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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Agriculture / For Sale, Local Chickens For Breeding/hatching Turkey, Guinea Fowl Eggs. (4461 Views)
Lab Grown Chickens For Sale In The US / My Pet Project: Is It Economically Feasible To Rear Local Chickens Commercially? / You Can Use Local Chickens For Breeding/hatching Turkey, Duck, Guinea Fowl Eggs (2) (3) (4)
For Sale, Local Chickens For Breeding/hatching Turkey, Guinea Fowl Eggs. by akinsolaolubi: 7:38pm On Feb 03, 2020 |
Here are pictures of the of the turkeys and noiler eggs that were hatched by our local chickens after selling the biggest for farmers who don’t want day old noiler and turkey chicks, we promised to update you always. The turkeys and noilers are now 10 weeks.
Re: For Sale, Local Chickens For Breeding/hatching Turkey, Guinea Fowl Eggs. by akinsolaolubi: 10:32pm On Mar 06, 2020 |
WONDERING WHY LOCAL CHICKENS RIGHT?, so I started my farm ( I call it a practical farm) cause I decided to try out strictly things other people have condemned or shy’d out from. I bought 40 local chickens in total, I couldn’t find somewhere to buy all 40 at once and I wanted chickens with very good chickens with good genes. searched for someone who rears local chickens strictly and I met a old woman, she sold me 20 twice, I got a noiler cock and a white Cockrel cock. On disregarded the fact that they were very resistant to diseases and I administered antibiotics for a few days, I feed them guinea corn and normal corn morning and evening, well to cut the long story short, I have 190 chickens after 8 months, I’ve sold some chickens cause I didn’t wanna keep cocks. I later added a local cock to the flock cause some Hausa men visit my farm often and need strictly cocks for chicken babq, the numbers of my guinea fowls and ducks has also increased thanks to the hens incubating their eggs. If you are thinking of venturing into this, I advice you not to buy chickens from different places to get a large number, get all your chickens from the same place, that way, you can be 100 percent sure of their health and fertility, Most of the hens sold in the market were brought cause they either don’t lay, or have bad mothering attitude, Advantages in choosing local chickens for farming * They are self-sustaining i.e. can raise their own replacement stock. * They are hardy birds that can survive hard conditions. * Management requirements are not critical as those of commercial exotic breeds. * They are immune to some diseases and parasites. My farm is in ilorn, if you need to buy local chickens to re-breed or local cocks to eat ( you can’t compare the boilers and Cockrel’s tastes to theirs), just Send a Message on what’s app 08172940307 Call -08033972508 Instagram - @kingkoreyfarms 1 Like
Re: For Sale, Local Chickens For Breeding/hatching Turkey, Guinea Fowl Eggs. by akinsolaolubi: 10:46pm On Mar 06, 2020 |
The Cockrel is the only cock on our farm that wasn’t hatched by our local chciken, He is our stud cock and he services up to 40 hens
Re: For Sale, Local Chickens For Breeding/hatching Turkey, Guinea Fowl Eggs. by akinsolaolubi: 10:49pm On Mar 06, 2020 |
Here are some of the 10 weeks turkeys and noiler eggs hatched by our local chickens.
Re: For Sale, Local Chickens For Breeding/hatching Turkey, Guinea Fowl Eggs. by akinsolaolubi: 10:58pm On Mar 06, 2020 |
Our turkeys, ducks together with or local chciken (hatchers) 1 Like
Re: For Sale, Local Chickens For Breeding/hatching Turkey, Guinea Fowl Eggs. by wisdomline: 10:05am On Mar 07, 2020 |
akinsolaolubi: Please, where is your farm in Ilorin? |
Re: For Sale, Local Chickens For Breeding/hatching Turkey, Guinea Fowl Eggs. by wisdomline: 11:01am On Mar 07, 2020 |
akinsolaolubi: |
Re: For Sale, Local Chickens For Breeding/hatching Turkey, Guinea Fowl Eggs. by akinsolaolubi: 1:29pm On Mar 16, 2020 |
We have now seen the need to make a house for our chickens when 6 mother hens hatched a minimum of 10 eggs in just one weekend, as at today 16th of March, 2020, we have 60 chicks. We decided to make a house for them ( mind you local chickens don’t really need a house) . The house will serve as a shed not just to our local chciken but turkeys, noilers chicks hatched by our local Chickens and as well guinea fowls.. there are pictures.... the pictures are of the mother hens and their hybrid chciken (Noiler cock & local hens. I wish videos could be posted on NL. Mind you, if you are thinking of starting something like this, I advice you not to buy local chickens from the market, I was advised not to do so but I was adamant and tried it, I got 10 local chickens from a local market.. one got sick and the next morning, 8 died... You can never tell wby the chicken from the market was sold to the market in the first place, it might be a bad breeding Hen, she might be agreesive, she might have laying problems. source your local chickens from a commercial local chicken breeder, there’s not much local chicken breeder for now, Our prices are very fair. Contact us now 08172940307 1 Like
