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WHO WANTS BEAUTIFUL SKIN & GREAT HAIR? 08139458588 - Jokes Etc (5) - Nairaland

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Re: WHO WANTS BEAUTIFUL SKIN & GREAT HAIR? 08139458588 by symmetric: 6:39am On Aug 06, 2019

Shea body butter is an effective way of treating stretch marks, but successful treatment is largely dependent on a few factors. Also known as striae, stretch marks appear on the body when the middle layer of skin known as the dermis is stressed more than it can tolerate – losing the shape and elasticity it is designed to maintain. As a result, visible marks on areas of skin appear including red stripes (striaerubrae), bands on the belly from pregnancy (striaegravidarum) or distinct lines on the shoulder or lower back (striaedistensae). Very common in male and female bodies, stretch marks are generally caused by rapid weight gains from pregnancy, puberty or physically tasking activities like bodybuilding and obesity. While getting rid of stretch marks can be challenging, treatment is usually done for cosmetic purposes and does not indicate more medical intervention. Yet, llphaving this type of skin damage can be demoralizing and treatment can cost hundreds and even thousands of dollars, depending on the extent of the marks. Aside from laser surgery, topical moisturizers such as shea butter are preferred treatment methods but not all shea body butter is equal in potency for healing stretch marks.

In the case of laser surgery, this procedure is not only expensive but can result in bruises, blisters and skin discoloration that can last several weeks and months post treatment. As noted, moisturizers like shea butter can be a more affordable and less invasive method of helping treat skin blemishes like stretch marks but can only be an effective treatment protocol with consideration of two factors: 1) consistency of use in the affected skin area and, most importantly, 2) the quality of shea butter should be pure, unrefined to ensure that the product has high levels of essential fatty acids and vitamins A, E and F. Authentic shea body butter should have a slightly ivory or beige color to it and variation in color indicates the quality and type of the shea nuts and the processing methods used to produce the butter. A centuries old healing cream used in West and Central sub-Saharan Africa, shea butter is currently an extremely lucrative product in the world market that garners between $90 million and $200 million a year, according to the New York Times. But with such high demands, there are many ethical issues that arise and it can be difficult to ensure consistent quality of shea butter that hits the market.
In terms of the treatment of stretch marks, the market is saturated with many products that while they might have some shea content tend to be careless in preserving the essential healing properties in unrefined shea butter as well as add other problematic ingredients that contain artificial perfumes, sulfate and parabens that have proven damaging to skin and hair. And because there are low industry standards and regulations to ensure the quality of products, there is low incentive for companies to increase the quality of their shea butter products. Alternatively, cocoa butter is also promoted in the treatment of stretch marks, yet contains a far less healing capacity than shea. Shea body butter has a healing fraction 5-17% more than the average seed oils like olive oil and coconut oil. Additionally, shea butter has a high level of antioxidants that repair skin damage and allantoin that protects the skin from drying and aging. Pure unrefined shea butter is the preferred moisturizer for sensitive skin due to natural SPF protection and a lower comedogenic scale than cocoa butter, meaning it doesn’t clog skin pores.


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Re: WHO WANTS BEAUTIFUL SKIN & GREAT HAIR? 08139458588 by symmetric: 1:45pm On Aug 10, 2019

If a person has HPV, it is vital that they tell their partners before engaging in sexual activity.

A person can reduce the risk of infecting a partner by abstaining from sex until an outbreak of warts has been cleared for 2 weeks.

However, HPV can still spread from person to person, even if no warts are present.

Wearing a condom or dental dam will reduce the risk of transmitting HPV and other STIs.


Call/WhatsApp: 081 3945 8588

Re: WHO WANTS BEAUTIFUL SKIN & GREAT HAIR? 08139458588 by symmetric: 5:58am On Aug 18, 2019

Carrots are rich in nutrients such as vitamins A, C, and E, beta-carotene, and a multitude of other antioxidants.

Vitamins A and E — in addition to beta-carotene — have wonderful conditioning properties. They moisturize the skin or scalp on the body, thereby building healthier hair and skin.

