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God Please Come Down And Show Yourself So People Stop Doubting - Religion - Nairaland

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God Please Come Down And Show Yourself So People Stop Doubting by Monicaa: 7:53am On Dec 16, 2008
I believe in God and have faith but with the way people (atheists) talk, I wish God could actually come down and talk n put them to shame,  Been reading htis thread n majority of them are about people not believing in God, that's scary,  especially from Nigerians
Re: God Please Come Down And Show Yourself So People Stop Doubting by Dios(f): 11:31am On Dec 16, 2008
grin grin grin grin grin
Where is he going to come down from? The clouds? Space? Another planet? Another galaxy?

Nigerians freeing their minds and thinking thoroughly about life is what you consider scary? What's scary is you and your blind faith in something that erased your history and gave you book full of jewish folklores in return.

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Re: God Please Come Down And Show Yourself So People Stop Doubting by Chrisbenogor(m): 12:28pm On Dec 16, 2008
Sorry dear God is not man enough.

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Re: God Please Come Down And Show Yourself So People Stop Doubting by Seun(m): 1:00pm On Dec 16, 2008
I used to wish the same, but it never happened.


Re: God Please Come Down And Show Yourself So People Stop Doubting by Dios(f): 1:22pm On Dec 16, 2008
And if he did come down, i'ma knock his a$$ out. then go mike tyson on him and bite his ear off( the whole thing)

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Re: God Please Come Down And Show Yourself So People Stop Doubting by naomijt(f): 1:26pm On Dec 16, 2008
Luk 16:19  There was a certain rich man, which was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day:
Luk 16:20  And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full of sores,
Luk 16:21  And desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table: moreover the dogs came and licked his sores.
Luk 16:22  And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried;
Luk 16:23  And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.
Luk 16:24  And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.
Luk 16:25  But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented.
Luk 16:26  And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence.
Luk 16:27  Then he said, I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldest send him to my father's house:
Luk 16:28  For I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment.
Luk 16:29  Abraham saith unto him, They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them.

Luk 16:30  And he said, Nay, father Abraham: but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent.
Luk 16:31  And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.

God has enough witnesses already. He doesn't need to come down to prove anything
Re: God Please Come Down And Show Yourself So People Stop Doubting by naomijt(f): 1:42pm On Dec 16, 2008
Here is another biblical approach

Rom 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.
Rom 1:17 For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.
Rom 1:18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
Rom 1:19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.
Rom 1:20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
Rom 1:21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
Rom 1:22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
Rom 1:23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
Rom 1:24 [b]Wherefore God also gave them up to [/b]uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
Rom 1:25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
Rom 1:26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
Rom 1:27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
Rom 1:28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
Rom 1:29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
Rom 1:30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
Rom 1:31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
Rom 1:32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
Re: God Please Come Down And Show Yourself So People Stop Doubting by Monicaa: 6:36am On Dec 17, 2008
Oh goodness! I didn't expect atheists to respond to this supporting that God doesn't exist, I believe there is God, It's scary that there are actually people esp Nigerians doubting the existence of God n bold n confident about it.

@Dios, who's ass r u going 2 kick out? I hope it aint Baba God angry angry n as 4d others even Seun hope u guys have a change of heart through the warming touch of God.
Re: God Please Come Down And Show Yourself So People Stop Doubting by Dios(f): 7:10am On Dec 17, 2008

Oh goodness! I didn't expect atheists to respond to this supporting that God doesn't exist, I believe there is God, It's scary that there are actually people esp Nigerians doubting the existence of God n bold n confident about it.

@Dios, who's ass r u going 2 kick out? I hope it aint Baba God angry angry n as 4d others even Seun hope u guys have a change of heart through the warming touch of God.

Yea, your god, the god of the jews!!!

