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JAMB PAST QUESTION AND ANSWER - Educational Services (13) - Nairaland

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2016 JAMB UTME CBT Practice Software [free Download] / UTME CBT Practice Software (offline Version) - No Need For Internet / Facts About Jamb/utme Cbt Practice Software ExamGuide (2) (3) (4)

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Re: JAMB PAST QUESTION AND ANSWER by exco90(m): 7:16am On Dec 10, 2019
today is 10th of December.. please don't forget jamb practice software oooo
Re: JAMB PAST QUESTION AND ANSWER by exco90(m): 5:38pm On Dec 12, 2019
Hey Jambitos,

We are back for 2020 JAMB/UTME season.

We appreciate all those who had writing to us and those constantly waiting and checking on us.

We say a big thank you.

We are back and better this session and as such we want to get the community involve.

Below you will see list of JAMB/UTME apps available and known to us as of the day of this write up, we want the community to nominate the app they most want get crack. The highest voted app will be cracked and released to the public.

The voting starts the day of this publication and ends 10th of November, 2019. The cracked app will be release 1st December, 2019.

List of App
1. Myschool
2. Testdriller
3. Pass.Ng
4. Jambite
5. Jamb Success
6. JAMB CBT by Justclick
7. UTME FaceYourBook
8. TestMaster
9. JAMB by Career Lift
10. Prepup
To the owners of the listed app, know that we are doing this for educational purpose.
However, if you don't want your app to get into our hands, you can mail to us using the email address below.
You can also contact us on how to further secure your application or contact us for any of our services as listed below.
- Application security implementation.
- Source code review.
- Secure coding
- and so on.
All correspondence to the address below.

5 TowerTop Building,
Road to Hell, Mumbai,
Email: evaboy4real@zoho.com


Evaboy - Head Nigga in Charge (HNIC)
Thunder101 - Reverser, GFXer, Coder
EvilCode - Reverser, GFXer, Coder
Imings - Chief GFX, Reverser, Coder
Merlin Ninja - Reverser

If you want to learn Reversing, Programming and Hacking or you need a programmer for your project
write to us: evaboy4real@zoho.com

Note: Programming includes (C/C++, C#, PHP, Java and Android) and Hacking is Offensive or Ethical

boss how far?
Re: JAMB PAST QUESTION AND ANSWER by DavTechBlog(m): 10:18pm On Dec 12, 2019
Thank you evaboy team. the activation key worked. God bless you abundantly
Re: JAMB PAST QUESTION AND ANSWER by exco90(m): 11:52pm On Dec 17, 2019
in need of activation for Jambdriller.
Re: JAMB PAST QUESTION AND ANSWER by Nobody: 7:14am On Dec 18, 2019
helo! Eva boy do you still give out test driller crack codes?
Re: JAMB PAST QUESTION AND ANSWER by exco90(m): 2:53pm On Dec 23, 2019
Hey Jambitos,

We are back for 2020 JAMB/UTME season.

We appreciate all those who had writing to us and those constantly waiting and checking on us.

We say a big thank you.

We are back and better this session and as such we want to get the community involve.

Below you will see list of JAMB/UTME apps available and known to us as of the day of this write up, we want the community to nominate the app they most want get crack. The highest voted app will be cracked and released to the public.

The voting starts the day of this publication and ends 10th of November, 2019. The cracked app will be release 1st December, 2019.

List of App
1. Myschool
2. Testdriller
3. Pass.Ng
4. Jambite
5. Jamb Success
6. JAMB CBT by Justclick
7. UTME FaceYourBook
8. TestMaster
9. JAMB by Career Lift
10. Prepup
To the owners of the listed app, know that we are doing this for educational purpose.
However, if you don't want your app to get into our hands, you can mail to us using the email address below.
You can also contact us on how to further secure your application or contact us for any of our services as listed below.
- Application security implementation.
- Source code review.
- Secure coding
- and so on.
All correspondence to the address below.

5 TowerTop Building,
Road to Hell, Mumbai,
Email: evaboy4real@zoho.com


Evaboy - Head Nigga in Charge (HNIC)
Thunder101 - Reverser, GFXer, Coder
EvilCode - Reverser, GFXer, Coder
Imings - Chief GFX, Reverser, Coder
Merlin Ninja - Reverser

If you want to learn Reversing, Programming and Hacking or you need a programmer for your project
write to us: evaboy4real@zoho.com

Note: Programming includes (C/C++, C#, PHP, Java and Android) and Hacking is Offensive or Ethical

abeg the code na...
you promised us this year..
Re: JAMB PAST QUESTION AND ANSWER by EdieMike(m): 7:42am On Dec 27, 2019
Good morning, please my kid sister is preparing for Jamb and I have downloaded the Jamb CBT software 2019 (cnsutme19) for her but I don't have the product Activation Code. Please help.

