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Without Regular Sex,he May Die - Romance - Nairaland

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Without Regular Sex,he May Die by engrtee(f): 1:13pm On Nov 14, 2014
Message by someone

Sir there is a situation I am facing right now. I really want you to counsel me on it. I have been dating this guy for close to four years now. In the process of dating we engaged in premarital sex for some time..... then I decided to stop to stop because I always felt guilty. Later, he wasn't feeling too well and decided to run some test and the test said there are some sperm remaining which needed to be flushed out by drugs and more se, so against my will we had more sex. Later, he travelled to Bleep city, and after some time there, he started feeling pain in his left wrist, he went for a scan and said the doctor told him it was an inflammation. He said it was as a result of his forceful ejaculation and he said the left part of his body is connected to his sperm count vein. Although I don't know how true this is, but he said he needed to have sex for a month alongside with drugs or have an operation to flush it out again. Sir, I don't ever want to engage in premarital sex again. What should I do sir? Should I leave him because he is saying he cannot do the operation and might look for someone else to help him flush it by having sex if I'm not ready.......
Re: Without Regular Sex,he May Die by Nobody: 1:20pm On Nov 14, 2014
hehehe... nawa for this kyn sickness o grin
Re: Without Regular Sex,he May Die by cirmuell(m): 1:30pm On Nov 14, 2014

Bleep City indeed!


Re: Without Regular Sex,he May Die by dasparrow: 2:06pm On Nov 14, 2014

He should get castrated because he obviously lacks self control.
Re: Without Regular Sex,he May Die by Nobody: 2:09pm On Nov 14, 2014

Don't worry. Just buy him a durable DVD player and a carton of Vaseline.

Come back next week Friday for testimony.


Re: Without Regular Sex,he May Die by Mprex(f): 2:10pm On Nov 14, 2014
Pls which one is Bleep City again

And what kind of illness requires s€x as part of the medicationsad

what wont i see on NL


Re: Without Regular Sex,he May Die by Nobody: 2:17pm On Nov 14, 2014
Re: Without Regular Sex,he May Die by jashar(f): 2:17pm On Nov 14, 2014
grin grin grin my dear sister, wonders shall never end.
Pls which one is Bleep City again

And what kind of illness requires s€x as part of the medication:

what wont i see on NL

Let him die naa. Nansense.

1 Like

Re: Without Regular Sex,he May Die by Nobody: 2:25pm On Nov 14, 2014
All this phuch phuck thread sef
Re: Without Regular Sex,he May Die by Mprex(f): 2:28pm On Nov 14, 2014
Lolss. The man has an insatiable s€xual apetite grin
grin grin grin my dear sister, wonders shall never end.

Let him die naa. Nansense.
Op better run for your life before you die one day or better still castrate him. cheesy
Re: Without Regular Sex,he May Die by johnbuck81(m): 2:32pm On Nov 14, 2014
as i dey read d story na smile i jux dey smile...
Re: Without Regular Sex,he May Die by Epistemology(f): 2:35pm On Nov 14, 2014
End time story


Re: Without Regular Sex,he May Die by Nobody: 2:56pm On Nov 14, 2014
Greetings to you in the name of our Lord jesus Christ.
Peace i bring from the groom, not as the world give.
I dont know your religion but i think you are zealous to obey the word of Christ.
Let me start by making you realize this fact that you must not love your boy friend than your Lord. Matthew 10:37
So i will said to you that you should not dissobey God because you want to save the life of your boyfriend.
Your boyfriend survival has now been based on adultary and fonication:p premarital sex.
Dont be ignorant of satan devices lest he get an advantage of you.
That is definately satan bait(trap).
Are you telling me that his life will be saved by lust?
NO! It will never be. I didnt compromise the reality of is ailment, but such offer is still not the answer.
On that day, it wont be an excuse that its because you want to save your boyfriend life neither will it be for him that its because of his ailment.
Run for the answer. The fact is that if you continue to survive him with sex, he will never be satisfied and the sperm in his body will become poisonous the more. He wont be satisfied because he will not be confortable until the sperm is released. How long will you continue? How long will you save in sin?
I am not even just talking to you by scripture only but by experiences all over.
Its an huge and huge is tormenting.
Its a matter of pleasure and you both cannot survive pleasure.
You yourself even enjoy it, that is why you are always ready to sacrifice your body for him.
If he say you should kill yourself for him, will you?
Stop enjoying sin.
The best way to help each other is not to perish with the way of sin.
Since its spiritual, you will have many battle to fight.
Jesus said we should overcome, if there is no challenges what then is for us to overcome?
Meaning that is your own area of challenges. I have mine and others have theirs, so all comparism is excluded. Please i will inquire you that you should not fight the wrong battle.
No worrior ever fight battle with weakness, so must you not fight the devil with sin. Because the devil operates with sin. I mean another name for satan is sin.
I have the answer, and the answer is JESUS CHRIST.
I would prefer you to acknowledge this fact that your boyfriend is possesed and need to be delievered. Yes! I boldly declared it. My words will be abridged but all i know is that you need freedom.
It is not meant to keep you away from God but to keep you closer to him. The way you both handle the situation on ground will determine your victory in life. If you abandone him then did you receive greater damnation.
Rebuild your relationship with Jesus and if you dont have one, accept him today. Then go into his word, for it is the mind of God, then will you attain freedom.
It is the word you know that give you victory and not the one you dont know.
Both resist the huge for sex and it will flee from you. According to James 4:7.
Know within yourself that this is your own temptation and you are not tempted of God James 1:13.
Jesus was tempted in all areas of life but HE did not fail.
Meaning: HE too saw beautiful ladies, he saw pleasures, he saw sexual intercourse, he saw similar situations but didnt failed.
He overcame hence, there is no excuse for you not overcomming Revelation 3:21
Dont be empty of the word.
I pray thee that am sending petitions to God on your behalf. Join hands together and OVERCOME.
The outcome of the present situation will determine the defination of your life.
I meet you in grace and i leave you with the same.


