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Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by Nobody: 9:34pm On Mar 18, 2010 |
My opinion is Egypt. The armed forces of Egypt are the largest on the African continent and one of the biggest in the world (ranked 11th), consisting of the Egyptian Army, Egyptian Navy, Egyptian Air Force and Egyptian Air Defense Command. Egypt maintains a large paramilitary force under the control of the Ministry of Interior. They number around 250,000 strong and are known as the Central Security Forces. The government also has a relatively strong National Guard and Border Security Forces however they, unlike the Central Security Forces, come under the control of the Ministry of Defence and are reported to number 60,000 and 20,000 respectively. 4 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by Nobody: 9:36pm On Mar 18, 2010 |
[flash=300,400][/flash] 3 Likes |
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by Nobody: 9:37pm On Mar 18, 2010 |
THE TOP TEN STRONGEST ARMY IN AFRICA 1) South Africa ( South Africa has the most powerful army in africa; it has more harmful weapons than any other country in Africa; it is the only African country that was trying to create the Nuclear weapon but was stopped by the US. 2) Egypt 3) Nigeria 4) Libya 5) Morocco 6) Sudan 7) Ghana ![]() 9) Uganda 10) Kenya 4 Likes |
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by ElRazur: 9:39pm On Mar 18, 2010 |
Numbers means nothing when you have nothing to back it up. A good example is China, they have advantage in numbers, but the men are poorly trained. In Africa, one of the most Advanced Army is that of SA. ![]() 7 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by Nobody: 9:47pm On Mar 18, 2010 |
i think nigeria artelleries are good though poorly equipped. 4 Likes |
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by Ibime(m): 9:52pm On Mar 18, 2010 |
South Africa had nuclear weapons but voluntarily dismantled all its weapons shortly before the end of apartheid. . . they obviously didnt want those weapons falling into the hands of black folk cos dem black South Africans would have sold the secrets to other black nations. 6 Likes |
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by ElRazur: 10:03pm On Mar 18, 2010 |
Ibime: I think it is more to do with the Non-proliferation treaty or something along those lines. But yes, it is a good thing they did. 1 Like |
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by Ikengawo: 10:04pm On Mar 18, 2010 |
egypt south africA and ethiopia nigeria is actually tragically undermanned for its size but well trained and highly professional i already looked it up 7 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by ElRazur: 10:07pm On Mar 18, 2010 |
~Bluetooth: How can they be good when they are poorly equipped? ![]() ![]() 4 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by ElRazur: 10:11pm On Mar 18, 2010 |
Ikengawo: Please, let us be honest and sincere shall we? Is this the same military that beat up civilians and get on molue for free? Is this the same military that are rubbish up in jos? If these are the well trained and highly professional army, I hate to see what the not-well trained and non-professional segment of the army will be like. ![]() 7 Likes |
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by Ibime(m): 10:18pm On Mar 18, 2010 |
ElRazur: Yawa!!! By non-proliferation, they mean they dont want nuclear weapons proliferating into black hands. As they say, OPEN YOUR EYE. No country in the world will voluntarily give up nuclear weapons, cos its the biggest bargaining tool in International trade. Them white South Africans know they are not Africans otherwise they would never deny their own country the right to own nuclear weapons. They know they might get chased out the country anytime soon, and they dont want to leave such weapons behind. 5 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by Nobody: 10:21pm On Mar 18, 2010 |
Nigeria has a well trained army but seriously lacking in Equipment. For example Libya will take Nigeria out very easily in a war situation. Its sad , we have so much wealth but nothing to show for it 8 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by ElRazur: 10:25pm On Mar 18, 2010 |
Ibime: Right. Is that a fact or opinion? Okay I hear you. I lack the energy tonight. ![]() |
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by Nobody: 10:57pm On Mar 18, 2010 |
BAE Systems and other world class weapon manufacturers operate in South Africa. Hence they are more likely to continue to have more recent weapons. 2 Likes |
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by ElRazur: 11:05pm On Mar 18, 2010 |
Don't SA have her very own weapons industry too? |
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by texazzpete(m): 7:35am On Mar 19, 2010 |
mikeansy: South Africa has her own home grown weapons industry - and they make their own state-of-the art weaponry. South African artillery and field guns are among the best in the world today. 2 Likes |
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by darqly(m): 8:11am On Mar 19, 2010 |
Based on a survey i read years ago from focus on Africa but which should be outdated by now- S Africa has the best equipped and most sophisticated army. Angola has the most experienced army,thanks to UNITA. Zimbabwe has the most disciplined army. Nigeria has the largest army or should i say HAD! The most professional went to either Egypt or Algeria, i forget. I'd give it to S africa any day. Did you know that for the right price, you can hire even fighter jets for mercenary purposes from SA? 2 Likes |
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by russellino: 9:01am On Mar 19, 2010 |
