies by Elijah78: 9:16am On Sep 06, 2014 |
mbaemeka: And yes you have been diligently following me, and believe me, my hopes are high, you cannot deny it! You only shy away from questioning me there and instead come here to tell me that you are really shying away maybe for fear of being expel from your club. Should i say the urge to hide the evil that is done in the name of God can only be done by someone who doesn't know God? mbaemeka: As per me calling some people demon-infested, brother it is because they are. If you are full of the Spirit and can discern spiritually this will not be new to you. Many times I don't even write of my own volition, he gives me the words and I type it down. Sometimes I use the word to judge and the word is a wise judge- He judges rightly. If i went around reposting about men of god, it is because i don't have the holy spirit and it is truth. Why not expose the deeds of darkness? I have tried to read most of your posts and they are full of insults and bitterness. I asked you if you want me to follow your kind of god, but you didn't answer, still showed up with bitterness. sorry. how do you know that the spirit of discernment you have is from God? For the devil himself is transformed to an angel of light. mbaemeke: I can prove the message I believe is right because I can (first of all) show you the scripture that teaches it and then I can demonstrate to you that it works. My style is different from those who talk, talk and. . .talk more. Those who can quote logos (albeit misappropriated) but then will shy away from showing us that what they believe works or will altogether say it is not supposed to work. No No No!John 17:3. "Now this is eternal life: to know you, the only real God, and Jesus the Christ, Whom You have sent." I am not going to trust in the style of those who quote logos or talk or on the manifestation of power. I am going to know(have a real relationship with a living God) the only real God and Jesus whome God had sent. Scripture also say that on the last day when Jesus will come to seperate the goats from the sheep, we will want to talk about all the good things we did in His name and he will tell us that ''depart from me, i never knew you). So i personally cannot glory in the things i do. |
Re: Joagbaje Was Right About Ebola, Jesus Is The Cure, AnotherEbola Victim Testifies by Joagbaje(m): 9:25am On Sep 06, 2014 |
shdemidemi: Salvation is complete Prosperity spirit soul and Body. |
Re: Joagbaje Was Right About Ebola, Jesus Is The Cure, AnotherEbola Victim Testifies by EvilBrain1(m): 12:49pm On Sep 06, 2014 |
Joagbaje: No. One person (the superstitious clown in OP's article) had a false positive result. The other patients had Ebola and recovered thanks to the doctors, nurses, attendants, hygienists and other volunteers running the isolation centre. There was absolutely nothing supernatural about it. Religious people's habit of claiming credit for things they had nothing to do with is very irritating. When the government was begging for volunteers, you guys were busy praying (i.e. doing absolutely nothing to help). But now that we're seeing some good results, you want to jump in and claim it's because of your Jesus. But Jesus had nothing to do with it. And neither did you. Stop telling lies. Off topic: the story of Lazarus' resurrection appears only in the Gospel according to John, which was the last to be written (at least 65 years after Pontius Pilate was removed as governor of Judea, the last possible date of the Crucifixion) and by far the least credible. I'm not the kind of person that'll blindly swallow an impossible claim made by a single, highly questionable, non eyewitness source. Also, the exodus never happened so your Red Sea story is bull. Even the Israeli ancient history and archaeology communities have admitted that its just a myth despite the political implications on Jewish claims of Palestinian land. |
Re: Joagbaje Was Right About Ebola, Jesus Is The Cure, AnotherEbola Victim Testifies by paulGrundy(m): 9:51am On Nov 14, 2014 |
.... |
Re: Joagbaje Was Right About Ebola, Jesus Is The Cure, AnotherEbola Victim Testifies by Elijah78: 10:02am On Nov 14, 2014 |
Joagbaje: If salvation is complete according to you, why do your members still fall sick? Why do you still make careless mistakes like the editing of Jeff's script? 1 Like |
Re: Joagbaje Was Right About Ebola, Jesus Is The Cure, AnotherEbola Victim Testifies by PastorKun(m): 10:24am On Nov 14, 2014 |
Elijah78: Their members fall sick only when they don't pay their tithes and first fruits. ![]() 2 Likes |
Re: Joagbaje Was Right About Ebola, Jesus Is The Cure, AnotherEbola Victim Testifies by vooks: 10:34am On Nov 14, 2014 |
Candour you are a Prophet Candour: 2 Likes |
Re: Joagbaje Was Right About Ebola, Jesus Is The Cure, AnotherEbola Victim Testifies by vooks: 10:45am On Nov 14, 2014 |
John 10:41 King James Version (KJV) 41 And many resorted unto him, and said, John did no miracle: but all things that John spake of this man were true. John must have been a hopelessly boring prophet; all talk and no show ![]() mbaemeka: |
Re: Joagbaje Was Right About Ebola, Jesus Is The Cure, AnotherEbola Victim Testifies by mbaemeka(m): 12:03pm On Nov 14, 2014 |
vooks: 2 things a) John did no SIGNS b) The people said. Not the disciples. Now tell me, the ability to spot out the Messiah from a large crowd of people or to see the Holy Spirit descend on him is it short of miraculous? What about how John preached to the point that people's hearts began to born with fire and a strong zeal to repent was it also short of miraculous? Was John's Water baptism ordinary? |
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