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Black People Are Fighting Back In D. C. (USA) - Video And Pictures - Family - Nairaland

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Black People Are Fighting Back In D. C. (USA) - Video And Pictures by PuZZyNegro: 5:46pm On May 27, 2020
Here's a video of blacks fighting back over the recent murder of Floyd. They were actually pelting stones on the police officers


Another video here

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Re: Black People Are Fighting Back In D. C. (USA) - Video And Pictures by OsuMustGo: 6:00pm On May 27, 2020
Brown or black people?

Is it by the colour of their hair or skin?
Re: Black People Are Fighting Back In D. C. (USA) - Video And Pictures by crackland: 6:25pm On May 27, 2020
Some of these African Americans will continue to prove themselves as jungle animals who were just lucky enough to be born in a civilized country as descendants of slaves.

What will all this ruckus help them achieve?

Some mofos even fighting with black cops as well... did they forget they were black like them, or did the blue uniform make them look white?

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Re: Black People Are Fighting Back In D. C. (USA) - Video And Pictures by cococandy(f): 8:21pm On May 27, 2020
Long overdue.
Floyd’s death should lead to a revolution.

Uncle Toms and self-hating black people get ready to go down with your racist masters too.

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Re: Black People Are Fighting Back In D. C. (USA) - Video And Pictures by cococandy(f): 8:27pm On May 27, 2020
Racist police officer knelt on his neck cutting off his air and blood supply while he begged for his life. It wasn’t until after he died was the evil man satisfied.

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Re: Black People Are Fighting Back In D. C. (USA) - Video And Pictures by cococandy(f): 8:29pm On May 27, 2020
Watch with caution.
The young man never resisted


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Re: Black People Are Fighting Back In D. C. (USA) - Video And Pictures by cococandy(f): 8:31pm On May 27, 2020
The murderer’s accomplices stood by and did nothing.
If one of them tapped him or told him to stop, Floyd would still be alive.

What was his crime?
Allegedly issuing a fake check (something of that nature) Nothing violent. Allegedly too.

Even mass murderers who are still armed are often arrested without being killed.

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Re: Black People Are Fighting Back In D. C. (USA) - Video And Pictures by ibkayee(f): 8:59pm On May 27, 2020
Long overdue.
Floyd’s death should lead to a revolution.

Uncle Toms and self-hating black people get ready to go down with your racist masters too.
And the ones who are dizzyingly ignorant about race relations in America. There appears to be one on the loose already...just unnecessary

I avoid watching these types of videos to be honest, RIP George Floyd

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Re: Black People Are Fighting Back In D. C. (USA) - Video And Pictures by Hathor5(f): 9:03pm On May 27, 2020
Racist police officer knelt on his neck cutting off his air and blood supply while he begged for his life. It wasn’t until after he died was the evil man satisfied.

This is horror. cry

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Re: Black People Are Fighting Back In D. C. (USA) - Video And Pictures by cococandy(f): 9:06pm On May 27, 2020

And the ones who are dizzyingly ignorant about race relations in America. There appears to be one on the loose already...just unnecessary

I avoid watching these types of videos to be honest, RIP George Floyd
I actually didn’t watch it all.
Pictures were all that was necessary to ruin my yesterday and today.
Every sane person is sick and tired of this nonsense.

About ignorance. Well... they know it all. Usually.


Re: Black People Are Fighting Back In D. C. (USA) - Video And Pictures by Nobody: 9:11pm On May 27, 2020
Even till date, racism is still rampant in USA

Even their so called literate white cops are not left out


Re: Black People Are Fighting Back In D. C. (USA) - Video And Pictures by cococandy(f): 9:15pm On May 27, 2020
Cop who killed Floyd is obviously racist.
His hat reads.
“Make whites great again”.

Implying the presence of black people in America is a problem to them.

This cop has previously been involved in 3 shooting of African American and multiple complaints as well. He was still allowed to have a badge until he murdered Floyd.

