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Archbishop Idahosa: Thou Shall Not Suffer A Witch To Live By Leke Beecroft - Religion - Nairaland

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RCCG Online Dating App Condemned By Leke Adeboye (Pastor Adeboye's Son) / Margaret Idahosa Cries, Visits Archbishop Idahosa's Mausoleum / How The Living Faith Church Funds Her Private Jet By Leke Beecroft (2) (3) (4)

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Archbishop Idahosa: Thou Shall Not Suffer A Witch To Live By Leke Beecroft by HigherEd: 6:32pm On Mar 15, 2018
Celebrating IDAHOSA #6
(September 11, 1938-March 12, 1998)

Exodus 22:18

By Leke Beecroft

Benin as has been said earlier was formerly known as the 'City of Blood'. It would have been apt for it to also be known as the 'Land of Witches and Wizards'. Idahosa grew up in the midst of witchcraft and idolatry. His late father was utterly disappointed that Benson could not become the deity priest that he had desired while his Grandmum remained a fervent idolater till death.

Some months after the dedication of The Faith Arena, then the largest Church Auditorium in the whole of Africa at Upper Adesuwa, GRA, Benin, by Archbishop, the news went round Nigeria, that witches from all over the globe had met in the State of Chicago in the USA and had decided to hold their first international conference. The venue was fixed as Benin City. The Chief Host, an academician of Bini Origin held a press conference and informed the Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) Benin as well as newspapers such as The Tribune, Sketch and Punch with arrogance that this first world conference hosting witches and wizards would hold in Benin. Church Gist. Soon enough Idahosa was informed and true to himself, in the next edition of 'Idahosa and You', a program of the Idahosa World Outreach, he said it could not be true as it was impossible. The press met Idahosa and asked what exactly was not possible and what were the consequences if any? 'Witches from the world could not come to Benin' insisted Benson, as he would 'kill them all'. The city became a buzz.

The press characteristically returned to the Chief Host to inform him about Idahosa's response and he boasted 'Not even God can stop it'!. 'I am a wizard and I know the power we carry' he went on. The next day, all the headlines of the national dailies carried the story on their front pages. Idahosa was informed about the response of the Chief Wizard Host, that God can not stop the event from holding. 'Yes he is correct' said Archbishop Idahosa.........

'That is why I am here, God does not need to waste his time considering matters as trivial as stopping the conference of witches'.

Again, Idahosa sought to know how many witches were expected in Benin. 9,800 of them, he was told. Church Gist.

His house was visited by pressmen who came to advise him against the risk he was taking by challenging witches openly. 'Witches are not to be toiled with, be careful. Do not throw your life away, it is not compulsory to take up these challenges. You are already known by the power of God manifesting in your life. You don't have any point to prove ' they said. Idahosa responded:

'Those who take care do not take charge and those who take charge do not take care'.

The Chief Host had also warned that Idahosa was a busybody, merely risking his life. When Idahosa insisted that there would be no witches conference in Benin, the media then asked if he was ready to tell the whole nation. They told him they intended to arrange a Tv program where he would meet face to face with the Chief 'wizard' to defend their individual positions. True to himself, he replied in the affirmative. Idahosa loved open confrontations.

About a week later they were both on air in a live program. The moderator started by saying, 'Gentlemen, we don't want anybody to get hurt'. He then asked Idahosa's disputant, 'Chief Host, are you really sure you are bringing 9,800 witches from all over the world? The moderator got a resounding 'Yes'. He faced Idahosa 'Dr Idahosa, are you sure you are going to be able to stop this conference of wizards and witches? 'It is not that I am going to stop it, I have stopped it', replied the Archbishop now raising his voice.

The moderator then told both of them:
"Are you really ready? Because I am now going to grant you time to tell us how serious your position is and how strong the power of your God is". He beckoned on Idahosa and the Chief Host and both of them said they were ready. Quickly chipping in, Idahosa requested to be allowed to pray before the program ended as he intended to kill that day. Reluctantly, the moderator accepted. The Chief Host was unshaken.

