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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Jobs/Vacancies / 9 Sad Reasons People Stay In Jobs They Don’t Like (15098 Views)
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9 Sad Reasons People Stay In Jobs They Don’t Like by IbnIbrahim: 7:29pm On Mar 17, 2018 |
1. Because risk terrifies them. It’s a risk to go somewhere else — “What if it’s even worse?” It’s a risk to try something new. It’s a risk to leave wherever you are and go somewhere else. 2. Because learning something new is hard. It’s so sad and yet so true. Most people don’t leave their jobs simply because the thought of having to learn a new process, a new skill set, a new anything is terrifying and exhausting to them. What a sad way to live. 3[b]. Because they love “the golden handcuffs.”[/b] One of the greatest double-edged swords of high paying corporate America is what’s called “living with golden handcuffs.” Your salary is so good, your benefits are so good, your retirement plan is so good, everything is so good that you’re willing to sit in a cubicle hating your life for 8 hours a day simply because, on paper, you’re “living the life.” 4. Because they secretly love to complain. Another sad truth, but some people love to be miserable. They find enjoyment in showing up to work and uttering the phrase, “I hate Mondays.” They have learned to love their misery — and as much as they talk about leaving, they never will. 5. Because it would disappoint their parents. Some of the most talented people end up working jobs they despise simply because they don’t want to disappoint their parents. Or their family. Or their friends. Or anyone else. So who are you living for, then? Them? 6. Because they’ve overextended themselves. It’s amazing how much people prioritize having “things” before they have established the lifestyle they want. They get a job they don’t love, but pays pretty well, and before they know it they’ve got an expensive car payment, high rent, and an expensive lifestyle from which they can’t escape. They want to do something else, but by now they’ve accumulated too much overhead. And a shift in lifestyle is unthinkable to them. 7. Because they like their “title.” These people stay with their undesirable job simply because of the title they have. They would rather be the Vice President of Boring than be seen as someone who is “trying to make their dreams happen.” Because that road is harder, and isn’t about titles at all — and for a lot of people, that’s too much for their ego to bear. 8. Because they have responsibilities now. They have a wife, three kids, a mortgage, college funds to save for, etc. By now in their career, they can’t make the move to something else. They’ve crossed the threshold and have decided, “You know what, this is where I am, and that’s that.” They’re comfortable, and so they stay. 9. Because they fear being wrong. Or worse, they fear rejection They care a lot about what people think of them, and the thought of trying to do something unconventional or different they enjoy, and failing, is what keeps them from ever trying in the first place. 7 Likes 1 Share |
Re: 9 Sad Reasons People Stay In Jobs They Don’t Like by Nairalander01: 8:20pm On Mar 17, 2018 |
Because there is no job ![]() 80 Likes 1 Share |
Re: 9 Sad Reasons People Stay In Jobs They Don’t Like by IbnIbrahim: 8:47pm On Mar 17, 2018 |
13 Likes 1 Share |
Re: 9 Sad Reasons People Stay In Jobs They Don’t Like by Cletus77(m): 10:58pm On Mar 17, 2018 |
Nairalander01 :Ppost=65925271:Lol 4 Likes |
Re: 9 Sad Reasons People Stay In Jobs They Don’t Like by Flexy2vybes(m): 7:13am On Mar 18, 2018 |
it tuk u 7yrs+ to c wer u colect sumtyn lyt u wan liv go apply 4 wer u no get godfada. u dy try listen 2 ur vilage pple? dz na naija o. a bird at hand..... 1 Like |
Re: 9 Sad Reasons People Stay In Jobs They Don’t Like by Holyghostpikin(m): 7:15am On Mar 18, 2018 |
Some even accept any kind of job because of family pressure. I know someone who had to join one yeye job cus the family are financially helpless. |
Re: 9 Sad Reasons People Stay In Jobs They Don’t Like by UnknownT: 7:16am On Mar 18, 2018 |
Dude. Because there is no job is the reason 99% of people are still in their job 16 Likes |
Re: 9 Sad Reasons People Stay In Jobs They Don’t Like by manneger2: 7:17am On Mar 18, 2018 |