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Re: God Please Come Down And Show Yourself So People Stop Doubting by scottN(m): 7:22am On Dec 17, 2008
God doesn't need to prove himself to anyone, He is answerable to no one. Besides it's only one who is not sure of himself,his domain or is yet to be established or recognized that needs to prove himself.
Re: God Please Come Down And Show Yourself So People Stop Doubting by dizzywezzy(f): 7:33am On Dec 17, 2008
one day while travellin in a plane i look down and saw all d big towers, brigdes and every thing that means a lot 2 us as humans and they all looked like small pieces of legos scattered around the ground, den somtin said 2 me "this is how God from high above views all mens inventions, technolgy and every thing dat we see as very important  and extraodinary. So u can imagime him lookin down and seeing some ignorant pple sayin he does exsist because dey feel dey av aquired so much knowledge in d brain he created 4 dem. he will jst laugh and watch them lik its some  kind of comedy show. he is 2 big to come down jst 2 prove he is God 2 some pple. U CAN'T FIGHT FOR A TITLE U ALREADY OWN. IT MAKES NO SENSE.
Re: God Please Come Down And Show Yourself So People Stop Doubting by Dios(f): 7:38am On Dec 17, 2008
But you can always defend the title!!!

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Re: God Please Come Down And Show Yourself So People Stop Doubting by Monicaa: 8:03am On Dec 17, 2008
Abeg Dios take am easy, Biko. I'm not judging any1 but have u 4 once sat down 2 think, wait a minute undecided Who made me n if u believe the science shit, who made those things?? I've been in situations like the break up with my boyfriend that i felt so sad that I wud doubt if God was really there n hearing me but man! I've never stopped believing that there is God.
Re: God Please Come Down And Show Yourself So People Stop Doubting by Lady2(f): 8:10am On Dec 17, 2008
This is the one I really like

Rom 1:22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

If you've had a convo with them, you will see just how little they think and know, yet they claim to be wise.
Re: God Please Come Down And Show Yourself So People Stop Doubting by angelina08(f): 8:24am On Dec 17, 2008
If you are calling God to come down, where do you want him to stay, in your house "No" It is only prayer can help us.
Re: God Please Come Down And Show Yourself So People Stop Doubting by Monicaa: 8:30am On Dec 17, 2008
Yes oo, in my house grin
Re: God Please Come Down And Show Yourself So People Stop Doubting by Dios(f): 8:57am On Dec 17, 2008

Abeg Dios take am easy, Biko. I'm not judging anyone but have u 4 once sat down 2 think, wait a minute undecided Who made me n if u believe the science shit, who made those things?? I've been in situations like the break up with my boyfriend that i felt so sad that I would doubt if God was really there n hearing me but man! I've never stopped believing that there is God.

I've thought about life, the when, the hows, the whos, the whats, the whys and everything else. i think about these stuff constantly. I have no idea about my conception, or how anything came to be but one thing I'm sure of is that the answer to my questions are not in the bible or quran.
The history of this world is far too long and complex to be broken down in 6000years or so like your religions claim. What irks me the most is that Africans take these two religions and live and die by the words in the bible/quran. Why would a just god choose isreal as his chosen people? I don't want to go on and on about other things that I think about so i'll just leave you with that question.

The crazy story about three wise men following a star. Stars don't move!!!! jesus in a manger it's far too cold in the middle east for that to be possibe. The bible was written years after these things were supposed to have happened. The big part about Africa was the destruction the jewish "god" meted on the Egyptians because the Pharoah of Egypt didn't want to free "his people".

I don't how this world came to be but your god didn't have sh*t to do with it.

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Re: God Please Come Down And Show Yourself So People Stop Doubting by dizzywezzy(f): 10:32am On Dec 17, 2008

But you can always defend the title!!!
yes, he can defend d title but he doesn't have 2 so he doesn't want 2. Jst imagine, if some nigerian start 2 say george bush is not d president of america or vice versa do u think he will come down all d way 2 nigeria jst 2 prove himself when everybody know d truth? it will b a waste of time
Re: God Please Come Down And Show Yourself So People Stop Doubting by Dios(f): 11:15am On Dec 17, 2008

yes, he can defend d title but he doesn't have 2 so he doesn't want 2. Jst imagine, if some nigerian start 2 say george bush is not d president of america or vice versa do u think he will come down all d way 2 nigeria jst 2 prove himself when everybody know d truth? it will b a waste of time

Common now, that's a weak arguement. Everybody with a TV knows george boy is the US. president, we are talking about a being that created the universe according to your jewish folklores.  How do you know he/it doesnt want to defend the title, if i was the creator I won't stand by and watch people suffer and deceived all in my name. If I was the creator Africa won't be in shambles. If I was the creator I wouldn't have allowed people to be enslaved and let the slave masters use my book as their moral justification.