The wizard spoke first and for about 27 minutes, quoting copiously from the old testament of the Bible, sixth and seventh books of Moses, Egyptian hieroglyphics, British writings, Jewish scrolls, Indian Maharaja and other mystical books. As he ended, the moderator asked if Idahosa heard and again he said he did. 'What do you have to say?' Idahosa was asked. 'There is nothing to say. I said the proposed conference is cancelled'. How ? The moderator asked.....

Archbishop then opened the Bible and read quickly some passages from Exodus, Leviticus, Deuteronomy and some New Testament verses. He asked how many minutes he had left and was told 'just 5'. "Fine, it is time for somebody to report to his maker" he blurted rising up. There was pandemonium in the studio. With everyone watching, he turned to the self confessed wizard and chief host and asked :

"I just need an answer from you and your life is hanging on your answer. A witch is not supposed to live and I intend to kill you now if you are one"

At home and in the studio, viewers were glued to their screens and tension was palpable all around.

"Now answer me and this large viewing audience in one or two words. Are you a wizard? Just answer, Yes or No?

'I am not'

"What did you say because I am ready to pray" Idahosa prompted.

'I said, I am not a wizard' the frightened man replied.

"Then there is no need to go on, stand up and leave the studio"!

The Chief Host quickly walked out as sighs of relief filled the studio. The Christians among the TV crew smiled and kept giving each other the 'thumbs up' sign. Benson Idahosa began to fire in tongues........

Next morning, the Chief Host visited his office and even collected a Bible. He however still insisted to the Media that the conference would still hold in 7 days. The media returned to Idahosa to inform him. 'Is the conference still holding or not'?

"No comments" Benson Idahosa responded "but if the conference still holds, I will burn my Bible. I say it is cancelled".

On the day of the opening, there was no conference. The next day, Archbishop Idahosa travelled to Lagos to see the President, General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida, a Muslim.

"As you are very well aware, I told the whole nation that the conference of the witches would not hold in this country and you can see that it did not hold"

'Yes', replied the Military President. 'When I saw you and that fellow defending your beliefs and positions, I sent telex to all our embassies not to allow even one witch or wizard into Nigeria. They were all denied visas'.

The African Apostles
Volume 1
Patriarchs and Pacesetters
Oluwaleke Beecroft


51 Likes 5 Shares

Re: Archbishop Idahosa: Thou Shall Not Suffer A Witch To Live By Leke Beecroft by wwwtortoise(m): 8:20pm On Mar 15, 2018
Love thy enemy

When he/she proves unrepentant, show more love.


Re: Archbishop Idahosa: Thou Shall Not Suffer A Witch To Live By Leke Beecroft by Nobody: 8:21pm On Mar 15, 2018
Today, many of those witches are in the church shouting abracadabra. False teachings now fill the church like shit. God help me because,
I go soon convert to Ome n'ala.


Re: Archbishop Idahosa: Thou Shall Not Suffer A Witch To Live By Leke Beecroft by CHOPUP411(m): 8:21pm On Mar 15, 2018
Great man Rest In Peace

My mentor

I will always celebrate you

21 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Archbishop Idahosa: Thou Shall Not Suffer A Witch To Live By Leke Beecroft by AFONJAPIG(m): 8:22pm On Mar 15, 2018
those days I dey fear this man

1 Like

Re: Archbishop Idahosa: Thou Shall Not Suffer A Witch To Live By Leke Beecroft by CuteMadridista: 8:22pm On Mar 15, 2018
I'm pretty certain none of this nonsense happened or it was just a show, a scam planned to make late ArchScammer Idahosa more popular

21 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Archbishop Idahosa: Thou Shall Not Suffer A Witch To Live By Leke Beecroft by boolet: 8:23pm On Mar 15, 2018
Con artist that year... Babanla 419. undecided

17 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Archbishop Idahosa: Thou Shall Not Suffer A Witch To Live By Leke Beecroft by aalangel(f): 8:23pm On Mar 15, 2018
My Papa for Life....I Love you greatly!!

