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Obafemi Awolowo University Is Recruiting Massively 2015 - Jobs/Vacancies - Nairaland

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Obafemi Awolowo University Is Recruiting Massively 2015 by Davo93(m): 4:02pm On Mar 02, 2015
Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife – Applications are hereby invited from suitably qualified candidates to fill the Senior Non-Teaching position below:

Job Title: Technologist II

Location: Osun
Department: Anatomy and Cell Biology

Candidate must possess HND/ANIST/AIMLT. B.SC/B.Tech with additional training in Histology and Laboratory Management and must be a registered member of NISLT or MLSCN.
CONUASS 07 (N1.084,016 – N1,600,307)

Job Title: Technologist II
Location: Osun
Department: Quantity Surveying

Candidates must possess Higher National Diploma (HND) in Quantity Surveying or HND in Computer Engineering and must have completed N.Y.S.C. programme.
Proficiency in Microsoft Office packages, especially Microsoft Excel and other Quantity Surveying Application Software with cognate experience at the University level would be added advantages.
CONUASS 07 (N1.084,016 – N1,600,307)

Job Title: System Programmer II/I
Location: Osun
Department: Computer Science and Engineering

Candidate applying for the position of System Programmer II must possess B.Sc./B.Tech/HND in Computer Science or related field.
Candidate applying for the position of System Programmer I must possess B.Sc./B.Tech/HND in Computer Science or related field and two years of systems and/or applications programming experience.

CONUASS 07/08 (N1.084,016 – N1,600,307)/(N1,258,653 – N1,866,314)

Job Title: Librarian II – CONUASS 02
Location: Osun
Hezekiah Oluwasanmi Library
Area of Specialization: Library and Information Science

Candidate must possess Bachelor’s Degree in Library and Information Science with a minimum of Second Class (Lower Division) from a reputable University and Masters Degree in Library and Information Science.
In addition to the above, candidate must be eligible for a Ph.D Programme.
Job Title: Librarian Officer
Location: Osun
Department: Hezekiah Oluwasanmi Library

Candidates must possess HND,OND/ND or Diploma Certificate in Library Science from a reputable institution.
In addition, candidates must have five O’ level credits including English Language at not more than two sittings
Job Title: Senior Research Fellow (SRF) – CONUASS 05
Location: Osun
Department: Center for Gender and Social Policy Studies
Area of Specialization: Gender and Feminist Theories and Methodologies; Gender and Health, Including HIV/AIDS; Gender and Poverty; Gender and Environment; Gender in Science and Technology.

Job Title: Assistant Lecturer – CONUASS 02
Location: Osun
Department: Adult Education and Lifelong Learning
Area of Specialization: Education and Adult Education
Faculty: Education

Candidates must possess M.A (ED) in Adult Education.
Candidates must be computer literate.
Job Title: Assistant Lecturer – CONUASS 02
Location: Osun
Department: Quantity Surveying
Area of Specialization: Quantity Surveying, Construction or Project Management
Faculty: Environmental Design and Management

Job[b] Title: Junior Research Fellow (JRF) – CONUASS 02[/b]
Location: Osun
Department: Center for Gender and Social Policy Studies
Area of Specialization: Gender and Feminist Theories and Methodologies; Gender and Health, Including HIV/AIDS; Gender and Poverty; Gender and Environment; Gender in Science and Technology.
Candidates must possess an M.Sc Degree in Gender/Women Studies or allied discipline with cognate teaching or/and research experience.

Job Title: Graduate Assistant – CONUASS 01
Location: Osun
Department: Adult Education and Lifelong Learning
Area of Specialization: Education and Adult Education
Faculty: Education

Candidates must possess a B. Sc (Honours) Degree in Education with a minimum of Second Class (Honour) Upper Division.
Candidates must be computer literate.
Job Title: Junior Research Fellow (JRF) – CONUASS 02
Location: Osun
Department: Center for Gender and Social Policy Studies
Area of Specialization: Gender and Feminist Theories and Methodologies; Gender and Health, Including HIV/AIDS; Gender and Poverty; Gender and Environment; Gender in Science and Technology.

Candidates must possess an M.Sc Degree in Gender/Women Studies or allied discipline with cognate teaching or/and research experience.

