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Queen Elizabeth's Strangest Powers And Privileges - Foreign Affairs (2) - Nairaland

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Re: Queen Elizabeth's Strangest Powers And Privileges by Upton: 8:01am On Oct 30, 2019
She is also the queen of Canada

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Re: Queen Elizabeth's Strangest Powers And Privileges by Sheriman(m): 8:01am On Oct 30, 2019
When will this Mama Die Gan Self?
Re: Queen Elizabeth's Strangest Powers And Privileges by naijadrivablog: 8:01am On Oct 30, 2019
"Power is Power".

Op forgot to add that she is the head of Virgin Islands, and several territories spanning from Americas to through New Zealand and back.


Re: Queen Elizabeth's Strangest Powers And Privileges by Baamm(m): 8:01am On Oct 30, 2019
1) She can literally never be arrested.
* she is completely safe from prosecution. Royals are spared from freedom of information,
They aren't required to share any information.

2) She can drive without a license.
* she doesn't legally need a license number. The Queen first learned to drive during WW2, she drove a first aid truck.

3) She doesn't need a passport to travel
* all UK passports are issued in the Queen's name. So, it's pointless for her to have one. But other royal family members need passports. This includes prince Philip and prince charles.

4) She gets to celebrate two birthdays.
* her official birthday is on 21ST April. However, Another celebration is held on second saturday of June. The tradition was started by king George II. It's held in June to provide good parade weather.

5) She has her own private ATM
* it's in the basement of Buckingham palace.

6) She doesn't have to pay tax
* However, she voluntarily from 1992.

7) She owns a lot of animals
* many already know about the Queen's corgi dogs, she also owns the swans in River Thames. She even owns animals in British waters. This includes dolphins, whales and sturgeons.

cool She has her own poet
* her current poet is Coral Ann Duffy. The poet work's typically holds national significance.

9) She is head of a religion
* the Queen is head of the church of England.
She can't convert to any other religion or church. If she does, that title may be revoked.

10) She is the Queen of Australia
she's reinged since February 6, 1952. She is represented by the Governor-General. She's also the monarch of several other countries. Some include Canada, The Bahamas and Barbados.

you can’t have this much power and privilege and die young


Re: Queen Elizabeth's Strangest Powers And Privileges by mamanotinspoil3: 8:03am On Oct 30, 2019

5) She has her own private ATM
* it's in the basement of Buckingham palace.

For some reason this one just off me grin grin grin Biko what does she want to use the money and do? Does she want to buy suya from the aboki across the street abi she wan go market buy things for soup? grin grin cheesy

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Re: Queen Elizabeth's Strangest Powers And Privileges by Sammy07: 8:03am On Oct 30, 2019

No such title as Queen of ENGLAND. Her title is the Queen of the United Kingdom

you can’t have this much power and privilege and die young
Must you quote the whole post

Back to the OP
How do dey elect the new queen and is it only one family that must produce queen or do dey do rotation as it is In Nigeria?
Re: Queen Elizabeth's Strangest Powers And Privileges by NLSavage: 8:04am On Oct 30, 2019
Kiddo, mind the jargon you type online. Pity the people that own you atleast
shattap and face your BMC job. or does this look like a buhari thread?


Re: Queen Elizabeth's Strangest Powers And Privileges by Nobody: 8:04am On Oct 30, 2019
It is a crime to insult the Queen. Less Majeste. A woman was once put in legal hit soup for referring to Elizabeth Regina as Mrs. So, insulters beware.


Re: Queen Elizabeth's Strangest Powers And Privileges by MEDA1: 8:04am On Oct 30, 2019
long live the queen
Re: Queen Elizabeth's Strangest Powers And Privileges by Premiumwriter: 8:04am On Oct 30, 2019
God bless the Queen.

Queen Elizabeth has been busy especially during the world war.

She served her country like every young girl at that time.

Had it been it was in Africa, she wouldn't have been allowed to drive a truck but in her case she went out and help when it matters most.

Leadership like hers was learned by experience.

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Re: Queen Elizabeth's Strangest Powers And Privileges by shogsman(m): 8:05am On Oct 30, 2019
Damn so no boyfriends or ex husbands.

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Re: Queen Elizabeth's Strangest Powers And Privileges by landforeast(m): 8:06am On Oct 30, 2019
It seems Nairaland have changed
Kudos Seun
Re: Queen Elizabeth's Strangest Powers And Privileges by Fallenhunter: 8:07am On Oct 30, 2019
So she is also the Queen of Australia and Canada?? That means Australia and Canada are still under British rule

They are but just in name. In actual practice the UK and the queen have no authority over what happens in Canada or Australia nor do they try to interfere in the running of those countries. Australia and Canada pay no tax or royalties to the UK either.


