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Nairaland Forum / Science/Technology / Programming / Please Advise Me! (1039 Views)
I'm Not Good With Numbers But I Want To Learn Programming. Please Advise Me / Medical Laboratory Science Or Programming Please Advise / Looks Like Programming Is Not My Way... Advise Me Please (2) (3) (4)
Please Advise Me! by Genesiszero: 10:08am On May 08, 2020 |
Hello friends, I'm a bit confused about myself! I'm a student in one of the country's university. I've been coding right from the age of sixteen, I love computers very much. I applied computer science but was given mathematics. Having stayed at home for quite some times, so I decided to just go with the hope of changing back to computer science my dream course. I'm currently in 200lv I've been to so many offices in the admin to meet people who might help me to switch over but it seems as if not having anybody in these country is a problem. I struggle so hard to read even though I'm not good with maths and I made 3.83 CGPA after my first year with no Carry over. I feel so dejected and not happy, I needed my dream course. We did series of programing languages like Python, latex, mathlab, c++ and c and I was so happy for I feel at least doing what I love, since I've been writing codes in these language I feel as if its a revision for me, my friends were finding it difficult as some of them don't even know what a programming language is, I took both my maths course mates and computer science students tutorial. I want to change since it's my initial plan to switch both I've not gotten anyone to help unlike some schools where you can apply for a change of course. These is my passion and what I love, I'm gifted with computers, I've written series of projects even while I was still struggling for admission. Pls help me and advice me on what to do.....and can one Have Bsc mathematics and do masters in computer science ![]() They say computer science is same as maths but I disagree because computer programming is a logical maths unlike the real maths where you solve only x and y and it's only ends in the board with no real life application. The world is going digital and IT is the real deal. Can a maths graduate have the same career prospect as computer science graduate ![]() |
Re: Please Advise Me! by abdulahi90(m): 10:15am On May 08, 2020 |
I think you can do MSC on computer science with your mathematics bsc...yes Lalasticlala, this guy needs advice 1 Like |
Re: Please Advise Me! by Nobody: 1:48pm On May 08, 2020 |
Aside from programming knowledge, a computer science degree(or equivalent qualifications) is one of the major requirements for employment by major tech giants, I would advice you switch over you would be open to more opportunities as a computer science graduate. You still have enough time, you should rewrite JAMB and also keep pushing for direct transfer. On the other hand, you can continue with mathematics only if you want to make education your career (teaching or lecturing) and you must further til PhD. Aside from computer science with good career prospects, every other science courses are a total waste of time and resources. Unless you want to be a teacher/lecturer, run away from these courses; mathematics, physics, chemistry, microbiology, etc it's total waste of time. Go for medicine, accounting/business management, computer science or other related courses and maybe engineering. In the industries, First degree is more important than MSc or even PhD is just an added advantage. These are the realities no one will tell you till you finally graduate and face the real world by yourself. Goodluck. |
Re: Please Advise Me! by Genesiszero: 5:52pm On May 09, 2020 |
Cakephp:Thanks, it's the Nigerian system of given admission, I've tried for so many years but admission is ain't fort coming and age is no longer by my side........I therefore have to just go with the hope changing rather than staying at home.. I wish I can have a high ranking officer in the admin who can help me |
Re: Please Advise Me! by GideonG(m): 8:17pm On May 09, 2020 |
Re: Please Advise Me! by tensazangetsu20(m): 9:37pm On May 09, 2020 |
Maybe you had a weak maths foundation. Buy a subscription on and improve on it. You need a very good knowledge of mathematics to be a good programmer o. |
Re: Please Advise Me! by Genesiszero: 12:10pm On May 10, 2020 |
tensazangetsu20:You're right....... It's basically logical mathematics! |
Re: Please Advise Me! by LSarcastic: 12:54am On May 14, 2020 |
Genesiszero: Alright, let me give you a piece of my heart: Finish the mathematics but retail your focus on computer. The thing now is, look deeply into mathematics and begin to find computer in it. When you do calculus, don't just look at equations, see how these things are applied in computing. You'll notice you begin to grow a lot of interest in both mathematics and computer. I must tell you, in Nigeria school system, they almost teach nothing in computer science. I'm in CS presently and I can boldly tell you this. They'll teach you archaic things you'll probably never use. Most of us devs are self taught. You already have the advantage we CS folks don't have: your access to mathematics knowledge. Use it well And yes, you can do your masters in Computer Science. I'll advice you, if you can afford it, don't ever do your masters in Nigeria. cheers! |
Re: Please Advise Me! by dauddy97(m): 6:42pm On May 14, 2020 |
Bro, continue with your math. Programming is not Computer Science, it's just part of computer science. Anyone can be a programmer. I also opened such thread years back seeking for advice. Sincerely, if you know your Programming very well, forget it, Work will find you. I am not even a graduate, yet I have already started teaching other Computer Science student how to code with a good pay. mind you, no school will teach you the core programming you need. if you like write jamb and study Computer Science and computer engineering thinking you will be taught how to write code, OYO for you. You are the one that will work on yourself. for more information, look into this thread very well. |
Re: Please Advise Me! by Nobody: 7:31pm On May 14, 2020 |
If you can transfer, fine if not, stay with Mathematics. You don't know what doors a degree in Math opens. Manufacturing. Insurance. Banking. Technology. All require numerate graduates. And Mathematics is the Queen of all numerate degrees |
Re: Please Advise Me! by kudaisi(m): 7:49pm On May 14, 2020 |
Who do you think came up with the core of maths libraries you code with ? Even encryption systems are based on maths. I have a friend who is a doctor but hasn't practiced in years. He runs a company that develops software based health management systems. I studied Computer Science, but I wish I majored in Maths. It wouldn't change anything since I'm self taught (like you). But every now and then, I find my self having to go back to catch up with the maths I missed out on while studying Comp Sci in Nigeria. Mind you, so called "boring" x and y determines how you transform coordinates in reality to other planes like 2D or 3D amogst other applications. Boy!! I wish you've worked with geospatial systems, you'll realize then that the Nigerian Comp Sci classes are mostly jokes. You'll wish you new more maths. The point is, you don't even need to be a graduate to be a programming guru. Honestly, mathematics is the next best thing for a developer. |
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