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Why pastor Chris Oyakhilome marriage crash ( lessons for others) - Religion - Nairaland

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Why pastor Chris Oyakhilome marriage crash ( lessons for others) by lightblazingnow(m): 6:06pm On Nov 21, 2017
Straight away, these write up isn't meant to castigate anyone or bring pastor Chris into judgement, but to obey the divine voice which has instructed us to take it up from here, knowing what will happen after now.

Most people isn't aware that Nairaland is one of the major news center not only in Africa, Nigeria, but all over the world, and this information outlet is being accessed by both the mighty and the small. Everyone is looking for news blog posts and a major happening forums which brings up to date information of the happening around the world, and Nairaland fits in the quest.

And so I put it to all of you that pastor Chris and so many of them may not be a member of Nairaland forum, but frequently come to Nairaland to see what is happening in Nigeria and around the world. Nairaland thanks for the platform.

And so, that's why we're writing this to show pastor Chris why his marriage crashed and what he could do to regain himself from the fall. Most people think that just because someone preaches the word of God Almighty powerfully and exhibits a sound knowledge of Christ Jesus and of God Almighty makes such individual a master in life, or infallible. Oh no, everyone is subject to temptations, we are always tempted, to prove our sonship. The word of God Almighty is to be obeyed. Not just to be preached and demonstrated to others, you must be rooted.

James 1:2 My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into divers temptations; 1:3 Knowing this, that the trying of your faith works patience. 1:4 But let patience have her perfect work, that you may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.

1:5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God Almighty, that gives to all men liberally, and upbraids not; and it shall be given him.

1:13 Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempts he any man: 1:14 But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.

1:15 Then when lust have conceived, it brings forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, brings forth death. 1:16 Do not err, my beloved brethren.

1:17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.

1:18 Of his own will God Almighty begot us with the word of truth, that we should be a kind of firstfruits of his creatures.

1:19 Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath: 1:20 For the wrath of man works not the righteousness of God. 1:21 Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls.

1:22 But be you doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.

1:23 For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass: 1:24 For he beholds himself, and goes his way, and straightway forgets what manner of man he was.

1:25 But whoso looks into the perfect law of liberty, and continues therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed. Bam.

The excellent word of God Almighty is to be practiced, not to use as playing ground, or for fun.

I believe pastor Chris is reading these and pastor Anita too, you know exactly what I saying, I am encouraging you to turn from your wrongs and run to God Almighty, he will abundantly pardon you and restore you again.

Why did the marriage got broken, pastor Chris sir, your marriage got broken because you became very bitter against your precious lovely wife Anita. Now someone may say just that, yes this in fact is what the Almighty God commanded the man never to allow himself to get to the point where he is bitter against his wife. If the man does this, his marriage will eventually crash.

Colossians 3:19 Husbands, love your wives, and be not bitter against them.

How did we know he became bitter against her, simple, very simple, read what the man said about his wife and that sum it up

Pastor Chris said some unpleasant things about Anita while he addressed his pastors in the United Kingdom.

He told the pastors: “Bitterness is prolonged and accumulated anger. My wife is always angry and bitter.”

He further condemned the attitude of the wife for seeing herself as an equal. According to Chris,  “Some pastors’ wives think when they marry a pastor, they are equals to the pastors.

My wife thinks so. As a matter of fact, Rev. Tom was her pastor before I married her and Rev. Ray and Evang. Owase were her leaders long before I married her. How come she thinks she’s senior to them now?”

“I already started Christ Embassy before I married her. I didn’t marry her and said we should start Christ Embassy. I was already pastoring. I already set my sail and knew my direction before I married her. I only said come and help me.”

What ugly words from the man who was lifted because of grace and love of his master, and here doesn't want to be ruled by CHRIST standard.

He became very bitter and began acting against the word he preaches. Most people had come out to disagree with him, especially those who knew pastor Anita better, One of the founding member has this to say about her,

Cyla Simpson wrote:

“I am writing this to everyone with a heavy heart. It is heart wrenching to see the way people are referring to Rev Anita and how uncultured people are while talking. You don’t need to be derogatory or condescending to express yourself no matter your level as a christian. First I would join true Christians around the world to appeal to Rev Anita but would say listen to God rather than man.