1 Like

Re: Archbishop Idahosa: Thou Shall Not Suffer A Witch To Live By Leke Beecroft by visijo(m): 8:23pm On Mar 15, 2018
Re: Archbishop Idahosa: Thou Shall Not Suffer A Witch To Live By Leke Beecroft by bokunrawo(m): 8:24pm On Mar 15, 2018
Love thy enemy

When he/she proves unrepentant, show more love.
Show them more love and they continue to kill you, Herod had to die for Jesus to fulfill his ministry, Haman had to die for the Jews to be liberated, pharaoh and his chariot had to perish in the red sea for the children of Israel to be liberated . Even the Bible said suffereth not a witch to live, bros think well oooo.

11 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Archbishop Idahosa: Thou Shall Not Suffer A Witch To Live By Leke Beecroft by mayorall(m): 8:25pm On Mar 15, 2018
Love thy enemy

When he/she proves unrepentant, show more love.

Ain't preaching Hatred but Jesus said we should pray for our enemy but he didn't give us prayer point. So I think we are free to pray them to death here.

Also Jesus didn't show love to the tree while he was hungry, he cursed the tree because there was no fruit for him to eat and it dried up.

Psalm 11:6

Upon the wicked He will rain snares; Fire and brimstone and burning wind will be the portion of their cup.

Until God executed judgement/vengeance on Pharaoh and the whole of Egypt by killing their first born, that of Cattle and that of human, even Pharaoh' s heir to his throne, that was when Pharaoh let the Israelites go.

If you don't show the wicked pepper , they will continue with their wickedness. Show them love on the physical and show them pepper when you jam at the spiritual realm. Eno pass that one...

23 Likes 1 Share

Re: Archbishop Idahosa: Thou Shall Not Suffer A Witch To Live By Leke Beecroft by free2ryhme: 8:25pm On Mar 15, 2018
Celebrating IDAHOSA #6
(September 11, 1938-March 12, 1998)

Exodus 22:18

By Leke Beecroft

Benin as has been said earlier was formerly known as the 'City of Blood'. It would have been apt for it to also be known as the 'Land of Witches and Wizards'. Idahosa grew up in the midst of witchcraft and idolatry. His late father was utterly disappointed that Benson could not become the deity priest that he had desired while his Grandmum remained a fervent idolater till death.

Some months after the dedication of The Faith Arena, then the largest Church Auditorium in the whole of Africa at Upper Adesuwa, GRA, Benin, by Archbishop, the news went round Nigeria, that witches from all over the globe had met in the State of Chicago in the USA and had decided to hold their first international conference. The venue was fixed as Benin City. The Chief Host, an academician of Bini Origin held a press conference and informed the Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) Benin as well as newspapers such as The Tribune, Sketch and Punch with arrogance that this first world conference hosting witches and wizards would hold in Benin. Church Gist. Soon enough Idahosa was informed and true to himself, in the next edition of 'Idahosa and You', a program of the Idahosa World Outreach, he said it could not be true as it was impossible. The press met Idahosa and asked what exactly was not possible and what were the consequences if any? 'Witches from the world could not come to Benin' insisted Benson, as he would 'kill them all'. The city became a buzz.

The press characteristically returned to the Chief Host to inform him about Idahosa's response and he boasted 'Not even God can stop it'!. 'I am a wizard and I know the power we carry' he went on. The next day, all the headlines of the national dailies carried the story on their front pages. Idahosa was informed about the response of the Chief Wizard Host, that God can not stop the event from holding. 'Yes he is correct' said Archbishop Idahosa.........

'That is why I am here, God does not need to waste his time considering matters as trivial as stopping the conference of witches'.

Again, Idahosa sought to know how many witches were expected in Benin. 9,800 of them, he was told. Church Gist.

His house was visited by pressmen who came to advise him against the risk he was taking by challenging witches openly. 'Witches are not to be toiled with, be careful. Do not throw your life away, it is not compulsory to take up these challenges. You are already known by the power of God manifesting in your life. You don't have any point to prove ' they said. Idahosa responded:

'Those who take care do not take charge and those who take charge do not take care'.