The benefits of carrot oil include — but are not limited to:

- healing damaged skin

- warding off the dreaded signs of aging

- stimulating hair growth

- creating luxuriously, soft-to-the-touch hair

- improving blood circulation

- protecting hair and skin from the damaging effects of weather, pollution, dust, sunlight, chemicals, treatments, and the like

- strengthening hair

…preventing breakage


081 3945 8588, 080 5340 8939.

Re: WHO WANTS BEAUTIFUL SKIN & GREAT HAIR? 08139458588 by IMC247: 1:12am On Oct 21, 2019
The healthiest forms of sea salt are the least refined(unrefined) with no added preservatives.


08 139 458 588

Re: WHO WANTS BEAUTIFUL SKIN & GREAT HAIR? 08139458588 by IMC247: 5:05pm On Nov 25, 2019

1.Baby Nappy Rashes
2.Sun protection
6.Burns and wounds
7.first aid
8.after shaves
10.dry scalp
11.hair growth
12.anti aging
13.Lip care
16.Athlete's foot
17.Muscle fatigue
18.Strectch marks
19.Boils & swellings
21.Diabetic ulcers


Re: WHO WANTS BEAUTIFUL SKIN & GREAT HAIR? 08139458588 by IMC247: 5:12pm On Dec 25, 2019

Palm kernel oil is used for preventing vitamin A deficiency, cancer, brain disease, and aging.

It is also used to treat malaria, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, dementia, and cyanide poisoning.

Palm kernel oil is used for weight loss and for increasing the body's metabolism.


WhatsApp/ Call:
08 139 458 588, 08 053 408 939

Re: WHO WANTS BEAUTIFUL SKIN & GREAT HAIR? 08139458588 by IMC247: 3:06pm On Jan 07, 2020
...still available for sale.
Re: WHO WANTS BEAUTIFUL SKIN & GREAT HAIR? 08139458588 by IMC247: 10:16am On Feb 06, 2020

Unless you’ve been living under a rock-or maybe out of wi-fi range-you no doubt know that coconut oil is good for (apparently) everything, but putting this knowledge to practical use requires a little more in-depth information than that one positive statement.

What makes this trendy product so versatile is its ability to be used internally and externally, so while eating coconut oil has proven medicinal benefits, this product is also a valuable addition to your first aid kit, beauty routine and medicine cabinet.


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08 139 458 588

Re: WHO WANTS BEAUTIFUL SKIN & GREAT HAIR? 08139458588 by IMC247: 7:40am On Mar 05, 2020

Shea butter and coconut oil are two ingredients that are common in natural skincare products. While they are both excellent emollients and moisturizers, each has its own distinct benefits owing to antioxidants and other healing compounds. While it's widely maintained that both Shea butter and coconut oil also act as sunscreens.

- Shea Butter

Shea butter, derived from the nuts of the Karite tree, contains fatty oils that provide intense moisturizing capability. It is rich in vitamins C and E which help to neutralize sun damage, and has been known to have anti-inflammatory properties that help treat topical skin conditions such as dermatitis.

- Coconut Oil

The fatty acids in coconut oil work as a reinforcing barrier on the skin, sealing moisture in for intense, long-lasting hydration. It also contains high quantities of lauric acid, which can be used to treat viral, fungal and bacterial skin conditions like warts, athletes foot or acne. Coconut oil is often an ingredient in creams and lotions but can also be found in body scrubs and soaps.


WhatsApp/ Call:
08 139 458 588, 08 053 408 939

Re: WHO WANTS BEAUTIFUL SKIN & GREAT HAIR? 08139458588 by IMC247: 8:01am On Apr 09, 2020
Simple Ways of Ensuring Business Continuity During COVID-19* By Segun McMedal

The first quarter of the year 2020 was very unusual – it was the period the world stood still; one we can never forget no thanks to COVID-19 – described as a pandemic threatening the survival of humanity. The impact of the virus is unprecedented in world history. But governments and partners are working assiduously together to stop its transmission and keep children and their families safe through isolation and social distancing.

And to ensure containment, development partners and governments directed that all social and economic activities should be locked down in all the affected nation-states including Nigeria.

It is pointless to say that we are living in a very challenging time, socially, professionally and economically. The current restrictions mean that the business environment is very tough altering business models for almost all the industry and professions. While some industries (tourism, aviation, and financial services) are on a life support presently, it is a boom period for others (telecoms, healthcare and medical supply, retail and food processing).

