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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Education / When Your Wife Is A Radical Feminist (393 Views)
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When Your Wife Is A Radical Feminist by Justiceotunne: 2:00pm On Dec 29, 2016 |
If you get thoroughly insulted by your wife, two things are involved, it is either you let go or you hold on to it. If you let go, you are safe, but if you hold on to it, two things are involved, it is either you forget it after a while or you keep dwelling on it for a long time. If you forget it after a while, no problem, but if you keep dwelling on it for a long time, two things are involved, it's either you begin to discuss it with your good friends or you discuss it with your bad friends. Well, if you discuss it with your good friends, you are safe, but if you table it before your bad friends, two things are involved, it's either they take it seriously or they screw it over bottles of Gulder. If they screw it, you are safe, but if they take it seriously, two things are involved, it's either they advise you to beat her up or to wait till she does it again, if you take to the second advice you are safe, because she may not do it again, but if you heed the first advice , my man, two things are involved, it's either she is a radical feminist or everyday lady. If she is an everyday lady , ilara di ije(you escaped), but if she is a radical feminist, two things are involved, it's either she handles it alone or she alerts other radical feminist friends of hers. If she handles it alone, you can manage the injury, so you are still safe, but if she involves other radical feminists,enjoy your sick bed and accept my "unrefined" apology. © Otunne JN 2016 |
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