The Chief Host had also warned that Idahosa was a busybody, merely risking his life. When Idahosa insisted that there would be no witches conference in Benin, the media then asked if he was ready to tell the whole nation. They told him they intended to arrange a Tv program where he would meet face to face with the Chief 'wizard' to defend their individual positions. True to himself, he replied in the affirmative. Idahosa loved open confrontations.

About a week later they were both on air in a live program. The moderator started by saying, 'Gentlemen, we don't want anybody to get hurt'. He then asked Idahosa's disputant, 'Chief Host, are you really sure you are bringing 9,800 witches from all over the world? The moderator got a resounding 'Yes'. He faced Idahosa 'Dr Idahosa, are you sure you are going to be able to stop this conference of wizards and witches? 'It is not that I am going to stop it, I have stopped it', replied the Archbishop now raising his voice.

The moderator then told both of them:
"Are you really ready? Because I am now going to grant you time to tell us how serious your position is and how strong the power of your God is". He beckoned on Idahosa and the Chief Host and both of them said they were ready. Quickly chipping in, Idahosa requested to be allowed to pray before the program ended as he intended to kill that day. Reluctantly, the moderator accepted. The Chief Host was unshaken.

The wizard spoke first and for about 27 minutes, quoting copiously from the old testament of the Bible, sixth and seventh books of Moses, Egyptian hieroglyphics, British writings, Jewish scrolls, Indian Maharaja and other mystical books. As he ended, the moderator asked if Idahosa heard and again he said he did. 'What do you have to say?' Idahosa was asked. 'There is nothing to say. I said the proposed conference is cancelled'. How ? The moderator asked.....

Archbishop then opened the Bible and read quickly some passages from Exodus, Leviticus, Deuteronomy and some New Testament verses. He asked how many minutes he had left and was told 'just 5'. "Fine, it is time for somebody to report to his maker" he blurted rising up. There was pandemonium in the studio. With everyone watching, he turned to the self confessed wizard and chief host and asked :

"I just need an answer from you and your life is hanging on your answer. A witch is not supposed to live and I intend to kill you now if you are one"

At home and in the studio, viewers were glued to their screens and tension was palpable all around.

"Now answer me and this large viewing audience in one or two words. Are you a wizard? Just answer, Yes or No?

'I am not'

"What did you say because I am ready to pray" Idahosa prompted.

'I said, I am not a wizard' the frightened man replied.

"Then there is no need to go on, stand up and leave the studio"!

The Chief Host quickly walked out as sighs of relief filled the studio. The Christians among the TV crew smiled and kept giving each other the 'thumbs up' sign. Benson Idahosa began to fire in tongues........

Next morning, the Chief Host visited his office and even collected a Bible. He however still insisted to the Media that the conference would still hold in 7 days. The media returned to Idahosa to inform him. 'Is the conference still holding or not'?

"No comments" Benson Idahosa responded "but if the conference still holds, I will burn my Bible. I say it is cancelled".

On the day of the opening, there was no conference. The next day, Archbishop Idahosa travelled to Lagos to see the President, General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida, a Muslim.

"As you are very well aware, I told the whole nation that the conference of the witches would not hold in this country and you can see that it did not hold"

'Yes', replied the Military President. 'When I saw you and that fellow defending your beliefs and positions, I sent telex to all our embassies not to allow even one witch or wizard into Nigeria. They were all denied visas'.

The African Apostles
Volume 1
Patriarchs and Pacesetters
Oluwaleke Beecroft


Re: Archbishop Idahosa: Thou Shall Not Suffer A Witch To Live By Leke Beecroft by martineverest(m): 8:26pm On Mar 15, 2018
Nigerians greatest pastor and world's most travelled man then


Re: Archbishop Idahosa: Thou Shall Not Suffer A Witch To Live By Leke Beecroft by Marchman: 8:27pm On Mar 15, 2018


Re: Archbishop Idahosa: Thou Shall Not Suffer A Witch To Live By Leke Beecroft by cescky(m): 8:30pm On Mar 15, 2018

Wow I wsh I met this man..