Re: For Sale, Local Chickens For Breeding/hatching Turkey, Guinea Fowl Eggs. by akinsolaolubi: 1:42pm On Mar 16, 2020 |
Someone from Nairaland visited our farm over the weekend and bought 10 POL local Chickens.. pls identify yourself sir just so everyone here knows we are real and we deliver. Mr SOJ, please identify yourself..The picture posted is another new hatchling 1 Like
Re: For Sale, Local Chickens For Breeding/hatching Turkey, Guinea Fowl Eggs. by Nigerfine3: 5:41pm On Mar 16, 2020 |
Interesting, what is noiler chicken, did you said your local chicken hatched your turkey eggs? 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: For Sale, Local Chickens For Breeding/hatching Turkey, Guinea Fowl Eggs. by akinsolaolubi: 11:54pm On Mar 21, 2020 |
Update!!!, plastering will be done tomorrow and the chicken net will be installed, we had another 23 hatchlings yesterday from two mother hens. I wonder why you are still stressing yourself raising broilers. Join the train 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: For Sale, Local Chickens For Breeding/hatching Turkey, Guinea Fowl Eggs. by akinsolaolubi: 9:30am On Mar 22, 2020 |
The weight is what everyone wants right? Yes local cocks can weigh 3kg in 5 to 6 months, the first cock weigh 3.1kg. We are wowed at the result of our own accomplishments... We are still working on better ways to get our local (hybrid) cocks to weight even more without drugs and chemically formulated feeds 2 Likes 1 Share
Re: For Sale, Local Chickens For Breeding/hatching Turkey, Guinea Fowl Eggs. by BoluwGoldenFarm(m): 9:27pm On Mar 22, 2020 |
I am base in Ibadan & l just sourced for 10 point of lay hens ,one local roaster ,10 juvenile hens All the animals are sourced froma village in Abeokuta in Ogun state .It will be deliver this Friday , the housing is ready . I will look out for 2 roaster cockerels to replace the roaster after 2 months. For more information call Boluwa Golden Farm on 08136650972 or WhatsApp 08120528950 I had bought my local hens before l saw this trend 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: For Sale, Local Chickens For Breeding/hatching Turkey, Guinea Fowl Eggs. by Blackbelly(m): 7:17am On Mar 23, 2020 |
akinsolaolubi: Looking at the leghorns on these cocks, I think they are way older than 6 months 2 Likes |
Re: For Sale, Local Chickens For Breeding/hatching Turkey, Guinea Fowl Eggs. by akinsolaolubi: 1:00pm On Mar 23, 2020 |
@bolowgoldenfarms, I’m not saying you are doing things wrongly but you are making some mistakes I made that wiped out my local chickens. like I said in my former posts, Several fowls meet at the market.. sick, egg laying issues, some market women put ducks? Guinea fowls and even cats together in their local basket... The chickens also are mostly brought to the market to sell when their owners notice they aren’t breeding well. I got my very first stoke from a Lady who rears local chickens commercially, and even after stocking them, I got rid of the parents stock for meat. So I’m 100 percent assured of the health of the off springs.. After some months, I was at the market to get grains when I stumbled upon local chicken sellers, I got 3 of them, after few weeks, one of the three got sick, it affected over 30 of my best breeding hens.. Now I can’t tell you to go sell or kill all those you got, All I’m saying is be careful and to everyone who is interested in breeding local chickens, I’m not telling you to buy from me, I’m sometimes out of stock even though we now have more than 200 local chickens in total, all I saying is by from the right source and have a mentor, We deliver breeding local chickens nationwide what’s app 08172940307, please follow on Instagram @kingkoreyfarms 2 Likes |
Re: For Sale, Local Chickens For Breeding/hatching Turkey, Guinea Fowl Eggs. by akinsolaolubi: 1:03pm On Mar 23, 2020 |
@Blackbelly if you are around ilorin, feel free to visit our farm.. I’m not a farmer by profession, I just tend to experiment and research a lot, all those pictures are results of my experiments, I’ve not stopped, im still looking for ways to make local / hybrid chickens weigh as much as boilers without vaccinations and drugs ****wink wink*** 2 Likes |
Re: For Sale, Local Chickens For Breeding/hatching Turkey, Guinea Fowl Eggs. by WisemasterBizWd: 7:35pm On Mar 23, 2020 |
akinsolaolubi: Get a mature male noiler to cross your local hens. You will be amazed when u see d output (chicks.) 2 Likes |
Re: For Sale, Local Chickens For Breeding/hatching Turkey, Guinea Fowl Eggs. by temiyato(m): 8:33pm On Mar 23, 2020 |
akinsolaolubi: Only one cock for 40 hens...chai , see enjoyment... 2 Likes |
Re: For Sale, Local Chickens For Breeding/hatching Turkey, Guinea Fowl Eggs. by akinsolaolubi: 2:04pm On Mar 24, 2020 |