He is just copying what an American wrote disgusting, dude in naija there is no jab 9 Likes |
Re: 9 Sad Reasons People Stay In Jobs They Don’t Like by Jyde81: 7:17am On Mar 18, 2018 |
Different strokes. Don't be ungrateful. You make #100k as a young businessman each month. You are elated and grateful until you see a younger person who makes #1Million every month as salary. Then you lose your joy. You are satisfied with your #50k turn over after two months of hustling and aggressive touting until you meet a younger person who receives a salary credit alert of #500k each month. The result is always ingratitude. We become ungrateful for the little leaps in our lives because we are measuring ourselves by the pace and progress of others. If you are a new entrepreneur, which means you are not on anybody's payroll, you must be wary of an attitude of ingratitude. You will face this temptation virtually all the time. You'd meet people whose lifestyle and income would intimidate your current status. If care is not taken you may slip into despondency and lose personal momentum. One thing entrepreneurs and business folks must know is this; they are not equals with salary earners. This is not arrogance. It is the truth. They should not be comparing themselves with 8-5 employees, even those who earn six zeros after a single or double digit number. It takes ten times more effort for an entrepreneur to make what most employees make in one month. Ten times more courage. Ten times more intelligence. Ten times more industry. Ten times more sweat. Ten times more strength and ten times less sleep. Trust me, an employee who makes ten times your monthly turn over is not your equal. You are far more superior. Money is easy to make. Wealth is not. And the skills you need to make wealth are not acquired in an 8-5 job. It requires ten times more of you. Especially ten times more of your TIME, a commodity you cannot control as an employee. A good paying job is the lazy way for smart people to make money. Just sit behind a desk, carry out instructions from superiors and get paid end of the month. You will most likely not acquire what I'd call 'Experiential Muscle'. This is the skill to Survive rather than Cope. The oldest skill in the book. A skill most employees would never develop. The old-fashioned Survival Skill. But when you lose your joy because of others who earn fatter salaries you become ungrateful for your baby steps and consequently lose sight of your momentum. Suddenly your #100k profit seems like nothing. This attitude is dangerous. If you are an entrepreneur you must always and consistently focus on your last turn over and seek to surpass it. Always push yourself beyond the boundaries of your last profit. This is how you stay positive and gain healthy momentum. It is not by looking at other people's lifestyles and salaries. They would demotivate you. Always remember that the path you've chosen is the one less travelled. So different rules are at play and more is required of you. If you check the first 100 Richest People on Earth, NONE OF THEM is an employee. All of them are entrepreneurs. 69 Likes 11 Shares |
Re: 9 Sad Reasons People Stay In Jobs They Don’t Like by sleemfesh: 7:18am On Mar 18, 2018 |
Nairalander01: Should be no 1 on the list biko. 2 Likes |
Re: 9 Sad Reasons People Stay In Jobs They Don’t Like by Nobody: 7:19am On Mar 18, 2018 |
Well, I don't like my current job but I have stayed put despite getting better offers cos I am working on a huge career jump. |
Re: 9 Sad Reasons People Stay In Jobs They Don’t Like by Hotzone(m): 7:22am On Mar 18, 2018 |
Our blodas and sixtas that just returned from Libya can explain more... |
Re: 9 Sad Reasons People Stay In Jobs They Don’t Like by fasho01(m): 7:24am On Mar 18, 2018 |
No alternative to switch to.. It's quite sad because majority of people don't like and enjoy the work they're currently doing 1 Like |
Re: 9 Sad Reasons People Stay In Jobs They Don’t Like by joebeckz(m): 7:24am On Mar 18, 2018 |
Very true |
Re: 9 Sad Reasons People Stay In Jobs They Don’t Like by Hofbrauhaus(m): 7:25am On Mar 18, 2018 |
10. Buhari time. |
Re: 9 Sad Reasons People Stay In Jobs They Don’t Like by princeadams11: 7:25am On Mar 18, 2018 |
IbnIbrahim:HALF BREAD IS BETTER THAN NONE!"* ```Why settle for half bread when you can get a full bread or even own a bakery. This is a limiting belief that positions you to settle for less and it is a mediocre philosophy. 6 Likes 1 Share |