So, how best should businesses respond to survive the onslaught? The best approach is to adapt and make the best use of the situation. The other option is to do nothing and perish. But you don’t want to experience that, do you? This is the time to task your brains to do some lateral thinking to generate new ideas which are the stuff of change and progress in every field from science to art, from politics to personal happiness.

There are three kinds of people as are companies: those who make things happen; those who watch things happen; and those who wonder what happened. This challenging time opens a window of opportunity for people who are ready to make things happen to remain in business.

This is one of the best times for businesses to step up to the plate and help their customers in navigating this crisis period. This is the time to deepen your business’s positioning in the minds of stakeholders to be relevant during and post COVID-19 crisis. Below are simple ways of ensuring business continuity in this special period:

1. Work Remotely (part of putting people’s safety first) – This style allows workers to execute their duties outside of the traditional office environment. Instead of commuting to the office each morning of weekdays to work from a designated desk, remote employees can perform their assignments wherever they please.

All you need is a computer or smartphone plus access to the internet to become a remote worker. The internet gives you access to cloud-based applications which allows you to do everything in or outside the office. Virtual employees can work anytime of the day as they wish to stay in touch with their stakeholders all over the world thanks to the internet.

Working remotely help you to complete your duties on your own schedules which can result in higher engagement rates and increased productivity levels as well, if well managed, according to Harvard Business Review.

But you must learn a new approach to adapt to working remotely. Here’s how, (courtesy of CMC Connect Limited):
a) Create a Dedicated workspace - away from distractions
b) Start Your Day Early – Waking up late will disorganize your day
c) Prepare for Work! – Take a shower, change your clothes
d) Create a to-do-list: Write down the task to be achieved for the day
e) Stay Focused: Avoid distractions by setting boundaries, help your loved ones understand that you’re not on a holiday
f) Take breaks, stretch your legs
g) Communicate! Respond to calls, emails, messaging apps, video calls etc.
h) Celebrate Your Wins: Go over the day’s tasks and tick off those you were able to deliver
i) Review the day’s achievements with your line manager and teammates
j) Working from home (WFH), is only effective when you are in constant communication with line managers and teammates.

2. Embrace Collaborative Business – In collaborative business, companies coordinate with other companies to maximize their efficiency and profitability. Collaborative business is used by companies to team up with competitors and suppliers for efficiency, and it can also be used as a sales strategy to capture more market share.

A food vendor and transporter can partner to deliver provisions to homes. Technology consulting firms can partner with a professional body to deliver webinars to their members.

3. Maintain/Increase your Marketing Budget - In challenging times, many businesses cut down their marketing budget though unbeknownst to them it’s to the detriment of the business. Lean periods are the times businesses needs to market more because consumers are restless and looking to make changes in their buying decisions. You need to help them find your products and services easily.

This is the best time to increase your investment in public relations. Almost all the industry and profession have something to say to the virus to navigate the COVID-19 era. Credential experts in medicine, law, finance, HR, technology, media, supply chain management etc. can leverage radio and TV news talk programs to position their brands, and reach more people than they have in years, according to Nielsen. This is one of the times when knowledge or professionalism counts to provide relevant information to customers to manage the crisis.

Brands should constantly update their online profiles – websites and social media handles as the authentic sources of information. Hotlines should be activated as well. Efforts in social listening, media scanning and keyword monitoring should be doubled to quickly respond to any untoward rumour.

4. Protect Business Cash Flow - Cash is the lifeblood of every business to take care of overheads and keep business healthy. But the harder times get, the harder it can be to keep the cash flowing in. Free cash-flow, equity and debt financing are the best sources of working capital. However, these options may not be available for all businesses in challenging times.

In such cases, there are alternative cash-flow management strategies that businesses can use to ease the strain on their working capital such as requesting for a deposit; cutting or delaying expenses; financing purchase orders; and selling invoices.

5. Communication - Create and maintain an open line of communication relevant to your stakeholders such as employees, customers, suppliers, creditors and government regulators to maintain ongoing engagement and support. These stakeholders require different messaging and media, it is essential to keep them informed.

