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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / Even If I'm Going To Believe In Christian Bible Stories. (1814 Views)
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Even If I'm Going To Believe In Christian Bible Stories. by Nobody: 2:01pm On Dec 26, 2018 |
If I am going to believe in the stories if the Bible then I may have to hear Satan's side of the story. All these while, Christians has been telling us what God said, nobody want to hear what the Satan has to say about the quarrel he had with God. I think it's fair to always hear the story from both sides before making conclusions. After all, according to the Bible, If not for the Satan we will still be raoming a garden, all naked and stupid. This whole thing seem like a Quarrel between Satan and God, let's hear from both sides. That is simply what "Fairness" is. 3 Likes |
Re: Even If I'm Going To Believe In Christian Bible Stories. by johnydon22(m): 2:13pm On Dec 26, 2018 |
How many versions of stories, history, folklore, mythology have you heard from both sides? 2 Likes |
Re: Even If I'm Going To Believe In Christian Bible Stories. by Nobody: 2:23pm On Dec 26, 2018 |
johnydon22:for story and tale so critical to humanity as that from the Bible, I think it's not a bad idea to hear from the accused in order to make good decision. 1 Like |
Re: Even If I'm Going To Believe In Christian Bible Stories. by Redoil: 2:34pm On Dec 26, 2018 |
@op nobody stop you and satan the devil from telling ur side of the story 3 Likes |
Re: Even If I'm Going To Believe In Christian Bible Stories. by Nwaikuku2(m): 3:45pm On Dec 26, 2018 |
Get a satanic bible, maybe you can settle the argument 1 Like |
Re: Even If I'm Going To Believe In Christian Bible Stories. by Nobody: 4:01pm On Dec 26, 2018 |
Redoil:you want us to listen to your own stories without accommodating that of Satan? I think you should also take time to reason in this direction, all your life you parents has indoctrinated you into believing that Satan is the devil without giving you options of trying to even hear from Satan. That doesn't sound like a good judgment to me. 1 Like |
Re: Even If I'm Going To Believe In Christian Bible Stories. by PhenomenalMorgan(m): 5:00pm On Dec 26, 2018 |
Re: Even If I'm Going To Believe In Christian Bible Stories. by GoodMuyis(m): 5:46pm On Dec 26, 2018 |
nwabekeyi: So what stops you from telling Satan's side of the story. For the past four years OtemAtum aka 0temsapien as been telling Atum's side of story and how Atum was locked in the spiritual cage in his Doctofus. Why not be satans advocate and tell his story |
Re: Even If I'm Going To Believe In Christian Bible Stories. by Nobody: 6:40pm On Dec 26, 2018 |
GoodMuyis:why are you salty? It's not a crime to listen to two quarrelling dudes before making a judgement 1 Like |
Re: Even If I'm Going To Believe In Christian Bible Stories. by bloodofthelamb(m): 7:13pm On Dec 26, 2018 |
Op how ignorant you are!. Do you know that man needed no clothe in the beginning? Because he was clothed and shielded in the glory of God. Man got exposed to cold, sickness and disease and ultimately death when the glory of God left him through his sin. |
Re: Even If I'm Going To Believe In Christian Bible Stories. by malvisguy212: 8:56pm On Dec 26, 2018 |
nwabekeyi:he is all through the Bible and his position and action is very clear to us, beside all the question you ask are in the Bible, but hey, you don't believed in the Bible , so the answer doesn't mean anything to you. |
Re: Even If I'm Going To Believe In Christian Bible Stories. by 0temSapien: 11:45pm On Dec 26, 2018 |
GoodMuyis:Stop telling lies, it is not past 4 years, but past 2 and half years. Also, Atum was never lockedi a spiritual prison but Yahweh instead. Read the Book of Truth for details. Otem Erectus 226:27, 28 27. And in the vacuums shall they be for a thousand years. This is the spiritual cage of all gods who oppose development. And focus shall be shifted from the words in the books to the thoughts of the heads. 28. And a period shall come when the pastors and the priests of many religions shall begin to misbehave. For their gods are encaged. And the minds of many homos shall begin to go after the truth within themselves rather than the lies written in the books of lies. 2 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Even If I'm Going To Believe In Christian Bible Stories. by Nobody: 6:36am On Dec 27, 2018 |
malvisguy212:the Bible is God's side of the story, it could be full of bias |
Re: Even If I'm Going To Believe In Christian Bible Stories. by Nobody: 6:38am On Dec 27, 2018 |
bloodofthelamb:That's what the Bible said, no one knows for sure if it's true |
Re: Even If I'm Going To Believe In Christian Bible Stories. by malvisguy212: 10:23am On Dec 27, 2018 |
nwabekeyi:lol. the Bible a story book ? the Bible is not a story about anyone, the purpose of the Bible is how human can have a personal relationship with God. |
Re: Even If I'm Going To Believe In Christian Bible Stories. by Nobody: 11:15am On Dec 27, 2018 |
malvisguy212:this is also what the Bible told you. It doesn't mean its the truth 2 Likes |