Hes evidently Bishop oydepos spiritual father..

Such boldness and Faith..

Haters will say it was Babangida that killed the conference..but in the words of adenuga wer all pencils in the hand of the creator

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Re: Archbishop Idahosa: Thou Shall Not Suffer A Witch To Live By Leke Beecroft by gmoney12: 8:31pm On Mar 15, 2018
hmmm hmmm hmmmm...clears throat

the only witches and wizard I have seen and still see are those Christians praying for d downfall of a person that don't believe in the crap they believe in...they pray for another to fall so dey rise...they pray for the death of someone they r not even sire if he or she is the one responsible for their problem..

dey keep shouting fire fire consume and invoking all kind of curses...those are the witches I have seen...

so dey deserve the treatment recommended by their holy book...

know yourself ,emancipate yourself from mental and religious slavery...peace

11 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Archbishop Idahosa: Thou Shall Not Suffer A Witch To Live By Leke Beecroft by ehinorlive: 8:31pm On Mar 15, 2018
trully a great man of God
Re: Archbishop Idahosa: Thou Shall Not Suffer A Witch To Live By Leke Beecroft by Kotodoctor: 8:31pm On Mar 15, 2018
And when he died his wife took over his business empire. You forgot to add that.

Great man of God.

1 Like

Re: Archbishop Idahosa: Thou Shall Not Suffer A Witch To Live By Leke Beecroft by Nobody: 8:33pm On Mar 15, 2018
cheesy Nice play, we should actually act it.

I love the script

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Re: Archbishop Idahosa: Thou Shall Not Suffer A Witch To Live By Leke Beecroft by imstrong1: 8:33pm On Mar 15, 2018
He carried the word with audacity.. so fearless.. God's general

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Re: Archbishop Idahosa: Thou Shall Not Suffer A Witch To Live By Leke Beecroft by bid4rich(m): 8:33pm On Mar 15, 2018
The righteous is as bold as a lion. Boldness is the name even the witches sees it and tremble

Rest in peace sir.
Re: Archbishop Idahosa: Thou Shall Not Suffer A Witch To Live By Leke Beecroft by DUNKA(m): 8:34pm On Mar 15, 2018
Where is the television encounter?


Re: Archbishop Idahosa: Thou Shall Not Suffer A Witch To Live By Leke Beecroft by Nobody: 8:34pm On Mar 15, 2018
Witches and wizards have no power. That is y oyinbo was able to ransack the benin empire despite the juju and human sacrifices. Abegi

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Re: Archbishop Idahosa: Thou Shall Not Suffer A Witch To Live By Leke Beecroft by InansBobo(m): 8:37pm On Mar 15, 2018
wow... such audacity..
Re: Archbishop Idahosa: Thou Shall Not Suffer A Witch To Live By Leke Beecroft by aspirebig: 8:38pm On Mar 15, 2018
MFM ti take over jooo

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Re: Archbishop Idahosa: Thou Shall Not Suffer A Witch To Live By Leke Beecroft by congorasta: 8:40pm On Mar 15, 2018
Re: Archbishop Idahosa: Thou Shall Not Suffer A Witch To Live By Leke Beecroft by BluntTheApostle(m): 8:41pm On Mar 15, 2018
My Papa for Life ....I Love you greatly!!



Re: Archbishop Idahosa: Thou Shall Not Suffer A Witch To Live By Leke Beecroft by Cyrilpac(m): 8:42pm On Mar 15, 2018
How did dis Great man of God die. ?
Re: Archbishop Idahosa: Thou Shall Not Suffer A Witch To Live By Leke Beecroft by Nobody: 8:43pm On Mar 15, 2018
Love thy enemy

When he/she proves unrepentant, show more love.
im in ur league! Love your enemy--jesus

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Re: Archbishop Idahosa: Thou Shall Not Suffer A Witch To Live By Leke Beecroft by Doerstech(m): 8:44pm On Mar 15, 2018
Is the book out now? I need a copy and Fire in his bones

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