Re: Without Regular Sex,he May Die by Freest(m): 3:02pm On Nov 14, 2014
Re: Without Regular Sex,he May Die by luckybaddest(m): 3:19pm On Nov 14, 2014
I just don't know what to say because how is that sickness correlate with sex well it's another OT for me sha
Re: Without Regular Sex,he May Die by jearile(m): 3:38pm On Nov 14, 2014
Message by someone

Sir there is a situation I am facing right now. I really want you to counsel me on it. I have been dating this guy for close to four years now. In the process of dating we engaged in premarital sex for some time..... then I decided to stop to stop because I always felt guilty. Later, he wasn't feeling too well and decided to run some test and the test said there are some sperm remaining which needed to be flushed out by drugs and more se, so against my will we had more sex. Later, he travelled to Bleep city, and after some time there, he started feeling pain in his left wrist, he went for a scan and said the doctor told him it was an inflammation. He said it was as a result of his forceful ejaculation and he said the left part of his body is connected to his sperm count vein. Although I don't know how true this is, but he said he needed to have sex for a month alongside with drugs or have an operation to flush it out again. Sir, I don't ever want to engage in premarital sex again. What should I do sir? Should I leave him because he is saying he cannot do the operation and might look for someone else to help him flush it by having sex if I'm not ready.......
Op obviously didn't complete it...

"Wow o wow......You have been fooled...You have been robed... you have been deceived..... you have been cheated.... you have messed up.... Oh my dear sister, please use your brain and use the internet.....THERE IS NO VEIN LINKING THE WRIST TO THE SPERM COUNT VEIN.... In fact, there is nothing like sperm count vein.....I have dealt with such fools before who use medical excuses to keep having sex....I have even handled a case where the guy arranged with a friend to pose as a doctor and the doctor called her... pleading that she must have sex with him as the only way to save his life....My dear, they are lies, lies, lies.... You have been robbed.....Your deception is further hinged on the fact that you loved a fool and stayed with a fool because he disvirgined you.... What has virginity loss got to do with love? Look at it the other way...Disvirgning a lady is like breaking her door....Now do you marry a carpenter who breaks your door? Do you marry a guy who bashed into your car? Do you marry a guy who mistakenly dropped and broke your glass bottle? How can you tell me you don't want to lose him because he put a penis inside you and broke a piece of blood tissues? Abeg e grow up and wake up and flee from this fool. I'm so mad about this post that I feel like finding the guy and arresting him. He is a disgrace to men. He is a misrepresentation of manhood. He is distorted symbol of relationship. Please my dear, It will be painful as you read this, but never never never again must any man fool you like this. Get my books...I say, get my books, It's time to get wisdom and flee foolishness... Get WHAT THE RABBIT DID NOT KNOW.... Get SEXUAL PURITY IS IT STILL POSSIBLE....Get DINAH AN UNTOLD STORY....Get HOW DO I GET OUT OF THIS MESS....These are books that will save you and help you.