Re: Even If I'm Going To Believe In Christian Bible Stories. by jesutakewe(f): 12:16pm On Dec 27, 2018 |
When you die and go to hell you can ask him/her then? |
Re: Even If I'm Going To Believe In Christian Bible Stories. by LordReed(m): 1:28pm On Dec 27, 2018 |
LoL, there is no one to tell the other side. |
Re: Even If I'm Going To Believe In Christian Bible Stories. by budaatum: 3:13pm On Dec 27, 2018 |
malvisguy212:The purpose of Jesus is how humans can have a personal relationship with one another. The purpose of the Bible is how humans can have a better existence! |
Re: Even If I'm Going To Believe In Christian Bible Stories. by budaatum: 3:17pm On Dec 27, 2018 |
bloodofthelamb:Humans were naked because they were insufficient evolved to the state where they would feel the need to cover themselves up! They were exposed to cold, sickness and disease and ultimately death until they worked out how to protect themselves! |
Re: Even If I'm Going To Believe In Christian Bible Stories. by obonujoker(m): 7:03pm On Dec 27, 2018 |
If Satan was so good, why didn't he make Adam and Eve eat the fruit of Life rather than tree of knowledge and evil?? I'm on God's side nevertheless.... |
Re: Even If I'm Going To Believe In Christian Bible Stories. by malvisguy212: 7:18pm On Dec 27, 2018 |
nwabekeyi:do you believe what the Bible say about God ? |
Re: Even If I'm Going To Believe In Christian Bible Stories. by bloodofthelamb(m): 7:37pm On Dec 27, 2018 |
budaatum: Have they really worked out how to protect themselves? |
Re: Even If I'm Going To Believe In Christian Bible Stories. by budaatum: 7:52pm On Dec 27, 2018 |
bloodofthelamb:Yes we have, somewhat, as you'd know if you study life expectancy over time and disregard the mythical Methuselah et al. A lot of diseases and ignorance that easily killed people (influenza, chicken pox, child birth, wars and sacrificing to the gods), have been eliminated or significantly reduced, and you're less likely to be eaten these days on have your bits caught on a stick or die from the elements. If we could protect ourselves a bit more from ignorance though, the world would be a lot much better. |
Re: Even If I'm Going To Believe In Christian Bible Stories. by bloodofthelamb(m): 8:14pm On Dec 27, 2018 |
budaatum: I agree with you that this diseases have been reduced but not eliminated. To get rid of a problem you have to get rid of the source. In Christ man's ultimate problem was solved. Thank God for science! But there are something's science is ignorant about. I rather trust in the finished work of Christ, than to trust in man's wisdom and strength. 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Even If I'm Going To Believe In Christian Bible Stories. by budaatum: 8:47pm On Dec 27, 2018 |
bloodofthelamb:This is the problem I have with you religious people, blood. You allow us atheists to gain too much power over you due to religious ignorance. Sometimes, I wish I was one of you so that I can defend you against us! Just think. You say God created the universe and all things that are created. Then you allow people to separate science from the Almighty God! Is the scientific ability not from God? Or did the scientist, according to your belief, create their own scientific brain in their lab? It is written that "people suffer because of ignorance"! Science is a way to eliminate ignorance, blood. It can only be a product of your God, if you believe in God, that is! While Jesus is the wisdom, knowledge and power that accomplishes everything and without which nothing at all is created! Without those things in one, do the workers not work in vain? Please see my posts in response to Anas09 here and subsequent posts of mine on the thread, and the link in one of them before you respond. Unsalty salt is not good for cooking or anything, for that matter. And the saltiness in the salt includes science. You Christians have to grab hold of the wisdom of your Lord Jesus Christ! For only then shall we all live in paradise right here on this earth that we see now! Only then can it truly be said that Jesus is Lord! |
Re: Even If I'm Going To Believe In Christian Bible Stories. by Nobody: 9:19pm On Dec 27, 2018 |
malvisguy212:I don't believe things without evidences |
Re: Even If I'm Going To Believe In Christian Bible Stories. by Anas09: 9:21pm On Dec 27, 2018 |
budaatum:This is the funniest thing i ever heard. Buda, you have so much power over the Christians? Lolzzzzz. What the mind can make a man believe. If you buda have power over some uninformed Christians, then, that's them. You hardly even know what power is. plssssss. |
Re: Even If I'm Going To Believe In Christian Bible Stories. by Anas09: 9:23pm On Dec 27, 2018 |
nwabekeyi:Okay, up with it. Lets hear it. about time. |
Re: Even If I'm Going To Believe In Christian Bible Stories. by Anas09: 9:24pm On Dec 27, 2018 |
nwabekeyi:Then tell it. |
Re: Even If I'm Going To Believe In Christian Bible Stories. by malvisguy212: 9:25pm On Dec 27, 2018 |
nwabekeyi:good luck. |
Re: Even If I'm Going To Believe In Christian Bible Stories. by Nobody: 9:26pm On Dec 27, 2018 |
Anas09:you think if I know the story, I will be asking? |
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