6. Maximize Government Financial Support Policies – the Central Bank of Nigeria announced several financial intervention policies to support households and companies in mitigating the negative impact of the Coronavirus pandemic on the affected families and enterprises nationwide. This include:

a) The credit relief of $136.6M and additional N50billion facility through the NIRSAL Microfinance Bank for households, small and medium-sized enterprises, airline service providers, hotels, and health care merchants affected by the coronavirus pandemic.

b) The apex bank dropped interest rates on all its intervention funds from 9 percent to 5 percent per annum for one-year effective March 1, 2020.

c) Unspecified credit support for pharmaceutical companies intending to expand or establish their own drug manufacturing plants in Nigeria as well as to hospital and health care practitioners who intend to build or expand to world class standards.

d) Forbearance to big businesses by granting banks leave to consider the temporary restructuring of the tenure and loan terms for businesses and households most affected by the outbreak, particularly the oil and gas, agriculture and manufacturing.

Your organisation must step up to the plate and to adapting to the current realities. As you already know, this is the era that businesses must demonstrate their nimbleness by quickly and effectively responding to the demands of change while continually delivering high performance.


Segun Mcmedal, leading business communications and public affairs advisor, lives in Lagos.
Re: WHO WANTS BEAUTIFUL SKIN & GREAT HAIR? 08139458588 by IMC247: 1:39pm On May 13, 2020

Fun fact: it’s believed that somewhere during the course of evolution, we emerged from the ocean to become land dwellers. And some people have said that this is why our bodies contain the same concentration of minerals and nutrients as the sea itself.

That means that those same minerals that are so prevalent in natural sea salt can also help balance and restore the body when we’re feeling dry, achy, or run down. And those benefits are most noticeable in our skin.

When your skin’s out of balance, things like dryness and irritation can be hard to get rid of. But adding sea salt to your beauty regimen can help boost hydration, strengthen the skin’s moisture barrier, and kick-start the cell-to-cell communication that slows down with age, making you feel, and possibly even look, younger.

Sea salt has been utilized in various cultural practices for generations for the treatment of *skin rashes, including eczema, fungal rashes, and psoriasis, and as therapy for aging skin and rheumatic conditions.*

There are various ways you can use sea salt therapeutically: take a dip in the ocean, soak in a salt-infused bath, or, my personal favorite, *apply salt directly to the skin in the form of a body scrub. Salt is a wonderful exfoliant that softens skin, gets rid of flakiness, and infuses the upper layers of skin with vitamins and minerals.*

*You can even add other ingredients like aloe vera to heal and protect, coconut oil to soothe redness and balance moisture, leaving you with a well-rounded scrub that does it all.*


WhatsApp/ Call:
08 139 458 588, 08 053 408 939

Re: WHO WANTS BEAUTIFUL SKIN & GREAT HAIR? 08139458588 by IMC247: 4:16pm On Jun 05, 2020

If you're looking for a gentle way to brighten up your smile, coconut oil is the way to go. Unlike strips and other harsh whitening products, the natural oil offers natural benefits that won’t increase sensitivity. Plus, it aids in the removal of plaque and improves gum health, which in return make enamel appear whiter.

Here are three easy ways to add coconut oil to your oral hygiene for a radiant camera-ready smile.

*1. Floss*
Whiten those tight crevices between each tooth by adding the oil to your floss. Floss coated with coconut oil can tackle the surfaces that whitening toothpaste and strips can miss. Simply apply a dab between your pointer finger and thumb, then smooth over a few inches of the floss before working the thread into the hard-to-reach areas.

*2. Brush*
Before brushing with your usual toothpaste, create a naturally whitening formula with a few drops of coconut oil and a little baking soda. The anti-fungal properties of the soda are an excellent pairing with the oil to fight buildup and reveal a brighter smile.

*3. Rinse*
Rinsing with coconut oil is one of the safest ways to make your pearly whites shine. As soon as you wake up in the morning take a tablespoon of oil and swish it around your mouth for 15 minutes. At first this may seem like a long time, but being patient definitely will pay off. Thrusting the oil between each tooth will not only result in a brighter smile, it's also a great detox that improves total oral health.