My email is edemsamson44@gmail.com
Thanks in anticipation.
Re: JAMB PAST QUESTION AND ANSWER by joecason: 2:06pm On Dec 31, 2019
Please help me with the product key of examguide post utme 2019
Gmail is joecason18@gmail.com
Re: JAMB PAST QUESTION AND ANSWER by joecason: 8:47pm On Jan 06, 2020
hey guys please can anyone send me the activation key and registration key to my e-mail
pls i really need it
Re: JAMB PAST QUESTION AND ANSWER by vickfrankjnr: 10:33pm On Jan 16, 2020
Please help me with the activation key of examguide post utme 2019 or any available
My Email is vickfrank003@gmail.com
Re: JAMB PAST QUESTION AND ANSWER by regal4luv(m): 6:27am On Jan 21, 2020
pls help me with test driller activation code or any one , thanks. frankedifon@gmail.com
Re: JAMB PAST QUESTION AND ANSWER by Petfemiite: 2:06pm On Jan 21, 2020
pls help me withJAMB UTME PRACTICE 2019 activation code
Product Key: WL64D6LMULUTM9C
My email is aikuesan28@gmail.com
=paatea post=53708317]hi, my email address is aikuesan28@gmail.com kindly send the activation key for Jamb UTME PRACTICE 2019 [/quote]
Re: JAMB PAST QUESTION AND ANSWER by Pauliski: 7:31am On Jan 25, 2020
@evaboy4real Please, help with ExamGuide UTME2020
Product key: JFZXMN3MMFUTM2C
my email is parokoola@gmail.com
Re: JAMB PAST QUESTION AND ANSWER by Jisraelofficial(m): 1:20pm On Jan 27, 2020
@Mr Evaboy4real
Please help out.
App: Testdriller UTME
Version: 2017
Activation Key: Unknown
Os: Android.
I need the activation key. Pls I need it for my bro
My Email: hancockosagiej@gmail.com
Re: JAMB PAST QUESTION AND ANSWER by leonny2004: 9:19pm On Jan 27, 2020
Pls help me with PassNG JAMB UTME 2020 Activation Code
My email: leoniyo2004@yandex.com
Re: JAMB PAST QUESTION AND ANSWER by yhemmsy(m): 11:30pm On Jan 27, 2020
If success really matters to you in this year’s JAMB & WAEC Examination, then join the success crew at De Waymaker Tutorial Centre, Aguda and be among those that will matriculate this year
De WAYMAKER tutorial
35 Akinyele street, Aguda, Lagos

Re: JAMB PAST QUESTION AND ANSWER by digitalman2811(m): 3:21am On Jan 29, 2020
please help a brother,
The product key is N5TDP785SFUTM9C
Test driller
Re: JAMB PAST QUESTION AND ANSWER by yungnot(m): 9:14am On Jan 30, 2020
Please I need activation code for this product key C88-F0E-553, for pc Passng

My email yoolalere@gmail.com
Re: JAMB PAST QUESTION AND ANSWER by davcom29: 4:23pm On Feb 03, 2020
l have full crack of all educational applications and android versions.

mail me to get yours.

HouseTech Team

We believe in FREE education(and educational materials) for all!

But if you can buy, please do[color=#770077][/color]
Pls Evaboy i need the cbt activation key for my little sis. This is my email: sundox4real@gmail.com. Thanks in anticipation.
Re: JAMB PAST QUESTION AND ANSWER by ajiszy: 1:46pm On Feb 13, 2020
Pls i need activation Code for this product key
Re: JAMB PAST QUESTION AND ANSWER by ajiszy: 1:54pm On Feb 13, 2020
Pls i need activation Code for this product key
Re: JAMB PAST QUESTION AND ANSWER by ajiszy: 1:55pm On Feb 13, 2020
Pls i need activation Code for this product key
Re: JAMB PAST QUESTION AND ANSWER by Kelgabriel5(m): 1:28pm On Feb 14, 2020
please I need the activation key for jambnews.ng jamb cbt
product key: TP62HN5YHCFY
Re: JAMB PAST QUESTION AND ANSWER by opexeey: 5:41pm On Feb 14, 2020
Pls I need activation key for test drill 2019

My Email

Pls I need it to study ahead of my jamb exam
Re: JAMB PAST QUESTION AND ANSWER by opexeey: 5:44pm On Feb 14, 2020
Pls I need activation key for test drill 2019 for PC


My Email

Pls I need it to study ahead of my jamb exam
Re: JAMB PAST QUESTION AND ANSWER by Nerdytech: 8:15pm On Feb 18, 2020
[quote author=evaboy4real post=83535838]Good News Jambitos!!.