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Re: God Please Come Down And Show Yourself So People Stop Doubting by Tonyet1(m): 12:23pm On Dec 17, 2008

i must confess that i love it when folks like you stand up think and talk rubbish simply because you feel your small mind has pondered alot about life's philosophies and man's existence.

first of all, you are too small to even be replied to by wise men, but i choose to. . . . so that my words will judge you with your vile reasoning on that great day. . . . .if u at least understand what i mean by this!

i will quote some scriptures and explain as the spirit of God grants me permission to

Psalms. 53:1 - only a fool will say in his heart that there is no God because they are corrupt and have done terrible things

whether you accept it or not, science even tells you that every thing and i repeat everything has got a BEGINNING! read your science books, now if this fact is true. . . . . early this year on CNN i can seem to trace out the article of an interview btw CNN's correspondence with the world 21st century greatest scientist ever still living(an athiest). . . . . and the question went thus:-Sir, if your believe in the alpha(greek word) of beginnings then dont you think there must be some being or power that brought this galaxies, astroids, and planery and substances into existence.

his reply: first i dont believe in God, but i know from my calculations and discoveries of the universe that there must be a light someone which birthed all this stuffs, now what is the light she asked and he replied: some great influence somewhere deeply beyond the farthest of stars and it still controls the earth and all existence till date

she asked further: sir, some religion called the christians believe that there God is described to in the bible as AN UNAPPROACHABLE LIGHT (1timothy 6:16) and he said if they do then i agree with them, and the rest of the discussion went on , but alot is not relevant here in this thread topic

know after hearing this i said to myself, if the world's greatest scientist who is a chronic athiest believes in the existence of a light called unapproachable and says if others believe that light is God then he does too, then only a fool will say there aint any God

@dios, your problem is this

1. your mind and brain is too small and i repeat too small to fathom the existence of the CREATOR of the UNIVERSE, ur thoughts are too small to be reckoned with about God, great men both believers and unbelievers of His existence try not to believe but all confessed openly or secretly either at the prime of their lives or dieing beds

2. God is too multi versatile, and your small mind is only trying to study HIM from one point of direction, that is the true reason for all the religion we have in the world today, becos everyone is trying to explain to some group of people about their little understanding about God and thereby having followers for themselves in the name of religions and denominations. . . . . .He can choose to be light and at the same time darkness (1.Tim.6:16, 2chron.6:1) and that is why He can both kill and at the same time Save (isnt that mind puzzling)(1 samuel 2:6)

the only peculiar thing about my faith (christianity) is that you are exhorted to see God in the good perspective and as the bible says "as a man thinks in his heart so it will be" and others take advantage of the dark side and do evil: there can stop rain, raise deads, disappear and do great things like christians do, but their end will only be in hell because yes though they did stuffs through God's might but they did not accept the true light (john 1:9)whom God sent to redeem man from the darkness (john.3:16)and destructive nature of their mind(prov.28:26)

i choose to pause here for now, but to keep a word in you and that is, that when Genesis gave us details of God's creations, there was nevcer a place we saw God created MONEY, POVERTY, SICKNESS, DISEASES, DEATH, FEAR all this things emanated from Man's fall and as i wish you know: "man was made in form of a god, so he too can create, only that he created on the wrong foundations which is " the foundation of SIN"

BE CAREFUL the way you think, lest God might give your innocent mind to reprobation (Romans.1:28) and that is if He hasnt already
Re: God Please Come Down And Show Yourself So People Stop Doubting by PureCandy: 12:40pm On Dec 17, 2008
Dont worry dear,just believe in God and leave the atheists alone.Its only a fool that says there is no God.Here is a tip; have u 4gotten the title of this movie"The Good,the Bad and the Ugly".Remember the wicked and those that dnt believe in God are made for a purpose, HELL FIREEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
Re: God Please Come Down And Show Yourself So People Stop Doubting by wirinet(m): 1:27pm On Dec 17, 2008
Yhe problem i have with some theist is that they use scientific terms of which they have no idea of its meaning.
Please Tonye-t, what do you mean by unapproachable light. What is light? is it the minute section of the electromagnetic spectrum which allows us to see, or the whole range from Gamma rays to cosmic rays?. Or you have other religious definition of light?