Job Title: Lecturer II – CONUASS 03
Location: Osun
Department: Psychology
Area of Specialization: Psychology
Faculty: Social Science

Candidate should possess a good Honours Degree and a recognized higher Degree preferably in the Doctorate level in Psychology or related discipline.
A minimum of three (3) years teaching and research experience in a University or comparably institution and evidence of scholarly publication in reputable journals.
Job Title: Graduate Assistant – CONUASS 01
Location: Osun
Department: Quantity Surveying
Area of Specialization: Quantity Surveying, Construction or Project Management
Faculty: Environmental Design and Management

Candidates must possess a B.Sc (Honours) Degree in Quantity Surveying with a minimum of Second Class (honour) Lower Division and an M.Sc degree in Quantity Surveying/Construction or Project Management in view.
Candidates specializing in Risk Management of Professional Services in their postgraduate thesis are particularly welcomed.
In addition, candidates with strong undergraduate performance in Tendering and Estimating are also encouraged to apply.
Job Title: Graduate Assistant – CONUASS 01
Location: Osun
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Area of Specialization: Sociology and Anthropology
Faculty: Social Science

Candidate applying must possess a B.Sc in Sociology and Anthropology with a minimum of a Second Class (Upper) from a recognized University.
Job Title: Lecturer II – CONUASS 03
Location: Osun
Department: Anatomy and Cell Biology
Area of Specialization: Anatomy
Faculty: Science

Candidates must possess M.Sc in Anatomy or MBBS/Bch.D from a reputable University.
Job Title: Graduate Assistant – CONUASS 01
Location: Osun
Department: Economics
Area of Specialization: Economics
Faculty: Social Science

Candidates must possess a B.Sc. in Economics (First Class Division) from a recognized University.
Job Title: Assistant Lecturer – CONUASS 02
Location: Osun
Department: Economics
Area of Specialization: Economics
Faculty: Social Science

Candidates must possess a B.Sc. in Economics with a minimum of Second Class (Upper Division) and M.Sc. Degree with at least 60% average score in course work obtained from a recognized University.

Job Title: Senior Lecturer – CONUASS 05
[/b]Location: Osun
Department: Psychology
Area of Specialization: Psychology
Faculty: Social Science

Candidate should possess a good Honours Degree and a recognized higher Degree preferably in the Doctorate level in Psychology or related discipline.
A minimum of five (5) years teaching and research experience in a University or comparably institution and evidence of scholarly publication in reputable journals.

[b]Job Title: Lecturer II/I – CONUASS 3/4

Location: Osun
Department: Civil Engineering
Area of Specialization: Water and Environmental Engineering
Faculty: Technology

Candidates must possess M.Sc in Civil Engineering with an honours Degree and evidence of registration with COREN.
Candidate applying for the position of Lecturer I must possess M.Sc. in Civil Engineering with five (5) years working experience, evidence of published articles in reputable journals and evidence of registration with COREN.
Job Title: Lecturer I – CONUASS 04
Location: Osun
Department: Psychology
Area of Specialization: Psychology
Faculty: Social Science

Candidate should possess a good Honours Degree and a recognized higher Degree preferably in the Doctorate level in Psychology or related discipline.
A minimum of three (3) years teaching and research experience in a University or comparably institution and evidence of scholarly publication in reputable journals.

Job Title: Lecturer II/I – CONUASS 03
[/b]Location: Osun
Department: Material Science and Engineering
Area of Specialization: Material Engineering, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
Faculty: Technology

Candidates must possess a Bachelor of Science Degree (B.Sc.) in Materials Engineering, or Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, with a minimum of Second Class (Lower Division);
Master of Science Degree (M.Sc) in Materials Engineering, or Metallurgical and Materials Engineering; and a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Materials Engineering, or Metallurgical and Materials Engineering.
Candidates who have only M.Sc degree can also apply provided they are registered with COREN and have registered for Ph.D.
Possession of technical publications in reputable journals and considerable number of years of working experience will be added advantages.