To support our notion on free education for all, Jambdriller company is giving free activation code to activate their app by Jambites, starting from the day of this post till 10th of November, 2019.

We advice all Jambites to take advantage of this offer while it last.
Download link is below.

If you have any inquiries, contact Jambdriller on the contact information on their app.


Evaboy - Head Nigga in Charge (HNIC)
Thunder101 - Reverser, GFXer, Coder
EvilCode - Reverser, GFXer, Coder
Imings - Chief GFX, Reverser, Coder
Merlin Ninja - Reverser

If you want to learn Reversing, Programming and Hacking or you need a programmer for your project
write to us: evaboy4real@zoho.com

Note: Programming includes (C/C++, C#, PHP, Java and Android) and Hacking is Offensive or Ethical

Re: JAMB PAST QUESTION AND ANSWER by Nerdytech: 8:20pm On Feb 18, 2020
Thanks for helping out, your activation code work once and perfect.
Am enjoying the cbt software fully.
Hey Jambitos,

We are back for 2020 JAMB/UTME season.

We appreciate all those who had writing to us and those constantly waiting and checking on us.

We say a big thank you.

We are back and better this session and as such we want to get the community involve.

Below you will see list of JAMB/UTME apps available and known to us as of the day of this write up, we want the community to nominate the app they most want get crack. The highest voted app will be cracked and released to the public.

The voting starts the day of this publication and ends 10th of November, 2019. The cracked app will be release 1st December, 2019.

List of App
1. Myschool
2. Testdriller
3. Pass.Ng
4. Jambite
5. Jamb Success
6. JAMB CBT by Justclick
7. UTME FaceYourBook
8. TestMaster
9. JAMB by Career Lift
10. Prepup
To the owners of the listed app, know that we are doing this for educational purpose.
However, if you don't want your app to get into our hands, you can mail to us using the email address below.
You can also contact us on how to further secure your application or contact us for any of our services as listed below.
- Application security implementation.
- Source code review.
- Secure coding
- and so on.
All correspondence to the address below.

5 TowerTop Building,
Road to Hell, Mumbai,
Email: evaboy4real@zoho.com


Evaboy - Head Nigga in Charge (HNIC)
Thunder101 - Reverser, GFXer, Coder
EvilCode - Reverser, GFXer, Coder
Imings - Chief GFX, Reverser, Coder
Merlin Ninja - Reverser

If you want to learn Reversing, Programming and Hacking or you need a programmer for your project
write to us: evaboy4real@zoho.com

Note: Programming includes (C/C++, C#, PHP, Java and Android) and Hacking is Offensive or Ethical
Re: JAMB PAST QUESTION AND ANSWER by bakbayus: 8:14am On Feb 19, 2020
Evaboy help me out with this test driller activation code for PC product key NKMXYACH94UTM2C
Re: JAMB PAST QUESTION AND ANSWER by bakbayus: 8:22am On Feb 19, 2020
Evaboy help me out with this test driller activation code for PC product key NKMXYACH94UTM2C
Send it to bakbayus80@gmail.com. thanks
Re: JAMB PAST QUESTION AND ANSWER by Champhoenix: 11:35am On Feb 21, 2020
Please I need jamb testDriller activation code
Here is the product key R88TA8PGV3UTM2C
my email: obodochampion@outlook.com
Re: JAMB PAST QUESTION AND ANSWER by Olaakorede: 4:52am On Feb 22, 2020
Evaboy please help me with this app activation,pls I need the activation key for this app:Utme examguide
Activation key: unknown
Version:2020 ANDROID
Please send it to this email address: yoaakorede@gmail.com, Thanks.
Re: JAMB PAST QUESTION AND ANSWER by Taju200: 12:20am On Feb 24, 2020
@evaboy4real please help me with this TestDriller UTME 2020 activation code For PC

Dell laptop with window 10

product key is AVHXPX2EY3UTM2C

email : taju200online@gmail.com

i'l be very grateful to hear from .thanks

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