Re: Queen Elizabeth's Strangest Powers And Privileges by Nobody: 8:10am On Oct 30, 2019
Despite all these powers, I have never seen anybody lye down to greet her.

Africans should stop that daft attitude of lying down to greet kings in the name of culture.

No human is God.
You want to throw away your culture because of another man's own. See the effect of neo-colonianism, if you know how much these caucasians pay to visit other African nations just to observe their untainted cultural displays.
Even the Chinese in their civilization have still kept their own culture, you want to throw yours away ...
Shame on you.

29 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Queen Elizabeth's Strangest Powers And Privileges by lebanonboy: 8:10am On Oct 30, 2019
So u to dey visit No One Cares page for Facebook. Na 4 dear u c dis news.
Re: Queen Elizabeth's Strangest Powers And Privileges by Sirmuel1(m): 8:11am On Oct 30, 2019
When will this Mama Die Gan Self?

When you go die too?

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Re: Queen Elizabeth's Strangest Powers And Privileges by DICKtator: 8:12am On Oct 30, 2019
Is that why Princess Diana was...... never mind...

grin grin grin grin

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Re: Queen Elizabeth's Strangest Powers And Privileges by Nobody: 8:12am On Oct 30, 2019
She is the head of the church and can't convert away from Christianity same thing Islamic countries do and we crucify them

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Re: Queen Elizabeth's Strangest Powers And Privileges by DCmonster: 8:15am On Oct 30, 2019
My question is; who has been fucking queen Elizabeth all this year's?

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Re: Queen Elizabeth's Strangest Powers And Privileges by tradepunter: 8:16am On Oct 30, 2019
This is a true royal system, not the nonsense Nollywood shows us in their crappy movies. Can't even tell if it's fantasy or opera play.

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Re: Queen Elizabeth's Strangest Powers And Privileges by kennosklint(m): 8:18am On Oct 30, 2019
Queen Elizabeth the great
Re: Queen Elizabeth's Strangest Powers And Privileges by Jesuspikin8: 8:18am On Oct 30, 2019
Despite all these powers, I have never seen anybody lye down to greet her.

Africans should stop that daft attitude of lying down to greet kings in the name of culture.

No human is God.


Re: Queen Elizabeth's Strangest Powers And Privileges by napoleon77(m): 8:18am On Oct 30, 2019

Don't just copy Wikipedia blindly, she is referred to as the Queen of England foremost and the heir apparent is referred to as the Prince of Wales.

Wrong my friend! She is not referred to as the Queen of England foremost. England hasn't had a separate monarch since the 1600s


Re: Queen Elizabeth's Strangest Powers And Privileges by tradepunter: 8:19am On Oct 30, 2019
My question is; who has been fucking queen Elizabeth all this year's?

Islam is different, if not for the church of England we would be like Islam were one nation makes the laws and doctrine...
There won't even be peace in the world because we will be engaging in religious War by now..

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Re: Queen Elizabeth's Strangest Powers And Privileges by Unik3030: 8:19am On Oct 30, 2019
Despite all these powers, I have never seen anybody lye down to greet her.

Africans should stop that daft attitude of lying down to greet kings in the name of culture.

No human is God.
so we should stop our culture to b like others


Re: Queen Elizabeth's Strangest Powers And Privileges by Osanoghodua1: 8:20am On Oct 30, 2019
I thought Church of England and Anglican Communion are the same?
They are the same I suppose. Both are same

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Re: Queen Elizabeth's Strangest Powers And Privileges by Soul47(m): 8:20am On Oct 30, 2019
Another thread should be created for the procedures that take place at the death of the Queen.

On the other hand, is Church of England not the same as Anglican Church/Communion which we have here?
Re: Queen Elizabeth's Strangest Powers And Privileges by SpecialAdviser(m): 8:20am On Oct 30, 2019

You want to throw away your culture because of another man's own. See the effect of neo-colonianism, if you know how much these caucasians pay to visit other African nations just to observe their untainted cultural displays.
Even the Chinese in their civilization have still kept their own culture, you want to throw yours away ...
Shame on you.

It is worthy to note that your culture of over respecting criminal elders have kept your continent more backward than any other continent in the world.

It is on record how some of the kings you lye down to greet openly collected bribery run up to 2019 general elections without shame.

Keep on worshipping criminals in the name of culture. Animal

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Re: Queen Elizabeth's Strangest Powers And Privileges by napoleon77(m): 8:21am On Oct 30, 2019

Don't just copy Wikipedia blindly, she is referred to as the Queen of England foremost and the heir apparent is referred to as the Prince of Wales.

And if her heir apparent is female?
Re: Queen Elizabeth's Strangest Powers And Privileges by ChristineC: 8:23am On Oct 30, 2019
so that same queen elizabeth is still the one.

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