“I want to appeal to everyone to please pause and think deep because whatever a man sow, he shall surely reap. This is like beating a child like Ibo elders will say and still take the tears from the child. Take a step aside and think. Is there a woman who will give up her home on flimsy excuse, if no why are we so callous and insensitive in this matter. I am a married woman and so are many reading this, or you have a mother, a sister or daughter. If you are happy for them to go through whatever brought Rev Anita to this level please continue with your judgemental approach towards her. And the God of truth will visit everyone with same except if there was no cause. Amen!!!

“I have read some accusing her of money and power motivation. PLEASE LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT THE PASTOR ANITA I KNOW AS MOST OF YOU YOUNG ONES IN NIGERIA DO NOT HAVE MUCH OF AN ENCOUNTER WITH HER. Rev Anita has been my pastor for about 13 years now. I am one of the founding members of her church and I have seen her grow a church from using all any available venue while planting more churches in faith sending her best member out to start a new church, from two churches in England has grown to churches in almost every borough and cities. Rev Anita will see anyone and everyone regardless of your status."

“If she ever kept you waiting, she will apologise profusely throughout the meeting and make it good to you. Rev Anita without an office will still counsel us even in her car on Wednesday night after church yet she has 1hour 30mins drive back home with 2 young girls. For so long she was driving a volkswagon golf until 2005 that we bought her a BMW X3 and she still refused to drive it for many months until she was begged to use it so that we can be blessed. She used the same car until 2010/2011 and the replacement she had then is still what she used till her last day in church last year."

“We begged her to come around for us to celebrate her birthday but she will still go into hiding. On her return the little song we will do for her, she will return it to Rev Chris in thanksgiving. Any money you give her she sends it straight to church account or Loveworld TV. If we ever raise money for her birthday she ask us to go and use it for evangelism or send it to Loveworld TV. When you give her any material thing, regardless of the shop you purchased it, she will use it for you to see and thank you as long as she sees you for the gift."

“At Christmas, while service was on up to 2013 christmas she will give almost everyone in church gift. Foodstuff will be dropped at your side as service. She will specially take care of the elderly, help you settle down when you arrive in the country. No barren left without children as she will make it her project until it happens. So how come people came up with this terrible accusation. You accused her of being rude to some CEC members. Wow. This is wicked. First for so long, she was the Vice President and others have other positions. I thought husband and wife are one."

“She raised 2 girls in this society and the 2 girls are admirable, humble, down-to-earth children. They are children not a reflection of the home they grew. Pastor Chris was not around. He came to our church on Fathers’ Day sometimes ago and he told us one of the daughters’ requested for it as her birthday gift – how touching and how she treasures her dad’s presence. She could ask for material thing but she asked for his presence and we all are here judging them. I remember these girls will politely beg me to allow them carry my baby and they will play with him and when they bring him back, they will thank me for letting them carry him and I’m surprised because I should thank them for helping me. And they do same to other mothers in the mothers’ area where we sit in church. Is it not what they saw their mum do, they are not class-freak."

“I remember that visit of Pastor, Rev Tom talking said we may not value what we have. That she is the grace in the CEC. If they all condemn someone, she will see a good reason to embrace the person and she has always been right. Rev Chris said at one IPPC that most changes we see here in the ministry, she in her simple way brought them and that was the day he spoke about how she talked about the effort we put into publicity of programme but that same or more should be put in telling what the Lord did in that programme when its over. So what changed now, because she is asking for a change."

“I have read all the messages here by some writers, the news is all over our church and I have taken my time to find out what is really happening and to the much available, below are the things Rev Anita is asking for:

"She told Rev Chris that you are such an organised person, you give us almost a full year calendar on Dec 31st of every year, please put the family in the timetable too. The times you don’t have any engagement, please come home. I need you and the children need you. Please bear in mind she has been here since 1999 and she was just about 30 years old then as a married woman with 2 children. So for almost 16 years of her marriage, no husband at home for straight 1 week, no dad at home for the children. No christmas, yet he has party with the staff that we all watch at Christmas. Even Jesus always withdrew from the crowd to fellowship with his father."

