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Why Town Planners Are More Important Than Architects In The Building Industry - Career - Nairaland

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Why Town Planners Are More Important Than Architects In The Building Industry by Nobody: 10:36pm On Feb 19, 2019
Both town planners and architects work together to complete plans for a building that is going to be constructed. The architect’s design building plans, while the town planners are responsible for recommending how land will be used and what types of things are needed to meet the needs of a community. Both town planners and architects need to be familiar with building codes and land use regulations to make sure that their work complies with all applicable regulations.

While the architect is focusing on one building project, the town planner will be considering that project as well as several other projects, including how outdoor areas will be developed. Architects focus on a specific client’s needs, while town planners must consider the needs of the community. As a town planner, he/she does not need to be designing every single building in the town, instead defines zones, an industrial zone, a commercial zone, a residential zone etc.

Roles of the Town Planners in Building Industry

The town planner spends more time in ensuring that the zones have all the necessary resources required to act and grow independently and they are connected well with each other to make sure people can easily commute between the different zones. The city will continue to grow and evolve within the zones, and as long as people can easily travel between the different zones and the resources within each zone suffice the growing needs of the zone, the city will flourish.

To prepare for a career as a town planner it is common to major in disciplines such as; environmental design or geography. After earning a bachelor’s degree, aspiring urban planners must complete a master’s degree in urban or regional planning. Town planners determine how land will be developed in urban areas to accommodate the city;s needs based on population growth.

Town planners typically work regular daytime hours, although they may need to attend some evening or weekend meetings, and they do need to travel to the locations they are considering development projects. The majority of town planners work for local governments, although they may also find work with architectural or engineering firms.

Town Planner Job Responsibilities Include

– Meeting with community members to discuss development proposals
– Addressing concerns from the community
– Assessing development proposals
– Reviewing relevant bylaws and regulations that may affect how land is developed
– Assessing the long-term needs of an area and prioritizing development needs. Culled from Town Planners Diary | https://www.townplannersdiary.com/urban-planners-important-architects-building-industry/

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Re: Why Town Planners Are More Important Than Architects In The Building Industry by PHOTSEE(m): 7:22pm On Apr 27, 2019
Can An urban graduate who work in work and infrastructure in the local govt for two years be qualify to seat for TOPREC Examination to become a TPL?

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Re: Why Town Planners Are More Important Than Architects In The Building Industry by Kipstar(m): 3:17pm On May 23, 2022
Yes, you may. Just make sure you register with your state chapter of NITP.
Re: Why Town Planners Are More Important Than Architects In The Building Industry by Kipstar(m): 3:17pm On May 23, 2022
Yes, you may. Just make sure you register with your state chapter of NITP.
Can An urban graduate who work in work and infrastructure in the local govt for two years be qualify to seat for TOPREC Examination to become a TPL?

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