UPDATE: After ready my reply, the lady in question was so mad and confused that she went and confronted this fool and guess what? He admitted that he was lying. Can you imagine that? Then he promised that he won't do it again? And the lady is asking me whether make she still marry the guy as their pastors were already aware of the relationship.
Re: Without Regular Sex,he May Die by Nobody: 3:47pm On Nov 14, 2014


good morning my fellow readers please the elimination round for mr nairaland have started just click the link below to vote for (i know an not popular but i believe i can win , zubby77, drock 555, repogirl, kayemjay, kingphilip, lekinz, dellaluv. abeg una fellow reader dey beg make una help me)t hanks and GOD BLESS.
Re: Without Regular Sex,he May Die by andyanders: 4:00pm On Nov 14, 2014
In fact OP, you just entered into One Chance with someone who is born to be a lair. He is just using you and to be straight with you, there is no where in the medical history whereby you will be told that if you dont have sEX you will not have an operation.

The guy is a criminal and you better walk out of that relationship. Maybe the guy has Aids or HIV and would want to transmit same to you and is here deceiving you.

Take a Run and not even a Walk.

Allow him to die. Buy him soap to play his manhood. Or let his go and use his sister or mother.He is a useless person. He is just using you and nothing short of that.
Re: Without Regular Sex,he May Die by sexymoma(f): 4:04pm On Nov 14, 2014
Tell him to go find another person and stop using you as sex machine... ah ah kilode.
Oniro ni bobo yen..
Re: Without Regular Sex,he May Die by Isiterere(m): 4:56pm On Nov 14, 2014
You no go leave him before he use sex destroy the remaining part of your life ?
He is a liar, sex addict and you're a sex-machine.
Na dog eat una placenta ?

Msheeeeeeeeeeeeew !!!

Re: Without Regular Sex,he May Die by lonngmann(m): 5:05pm On Nov 14, 2014
Lolz...hw can a girl fall for this big lie

Maybe popes sef suffer from this 'illness'

Women can be funny sha..all in the name of love cheesy
Re: Without Regular Sex,he May Die by Summersland(m): 6:03pm On Nov 14, 2014
hehehe... nawa for this kyn sickness o grin
hehehe... nawa for this kyn sickness o grin
Re: Without Regular Sex,he May Die by olosk(m): 6:11pm On Nov 14, 2014
Op. I beg where is bleep city? And pls tell him to self-service himself by himself to HELL
Re: Without Regular Sex,he May Die by cirmuell(m): 6:30pm On Nov 14, 2014

Don't worry. Just buy him a durable DVD player and a carton of Vaseline.

Come back next week Friday for testimony.
he should wànk his life away
Re: Without Regular Sex,he May Die by Nobody: 6:34pm On Nov 14, 2014
Utter tosh. Someone's being used here.

1 Like

Re: Without Regular Sex,he May Die by Nobody: 6:42pm On Nov 14, 2014
he should wànk his life away

lol...that's the surest way bro...or any suggestions? i seem to have run out of ideas wink wink
Re: Without Regular Sex,he May Die by Henrypraise: 6:55pm On Nov 14, 2014
D girl neva ready, she ba de enjoy d city of bleep.
Re: Without Regular Sex,he May Die by cirmuell(m): 7:01pm On Nov 14, 2014

lol...that's the surest way bro...or any suggestions? i seem to have run out of ideas wink wink
grin you are so on point bro.

1 Like

Re: Without Regular Sex,he May Die by mexzony: 7:19pm On Nov 14, 2014
Message by someone

Sir there is a situation I am facing right now. I really want you to counsel me on it. I have been dating this guy for close to four years now. In the process of dating we engaged in premarital sex for some time..... then I decided to stop to stop because I always felt guilty. Later, he wasn't feeling too well and decided to run some test and the test said there are some sperm remaining which needed to be flushed out by drugs and more se, so against my will we had more sex. Later, he travelled to Bleep city, and after some time there, he started feeling pain in his left wrist, he went for a scan and said the doctor told him it was an inflammation. He said it was as a result of his forceful ejaculation and he said the left part of his body is connected to his sperm count vein. Although I don't know how true this is, but he said he needed to have sex for a month alongside with drugs or have an operation to flush it out again. Sir, I don't ever want to engage in premarital sex again. What should I do sir? Should I leave him because he is saying he cannot do the operation and might look for someone else to help him flush it by having sex if I'm not ready.......
Is this for real? shocked shocked shocked
Re: Without Regular Sex,he May Die by Kunleskey(m): 8:44pm On Nov 14, 2014
Bleep city ke.
Re: Without Regular Sex,he May Die by Freshtomato(f): 9:59pm On Nov 14, 2014
Which one be Bleep city again biko?
Re: Without Regular Sex,he May Die by gen2briz(m): 10:07pm On Nov 14, 2014
That your bf na real mora fucker....

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