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Boost Your Immune System - Health - Nairaland

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Immune Booster Capsules Is To In Boost Your Immune Aganst Diseases / ENHANCE YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM WITH HERBLIN COMPLEX / HIV Vaccine Breakthrough As Experts Generate Immune Cells To Stop Spread (2) (3) (4)

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Boost Your Immune System by Lawrittanneka68(f): 6:47pm On Nov 26, 2017

Each Capsules Contains


Vitamin C

Garlic Oil

Cod Liver Oil

Ginger Extract

Peppermint Oil


Citrus bioflavonoids

*Health benefits of Immune booster*

It boosts the over-all immune system

It helps our own immune system better equipped to fighting bacteria, viruses and cancer cells

It also facilitate the quick healing of skin abrasions, as well as lessen symptoms and recovery time of viruses

It helps ward off the common cold, flus, nasal congestion

It helps in treating urinary tract infections

It also helps in treating Wounds and Skin Infections

Its Vitamin C content is a powerhouse that helps keep our whole body healthy.

- It promotes healthy bones, skin and blood vessels.

- It helps maintain our immune system and connective tissue.

- It’s also a powerful antioxidant that fights free radicals and oxidative stress.

It's garlic gives it snti inflammatory properties

- It detoxifies the body, removes heavy metals such as lead & mercury

- It promotes heart health

- It also effective at regulating blood pressure.

- It helps fight infections

- It is effective for lowering cholesterol levels

- It lower the risk for stomach ulcers and cancer

- It protect the liver against diseases

It's Cod liver oil content help to prevent serious diseases such as cancer, diabetes, arthritis, musculoskeletal pain, kidney problems, and high cholesterol.

It's Ginger content help
reduce pain and Inflammation

- Heartburn Relief

- Cold and Flu Prevention and Treatment

- Migraine Relief

- Menstrual Cramp Relief

- Prevention of Diabetic Nephropathy

- It's peppermint oil content to cure indigestion & upset stomach

- It is the best antidote for an upset stomach.
Peppermint oil benefits the respiratory system. The menthol in peppermint oil helps to clear the respiratory tract.

- The oil of peppermint acts as an expectorant and provides relief during a regular bout of cold and cough, and the more serious sinusitis, asthma, and bronchitis.

- It is also used for relief from headaches

- It is used to treat stress and pain.

- Peppermint oil is antiseptic in nature.

- It boosts the immune system.

- It helps fights cancer.

- It helps protects the heart.

- It helps regulates thyroid hormones.

- Helps treat conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis lupus, and eczema.

- It help ward off the common cold, flu, nasal congestion

- It help in treating urinary tract infections

- It also help in treating Wounds and Skin Infections

- Prevention of Diabetic Nephropathy

- It benefits the respiratory system by clearing the respiratory tract.

- It is used to treat stress and pain.

Research has shown that Immune Booster is useful for supporting the following:

* Malaria & Typhoid fever
* Migraine
* Stress
* Inflammatory pains
* Asthma
* Bronchitis
* Sinusitis
* Pneumonia
* Cold, cough, flu, nasal congestion
* Some Cancers
* Skin infections
* Urinary tract infection
* High Cholesterol
* Digestive Difficulties
* Promoting heart health
* Diabetic Nephropathy
* Improving immune function
* Thyroid disorders
* Menstrual cramps
*S. T. D.How to place an order contact or WhatsAp Get Well &Wealth on: 08038220168

Re: Boost Your Immune System by millhouse: 8:56am On Nov 30, 2017
Can't see your number on WhatsApp
Re: Boost Your Immune System by Lawrittanneka68(f): 6:18pm On Feb 06, 2018
Can't see your number on WhatsApp
are you sure is my number that you did not see on WhatsAp?

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