Also how can you see God in Good light, when he support on group of people to commit genocide against another group. If you are a descendant of the canaanites, Philistines, Ammorites, etc, would you not hate the Jewish God and even war against him and his people. Remmember it is not as if the Jewish people are better than others, as they often prefer to worship other Gods when given the chance, and their Gods uses threat and intimidation and death to bring them back to him, while the other gods do nothing.
Re: God Please Come Down And Show Yourself So People Stop Doubting by Tonyet1(m): 2:03pm On Dec 17, 2008

what exactly is your point
Re: God Please Come Down And Show Yourself So People Stop Doubting by Nimshi: 2:10pm On Dec 17, 2008


what exactly is your point

Well, it appears wirinet requests an unambiguous definition/description of "unapproachable light". A valid question considering the discussions. There may be valid answers, y'know; you could say the "light" of the sun is "unapproachable"; yet, you'd have to admit you're being flowery with language.

And he asks another question about the morality of the Hebrew God or the Old Testament God. Isn't it clear that this God is clearly of a different temperament than Jesus the Christ, to start with? You could be objective and answer valid questions. . .

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Re: God Please Come Down And Show Yourself So People Stop Doubting by Tonyet1(m): 2:25pm On Dec 17, 2008

kindly read my post up here and if you have understanding you will comprehend the comments and answer your own questions
Re: God Please Come Down And Show Yourself So People Stop Doubting by ow11(m): 2:47pm On Dec 17, 2008
No He would NOT!
Re: God Please Come Down And Show Yourself So People Stop Doubting by Nimshi: 2:51pm On Dec 17, 2008


kindly read my post up here and if you have understanding you will comprehend the comments and answer your own questions

Er, clearly, my post was in response to yours asking what the point was; it's clear enough, I think.
Re: God Please Come Down And Show Yourself So People Stop Doubting by Dios(f): 2:55pm On Dec 17, 2008


i must confess that i love it when folks like you stand up think and talk rubbish simply because you feel your small mind has pondered alot about life's philosophies and man's existence.

first of all, you are too small to even be replied to by wise men, but i choose to. . . . so that my words will judge you with your vile reasoning on that great day. . . . .if u at least understand what i mean by this!

i will quote some scriptures and explain as the spirit of God grants me permission to


whether you accept it or not, science even tells you that every thing and i repeat everything has got a BEGINNING! read your science books, now if this fact is true. . . . . early this year on CNN i can seem to trace out the article of an interview between CNN's correspondence with the world 21st century greatest scientist ever still living(an athiest). . . . . and the question went thus:-Sir, if your believe in the alpha(greek word) of beginnings then don't you think there must be some being or power that brought this galaxies, astroids, and planery and substances into existence.

his reply: first i don't believe in God, but i know from my calculations and discoveries of the universe that there [b]must
be a light someone which birthed all this stuffs, now what is the light she asked and he replied: some great influence somewhere deeply beyond the farthest of stars and it still controls the earth and all existence till date

she asked further: sir, some religion called the christians believe that there God is described to in the bible as AN UNAPPROACHABLE LIGHT (1timothy 6:16) and he said if they do then i agree with them, and the rest of the discussion went on , but alot is not relevant here in this thread topic

know after hearing this i said to myself, if the world's greatest scientist who is a chronic athiest believes in the existence of a light called unapproachable and says if others believe that light is God then he does too, then only a fool will say there aint any God

