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How GAME Of THRONES Will END. by Nobody: 8:12pm On Apr 24, 2019

The drama in Game of thrones movie series started when Jon Arryn (the hand of Robert Baratheon) was killed by little finger, which forced Robert to seek a new hand of the king, and someone he could trust in Ned Stark ( the Warden of Winterfell).

This singular move kick started the whole battle for the Iron throne and put the Starks against the Lannisters, when Ned Stark is beheaded by Joffery.

So it started a long battle between the Starks and the Lannisters, which for a long time seem to favour the Lannisters.

To add to the drama, is the Targaryans claim to the throne, since they were ousted out of power by Robert (when the Mad king was killed). The Starks aren't after the Iron throne, just justice for the deaths they have suffered for all the dirty politics of Westeros. The battle for the Iron throne is really between the Lannisters and the Targaryans and maybe the Night King (if that's his real mission)

The plot in summary revolves around three key families as listed above. The Starks being the noblest, while the Lannisters and Targaryans are both on the extreme.

P.S.- if all the Starks die there would be no Game of thrones, they are the glue that holds all the other pieces together. The silver lining in the whole story. No other family is as important as the Starks ( in case you object bear in mind that Jon Snow is also a Stark from his mother's side).

So watch out for the Starks, they are all here to stay.

So who sits on the Iron throne at the end of season 8 ?

Hoping you understood and followed the plot developed above, this will be easier to comprehend.
Game of thrones is about Good and Evil but ultimately about BALANCE as this two forces must always interact to form a stable system.

The Iron throne as you know isn't vacant, it's is occupied by Cersei Lannister but it is spoken off as if it was. Everyone wants to know who finally gets to sit on it, cause the balance of the two opposing forces of Good and Evil isn't yet perfectly balanced. It is currently tilted more to the side of evil than good.

Now brings the question of who will be a perfect fit to balance the forces of good and evil?

Cersei is a ruthless queen and her reign doesn't balance the scales of good and evil. That's for the Lannisters.

The Night King himself, doesn't balance the scale, instead he destroys it completely in favour of evil. So it's a no for the Night King.

Danny the Mother of Dragons, is another credible candidate. She has evolved all through the series from a naive innocent girl to someone whose true nature and character can't be easily judged. She can switch sides swiftly from good to evil at any time and back again a second later. Her major claim to the Iron throne is her family line, being a Targaryan. She is the future queen that grew up in exile, never knowing much of life in Westeros, their suffering, Pain and Joy. Above all else she wants to be Queen. So far it's seems nothing else matters most to her. Based on all these, will she make an excellent queen?
Maybe, but one thing is for sure, she can match Queen Cersei's ruthlessness anytime, any day with her dragons. Just fail to bend the knee and you will see. So she doesn't balance the scale of good and evil.

Jon Snow the bastard son we where made to believe for so long, ends up being a Targaryan. Joined the Night's Watch to render selfless service and be a watch man for the living when the great Winter comes calling and the White Walkers match South.

He loves without reserve, always fighting for what he believes to be right even when the rest of the world believes his wrong or his chances are slim too nothing. He believed that the Wildlings have no business outside of the Wall, even though his brothers in the Night's Watch hated them deservedly for the deaths and havoc they had caused in the past and as at then. He left his post as the Lord Commander (some thing most men in the Watch will never do) to go convince the wildlings to come with him south of the Wall where the Night Walkers, the TRUE ENEMY of them all could not reach them. His nobility saved an ENTIRE RACE but came at great cost his LIFE.
He was raised from the dead by the servant of the Lord of the Light. ( Stannis Baratheon wasn't the chosen one for the Iron throne, it was Jon Snow according to Melisandre). But did Jon Snow change from helping others and trying to balance the wrong he saw in the World? No.
He headed north and was made a King, the King of the North (the second time he will be honored, the first been Lord Commander of the Nights Watch) but shortly after been named King of the North, Jon gave up his crown not to someone he thought would make a better ruler than himself (he never cared for titles by the way) but for the sake of all of humanity (the good, the bad, and the ugly) to save the realm of Men from the Night King by forging an alliance with Danny and will go as far as forging an alliance with Cersei ( a Lannister who was their worst enemy) .

