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Jumia Jforce Consultants Please Share Your Experience - Jobs/Vacancies - Nairaland

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Jumia Jforce Consultants Please Share Your Experience by tonymorris: 3:05pm On Oct 06, 2015
Hello nairalanders i recently signed up for the jumia sales consultant jforce scheme and have been making some sales here and there, pls i would like you guys who are into the program to share your experiences and let me know if this venture is worth my time. Thank you
Re: Jumia Jforce Consultants Please Share Your Experience by JohnnieZM(m): 3:52pm On Oct 06, 2015
Hi Tony, being a Jforce consultant on Jumia is OK especially if everything is going well. But if there is an issue with your payment Jumia will never resolve it. I sold for 3 - 4 months without receiving my commission! They keep promising to resolve it till I stopped selling for them. The excuse they gave me at last was that my name was not in their list, that's after attending their training and selling 4 them. The only thing I gain was d experience and their name on my CV. Just be sure ur supervisor is in touch with u. Once ur payment did nt hit ur account by 25th or d date of payment shout. Their commission is low bt not bad compared to others. If I have another chance to consider working as Jforce consultant I will turn it down. Wish u all the best.
Re: Jumia Jforce Consultants Please Share Your Experience by okparaodi: 10:44am On Oct 08, 2015
Hi,I am a Jforce consultant,I have been in the scheme for about four months and I have been promoted twice. You need to have a captain to tutor you well.

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