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How Can I Obtain A Certificate Of Occupancy In Lagos? - Properties - Nairaland

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How Can I Obtain A Certificate Of Occupancy In Lagos? by peric69: 11:44am On Oct 29, 2014
Can someone advise me on how to obtain a Certificate of Occupancy in Lagos.
I bought the land from omo onile and the property on it is almost completed.
Re: How Can I Obtain A Certificate Of Occupancy In Lagos? by metrixserv: 4:46pm On Oct 29, 2014
check our website www.metrixproperties.com and put a call tru to our lawyer 08023148930,he is directly incharge of all land documentations

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Re: How Can I Obtain A Certificate Of Occupancy In Lagos? by MrMcJay(m): 12:09am On Oct 30, 2014
These are the new rules for obtaining a Certificate
of occupancy from The land registry in Lagos
fresh from Alausa so if your thinking of getting
one soon, be prepared and armed with the
following information in addition to my previous
thread for obtaining a C/O :

1. File an application for land information (Sorry i
don't know this price yet but i will get it as soon
as possible)

2. 2 Survey plans copy (Cloth copy or Sun Print)
for charting =N7,500 + Administrative Fee=N3,000

3. Purchase of Private Certificate of Occupancy
Application Form (Residential)=N5,000

4. Submission of Application form to the Land
Registry Alausa with the following sub documents

a. Land Information Form

b. Reciept for land Information Fee

c. Reciept for Application Form

d. Publication Fee in the Alausa


E. Capital Conribution=N30,000

f. Land Purchase reciept and Agreement (Duly
stamped) by the family or person who sold the
land to you. If the land is being sold by a
traditional family, they usually have the stamps
but if it is not stamped, it costs N5,000

G. Tax Clearance certificate by
both the new owner and seller of
the land
(This is a new requirement both for the granting of a C/O and Governors consent)
So buyers beware and be prepared to ask for it.

It is a controversial new law and it will cause a
lot of problems because most sellers don't have
a tax certificate but with fashola trying to gather
all the money from lagos through taxes, Land is
now a very hot cake to catch defaulters.

h. Copy of N100 Development Levy Reciept

i. Site location sketch (If you don't have it, then
it costs N5,000 to get)

j.3 Passport photographs

k. Copy of apprved building plan (If property has
been developed)

l. Covering letter to executive secretary land
stating all documents attached.

Also click the thread below to do a full calculation
of what you still require and how to calculate the
c/o yourself! The prices of these things keep
going up unattended and impromptu, but i'll try
and get them as they come!



P:S: This tax wahala na real serious issue now o!
Agents be 100% aware of this new directive, so
that you can adjust your listing and marketing

To Buyers who intend to buy properties and get a
C/O in future, start demanding for the tax
clearance from the Seller now or push him to get
one o! Unless no miracle can happen except you
know fashola personally or you can do wuru wuru
in Alausa and My hand no de that kin thing o!


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