Look at him. hand in his pocket. Relaxingly squeezing the life out of Floyd who was already handcuffed behind his back and posed absolutely no threat to the cops. Yes this POS enjoyed every minute that he knelt on him. There was no way he didn’t feel it when Floyd went limp under him.

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Re: Black People Are Fighting Back In D. C. (USA) - Video And Pictures by scoundrel(f): 9:25pm On May 27, 2020
I made a decision long ago to stay in my country. Nobody can call me a nigger here. Let me make my wealth here and travel that way for holidays. Anything person do me there I go take am in good stride. If them try the same here I go break person head.


Re: Black People Are Fighting Back In D. C. (USA) - Video And Pictures by naija4life247: 9:25pm On May 27, 2020
Cop who killed Floyd is obviously racist.
His hat reads.
“Make whites great again”.

Implying the presence of black people in America is a problem to them.

This cop has previously been involved in 3 shooting of African American and multiple complaints as well. He was still allowed to have a badge until he murdered Floyd.

Look at him. hand in his pocket. Relaxingly squeezing the life out of Floyd who was already handcuffed behind his back and posed absolutely no threat to the cops. Yes this POS enjoyed every minute that he knelt on him. There was no way he didn’t feel it when Floyd went limp under him.

If the Blacks don't take down this particular white pig this week, then the Blacks are bastards and deserved to be all executed. These Blacks just like Nigeria Cultists can kill each other over minor disagreements, but when they see their oppressors, they shiver.


Re: Black People Are Fighting Back In D. C. (USA) - Video And Pictures by Adinije(f): 9:38pm On May 27, 2020
Cop who killed Floyd is obviously racist.
His hat reads.
“Make whites great again”.

Implying the presence of black people in America is a problem to them.

This cop has previously been involved in 3 shooting of African American and multiple complaints as well. He was still allowed to have a badge until he murdered Floyd.

Look at him. hand in his pocket. Relaxingly squeezing the life out of Floyd who was already handcuffed behind his back and posed absolutely no threat to the cops. Yes this POS enjoyed every minute that he knelt on him. There was no way he didn’t feel it when Floyd went limp under him.

Not just that sef, he was holding black fruit with disgusting countenance indicating "Black piece of shit"

I was moved to tears after watching the video. I wish the black Americans can take him out.

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Re: Black People Are Fighting Back In D. C. (USA) - Video And Pictures by cococandy(f): 9:41pm On May 27, 2020

If the Blacks don't take down this particular white pig this week, then the Blacks are bastards and deserved to be all executed. These Blacks just like Nigeria Cultists can kill each other over minor disagreements, but when they see their oppressors, they shiver.

Oh he’d be dead now if he wasn’t under protection already.


Re: Black People Are Fighting Back In D. C. (USA) - Video And Pictures by cococandy(f): 9:42pm On May 27, 2020
I made a decision long ago to stay in my country. Nobody can call me a nigger here. Let me make my wealth here and travel that way for holidays. Anything person do me there I go take am in good stride. If them try the same here I go break person head.

The country also belongs to African Americans. They can’t go anywhere. You and I can leave whenever it pleases us if we feel it’s worse than wherever we come from (which it really isn’t at this point) but for AAs, It’s their home.

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Re: Black People Are Fighting Back In D. C. (USA) - Video And Pictures by eyinjuege: 9:44pm On May 27, 2020


Hopefully, justice is served in this case, as we can only but hope.
The cops always get away with the extrajudicial killings of blacks in America, and only lose their jobs, to go get another job in the next state and move on with their lives.
The families of their victims are stuck forever in limbo, unable to get over the loss.

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Re: Black People Are Fighting Back In D. C. (USA) - Video And Pictures by cococandy(f): 9:57pm On May 27, 2020
That father and son who killed ahmaud arbery walked free for two months. No arrests were made until the video of the killing was made public.

Don’t forget he was a police officer for 3 decades. Imagine how many black men suffered injustices at his hand and had no evidence against him?
The police went to the home of the victim and lied to his family that he was shot during a robbery. Meanwhile they had the video and knew what really happened. They sat on the video and let that former police officer and his son walk around like nothing happened. If not for a national outcry, they wouldn’t have been arrested.