"She asked Rev Chris that on hearing of the immorality, ‘not holding it against you but let all these ladies move out of White House and go and get houses outside. They are rich enough to buy houses at their place of choice if they don’t already have one and allow them marry. Who benefits from this choice, is it not everyone? So which is her offence in this. And Rev Chris did not agree to it. The brothers even said they went to have meeting with him in South Africa to beg him to at least meet her half-way but he refused. 2 public responses are the emergency Bible study after their meeting with him titled – Spirit of Error and Spirit of Truth, please flash back at this meeting or relisten to it and after so much call in the UK for him to produce our mother, he had meeting with our pastors and deacons in May and it is recorded that many left the meeting weeping for the way he described our mother that some have had lifetime experience with.”

But you see, when you are bitter against your wife, there is nothing good you will see in her, why because you have fallen from grace, you did exactly what your master asked you not to, and what makes you think you will escape harm, this is what is happening to our dear man of God Almighty.

To help you more pastor Chris,

Ephesians 5:25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; 5:26 That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, 5:27 That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.

5:28 So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loves his wife loves himself

5:29 For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourishes and cherishes it, even as the Lord the church:

5:30 For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones. 5:31 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. ( Why divide your selves pastor Chris)

5:32 This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church. 5:33 Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband.

For me, this is a model, I never want to let go of such amazing letters from the desk of God Almighty, and I have enjoyed my marriage for the past twelve years and counting. I will never be bitter against my wife, and I encourage everyone here married never to be bitter against your own self - wife. It will eventually destroy your marriage.

I pray that as you read this book, you will hear and be converted quickly. God Almighty loves you pastor Chris.

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Re: Why pastor Chris Oyakhilome marriage crash ( lessons for others) by lightblazingnow(m): 6:06pm On Nov 21, 2017
Re: Why pastor Chris Oyakhilome marriage crash ( lessons for others) by lightblazingnow(m): 7:12am On Nov 26, 2017
Pass on

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Re: Why pastor Chris Oyakhilome marriage crash ( lessons for others) by Marchman: 8:39am On Nov 26, 2017
OP, what is your point exactly? You made this long post to explain a very simple matter. The reason Pastor Chris's marriage failed is because he was screwing several of the single female pastors living in the same house with him. The place is called Whitehouse. The wife was sent to the UK where she single handedly raised their two daughters. When she got to know about the harem the man kept in Whitehouse and insisted the women left, Pastor Chris refused, choosing the women over his wife. It's as simple as that. The man is a polygamist. But it doesn't matter. In Christ Embassy, once you're saved nothing can take your salvation away, not even fucking all the young girls in Church.

Even rabid 'delusionist' like Joeagbaje doesn't defend the man on that score again.


Re: Why pastor Chris Oyakhilome marriage crash ( lessons for others) by Sunnyshinylight(f): 9:55am On Nov 26, 2017
Re: Why pastor Chris Oyakhilome marriage crash ( lessons for others) by RuddyFusion(m): 10:47am On Nov 26, 2017
At the end God will judge all....
Re: Why pastor Chris Oyakhilome marriage crash ( lessons for others) by judedwriter(m): 11:54am On Nov 26, 2017
At the end God will judge all....
No matter how anointed or gifted. Pastor chris is one of the most gifted pastors mine eyes has ever seen, but nobody like the op said is above temptations, especially sexual ties outside marriage with the opposite sex.

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Re: Why pastor Chris Oyakhilome marriage crash ( lessons for others) by RuddyFusion(m): 1:15pm On Nov 26, 2017

No matter how anointed or gifted. Pastor chris is one of the most gifted pastors mine eyes has ever seen, but nobody like the op said is above temptations, especially sexual ties outside marriage with the opposite sex.

My point is not about his temptations..becuase no one is above it but the fact that he left his wife and he's trying to justify it....A man of God for that matter.... so if he meets God today he will start realing out excuses why he left his wife or why he bn sleeping with his Church members?

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Re: Why pastor Chris Oyakhilome marriage crash ( lessons for others) by Maestro21: 1:15pm On Nov 26, 2017
Normally, I would not post on such matters because it really does not concern me but I feel compelled to address certain things.