08 139 458 588, 08 053 408 939

Re: WHO WANTS BEAUTIFUL SKIN & GREAT HAIR? 08139458588 by BlackSeedOil(m): 7:54am On Jun 22, 2020
Hello Good morning,

Carrot oil can be used directly on the skin or added to your body cream to moisturise the skin and heal dry skin.

You can gently massage carrot oil on your skin before sleeping at night. A few drops are sufficient to apply on the whole face. Or just mix a few drops of Carrot Oil with your favorite face cream. You can do that at least twice a week or include it in your daily skincare routine.

Hope this helps!


08 139 458 588, 08 053 408 939

Re: WHO WANTS BEAUTIFUL SKIN & GREAT HAIR? 08139458588 by BlackSeedOil(m): 7:32am On Jul 13, 2020

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 75 million American adults have high blood pressure — that’s one in every three. Though medications are available to treat high blood pressure, a healthy diet is the most effective defense. A diet high in sodium is thought to increase the risk of high blood pressure, a major cause of heart disease and stroke.

*Heart Healthy Foods to Add to Your Diet*

It’s worth explaining the difference between sodium and salt — salt is mostly sodium, a mineral that occurs naturally in foods. Sodium is the substance that may cause your blood pressure to increase. MSG (monosodium glutamate), found in many popular processed foods, is an example of sodium added to food. According to the American Heart Association, when you eat too much salt, which contains sodium, your body holds extra water to "wash" the salt from your body. In some people, this may cause blood pressure to rise.

One of the biggest culprits of high salt is packaged instant noodles. They typically take no more than two or three minutes to prepare, making them easy for students and working adults alike looking for a quick and easy meal. However, the seasoning packets often contain an excessive amount of salt, which you should be on the lookout for if dealing with high blood pressure. According to a study published in the U.S. National Library of Medicine, increased instant noodle consumption was associated with cardiometabolic risk factors, which include high blood pressure. The research was based off participants in South Korea, which has the highest per capita instant noodle consumption in the world.

If you have high blood pressure, work closely with your doctor to modify your diet to prevent the negative health consequences it can cause. A good place to start is with this list of more foods you should be avoiding that are sending your blood pressure through the roof.
Re: WHO WANTS BEAUTIFUL SKIN & GREAT HAIR? 08139458588 by IMC247: 11:24am On Aug 14, 2020

According to a 2014 study, coconut oil is clinically proven for safe and effective use as a moisturizer. Its moisturizing properties may make the product an effective lube and allow for longer-lasting sexual intercourse.

For women going through menopause, coconut oil may be especially helpful. It’s common to experience the following symptoms during menopause that may increase the need for lube:

Vaginal dryness
pain during sex
loss of fatty tissue, which creates thinner tissue around vaginal skin
In particular, vaginal atrophy may be combatted with more frequent sex, so it’s important to deal with any pain associated with sex.

For those with allergies or sensitive skin, choosing a more natural option like coconut oil, with no added chemicals or toxins, can also make for an appealing lubricant.

You may want to look for unrefined coconut oil, as refined oils are more processed. Unrefined coconut oil doesn’t undergo the bleaching process that happens with refined coconut oil.


08 053 408 939, 08 139 458 588

Re: WHO WANTS BEAUTIFUL SKIN & GREAT HAIR? 08139458588 by IMC247: 12:11pm On Sep 02, 2020

People are likely to experience a sore throat every once in a while, especially during seasons like monsoon and winters.

Here are a few home remedies for a sore throat and other symptoms of a common cold.

*- Sea Salt water gargle:*

This is the most common method of dealing with a sore throat. It provides safe and immediate relief and is also effective in eliminating bacteria present in the throat.
To prepare this, take a cup of warm water and mix 1/2 tsp of sea salt in it. Mix well and gargle.

*- Raw Honey:*

Honey has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. It can help a sore throat extensively by reducing inflammation and soothing the throat.
To prepare this, mix 2 tbsp of honey in a cup of warm water. Drink the mixture for at least 5 times a day at regular intervals.