After coming from the dead Jon Snow also risked his life to capture a white walker to present to Cersei as proof. All through he has being a selfless person. People would follow Jon Snow to death for the person he is and not for gold, titles or family name. And to his greatest surprise he is a Targaryan, with a stronger claim to the Iron throne than Danny his aunty. So will Jon Snow balance the scale of good and evil?

Yes. Too much bad has happened in Westeros for too long that only someone like Jon can mend it, after having suffered a lot of injustice especially in his family (the Starks) .

But as R. R. martin's said (author of Game of Thrones) the end will be bitter-sweet, something we love-to-hate. As has been with Game of thrones, death is the ultimate after-taste that spoils the sweetness. So therefore a beloved character will have to die, and I predict Danny will die, her dragons too MAY die, to cement her name in stone as the Mother of Dragons. Leaving Jon Snow and the rest of her beloved children and army heart broken and in tears.

A funeral as never been seen in the Seven Kingdoms will be thrown for her and maybe her sacrifice will unite them all.

The End.
Re: How GAME Of THRONES Will END. by Nobody: 8:19pm On Apr 24, 2019
space booked
Re: How GAME Of THRONES Will END. by Paulpaulpaul(m): 8:51pm On Apr 24, 2019
Tyrion Lannister is my favourite sha
Re: How GAME Of THRONES Will END. by Nobody: 8:55pm On Apr 24, 2019
Tyrion Lannister is my favourite sha
mine is Arya Stark, but I'm still waiting for her to turn up in season 8
Re: How GAME Of THRONES Will END. by LewsTherin: 9:05pm On Apr 24, 2019
1 question.

2 wars happening next week.

Which Stark will die?


Re: How GAME Of THRONES Will END. by Nobody: 9:22pm On Apr 24, 2019
1 question.
2 wars happening next week.
Which Stark will die?
Jon? Sansa?

Tony? #DontSpoilTheEndGame
answer - NO STARK WILL DIE. ALL STARKS will LIVE till the END.
Re: How GAME Of THRONES Will END. by Decepticon: 10:21pm On Apr 24, 2019
Re: How GAME Of THRONES Will END. by Nobody: 10:54pm On Apr 24, 2019
my hearts racing
lol.... why
Re: How GAME Of THRONES Will END. by Foodforthought: 12:42am On Apr 25, 2019
My second favourite Tv series after The Originals. I love both

1 Like 1 Share

Re: How GAME Of THRONES Will END. by babyfaceafrica: 12:53am On Apr 25, 2019
is that all?
Re: How GAME Of THRONES Will END. by PrincessJr(f): 3:37am On Apr 25, 2019
My second favourite Tv series after The Originals. I love both
Same here
Re: How GAME Of THRONES Will END. by EarthKing(m): 3:47am On Apr 25, 2019
In Teni's voice "I don't know nothing oo, I'm still a fargin o" I'm John Snow like that! :-
Re: How GAME Of THRONES Will END. by Nobody: 6:11am On Apr 25, 2019
My second favourite Tv series after The Originals. I love both

it should be first bro.... number 1
Re: How GAME Of THRONES Will END. by Nobody: 6:12am On Apr 25, 2019
is that all?
you have a contribution to share?
Re: How GAME Of THRONES Will END. by Nobody: 6:13am On Apr 25, 2019
In Teni's voice "I don't know nothing oo, I'm still a fargin o" I'm John Snow like that! :-
In Teni's voice "I don't know nothing oo, I'm still a fargin o" I'm John Snow like that! :-
Re: How GAME Of THRONES Will END. by Nobody: 6:28pm On Apr 28, 2019
tonight it begins, let's see who lives or dies
Re: How GAME Of THRONES Will END. by Nobody: 9:53pm On Apr 29, 2019

answer - NO STARK WILL DIE. ALL STARKS will LIVE till the END.
so far my theory is going as planned.

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