[b]Job Title: Graduate Assistant – CONUASS 01

Location: Osun
Department: International Relations
Area of Specialization: International Relations or Political Science
Faculty: Administration

Candidates must possess B. A. History and International Studies with at least Second Class Upper Division.
Job Title: Assistant Lecturer – CONUASS 02
Location: Osun
Department: International Relations
Area of Specialization: International Relations and Political Science
Faculty: Administration

Candidates applying for the position of Assistant Lecturer must possess Bachelor’s Degree in International Relations or Political Science and Master’s Degree (with thesis) in any of the above disciplines.
Publications in reputable local and international (cognate) journals, attendance of learned conferences and registration for Ph.D in related disciplines would be added advantage.
Job Title: Reasearch Fellow I – CONUASS 02
Location: Osun
Department: Agricultural Extention and Rural Development Isoya Integrated Rural Development Project Unit
Area of Specialization: Agric Extention and Rural Sociology
Faculty: Agriculture

Candidates must possess a B.Sc. in Agriculture or B. Agriculture and Ph.D in Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology/Development with a minimum of 4 publications in reputable outlets, 2 of which must be impact journals with a rural community development experience of 3 years minimum.
Computer literacy is an added advantage.
Job Title: Lecturer II/I – CONUASS 03/04
Location: Osun
Department: International Relations
Area of Specialization: International Relations or Political Science
Faculty: Administration

Candidates must possess Ph.D. in international Relations or Political Science or Master of Science (with thesis) in the above disciplines plus at least two (2) published articles in reputable International or Local outlets.

Method of Application
Applicants are required to submit 35 copies of their applications and up-to-date curriculum vitae giving the following information in order as listed below:

Full Name (Surname first in capital letters).
Post Applied for.
Date and place of birth (attach birth certificate/sworn affidavit).
State of Origin, Senatorial District and Local Government Area (if a Nigerian)
Contact Details (Home Address, Postal Adress/E-mail Adress(es)/Mobile Numbers)
Marital Status.
Number of Children and their Ages.
Next of Kin
Contact Details of Next of Kin (Home Address, Postal Adress/E-mail Adress(es)/Mobile Numbers)
Institutions attended with dates.
Academic/Professional qualifications and distinctions obtained with dates (attach copies of credentials).
Work Experience with dates.
Present Employment, Status and Salary (if any).
Conference/ courses attended (state titles of papers presented if any).
Publications with date.
Service to national and international bodies.
Extra Curricular Activities.
Any physical challenge?
Names and address of three (3) referees who must have been closely associated with candidate’s academic/work experience.
Candidates applying for this position are advised to request their referees to forward confidential reports on them directly to the Registrar. The reports should be duly marked “CONFIDENTIAL”.

Applications and curriculum vitae of all interested candidates are to be forwarded to:

The Registrar,
Obafemi Awolowo University,
Osun State.

Stating “for the attention of Director of Personnel Affairs”. Candidates are also required to forward a soft copy of their application and curriculum vitae by e-mail (as an attachment) to: registra@oauife.edu.ng within the specified period.

Note: Only the applications of candidates short- listed will be acknowledged.

Application Deadline 8th April, 2015


2 Likes 1 Share

Re: Obafemi Awolowo University Is Recruiting Massively 2015 by siegfried99(m): 1:13am On Mar 03, 2015
Re: Obafemi Awolowo University Is Recruiting Massively 2015 by Ask4bigneyo(m): 9:49am On Mar 03, 2015
Ok bt Lemme take permission from my boss b4 clicking APPLY button...
Re: Obafemi Awolowo University Is Recruiting Massively 2015 by Nobody: 12:39pm On Mar 03, 2015
Re: Obafemi Awolowo University Is Recruiting Massively 2015 by adeshola1(m): 1:38pm On Mar 03, 2015
Re: Obafemi Awolowo University Is Recruiting Massively 2015 by Tobilastik(m): 1:38pm On Mar 03, 2015
OK...we don hear
Re: Obafemi Awolowo University Is Recruiting Massively 2015 by masties2(f): 1:39pm On Mar 03, 2015
Re: Obafemi Awolowo University Is Recruiting Massively 2015 by msmon(m): 1:40pm On Mar 03, 2015
Re: Obafemi Awolowo University Is Recruiting Massively 2015 by AmakaDNB(f): 1:40pm On Mar 03, 2015
Na wash. The actual recruitment is done internally. My uncle knows