*- Chamomile tea:*

Soothe your throat with the amazing camomile tea that is known for its medicinal excellence. It has anti-inflammatory, astringent and antioxidant properties that can be very effective in symptoms such as a sore throat, cough, cold and sneeze.
To prepare chamomile tea, add 1 tbsp of loose chamomile tea in 1 cup of water boiled water and let steep for 5 minutes. Drain and drink.

*- Lemon:*

This can help to loosen up the mucus and provide pain relief to a sore throat. The vitamin C present in it helps to boost the immune system and fight against infections.
To prepare this, mix 1 tsp of lemon juice with a cup of warm water and drink.

*- Baking soda gargle:*

This is an effective method that can help you prevent the increase of fungi and yeast in your throat, thereby, blocking out further infection.
To prepare this, you need to take 1/8 tsp of salt, 1/4 tsp of baking soda and 1 cup water. Mix the ingredients together and gargle. Repeat at an interval of at least 3 hours.
Re: WHO WANTS BEAUTIFUL SKIN & GREAT HAIR? 08139458588 by IMC247: 5:19pm On Sep 30, 2020

Coconut oil is still a great beauty staple that can be used for myriad things — including skin- and hair-care treatments.

Coconut oil serves as a great moisturizer, plus some of the fatty acids contained in it, like lauric acid, have antimicrobial effects that can help fight bacterial, viral, and fungal pathogens.

1. Body moisturizer

2. Eczema relief

3. Makeup remover

4. Deep conditioner

5. Body scrub

6. Make-up brush cleaner

7. Lip balm

8. Dandruff treatment

9. Deodorant to ward off bad odors.

10. Cuticle oil

11. Hair Protectant

12. Wound salve


08 139 458 588, 08 053 408 939

Re: WHO WANTS BEAUTIFUL SKIN & GREAT HAIR? 08139458588 by Outdoorads247: 1:14pm On Nov 15, 2020

01/9 Have garlic to boost your immune health

When talking about Indian cuisine, it is hard to miss garlic. Belonging to the Allium (onion) family, the bulbous vegetable is widely used to add flavour to the food. Its pungent taste and distinct aroma are mainly due to the presence of organosulfur compounds including allicin and ajoene. But the use of garlic is not limited to cooking. It has also been used as a medicine through ancient and modern history. The garlic cloves are consumed in different ways to combat health issues like cold, cough, high blood pressure, arthritis, toothache, constipation and infections. One of the most common ways to consume garlic for health benefits is to have it on an empty stomach in the morning. This practice has been vouched for a long time by Ayurveda. In this article, we will tell you why you should try this home remedy at least once.

02/9​ The best way to have garlic

Take two garlic cloves, peel their skin and crush them using brick and mortar. Have them on an empty stomach in the morning and drink a glass of water after that.

03/9​ Word of caution

Do not consume more than 2 cloves of garlic on an empty stomach and if you feel like vomiting, nauseated and constipated then avoid having garlic in the morning. Pregnant women, children, people suffering from a bleeding disorder, diabetes, low blood pressure and breastfeeding women should not try this home remedy.

04/9​ Garlic health benefits

Consuming raw garlic might lead to bad breath and a burning sensation. But, you can boost your natural defence system with it. This common seasoning is low in calories and rich in vitamin C, vitamin B6 and manganese. Most of its health benefits are caused by sulfur compounds produced when a garlic clove is chopped, crushed or chewed. This compound enters the body from the digestive tract and reaches all over the body, where it exerts its biological effects.

05/9​ Boosts immunity

Eating 4-5 garlic cloves in the morning can help to boost your immunity, which is essential now when we have entered the winter season. It contains compounds that help the immune system fight free radicals and disease-causing foreign pathogens. Crushed garlic has allicin, the main active ingredient in garlic that improves your internal defence system.

06/9​ Good for gut health

Good gut health and weight loss are linked to each other. There is nothing better than garlic to improve the number of good bacteria in your gut. A healthy gut speeds up the weight loss process and prevents stomach related issues like diarrhoea and constipation.

07/9​ Detoxifies the body

Consuming raw garlic is much better than detox juices, to remove toxins from the body. The sulfhydryl compound in it can remove toxic substances from the body and prevent diseases like typhus, diabetes, depression, and some types of cancer.