The truth of the matter is your story is laced with half-truths which anyone who is truly seeking the facts can deduce. I have listened to the excerpts of both meetings the OP talked about and nowhere did he insult or denigrate his wife.

I heard him say on several occasions "me and my wife are one - there is no her and me". I also heard him express his faith for his marriage - a faith, those of us who know him know he is still expressing till date.

I also heard him talk about CEC members but not in connection to what you said or how you said it. Being the VP of the ministry still does not absolve one of the respectful duties that is expected of a leader. You cannot give instructions to your MOG because he is your husband - especially when other MOG in the ministry where your leaders before you married him.

God will judge who is right or wrong in the whole issue but to the best of my knowledge Pastor Chris made every attempt to save his marriage. The only thing he said he would not do, is agree to anything that was contrary to the mandate God gave him (which Rev Anita) is very aware of.

In all of this, I looked out for his daughters because their opinions can truly tell what is going on. Especially since they grew up with their mother most of the time, one would have felt they would lean towards her. They did not.

I still pray for Pastor's marriage as we know this whole thing was conspired by the devil to wane him knowing how dear his family is to him. But Pastor would not be deterred; the mandate must be achieved.

There were storms shortly after she left, but the ship has never been more steady today and will only grow from strength to strength because this ministry is being sustained by God almighty.

As for the careless ones who have denied the faith they once professed, insulted the anointing, told barefaced lies and still do. I can only weep in intercession for them because I know their end and it is destruction.

I have seen these things happen so many times. God is using me to beg you to retract these empty vile words you are dispensing as it would cost you your life. If you are hardened by the demons that harden you, I feel for you. But if you are wise enough to harken and listen to that voice from on high that is talking to you now, you would repent and desist from this foolishness.

I rest my case.


Re: Why pastor Chris Oyakhilome marriage crash ( lessons for others) by judedwriter(m): 2:05pm On Nov 26, 2017

My point is not about his temptations..becuase no one is above it but the fact that he left his wife and he's trying to justify it....A man of God for that matter.... so if he meets God today he will start realing out excuses why he left his wife or why he bn sleeping with his Church members?
Hmmm... so very sad....this is the same pastor who said nothing is wrong with masturbation. I have read of pastors who were so very successful in ministry they began to tolerate false doctrine until they fell completely away from God. I hope my dear pastor chris doesn't follow suit, becos his ministry has really inspired me over the years he's has been coming up.
Re: Why pastor Chris Oyakhilome marriage crash ( lessons for others) by Maestro21: 2:13pm On Nov 26, 2017

Hmmm... so very sad....this is the same pastor who said nothing is wrong with masturbation. I have read of pastors who were so very successful in ministry they began to tolerate false doctrine until they fell completely away from God. I hope my dear pastor chris doesn't follow suit, becos his ministry has really inspired me over the years he's has been coming up.

Prove this.
Re: Why pastor Chris Oyakhilome marriage crash ( lessons for others) by Maestro21: 2:14pm On Nov 26, 2017

My point is not about his temptations..becuase no one is above it but the fact that he left his wife and he's trying to justify it....A man of God for that matter.... so if he meets God today he will start realing out excuses why he left his wife or [s]why he bn sleeping with his Church members[/s]?

Prove this.
Re: Why pastor Chris Oyakhilome marriage crash ( lessons for others) by judedwriter(m): 2:29pm On Nov 26, 2017

Prove this.
Go goggle it, you will see it.
However, i felt he spoke of masturbation as not biblical, which is why he called it unsinful.
Re: Why pastor Chris Oyakhilome marriage crash ( lessons for others) by lightblazingnow(m): 5:03pm On Nov 26, 2017
I believe you saw this pastor Chris
Re: Why pastor Chris Oyakhilome marriage crash ( lessons for others) by Maestro21: 9:24pm On Nov 26, 2017

Go goggle it, you will see it.
However, i felt he spoke of masturbation as not biblical, which is why he called it unsinful.

Masturbation is not sin is not the same as there is nothing wrong with masturbation.