1 Like

Re: Obafemi Awolowo University Is Recruiting Massively 2015 by swagdopey: 1:41pm On Mar 03, 2015
Re: Obafemi Awolowo University Is Recruiting Massively 2015 by ignis: 1:41pm On Mar 03, 2015
Interesting. ...
This guys always make application for lecturing jobs so fustrating, in order to discourage people.
Re: Obafemi Awolowo University Is Recruiting Massively 2015 by Nobody: 1:41pm On Mar 03, 2015
35 copies of CV? Haba? sad


Re: Obafemi Awolowo University Is Recruiting Massively 2015 by omanifrank(m): 1:43pm On Mar 03, 2015
Re: Obafemi Awolowo University Is Recruiting Massively 2015 by Arlex(m): 1:43pm On Mar 03, 2015
#FACT=>90% of Nairalanders won't finish reading this.

5 Likes 1 Share

Re: Obafemi Awolowo University Is Recruiting Massively 2015 by richybanky(m): 1:44pm On Mar 03, 2015
35 copies of CV? Haba? sad
Lols.. OAU #wayrayskul


Re: Obafemi Awolowo University Is Recruiting Massively 2015 by AreaFada2: 1:44pm On Mar 03, 2015
Re: Obafemi Awolowo University Is Recruiting Massively 2015 by Nobody: 1:45pm On Mar 03, 2015
calling the school board for confirmation...
Re: Obafemi Awolowo University Is Recruiting Massively 2015 by ifoundmyperfect: 1:45pm On Mar 03, 2015
35 copies.... undecided undecided undecided
Best of luck Guys!!


Re: Obafemi Awolowo University Is Recruiting Massively 2015 by drnairalov: 1:45pm On Mar 03, 2015
moral of the story second class lower aint recognised anymore

1 Like

Re: Obafemi Awolowo University Is Recruiting Massively 2015 by Kelklein(m): 1:46pm On Mar 03, 2015

[size=18pt] all these massively pre-arranged univrsity recruitment tho..

don't waste your time if you dont know the VC or any member of the uni governing board

Re: Obafemi Awolowo University Is Recruiting Massively 2015 by Smartresult(f): 1:46pm On Mar 03, 2015
@Op More .details pls, I am phd holder in physics , field Nuclear physics , are of specialization nuclear medicine.
Thank you.
Re: Obafemi Awolowo University Is Recruiting Massively 2015 by saqo(m): 1:47pm On Mar 03, 2015
Re: Obafemi Awolowo University Is Recruiting Massively 2015 by Whizpeter(m): 1:49pm On Mar 03, 2015
Some people would struggle and travel long distances to apply for this job and attend scam interviews...
Whereas the real owners of the job have already received their appointment letters...
Re: Obafemi Awolowo University Is Recruiting Massively 2015 by godG: 1:51pm On Mar 03, 2015
Please note: If you are not a graduate of OAU, your chances are slim. cheesy 93% of OAU staff graduated from the school. We are cool like that.


Re: Obafemi Awolowo University Is Recruiting Massively 2015 by Nobody: 1:51pm On Mar 03, 2015

Lols.. OAU #wayrayskul
Re: Obafemi Awolowo University Is Recruiting Massively 2015 by stlarry001(m): 1:51pm On Mar 03, 2015
Can I apply for this but no business management,
Re: Obafemi Awolowo University Is Recruiting Massively 2015 by Terye(m): 1:52pm On Mar 03, 2015
Re: Obafemi Awolowo University Is Recruiting Massively 2015 by samson1515(m): 1:54pm On Mar 03, 2015
All dis qualification too much na, even Graduate ass instead of Bsc dey are askin for Msc
Re: Obafemi Awolowo University Is Recruiting Massively 2015 by Nobody: 1:54pm On Mar 03, 2015
Stay Updated with latest news & gists on ur BBM
Add Up Pin: 3334CA66
Re: Obafemi Awolowo University Is Recruiting Massively 2015 by adaweezy(m): 1:56pm On Mar 03, 2015
35 copies ke

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