08/9​ Make your skin look better

Dry and itchy skin is common in winters. An effective way to prevent skin-related diseases is to have garlic in the morning on an empty stomach. Have garlic every day in the morning for clear and supple skin.

09/9 C​ontrolling hypertension

Raw garlic can also help to fight the symptoms of hypertension. The presence of sulphur-containing compounds like allicin, diallyl disulfide, diallyl trisulfide, in this bulbous vegetable can help to keep your blood pressure in check.
Re: WHO WANTS BEAUTIFUL SKIN & GREAT HAIR? 08139458588 by IMC247: 5:31am On Jan 24, 2021
Breast firming and lifting oil. Makes the female breast enlargement, firming and lifting of the fallen breast.

08 139 458 588, 08 053 408 939

Re: WHO WANTS BEAUTIFUL SKIN & GREAT HAIR? 08139458588 by BlackSeedOil(m): 8:47am On Apr 12, 2021
Still available, buy now!
Re: WHO WANTS BEAUTIFUL SKIN & GREAT HAIR? 08139458588 by Outdoorads247: 5:17pm On May 06, 2021
*DON'T PASS THE SALT!* _WHO Issues Benchmarks for Sodium Content in Food_

Excessive salt in food and beverages is putting people at greater risk of potentially fatal heart disease and strokes, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Wednesday (May 5), issuing fresh guidelines for limiting sodium content.

An estimated 11 million deaths globally are associated with poor diet each year, including 3 million attributable to high sodium intake, it said in a report.

In many wealthy countries, and increasingly in lower income nations, a significant proportion of sodium in the diet comes from manufactured foods such as bread, cereal, processed meats and dairy products including cheese, the WHO said.

Sodium chloride is the chemical name for salt and sodium is a mineral that regulates the amount of water in the body.

Authorities must establish policies to reduce salt intake and provide people with information to make the right food choices, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said.

"We also need the food and beverage industry to cut sodium levels in processed food," Tedros said in a statement.

The new WHO benchmarks, for 64 food and drink categories, are aimed at guiding health authorities in its 194 member states in talks with the food and beverage industry.

For example, potato crisps should contain a maximum of 500mgs of sodium per 100g serving, pies and pastries up to 120mgs and processed meats up to 360mgs, according to its benchmarks.

"Excess dietary sodium intake increases blood pressure and consequently increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases," the WHO said.
Re: WHO WANTS BEAUTIFUL SKIN & GREAT HAIR? 08139458588 by IMC247: 5:36am On Jun 03, 2021

1. Loaded with Antioxidant

2. Very Nutritious

3. Fights Bacterial & other Deadly Infections

4. Heals Wounds, Burns & Scars

5. Relieves Cough, Cold & Catarrh

6. It Treats Diarrhea

7. Protects The Brain

8. Helps Fight Inflammation in the Body


Re: WHO WANTS BEAUTIFUL SKIN & GREAT HAIR? 08139458588 by gosifechukwu615: 5:31am On Jun 05, 2021
Re: WHO WANTS BEAUTIFUL SKIN & GREAT HAIR? 08139458588 by IMC247: 6:00pm On Aug 08, 2021

Scrub some salt on your body after a bath. Leave it on for a few seconds. Rinse. This will remove negative thoughts.

“The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears or the sea.”
— Isak Dinesen

Sometimes the simplest things can wield immense power. Take salt for instance. This humble compound used to preserve and flavour food actually contains powerful spiritual properties. Indian name for rock salt is Sendha namak. It is a large-grained, coarse salt also called halite or land salt.

Raw sea salt is unrefined, non-iodised and contains no additional anti-caking agents. It is found in white, pink, or blue colour.

It is believed that sea salt has several healing properties. It is used in Ayurvedic medicines, and said to benefit the heart, is good for diabetics, prevents osteoporosis, reduces depression and stress, prevents and heals muscle cramps, numbness and tingling sensations, keeps the blood vessels flexible, maintains the correct acid-alkaline levels, helps in digestion, relieves a number of skin problems, benefits in relieving arthritic problems, to name a few.

Although salt is powerful in historical and metaphorical terms, its spiritual power often goes unnoticed. Spiritually speaking, salt is considered the great neutraliser. It can help cleanse, heal and balance energy, while repelling negative vibrations.