He did not leave his wife - she left him.
Re: Why pastor Chris Oyakhilome marriage crash ( lessons for others) by Seun(m): 9:25pm On Nov 26, 2017
I think his marriage crashed because he cheated on his wife, as famous men tend to do, and he was too unrepentant to obtain her forgiveness.

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Re: Why pastor Chris Oyakhilome marriage crash ( lessons for others) by makydebbie(f): 10:14pm On Nov 26, 2017
I think his marriage crashed because he cheated on his wife, as powerful men tend to do, and he was too unrepentant to obtain her forgiveness.
Seun!! why na? grin
Re: Why pastor Chris Oyakhilome marriage crash ( lessons for others) by DangotePikin: 10:54pm On Nov 26, 2017
I think his marriage crashed because he cheated on his wife, as powerful men tend to do, and he was too unrepentant to obtain her forgiveness.
Oga Seun, how many times have u committed adultery in your lifetime?
Re: Why pastor Chris Oyakhilome marriage crash ( lessons for others) by I888(m): 6:57am On Nov 27, 2017
Normally, I would not post on such matters because it really does not concern me but I feel compelled to address certain things.

The truth of the matter is your story is laced with half-truths which anyone who is truly seeking the facts can deduce. I have listened to the excerpts of both meetings the OP talked about and nowhere did he insult or denigrate his wife.

I heard him say on several occasions "me and my wife are one - there is no her and me". I also heard him express his faith for his marriage - a faith, those of us who know him know he is still expressing till date.

I also heard him talk about CEC members but not in connection to what you said or how you said it. Being the VP of the ministry still does not absolve one of the respectful duties that is expected of a leader. You cannot give instructions to your MOG because he is your husband - especially when other MOG in the ministry where your leaders before you married him.

God will judge who is right or wrong in the whole issue but to the best of my knowledge Pastor Chris made every attempt to save his marriage. The only thing he said he would not do, is agree to anything that was contrary to the mandate God gave him (which Rev Anita) is very aware of.

In all of this, I looked out for his daughters because their opinions can truly tell what is going on. Especially since they grew up with their mother most of the time, one would have felt they would lean towards her. They did not.

I still pray for Pastor's marriage as we know this whole thing was conspired by the devil to wane him knowing how dear his family is to him. But Pastor would not be deterred; the mandate must be achieved.

There were storms shortly after she left, but the ship has never been more steady today and will only grow from strength to strength because this ministry is being sustained by God almighty.

As for the careless ones who have denied the faith they once professed, insulted the anointing, told barefaced lies and still do. I can only weep in intercession for them because I know their end and it is destruction.

I have seen these things happen so many times. God is using me to beg you to retract these empty vile words you are dispensing as it would cost you your life. If you are hardened by the demons that harden you, I feel for you. But if you are wise enough to harken and listen to that voice from on high that is talking to you now, you would repent and desist from this foolishness.

I rest my case.

This is the problem with many of you Christians... Why curse, why wish evil on someone?after everything said and done, claiming to be Christ like from Christ embassy, you ended up using words even Christ Jesus wouldn't use. It goes to show that doctrines being preached today are false.

Go siddon. Na ur head that curse go fall put. State your opinion and get the forks out of here.


Re: Why pastor Chris Oyakhilome marriage crash ( lessons for others) by lightblazingnow(m): 10:29am On Nov 27, 2017
God bless you Mr writer. Life goes on
Re: Why pastor Chris Oyakhilome marriage crash ( lessons for others) by karli4nia(m): 12:51pm On Nov 27, 2017
Who can say for sure why his matrimony hit da rocks? I can't say..

I was under his tutelage for many years...I had to free my soul from that labyrinth...

I guess d Chris Guy wld have as usual scripture backed reasons to justify his actions and decisions...
Scriptures that ppl interprete according to d configuration of their putrid minds..

He shld however try and remarry...cos I don't know if he has since become celibate like the Catholic priest..
Re: Why pastor Chris Oyakhilome marriage crash ( lessons for others) by donnie(m): 1:01pm On Nov 27, 2017
Na amebo dey worry you... only twelve years?