I have no complaints about how any black person chooses to react to this. Since they can’t trust the system to give them true justice following due process.

Hopefully, justice is served in this case, as we can only but hope.
The cops always get away with the extrajudicial killings of blacks in America, and only lose their jobs, to go get another job in the next state and move on with their lives.
The families of their victims are stuck forever in limbo, unable to get over the loss.

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Re: Black People Are Fighting Back In D. C. (USA) - Video And Pictures by doitforyou(f): 9:59pm On May 27, 2020


Hopefully, justice is served in this case, as we can only but hope.
The cops always get away with the extrajudicial killings of blacks in America, and only lose their jobs, to go get another job in the next state and move on with their lives.
The families of their victims are stuck forever in limbo, unable to get over the loss.
Always, the exception was a black cop that shot a white female tourist.

Same MO, after an outcry, DA takes case to a grand jury. Grand Jury will rule for the case to go to court. The DA will purposely overcharge, then the Jury’s inevitable “not guilty” verdict because the evidence doesn’t match the charge. Cop/racist vigilante goes free to terrorize another black male.

The system is set up to protect bad cops. How can the DA objectively prosecute the same people he relies on to make his everyday job easier?

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Re: Black People Are Fighting Back In D. C. (USA) - Video And Pictures by gregyboy(m): 10:31pm On May 27, 2020
If you weren't so stvpid, you would realize I don't support killing of unarmed black men.

But when idíots like yourself see nothing wrong with a video of black people retaliating by pelting stones and attacking cops on the streets like uncivilized animals in the wrong habitat, then you must always expect cops to see black Americans as threats.

If the justice system does not do enough, only animals like you would think that attacking police officers who carry loaded side-arms would be the next effective solution...and then still go on to rationalize it with bad English.

MLK will be rolling in his grave because of fvckers who believe violence solves anything.
Expect many more unarmed black men to go down at this rate.

Bro keep it shut....

You aint making sense...


Re: Black People Are Fighting Back In D. C. (USA) - Video And Pictures by crackland: 10:42pm On May 27, 2020
The same people who turn into human rights activists to preach against jungle justice in Nigeria are the same ones forming solidarity with misguided fellows who go about attacking cops when there's a justice system in place.



Re: Black People Are Fighting Back In D. C. (USA) - Video And Pictures by eyinjuege: 10:52pm On May 27, 2020

Always, the exception was a black cop that shot a white female tourist.

Same MO, after an outcry, DA takes case to a grand jury. Grand Jury will rule for the case to go court. The DA will purposely overcharge, then the Jury’s inevitable “not guilty” verdict because the evidence doesn’t match the charge. Cop/racist vigilante goes free to terrorize another black male.

The system is set up to protect bad cops, the DA’s office works with cops.

It's such a shame.
At this point, I dont know what blacks in America should do anymore.
-Eric Garner is another police killing via a chokehold in one of their useless arrests.
-Atatiana Jefferson was in her own home, when a neighbor called the police that her door was open, and next thing you know cops came in and shot her in her own home
- Botham Jean killed by his female police officer neighbor while in his own home.
- Too many examples. Can a black person just be allowed to breathe in Amerikka?
A relative of mine and his wife were harrassed in their home by 4 police officers too, who barged in with guns, anointed it on them.Fortunately, his 3 young children- under 5 years were also there, so I guess that's why they didnt pull the trigger.
A female neighbor had called she saw black people in the next house, in a predominantly white neighborhood. A house they had lived in for at least 3 months or longer.

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Re: Black People Are Fighting Back In D. C. (USA) - Video And Pictures by Balogunodua(m): 11:05pm On May 27, 2020
If only the yorubas would stop ass licking the north and join hands with the rest part of Southern nigeria to fight the north mens and buharified agendas only then nigeria would indeed be free.....
... I rep southern nigeria

Modify: i see a disunited state, the white in the video feel so very indifferent rascism will be the first downfall of america
Osu candle jew the atiku butt licker what is your problem with yorubas?

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