Re: 9 Sad Reasons People Stay In Jobs They Don’t Like by RogueX: 7:29am On Mar 18, 2018 |
![]() |
Re: 9 Sad Reasons People Stay In Jobs They Don’t Like by Boyooosa(m): 7:29am On Mar 18, 2018 |
1, fear of the unknown. Others can wait in other countries. |
Re: 9 Sad Reasons People Stay In Jobs They Don’t Like by Nobody: 7:31am On Mar 18, 2018 |
one should only leave it when one secure another job. 2 Likes |
Re: 9 Sad Reasons People Stay In Jobs They Don’t Like by justmi1: 7:35am On Mar 18, 2018 |
Jyde81:you nailed it boss. End of discussion!!! 6 Likes |
Re: 9 Sad Reasons People Stay In Jobs They Don’t Like by nnamdibig(m): 7:36am On Mar 18, 2018 |
People stay in job they don't like because another one is hard to come by. The fear of getting another one in a country where most graduates are jobless. |
Re: 9 Sad Reasons People Stay In Jobs They Don’t Like by Tajbol4splend(m): 7:41am On Mar 18, 2018 |
IbnIbrahim:There's jobs, they are just waiting for you to create them 1 Like |
Re: 9 Sad Reasons People Stay In Jobs They Don’t Like by TDEMONEW(m): 7:43am On Mar 18, 2018 |
people don't leave their current job when another one is not guarantee..... if you no use your brain in this country you go suffers am 2 Likes |
Re: 9 Sad Reasons People Stay In Jobs They Don’t Like by obembet(f): 7:45am On Mar 18, 2018 |
Becos there is no alternative... 1 Like |
Re: 9 Sad Reasons People Stay In Jobs They Don’t Like by Flexy2vybes(m): 7:51am On Mar 18, 2018 |
princeadams11:Hehehe.... half bread u neva c chop u dy tok bakery, ds is naija o sum philosophy no fit apend 4 dz buhari tenure. hw d miracle wan tak apend. 2 Likes |
Re: 9 Sad Reasons People Stay In Jobs They Don’t Like by izzy4shizzy(m): 8:08am On Mar 18, 2018 |
Because been unemployed is terrifying.. Anyway trust nigerians, them no go quit, they will just be silently looking for anoda job, when it comes, they will lost from their former job like buhari that year 1 Like |
Re: 9 Sad Reasons People Stay In Jobs They Don’t Like by VeeVeeMyLuv(m): 8:17am On Mar 18, 2018 |
Bros your post is tales by moonlight. The reality on ground is only 10% of the population are living the life and have a life. The rest 90% Oh my gawd, are just existing. U know why people are saying no jobs? Poor distribution of resources, inequality, greediness. 90% of people here see nothing wrong In one man becoming the richest man owning stupendous wealth wether legally or illegally, and even resort to magnifying the richest men. Even aspiring to be like them. However you look at it, in my opinion it is not just right, it is morally wrong. 4 Likes |
Re: 9 Sad Reasons People Stay In Jobs They Don’t Like by don4real18(m): 8:19am On Mar 18, 2018 |
Most times, it is due to the high rate of unemployment and the future uncertainty. Many can decide to become entrepreneurs but time waits for nobody. The present state of the economy kills dreams and try to suppress the entrepreneurship spirit through rigorous challenges it brings its way. So, resignation is out of it for so many ppl and I will in no way blame them 2 Likes |
Re: 9 Sad Reasons People Stay In Jobs They Don’t Like by justmi1: 8:21am On Mar 18, 2018 |
This is so me... and almost true for many people especially in Nigeria. Trust me the idea that there are no jobs shouldn't keep us in a job we don't like for so long- PLAN. While we do the job we don't like, we can save up for the next move, preferably entrepreneurship. Nothing like being your own boss. You could keep the job for a little while more while you set up and allow things stabilise cos doing business ain't easy ( reason why we don't dare) but trust me it's far more worthwhile. Where I work currently, I literally run the business for the owner, that has exposed me a lot, to what to do and more importantly " what NOT to do", my colleagues think I just carry the business for head and most of them see me as an obstacle but in the end and I'm not doing it for the pay check alone, I am doing it to setup in near future. Why settle for less when there are opportunities to explore? Alas, the company might lay you off for one reason or the other, then the Unknown would have happened. Even the so called jobs in Nigeria for instance, don't pay good money, if not you would love it as time goes on, more money creates love... sometimes. 3 Likes |
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