Why was it more convenient for you to say it was Pastor Chris that was bitter against his wife and not the other way round, especially when there are glaring facts... from the wife's demands and conditions to her application and insistence on getting a divorce?

Please don't come with more pretence... we've had enough. Thanks.

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Re: Why pastor Chris Oyakhilome marriage crash ( lessons for others) by Seun(m): 1:27pm On Nov 27, 2017
He shld however try and remarry...cos I don't know if he has since become celibate like the Catholic priest..
I feel that he didn't say masturbation is not a sin for no reason. MouthAction and heavy petting are essentially assisted masturbation, so... lipsrsealed

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Re: Why pastor Chris Oyakhilome marriage crash ( lessons for others) by Maestro21: 2:21pm On Nov 27, 2017

This is the problem with many of you Christians... Why curse, why wish evil on someone?after everything said and done, claiming to be Christ like from Christ embassy, you ended up using words even Christ Jesus wouldn't use. It goes to show that doctrines being preached today are false.

Go siddon. Na ur head that curse go fall put. State your opinion and get the forks out of here.

God bless you.
Re: Why pastor Chris Oyakhilome marriage crash ( lessons for others) by Maestro21: 2:27pm On Nov 27, 2017
Na amebo dey worry you... only twelve years?

Why was it more convenient for you to say it was Pastor Chris that was bitter against his wife and not the other way round, especially when there are glaring facts... from the wife's demands and conditions to her application and insistence on getting a divorce?

Please don't come with more pretence... we've had enough. Thanks.

We know how demons work; who else is under attack but the MOG? So it fits the narrative perfectly for him to be at fault. If satan strikes the Shepherd, he can scatter the sheep. Jesus said so.

See MOG that every softsell mag and bloggers claimed had Jet since, are the same people now who turned around to say he used Music ministry to covertly buy himself a Jet.

Same people said he is worth $50M then turned around to say he bought Jet $34M. LOL. Which person uses more than half his networth to buy a Jet that he would need $4M per year (according to them) to maintain it.

All because Satan wants to attack. What a dumb devil.

And nobody on NL is seeing the glaring contradiction. Even the supposed owners that are supposed to be braniacs are not spared from this folly.

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Re: Why pastor Chris Oyakhilome marriage crash ( lessons for others) by lightblazingnow(m): 2:51pm On Nov 27, 2017
Make the choice pastor Chris
Re: Why pastor Chris Oyakhilome marriage crash ( lessons for others) by spartan117(m): 4:29pm On Nov 27, 2017
I think his marriage crashed because he cheated on his wife, as famous men tend to do, and he was too unrepentant to obtain her forgiveness.
Mere speculation. No facts
Re: Why pastor Chris Oyakhilome marriage crash ( lessons for others) by Seun(m): 4:42pm On Nov 27, 2017
Mere speculation. No facts
Re: Why pastor Chris Oyakhilome marriage crash ( lessons for others) by donnie(m): 4:43pm On Nov 27, 2017
I think his marriage crashed because he cheated on his wife, as famous men tend to do, and he was too unrepentant to obtain her forgiveness.

Why don't you send this to FP as usual? undecided

Since its junk like these that grace your FP while inspiring stuff like the LIMA AWARDS are too intimidating to the point of unnecessary outright removal.

BTW, I just returned from a ban for reasons I do not know.

Re: Why pastor Chris Oyakhilome marriage crash ( lessons for others) by Seun(m): 4:52pm On Nov 27, 2017
Why don't you send this to FP as usual? undecided
Because it's a mere speculation pieced together from random articles that I have mostly forgotten. What do you think really happened?

Since its junk like these that grace your FP
Not true.

while inspiring stuff like the LIMA AWARDS are too intimidating to the point of unnecessary outright removal.
Share it. Eventually it will get to Lalasticlala.

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Re: Why pastor Chris Oyakhilome marriage crash ( lessons for others) by jared007: 6:19pm On Nov 27, 2017
I think his marriage crashed because he cheated on his wife, as famous men tend to do, and he was too unrepentant to obtain her forgiveness.
Thank God it's only a thought from ur own mind. The way u follow up threads that has Pastor Chris name mentioned shows u secretly admire the MOG?

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