@dios, your problem is this

1. your mind and brain is too small and i repeat too small to fathom the existence of the CREATOR of the UNIVERSE, ur thoughts are too small to be reckoned with about God, great men both believers and unbelievers of His existence try not to believe but all confessed openly or secretly either at the prime of their lives or dieing beds

2. God is too multi versatile, and your small mind is only trying to study HIM from one point of direction, that is the true reason for all the religion we have in the world today, because everyone is trying to explain to some group of people about their little understanding about God and thereby having followers for themselves in the name of religions and denominations. . . . . .He can choose to be light and at the same time darkness (1.Tim.6:16, 2chron.6:1) and that is why He can both kill and at the same time Save (isnt that mind puzzling)(1 samuel 2:6)

the only peculiar thing about my faith (christianity) is that you are exhorted to see God in the good perspective and as the bible says "as a man thinks in his heart so it will be" and others take advantage of the dark side and do evil: there can stop rain, raise deads, disappear and do great things like christians do, but their end will only be in hell because yes though they did stuffs through God's might but they did not accept the true light (john 1:9)whom God sent to redeem man from the darkness (john.3:16)and destructive nature of their mind(prov.28:26)

i choose to pause here for now, but to keep a word in you and that is, that when Genesis gave us details of God's creations, there was nevcer a place we saw God created MONEY, POVERTY, SICKNESS, DISEASES, DEATH, FEAR all this things emanated from Man's fall and as i wish you know: "man was made in form of a god, so he too can create, only that he created on the wrong foundations which is " the foundation of SIN"

BE CAREFUL the way you think, lest God might give your innocent mind to reprobation (Romans.1:28) and that is if He hasnt already

Bla Bla Bla, think outside the box for a minute .That genesis story is ridiculous, god created a man, then he created a woman and supposedly we all descended from these two. Ok, when your god sent cain on exile and put a mark on him so no one who saw would kill him, who was he talking abou?. If we all descended from adam and eve, what people is the bible refering to? And that story actually sound like the evolution of man, you know, man walks around naked and gathers fruits, then he realised he was naked and got himself some animal skins, then starts farming so on and so forth.  

You call me small minded grin because I  think life is more complex than what the bible tells you. So I guess you're smart because you believe in the most ridiculous story ever told. How about the story of Noah, if he had three sons and we are all supposed to be their descendants, how do you explain our different complexions and physical features. The tower of babel is another funny one, so god just did some abacadabra and made everyone start speaking different languages because they were trying to build a tower to reach the skies and see heaven. I've been on planes and there is no pearly gates up there grin. The bible was just a jewish attempt to explain the mysteries of the world with the limited knowledge they had.
And that's the whole truth.
Re: God Please Come Down And Show Yourself So People Stop Doubting by Nobody: 3:04pm On Dec 17, 2008
Dont you just love it when athiests come here pretending to be highly intelligent scientists who have studied so hard about life? grin

The way they talk you'd think all christians are high school drop outs.
Re: God Please Come Down And Show Yourself So People Stop Doubting by wirinet(m): 3:13pm On Dec 17, 2008


what exactly is your point

You Quoted the "Greatest Scientist of the 21st century ever living " and 1 Timoty 6:16, describing an "unapproachable light", i just want more clarification on what you mean.

You also said "the only peculiar thing about my faith (christianity) is that you are exhorted to see God in the good perspective", am i am explaining that if you are a descendant of the philistines, it would be difficult to see your God in good perspective.

One more thing, your statement that "He can choose to be light and at the same time darkness" is wrong, in science there is nothing like darkness, darkness is simply absence of visible light. Darkness as a physical form does not exist.
Re: God Please Come Down And Show Yourself So People Stop Doubting by bindex(m): 3:20pm On Dec 17, 2008
Which of the Gods do you guys want to come down? is it Allah, Jehova, Buddah, Zeus, Skivnah, Sango?
Re: God Please Come Down And Show Yourself So People Stop Doubting by Nobody: 3:26pm On Dec 17, 2008

One more thing, your statement that "He can choose to be light and at the same time darkness" is wrong, in science there is nothing like darkness, darkness is simply absence of visible light. Darkness as a physical form does not exist.

That is true and the bible acknowledges it.

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