South Africa without a doubt has the most equipped, best trained, professional army in africa and among the strongest armies in the world. Egypt is a very distant second 3 Likes |
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by hardywaltz(m): 12:35pm On Mar 19, 2010 |
I love NL! I had this argument with some of my colleagues and they were all unanimous in their response that Nigeria was the best in Africa and one of the best in the world. I tried in vain to prove otherwise with facts from the internet, yet they dismissed it as white man's way of belittling Nigeria. I didn't blame them coz we reside in the Niger Delta were there's high military presence, and these goons in Khaki once in a while roll out their (out dated) war tanks/APCs on the streets as show off. My pick would be South Africa and Egypt. 4 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by sjeezy8: 2:04pm On Mar 19, 2010 |
Egypt - but they dont really count in africa because they are more invovled in the middle east and arab world. You hve nvr heard of egypt sending troops within Africas conflict areas Only palestine, Iraq, kuwait. NIGERIA - its most likely the strongest and most important in Africa. South africa is advanced but doesnt even have the numbers- and doesnt involve itself in African conflict Areas. they dont do anything in Sudan,Liberia, sierre leone, somalia, etc. you wouldnt even know they have a freakin army because they hve no military pesence in the rest of Africa. 14 Likes |
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by Eddeux(m): 3:55pm On Mar 19, 2010 |
The United States of America if our leaders ever relocate AFRICOM's headquarters to the African continent ![]() Egypt seems strong, but REMEMBER they got their asses handed to them by Israel before, and it's much more well-equipped and a lot smaller in land/population. Still Egypt's military could land some hurt on any force that dares go against it. Hmmm, South Africa is probably the best-equipped, but I rarely hear about them intervening in Africa affairs **maybe b/c white people there won't nothing to do w/ rest of Africa?** I personally think the strongest militaries belong to East African countries such as Ethiopia and Tanzania possibly even Kenya too. Nigeria could become the superpower of Africa, but it's too disorganized and really does the country have a solid military that actually obeys the government and can perform operations efficiently? 1 Like |
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by xterra2(m): 8:15pm On Mar 19, 2010 |
The Answer is Egypt they have a very good airforce+army+-navy But,second is Nigeria or maybe south africa if you look at their airfoce they have only 11 fighter crafts(Gripen)us we have currently have over 30, But maybe their army is not better(i think) And our military is well trained each year 1 billion is used in army+airforce+navy for oversees training after our NDA,NN/NA/NAF schools-e.g NASI) Some1 who went to the DIAs office sometime ago told me that some of their personnel were trained in 6 foreign contries+9ja The bane of our military is secrecy they dont allow public to know what they are doing, But seriously now,our armed forces are getting better-they are getting new equipments so fast, Ours can be one of the best in the world is government who control our military stop playing politics Even now,airforce is waiting for (or not)for TRACON,to monitor our airspace verywell and some alpha jets if necessary ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Buttom line is we are third or second with RSA or @par(most likely),Numbers dont mean power, and next month (april) former president yaradua(safe 2 say so now)approved an airshow for the airforce where they will show some of their new planes + existing, (the alpha jets+chinese f7), Most of the alpha jets are working and are undergoin maintenance at Air school kainji,minna, Even the navy are making vessels,and jetty check the port harcourt(yard) website and see , + DICON who make some grenades,missiles,guns, Shows that our military is trying and more room for improvement 7 Likes |
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by xterra2(m): 8:18pm On Mar 19, 2010 |
sjeezy8:Okay good and Egypt consider itself as part of the Arab world NOT AFRICA(useless ish), South africa arent that strong our airfoce (overall)is better than theirs, |
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by bgees(m): 8:21pm On Mar 19, 2010 |
I think the South African military is the best in Africa, one of the most equiped in the world. Nigeria is only up there because of the size of its military, it is poorly equiped. illiterate northerners make up most of the Nigerian military. 4 Likes |
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by 18platoon(m): 8:23pm On Mar 19, 2010 |
@ezeuche, please and please leave where ever the fu-ck you're and come and put all all this rantings to action, btw your arms have been seized by police and this is the begining of the crackdown. |
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by strangleyo: 9:16pm On Mar 19, 2010 |