Please please, if you are intending to message me on what’s app to waste my time, please don’t, I have so many things doing with my time, I’m just a farmer by interest, I have my main profession..NO TIME WASTERS please... I attached a picture of what a time waster is. The prices of our birds aren’t expensive, a lot as been considered before fixing those prices. 1 Like 1 Share
Re: For Sale, Local Chickens For Breeding/hatching Turkey, Guinea Fowl Eggs. by Ryan14(m): 4:10pm On Mar 24, 2020 |
akinsolaolubi: Na waoh.e One man to forty wives..? ![]() 1 Like |
Re: For Sale, Local Chickens For Breeding/hatching Turkey, Guinea Fowl Eggs. by wisdomline: 4:32pm On Mar 24, 2020 |
akinsolaolubi: Hello Everyone, The guy is real and cool. I'm lucky I reside in Ilorin, so it was easy to connect with him. I got a very good deal for POL local hens I bought - a total of 10. I must commend your efforts, really, I was very very impressed. Our ideas and zeal are quite similar. Three of the hens are laying already. My intention is to raise local cockerels that will reach 3 or more kg in 5-6 months. It is an experiment I'm sure will be positive. I'm thinking I might have to post pictures in no distant future. Thanks. |
Re: For Sale, Local Chickens For Breeding/hatching Turkey, Guinea Fowl Eggs. by akinsolaolubi: 4:41pm On Mar 27, 2020 |
@wisdomline , I hope I’m permitted to post our chat screen shot, lest I forget, we rear WAD, sahelian, red sokoto goats are our farm too, snails. I’ll post a picture of the kid one of our Wesr African dwarf goat X Sahel goat’s production
Re: For Sale, Local Chickens For Breeding/hatching Turkey, Guinea Fowl Eggs. by akinsolaolubi: 4:41pm On Mar 27, 2020 |
Picture of buck and doe of the kid goat, so you can imagine what the kid will grow up to be.
Re: For Sale, Local Chickens For Breeding/hatching Turkey, Guinea Fowl Eggs. by dotunibrahim7(m): 6:08pm On Mar 27, 2020 |
akinsolaolubi:nice one bro. What colour of eggs are your noiler laying? |
Re: For Sale, Local Chickens For Breeding/hatching Turkey, Guinea Fowl Eggs. by dotunibrahim7(m): 6:08pm On Mar 27, 2020 |
Also can you pls send pics. Of your goats the diff breeds you have |
Re: For Sale, Local Chickens For Breeding/hatching Turkey, Guinea Fowl Eggs. by akinsolaolubi: 12:05am On Mar 30, 2020 |
There’s no harm in sharing, all the birds in the picture except the Cockrel’s were all hatched by our local wonder chickens I attached pictures of another hatchlings today(she hatched all 16 eggs). we have decided to lock our roosters henceforth as we do not want our hens mating as we don’t want any more day old chicks.. We have up to 100 chicks of close age range, until we have sold all, we won’t be mating again. We have 2 weeks old hybrid chickens, perfect for raising and breeding too, DOC available as well (You do not need to go through rigorous boiler vaccination chat or feeding chat. what’s app us for price
Re: For Sale, Local Chickens For Breeding/hatching Turkey, Guinea Fowl Eggs. by akinsolaolubi: 12:10am On Mar 30, 2020 |
Pictures from our farm, feel free to visit, you’ll learn a lot of hacks on indigenous farming ( terms and conditions apply) 1 Like
Re: For Sale, Local Chickens For Breeding/hatching Turkey, Guinea Fowl Eggs. by akinsolaolubi: 3:59pm On Apr 09, 2020 |
You asked, we heard, A lot of people have asked why we do not hold seminars on breeding native chickens. At king kore farms, we believe in continual learning and improvement which gives us little or no time to train other people. But we have been getting a lot of messages and interests from people. We came up with the idea of our farm visitation, it’s a wonderful way of learning, unlike most agricultural seminars where we sit in a hall and we write so so much before going to see the practical aspect of farming, We would be making your visit to our farm as practical and fun as possible, A fun environment is a better environment to learn, We would take you through all our aspects of farming and show you how we make success in all the different areas without stress, farming doesn't have to be stressful, farming doesn’t have to be money taking.. When there are less mortality and optimum yield, You will love farming.
Re: For Sale, Local Chickens For Breeding/hatching Turkey, Guinea Fowl Eggs. by akinsolaolubi: 7:40pm On May 02, 2020 |
We killed a civet today, it had killed one of our native hens. Don’t forget to follow @kingkoreyfarms on IG
Re: For Sale, Local Chickens For Breeding/hatching Turkey, Guinea Fowl Eggs. by vickybanks01: 7:15pm On Jun 22, 2021 |
Interesting |
Re: For Sale, Local Chickens For Breeding/hatching Turkey, Guinea Fowl Eggs. by koxyz: 8:57am On Sep 02, 2021 |
Op, you are doing a nice job. The country is filled with opportunities but only those who have inner eyes will be able to see it. Please, l would like to ask you if you have Fulani Rooster that is up to 4kg in weight I am equally looking for where to buy Brahman Rooster,I will appreciate if you could be of help. |
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