Everything that surrounds us has energy — people, plants, animals; the very environment in which we live and breathe is composed of energy. This energy is constantly bouncing around and leaving a residue on all that it touches. Rock salt helps in clearing up this residue to a great deal.

Besides acting as a potent purifier, sea salt can also help you attract positive energies. It can even aid you in your manifestations. One of the biggest uses of sea salt is to remove negativities and one can follow the below to yield benefits:

Burn a mixture of rock or sea salt and camphor daily in the morning while performing daily rituals and in the evening during sunset in an aroma oil dispenser in the center of a room. The fragrance should reach all corners of your space. You can also place this combination of camphor and rock salt in a small bowl in the corners of your house and change this everyday for at least 40 days. Any sort of negative energy in your house will be banished completely.

To remove your own negative thoughts, your ego, one can do the following: take a fresh packet of sea salt and place it in your bathroom, whenever you are taking a bath do the following. After you have taken your bath take some salt and scrub it on to your body from forehead to toe and leave it on for a few seconds and then rinse it off with water (do not apply soap after salt). Do this every time you take a bath. This will not only remove your own negative thoughts but will also prevent negative thoughts from entering you. It is recommended that one can do this eighth days ritual once every 30-40 days.

One can also take water with dissolved sea salt, the first thing in the morning. This will cleanse your internal system well. Take one teaspoon of rock salt in a glass of warm water and chant the name of any God that you believe in and slowly drink this water (high blood pressure patients should take this under medical supervision).
Salt water cleansing for home and office can be done continuously for eight days or can be done once every month. Take some raw sea salt with new cleaning cloth and while sweeping the floor. Add in one tablespoon of sea salt in the bucket of water as well. This will cleanse your space.


Re: WHO WANTS BEAUTIFUL SKIN & GREAT HAIR? 08139458588 by NijaPOSTERS: 4:09pm On Nov 30, 2021
Shea Butter & Coconut oil mix cream for beautiful skin and great hair..

Re: WHO WANTS BEAUTIFUL SKIN & GREAT HAIR? 08139458588 by Mediamix247: 4:51pm On Mar 24, 2022
What does shea butter do to your skin?

The concentration of natural vitamins and fatty acids in shea butter helps moisturize and nourish the skin. Its high fat content makes it an excellent natural emollient and humectant, locking in moisture and keeping skin hydrated. It ensures that the skin's natural oils are preserved. This means good and smooth skin.

Re: WHO WANTS BEAUTIFUL SKIN & GREAT HAIR? 08139458588 by NijaPOSTERS: 9:45am On Apr 22, 2022
Awesome Benefits of Sea Salt
Keeps you hydrated. Contrary to popular belief, sea salt is extremely beneficial in keeping us hydrated. ...
Reduces fluid retention. ...
A great source of minerals. ...
Balances electrolytes. ...
Prevents muscle cramps. ...
Great for skin health. ...
Improves digestion. ...
Nourishes the adrenal glands.

Re: WHO WANTS BEAUTIFUL SKIN & GREAT HAIR? 08139458588 by Mediamix247: 9:49am On Jun 14, 2022
Re: WHO WANTS BEAUTIFUL SKIN & GREAT HAIR? 08139458588 by Blacksoap(m): 9:30am On Jul 11, 2022
- Sunflower oil
- Almond oil
- Carrot oil
- Fenugreek oil
- Avocado oil
- Castor oil
- Grape seed oil
- Turmeric oil
- Coconut oil
- Olive oil
- Vitamin C oil
- Vitamin E oil
- Aloe vera oil
- Snake oil
- Rose oil
- Lavender oil
- Garlic oil
- Ginger oil
- Neem oil
- Mint oil
- Onion oil
- Oregano oil
- Black seed oil
- Lemon oil
- Jojoba oil
- Sage oil
- Argan oil
- Apricot oil
- Massage oil
- Saffron oil
- Krisall oil
- Sesame oil
- Tea tree oil
- Frankincense oil
- Eucalyptus oil
- Lemongrass oil
- Bergamot oil
- Cedarwood oil
- Orange oil
- Cinnamon oil
- Sandalwood oil


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