You must be disillusional if you beleive Nigeria is even top 5. Currently, Nigeria's military is a shambolic excuse of a fighting force. They are neither well equipped, nor well trained. Standing upside down with a rock on your ass for 5 hours doesn't make you well trained. Nigeria's army uses taped up rusty AK-47s as their primary fighting tool. The MEND militants are better equipped than the so called army. The Army lacks proper body armor, many don't even have basic helmets or bullet proof vests. Discipline, let's not even go there, the Nigerian army's lack of discipline is evident all around. Without the army fatigues they could easily be mistook for Al Shabab or Congolese militia. They don't have any sense of organization, they can't even march straight. They can't respond to domestic disturbances (Jos, Mend, MASSOB, Kidnappings), let alone any external military threat. Those rickety pick up trucks that don't look fit to even carry farm animals is what our military get around in. Nigeria, not even close. Ethiopia is certainly a very powerful force. Historically Ethiopia has always been a force to be reckoned with. I won't do a top 10 list simply because War is not semantics. When Germany invaded France nobody in their right mind thought it would end in complete capitulation within weeks. On the other hand everybody thought that Russia would collapse catastrophically. War isn't 2+2. If it came to putting my money down on the most competent militaries of Africa: Ethiopia Eritrea South Africa Lybia Egypt, but seeing Israel mop the floor with them time after time makes you wonder. 3 Likes |
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by Kx: 9:25pm On Mar 19, 2010 |
what is nigeria doing in this list? nigerian army dat cannot quench ordinary inter tribal skirmish, naim una dey rank among strongest military in africa? a military that is devoid of intels? a military that over 50% of their men are fast becoming commercial bus drivers in lagos? in my opinion,even uganda military will rank better than naija military 3 Likes |
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by xterra2(m): 9:59pm On Mar 19, 2010 |
strangleyo:They cant fight MEND,remeber when the army bombarded camp 5 they found a sponsors list which contains the details,minutes,comminique,funding,sponsors and members of MEND, The submitted it to the Federal government which the FG didnt released, You shold know that the commander in chief is President not the service chiefs they cant act without orders form Jonthan or yaradua so to the issue of MEND they are mostly PDP member who are suporting them they are too powerful to be named or known,the have connections and powers + $$$$$ which they use to prevent atttack from the army or revealing them o arrest, So the best army in the world is that of US bah,,which now they complain of lack of enough equipments,helicopter in afghanistan + UK too, and since 2001 9 Fxcking years they couldnt do anything imagine plus CIA,-best intelligence agency(i suppose) which means that no army in the world is good , You have to know that history shows that armies usually dont win guerilla warface or fighting withing ones country easily it is hard no matter where,whom and how, If it is US and Germany now,it would be easier not US fighting German Nazis or its rebels, The Jos crisis is beyond the army in such a way that it is religious/ethnic/Political(small) it is digged in the roots of jos people even though the army stop jos people they will back and back and back till they succedd, To the issue of Ak-47 i hate seeing those also,but the army have better guns than that but they are locked up in the armory in various barracks(seen photos sometym ago)but in M4 carbine(US army,+nigeria also) Vs Ak-47 the M4 cant shoot for hours continously without stopping it has to be serviced again an i a battle no time for that-while the Al does not stop, Armies dont stop kidnapping it is the police job , So you wont soldiers to wear helmets,body armours just like that without any battle or peace keeping operation, ha!-not done like that, All military in the world are indiscpline no army is very discpline the soldiers rape,kill innocent people do bad things(when i saw the canal killings of 5 afghans by US army i was shocked on CNN), and the pick up trucks that dont even carry animals??-damn you know nothing on this issue the army bought some trucks and luxurious buses not too long ago and commisioned them go to abacha barracks and see them new ones + mambilla barracks too here in abj for some, Like i said they are well trained check my post earlier and see, @bgees you dont know what you are saying 6 Likes |
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by strangleyo: 10:11pm On Mar 19, 2010 |
xterra2: Let's get this in perspective, if the US or UK armies regarded human life in the same sense that the Nigeria army does (Ijaw massacre as an example), Afghanistan would today be a parking lot. Nigeria's army is simply incompetent. They are badly trained, they are badly equipped, and they have no moral authority. And their equipment is a joke. For a country with such a large shore as ours, we don't even have a proper naval fleet. Piracy is highest around our coast only 2nd to Somalia's. All in all. Top 5, I doubt it. I doubt we could even raise an army to stop an invasion. We're so disorganized. As a nation we don't even know how many people live within our borders. 4 Likes |
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by DrKnow1(m): 10:55pm On Mar 19, 2010 |
Only three countries in Africa made the list of 40 strongest military in the world Egypt, South Africa and Libya 2 Likes |
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by henry101(m): 11:04pm On Mar 19, 2010 |
Have anybody asked y it will take a big country like congo-kinshasha several years 2chase out tiny rwandan and ugandan armies from its territory? 1 Like |
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by strangleyo: 3:12am On Mar 20, 2010 |
I'll quote: gypt Military Strength South Africa Military Strength I was being generous early on. It seems Egypt is head and shoulders above the rest in Africa. Nigeria doesn't even touch Egypt when it comes to military equipment. 6 Likes 1 Share |
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